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919 lines
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// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "internal_macros.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include "check.h"
#include "commandlineflags.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include "re.h"
#include "stat.h"
#include "string_util.h"
#include "sysinfo.h"
#include "walltime.h"
DEFINE_bool(benchmark_list_tests, false,
"Print a list of benchmarks. This option overrides all other "
DEFINE_string(benchmark_filter, ".",
"A regular expression that specifies the set of benchmarks "
"to execute. If this flag is empty, no benchmarks are run. "
"If this flag is the string \"all\", all benchmarks linked "
"into the process are run.");
DEFINE_double(benchmark_min_time, 0.5,
"Minimum number of seconds we should run benchmark before "
"results are considered significant. For cpu-time based "
"tests, this is the lower bound on the total cpu time "
"used by all threads that make up the test. For real-time "
"based tests, this is the lower bound on the elapsed time "
"of the benchmark execution, regardless of number of "
DEFINE_int32(benchmark_repetitions, 1,
"The number of runs of each benchmark. If greater than 1, the "
"mean and standard deviation of the runs will be reported.");
DEFINE_string(benchmark_format, "tabular",
"The format to use for console output. Valid values are "
"'tabular', 'json', or 'csv'.");
DEFINE_bool(color_print, true, "Enables colorized logging.");
DEFINE_int32(v, 0, "The level of verbose logging to output");
namespace benchmark {
namespace internal {
void UseCharPointer(char const volatile*) {}
// NOTE: This is a dummy "mutex" type used to denote the actual mutex
// returned by GetBenchmarkLock(). This is only used to placate the thread
// safety warnings by giving the return of GetBenchmarkLock() a name.
struct CAPABILITY("mutex") BenchmarkLockType {};
BenchmarkLockType BenchmarkLockVar;
} // end namespace internal
inline Mutex& RETURN_CAPABILITY(::benchmark::internal::BenchmarkLockVar)
static Mutex lock;
return lock;
namespace {
bool IsZero(double n) {
return std::abs(n) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
// For non-dense Range, intermediate values are powers of kRangeMultiplier.
static const int kRangeMultiplier = 8;
static const size_t kMaxIterations = 1000000000;
bool running_benchmark = false;
// Global variable so that a benchmark can cause a little extra printing
std::string* GetReportLabel() {
static std::string label GUARDED_BY(GetBenchmarkLock());
return &label;
// TODO(ericwf): support MallocCounter.
//static benchmark::MallocCounter *benchmark_mc;
struct ThreadStats {
ThreadStats() : bytes_processed(0), items_processed(0) {}
int64_t bytes_processed;
int64_t items_processed;
// Timer management class
class TimerManager {
TimerManager(int num_threads, Notification* done)
: num_threads_(num_threads),
entered_(0) {
// Called by each thread
void StartTimer() EXCLUDES(lock_) {
bool last_thread = false;
MutexLock ml(lock_);
last_thread = Barrier(ml);
if (last_thread) {
CHECK(!running_) << "Called StartTimer when timer is already running";
running_ = true;
start_real_time_ = walltime::Now();
start_cpu_time_ = MyCPUUsage() + ChildrenCPUUsage();
if (last_thread) {
// Called by each thread
void StopTimer() EXCLUDES(lock_) {
bool last_thread = false;
MutexLock ml(lock_);
last_thread = Barrier(ml);
if (last_thread) {
CHECK(running_) << "Called StopTimer when timer is already stopped";
if (last_thread) {
// Called by each thread
void Finalize() EXCLUDES(lock_) {
MutexLock l(lock_);
if (num_finalized_ == num_threads_) {
CHECK(!running_) <<
"The timer should be stopped before the timer is finalized";
// REQUIRES: timer is not running
double real_time_used() EXCLUDES(lock_) {
MutexLock l(lock_);
return real_time_used_;
// REQUIRES: timer is not running
double cpu_time_used() EXCLUDES(lock_) {
MutexLock l(lock_);
return cpu_time_used_;
Mutex lock_;
Condition phase_condition_;
int num_threads_;
Notification* done_;
bool running_; // Is the timer running
double start_real_time_; // If running_
double start_cpu_time_; // If running_
// Accumulated time so far (does not contain current slice if running_)
double real_time_used_;
double cpu_time_used_;
// How many threads have called Finalize()
int num_finalized_;
// State for barrier management
int phase_number_;
int entered_; // Number of threads that have entered this barrier
void InternalStop() REQUIRES(lock_) {
running_ = false;
real_time_used_ += walltime::Now() - start_real_time_;
cpu_time_used_ += ((MyCPUUsage() + ChildrenCPUUsage())
- start_cpu_time_);
// Enter the barrier and wait until all other threads have also
// entered the barrier. Returns iff this is the last thread to
// enter the barrier.
