mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 18:50:11 +08:00
* Test bytes_per_second and items_per_second. * Test SetLabel. * Reformat. * Make State::error_occurred_ private. * Fix tests with floats. * Merge private blocks
235 lines
8.0 KiB
235 lines
8.0 KiB
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include "../src/check.h" // NOTE: check.h is for internal use only!
#include "../src/re.h" // NOTE: re.h is for internal use only
#include "output_test.h"
// ========================================================================= //
// ------------------------------ Internals -------------------------------- //
// ========================================================================= //
namespace internal {
namespace {
using TestCaseList = std::vector<TestCase>;
// Use a vector because the order elements are added matters during iteration.
// std::map/unordered_map don't guarantee that.
// For example:
// SetSubstitutions({{"%HelloWorld", "Hello"}, {"%Hello", "Hi"}});
// Substitute("%HelloWorld") // Always expands to Hello.
using SubMap = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>;
TestCaseList& GetTestCaseList(TestCaseID ID) {
// Uses function-local statics to ensure initialization occurs
// before first use.
static TestCaseList lists[TC_NumID];
return lists[ID];
SubMap& GetSubstitutions() {
// Don't use 'dec_re' from header because it may not yet be initialized.
static std::string dec_re = "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?";
static SubMap map = {
{"%float", "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?"},
{"%int", "[ ]*[0-9]+"},
{" %s ", "[ ]+"},
{"%time", "[ ]*[0-9]{1,5} ns"},
{"%console_report", "[ ]*[0-9]{1,5} ns [ ]*[0-9]{1,5} ns [ ]*[0-9]+"},
{"%console_us_report", "[ ]*[0-9] us [ ]*[0-9] us [ ]*[0-9]+"},
{"%csv_report", "[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,,,"},
{"%csv_us_report", "[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",us,,,,,"},
"[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns," + dec_re + ",,,,"},
"[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,," + dec_re + ",,,"},
{"%csv_label_report_begin", "[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,"},
{"%csv_label_report_end", ",,"}};
return map;
std::string PerformSubstitutions(std::string source) {
SubMap const& subs = GetSubstitutions();
using SizeT = std::string::size_type;
for (auto const& KV : subs) {
SizeT pos;
SizeT next_start = 0;
while ((pos = source.find(KV.first, next_start)) != std::string::npos) {
next_start = pos + KV.second.size();
source.replace(pos, KV.first.size(), KV.second);
return source;
void CheckCase(std::stringstream& remaining_output, TestCase const& TC,
TestCaseList const& not_checks) {
std::string first_line;
bool on_first = true;
std::string line;
while (remaining_output.eof() == false) {
std::getline(remaining_output, line);
if (on_first) {
first_line = line;
on_first = false;
for (const auto& NC : not_checks) {
<< "Unexpected match for line \"" << line << "\" for MR_Not regex \""
<< NC.regex_str << "\""
<< "\n actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\""
<< "\n started matching near: " << first_line;
if (TC.regex->Match(line)) return;
CHECK(TC.match_rule != MR_Next)
<< "Expected line \"" << line << "\" to match regex \"" << TC.regex_str
<< "\""
<< "\n actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\""
<< "\n started matching near: " << first_line;
CHECK(remaining_output.eof() == false)
<< "End of output reached before match for regex \"" << TC.regex_str
<< "\" was found"
<< "\n actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\""
<< "\n started matching near: " << first_line;
void CheckCases(TestCaseList const& checks, std::stringstream& output) {
std::vector<TestCase> not_checks;
for (size_t i = 0; i < checks.size(); ++i) {
const auto& TC = checks[i];
if (TC.match_rule == MR_Not) {
CheckCase(output, TC, not_checks);
class TestReporter : public benchmark::BenchmarkReporter {
TestReporter(std::vector<benchmark::BenchmarkReporter*> reps)
: reporters_(reps) {}
virtual bool ReportContext(const Context& context) {
bool last_ret = false;
bool first = true;
for (auto rep : reporters_) {
bool new_ret = rep->ReportContext(context);
CHECK(first || new_ret == last_ret)
<< "Reports return different values for ReportContext";
first = false;
last_ret = new_ret;
return last_ret;
void ReportRuns(const std::vector<Run>& report) {
for (auto rep : reporters_) rep->ReportRuns(report);
void Finalize() {
for (auto rep : reporters_) rep->Finalize();
std::vector<benchmark::BenchmarkReporter *> reporters_;
} // end namespace internal
// ========================================================================= //
// -------------------------- Public API Definitions------------------------ //
// ========================================================================= //
TestCase::TestCase(std::string re, int rule)
: regex_str(std::move(re)),
regex(std::make_shared<benchmark::Regex>()) {
std::string err_str;
regex->Init(substituted_regex,& err_str);
CHECK(err_str.empty()) << "Could not construct regex \"" << substituted_regex
<< "\""
<< "\n originally \"" << regex_str << "\""
<< "\n got error: " << err_str;
int AddCases(TestCaseID ID, std::initializer_list<TestCase> il) {
auto& L = internal::GetTestCaseList(ID);
L.insert(L.end(), il);
return 0;
int SetSubstitutions(
std::initializer_list<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> il) {
auto& subs = internal::GetSubstitutions();
for (auto KV : il) {
bool exists = false;
KV.second = internal::PerformSubstitutions(KV.second);
for (auto& EKV : subs) {
if (EKV.first == KV.first) {
EKV.second = std::move(KV.second);
exists = true;
if (!exists) subs.push_back(std::move(KV));
return 0;
void RunOutputTests(int argc, char* argv[]) {
using internal::GetTestCaseList;
benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);
benchmark::ConsoleReporter CR(benchmark::ConsoleReporter::OO_None);
benchmark::JSONReporter JR;
benchmark::CSVReporter CSVR;
struct ReporterTest {
const char* name;
std::vector<TestCase>& output_cases;
std::vector<TestCase>& error_cases;
benchmark::BenchmarkReporter& reporter;
std::stringstream out_stream;
std::stringstream err_stream;
ReporterTest(const char* n, std::vector<TestCase>& out_tc,
std::vector<TestCase>& err_tc,
benchmark::BenchmarkReporter& br)
: name(n), output_cases(out_tc), error_cases(err_tc), reporter(br) {
} TestCases[] = {
{"ConsoleReporter", GetTestCaseList(TC_ConsoleOut),
GetTestCaseList(TC_ConsoleErr), CR},
{"JSONReporter", GetTestCaseList(TC_JSONOut), GetTestCaseList(TC_JSONErr),
{"CSVReporter", GetTestCaseList(TC_CSVOut), GetTestCaseList(TC_CSVErr),
// Create the test reporter and run the benchmarks.
std::cout << "Running benchmarks...\n";
internal::TestReporter test_rep({&CR, &JR, &CSVR});
for (auto& rep_test : TestCases) {
std::string msg = std::string("\nTesting ") + rep_test.name + " Output\n";
std::string banner(msg.size() - 1, '-');
std::cout << banner << msg << banner << "\n";
std::cerr << rep_test.err_stream.str();
std::cout << rep_test.out_stream.str();
internal::CheckCases(rep_test.error_cases, rep_test.err_stream);
internal::CheckCases(rep_test.output_cases, rep_test.out_stream);
std::cout << "\n";