bool Barrier(MutexLock& ml) REQUIRES(lock_) {
CHECK_LT(entered_, num_threads_);
if (entered_ < num_threads_) {
// Wait for all threads to enter
int phase_number_cp = phase_number_;
auto cb = [this, phase_number_cp]() {
return this->phase_number_ > phase_number_cp;
phase_condition_.wait(ml.native_handle(), cb);
return false; // I was not the last one
} else {
// Last thread has reached the barrier
entered_ = 0;
return true;
// TimerManager for current run.
static std::unique_ptr<TimerManager> timer_manager = nullptr;
} // end namespace
namespace internal {
// Information kept per benchmark we may want to run
struct Benchmark::Instance {
std::string name;
Benchmark* benchmark;
bool has_arg1;
int arg1;
bool has_arg2;
int arg2;
bool use_real_time;
double min_time;
int threads; // Number of concurrent threads to use
bool multithreaded; // Is benchmark multi-threaded?
// Class for managing registered benchmarks. Note that each registered
// benchmark identifies a family of related benchmarks to run.
class BenchmarkFamilies {
static BenchmarkFamilies* GetInstance();
// Registers a benchmark family and returns the index assigned to it.
size_t AddBenchmark(std::unique_ptr<Benchmark> family);
// Extract the list of benchmark instances that match the specified
// regular expression.
bool FindBenchmarks(const std::string& re,
std::vector<Benchmark::Instance>* benchmarks);
BenchmarkFamilies() {}
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Benchmark>> families_;
Mutex mutex_;
class BenchmarkImp {
explicit BenchmarkImp(const char* name);
void Arg(int x);
void Range(int start, int limit);
void DenseRange(int start, int limit);
void ArgPair(int start, int limit);
void RangePair(int lo1, int hi1, int lo2, int hi2);
void MinTime(double n);
void UseRealTime();
void Threads(int t);
void ThreadRange(int min_threads, int max_threads);
void ThreadPerCpu();
void SetName(const char* name);
static void AddRange(std::vector<int>* dst, int lo, int hi, int mult);
friend class BenchmarkFamilies;
std::string name_;
int arg_count_;
std::vector< std::pair<int, int> > args_; // Args for all benchmark runs
double min_time_;
bool use_real_time_;
std::vector<int> thread_counts_;
BenchmarkImp& operator=(BenchmarkImp const&);
BenchmarkFamilies* BenchmarkFamilies::GetInstance() {
static BenchmarkFamilies instance;
return &instance;
size_t BenchmarkFamilies::AddBenchmark(std::unique_ptr<Benchmark> family) {
MutexLock l(mutex_);
size_t index = families_.size();
return index;
bool BenchmarkFamilies::FindBenchmarks(
const std::string& spec,
std::vector<Benchmark::Instance>* benchmarks) {
// Make regular expression out of command-line flag
std::string error_msg;
Regex re;
if (!re.Init(spec, &error_msg)) {
std::cerr << "Could not compile benchmark re: " << error_msg << std::endl;
return false;
// Special list of thread counts to use when none are specified
std::vector<int> one_thread;
MutexLock l(mutex_);
for (std::unique_ptr<Benchmark>& bench_family : families_) {
// Family was deleted or benchmark doesn't match
if (!bench_family) continue;
BenchmarkImp* family = bench_family->imp_;
if (family->arg_count_ == -1) {
family->arg_count_ = 0;
family->args_.emplace_back(-1, -1);
for (auto const& args : family->args_) {
const std::vector<int>* thread_counts =
? &one_thread
: &family->thread_counts_);
for (int num_threads : *thread_counts) {
Benchmark::Instance instance;
instance.name = family->name_;
instance.benchmark = bench_family.get();
instance.has_arg1 = family->arg_count_ >= 1;
instance.arg1 = args.first;
instance.has_arg2 = family->arg_count_ == 2;
instance.arg2 = args.second;
instance.min_time = family->min_time_;
instance.use_real_time = family->use_real_time_;
instance.threads = num_threads;
instance.multithreaded = !(family->thread_counts_.empty());
// Add arguments to instance name
if (family->arg_count_ >= 1) {
AppendHumanReadable(instance.arg1, &instance.name);
if (family->arg_count_ >= 2) {
AppendHumanReadable(instance.arg2, &instance.name);
if (!IsZero(family->min_time_)) {
instance.name += StringPrintF("/min_time:%0.3f", family->min_time_);
if (family->use_real_time_) {
instance.name += "/real_time";
// Add the number of threads used to the name
if (!family->thread_counts_.empty()) {
instance.name += StringPrintF("/threads:%d", instance.threads);
if (re.Match(instance.name)) {
return true;
BenchmarkImp::BenchmarkImp(const char* name)
: name_(name), arg_count_(-1),
min_time_(0.0), use_real_time_(false) {
BenchmarkImp::~BenchmarkImp() {
void BenchmarkImp::Arg(int x) {
CHECK(arg_count_ == -1 || arg_count_ == 1);
arg_count_ = 1;
args_.emplace_back(x, -1);
void BenchmarkImp::Range(int start, int limit) {
CHECK(arg_count_ == -1 || arg_count_ == 1);
arg_count_ = 1;
std::vector<int> arglist;
AddRange(&arglist, start, limit, kRangeMultiplier);
for (int i : arglist) {
args_.emplace_back(i, -1);
void BenchmarkImp::DenseRange(int start, int limit) {
CHECK(arg_count_ == -1 || arg_count_ == 1);
arg_count_ = 1;
CHECK_GE(start, 0);
CHECK_LE(start, limit);
for (int arg = start; arg <= limit; arg++) {
args_.emplace_back(arg, -1);
void BenchmarkImp::ArgPair(int x, int y) {
CHECK(arg_count_ == -1 || arg_count_ == 2);
arg_count_ = 2;
args_.emplace_back(x, y);
void BenchmarkImp::RangePair(int lo1, int hi1, int lo2, int hi2) {
CHECK(arg_count_ == -1 || arg_count_ == 2);
arg_count_ = 2;
std::vector<int> arglist1, arglist2;
AddRange(&arglist1, lo1, hi1, kRangeMultiplier);
AddRange(&arglist2, lo2, hi2, kRangeMultiplier);
for (int i : arglist1) {
for (int j : arglist2) {
args_.emplace_back(i, j);
void BenchmarkImp::MinTime(double t) {
CHECK(t > 0.0);
min_time_ = t;
void BenchmarkImp::UseRealTime() {
use_real_time_ = true;
void BenchmarkImp::Threads(int t) {
CHECK_GT(t, 0);
void BenchmarkImp::ThreadRange(int min_threads, int max_threads) {
CHECK_GT(min_threads, 0);
CHECK_GE(max_threads, min_threads);
AddRange(&thread_counts_, min_threads, max_threads, 2);
void BenchmarkImp::ThreadPerCpu() {
static int num_cpus = NumCPUs();
void BenchmarkImp::SetName(const char* name) {
name_ = name;
void BenchmarkImp::AddRange(std::vector<int>* dst, int lo, int hi, int mult) {
CHECK_GE(lo, 0);
CHECK_GE(hi, lo);
// Add "lo"
static const int kint32max = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
// Now space out the benchmarks in multiples of "mult"
for (int32_t i = 1; i < kint32max/mult; i *= mult) {
if (i >= hi) break;
if (i > lo) {
// Add "hi" (if different from "lo")
if (hi != lo) {
Benchmark::Benchmark(const char* name)
: imp_(new BenchmarkImp(name))
Benchmark::~Benchmark() {
delete imp_;
Benchmark::Benchmark(Benchmark const& other)
: imp_(new BenchmarkImp(*other.imp_))
Benchmark* Benchmark::Arg(int x) {
return this;
Benchmark* Benchmark::Range(int start, int limit) {
imp_->Range(start, limit);
return this;
Benchmark* Benchmark::DenseRange(int start, int limit) {
imp_->DenseRange(start, limit);
return this;
Benchmark* Benchmark::ArgPair(int x, int y) {
imp_->ArgPair(x, y);
return this;
Benchmark* Benchmark::RangePair(int lo1, int hi1, int lo2, int hi2) {
imp_->RangePair(lo1, hi1, lo2, hi2);
return this;
Benchmark* Benchmark::Apply(void (*custom_arguments)(Benchmark* benchmark)) {
return this;
Benchmark* Benchmark::MinTime(double t) {
return this;
Benchmark* Benchmark::UseRealTime() {
return this;
Benchmark* Benchmark::Threads(int t) {
return this;
Benchmark* Benchmark::ThreadRange(int min_threads, int max_threads) {
imp_->ThreadRange(min_threads, max_threads);
return this;
Benchmark* Benchmark::ThreadPerCpu() {
return this;
void Benchmark::SetName(const char* name) {
void FunctionBenchmark::Run(State& st) {
} // end namespace internal
namespace {
// Execute one thread of benchmark b for the specified number of iterations.
// Adds the stats collected for the thread into *total.
void RunInThread(const benchmark::internal::Benchmark::Instance* b,
size_t iters, int thread_id,
ThreadStats* total) EXCLUDES(GetBenchmarkLock()) {
State st(iters, b->has_arg1, b->arg1, b->has_arg2, b->arg2, thread_id);
CHECK(st.iterations() == st.max_iterations) <<
"Benchmark returned before State::KeepRunning() returned false!";
MutexLock l(GetBenchmarkLock());
total->bytes_processed += st.bytes_processed();
total->items_processed += st.items_processed();
void RunBenchmark(const benchmark::internal::Benchmark::Instance& b,
BenchmarkReporter* br) EXCLUDES(GetBenchmarkLock()) {
size_t iters = 1;
std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> reports;
std::vector<std::thread> pool;
if (b.multithreaded)
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions; i++) {
std::string mem;
for (;;) {
// Try benchmark
VLOG(2) << "Running " << b.name << " for " << iters << "\n";
MutexLock l(GetBenchmarkLock());
Notification done;
timer_manager = std::unique_ptr<TimerManager>(new TimerManager(b.threads, &done));
ThreadStats total;
running_benchmark = true;
if (b.multithreaded) {
// If this is out first iteration of the while(true) loop then the
// threads haven't been started and can't be joined. Otherwise we need
// to join the thread before replacing them.
for (std::thread& thread : pool) {
if (thread.joinable())
for (std::size_t ti = 0; ti < pool.size(); ++ti) {
pool[ti] = std::thread(&RunInThread, &b, iters, ti, &total);
} else {
// Run directly in this thread
RunInThread(&b, iters, 0, &total);
running_benchmark = false;
const double cpu_accumulated_time = timer_manager->cpu_time_used();
const double real_accumulated_time = timer_manager->real_time_used();
VLOG(2) << "Ran in " << cpu_accumulated_time << "/"
<< real_accumulated_time << "\n";
// Base decisions off of real time if requested by this benchmark.
double seconds = cpu_accumulated_time;
if (b.use_real_time) {
seconds = real_accumulated_time;
std::string label;
MutexLock l(GetBenchmarkLock());
label = *GetReportLabel();
const double min_time = !IsZero(b.min_time) ? b.min_time
: FLAGS_benchmark_min_time;
// If this was the first run, was elapsed time or cpu time large enough?
// If this is not the first run, go with the current value of iter.
if ((i > 0) ||
(iters >= kMaxIterations) ||
(seconds >= min_time) ||
(real_accumulated_time >= 5*min_time)) {
double bytes_per_second = 0;
if (total.bytes_processed > 0 && seconds > 0.0) {
bytes_per_second = (total.bytes_processed / seconds);
double items_per_second = 0;
if (total.items_processed > 0 && seconds > 0.0) {
items_per_second = (total.items_processed / seconds);
// Create report about this benchmark run.
BenchmarkReporter::Run report;
report.benchmark_name = b.name;
report.report_label = label;
// Report the total iterations across all threads.
report.iterations = static_cast<int64_t>(iters) * b.threads;
report.real_accumulated_time = real_accumulated_time;
report.cpu_accumulated_time = cpu_accumulated_time;
report.bytes_per_second = bytes_per_second;
report.items_per_second = items_per_second;
// See how much iterations should be increased by
// Note: Avoid division by zero with max(seconds, 1ns).
double multiplier = min_time * 1.4 / std::max(seconds, 1e-9);
// If our last run was at least 10% of FLAGS_benchmark_min_time then we
// use the multiplier directly. Otherwise we use at most 10 times
// expansion.
// NOTE: When the last run was at least 10% of the min time the max
// expansion should be 14x.
bool is_significant = (seconds / min_time) > 0.1;
multiplier = is_significant ? multiplier : std::min(10.0, multiplier);
if (multiplier <= 1.0) multiplier = 2.0;
double next_iters = std::max(multiplier * iters, iters + 1.0);
if (next_iters > kMaxIterations) {
next_iters = kMaxIterations;
VLOG(3) << "Next iters: " << next_iters << ", " << multiplier << "\n";
iters = static_cast<int>(next_iters + 0.5);
if (b.multithreaded) {
for (std::thread& thread : pool)
} // namespace
State::State(size_t max_iters, bool has_x, int x, bool has_y, int y,
int thread_i)
: started_(false), total_iterations_(0),
has_range_x_(has_x), range_x_(x),
has_range_y_(has_y), range_y_(y),
bytes_processed_(0), items_processed_(0),
CHECK(max_iterations != 0) << "At least one iteration must be run";
void State::PauseTiming() {
// Add in time accumulated so far
void State::ResumeTiming() {
void State::SetLabel(const char* label) {
MutexLock l(GetBenchmarkLock());
*GetReportLabel() = label;
namespace internal {
namespace {
void PrintBenchmarkList() {
std::vector<Benchmark::Instance> benchmarks;
auto families = BenchmarkFamilies::GetInstance();
if (!families->FindBenchmarks(".", &benchmarks)) return;
for (const internal::Benchmark::Instance& benchmark : benchmarks) {
std::cout << benchmark.name << "\n";
void RunMatchingBenchmarks(const std::string& spec,
BenchmarkReporter* reporter) {
CHECK(reporter != nullptr);
if (spec.empty()) return;
std::vector<Benchmark::Instance> benchmarks;
auto families = BenchmarkFamilies::GetInstance();
if (!families->FindBenchmarks(spec, &benchmarks)) return;
// Determine the width of the name field using a minimum width of 10.
size_t name_field_width = 10;
for (const Benchmark::Instance& benchmark : benchmarks) {
name_field_width =
std::max<size_t>(name_field_width, benchmark.name.size());
if (FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions > 1)
name_field_width += std::strlen("_stddev");
// Print header here
BenchmarkReporter::Context context;
context.num_cpus = NumCPUs();
context.mhz_per_cpu = CyclesPerSecond() / 1000000.0f;
context.cpu_scaling_enabled = CpuScalingEnabled();
context.name_field_width = name_field_width;
if (reporter->ReportContext(context)) {
for (const auto& benchmark : benchmarks) {
RunBenchmark(benchmark, reporter);
std::unique_ptr<BenchmarkReporter> GetDefaultReporter() {
typedef std::unique_ptr<BenchmarkReporter> PtrType;
if (FLAGS_benchmark_format == "tabular") {
return PtrType(new ConsoleReporter);
} else if (FLAGS_benchmark_format == "json") {
return PtrType(new JSONReporter);
} else if (FLAGS_benchmark_format == "csv") {
return PtrType(new CSVReporter);
} else {
std::cerr << "Unexpected format: '" << FLAGS_benchmark_format << "'\n";
} // end namespace
} // end namespace internal
void RunSpecifiedBenchmarks() {
void RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* reporter) {
if (FLAGS_benchmark_list_tests) {
std::string spec = FLAGS_benchmark_filter;
if (spec.empty() || spec == "all")
spec = "."; // Regexp that matches all benchmarks
std::unique_ptr<BenchmarkReporter> default_reporter;
if (!reporter) {
default_reporter = internal::GetDefaultReporter();
reporter = default_reporter.get();
internal::RunMatchingBenchmarks(spec, reporter);
namespace internal {
void PrintUsageAndExit() {
" [--benchmark_list_tests={true|false}]\n"
" [--benchmark_filter=<regex>]\n"
" [--benchmark_min_time=<min_time>]\n"
" [--benchmark_repetitions=<num_repetitions>]\n"
" [--benchmark_format=<tabular|json|csv>]\n"
" [--color_print={true|false}]\n"
" [--v=<verbosity>]\n");
void ParseCommandLineFlags(int* argc, char** argv) {
using namespace benchmark;
for (int i = 1; i < *argc; ++i) {
if (
ParseBoolFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_list_tests",
&FLAGS_benchmark_list_tests) ||
ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_filter",
&FLAGS_benchmark_filter) ||
ParseDoubleFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_min_time",
&FLAGS_benchmark_min_time) ||
ParseInt32Flag(argv[i], "benchmark_repetitions",
&FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions) ||
ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_format",
&FLAGS_benchmark_format) ||
ParseBoolFlag(argv[i], "color_print",
&FLAGS_color_print) ||
ParseInt32Flag(argv[i], "v", &FLAGS_v)) {
for (int j = i; j != *argc; ++j) argv[j] = argv[j + 1];
} else if (IsFlag(argv[i], "help")) {
if (FLAGS_benchmark_format != "tabular" &&
FLAGS_benchmark_format != "json" &&
FLAGS_benchmark_format != "csv") {
Benchmark* RegisterBenchmarkInternal(Benchmark* bench) {
std::unique_ptr<Benchmark> bench_ptr(bench);
BenchmarkFamilies* families = BenchmarkFamilies::GetInstance();
return bench;
} // end namespace internal
void Initialize(int* argc, char** argv) {
internal::ParseCommandLineFlags(argc, argv);
// TODO remove this. It prints some output the first time it is called.
// We don't want to have this ouput printed during benchmarking.
// The first call to walltime::Now initialized it. Call it once to
// prevent the initialization from happening in a benchmark.
} // end namespace benchmark