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synced 2025-03-20 22:20:09 +08:00
Much like it makes sense to enumerate all the families, it makes sense to enumerate stuff within families. Alternatively, we could have a global instance index, but i'm not sure why that would be better. This will be useful when the benchmarks are run not in order, for the tools to sort the results properly.
270 lines
8.4 KiB
270 lines
8.4 KiB
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "complexity.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip> // for setprecision
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "string_util.h"
#include "timers.h"
namespace benchmark {
namespace internal {
extern std::map<std::string, std::string>* global_context;
namespace {
std::string StrEscape(const std::string & s) {
std::string tmp;
for (char c : s) {
switch (c) {
case '\b': tmp += "\\b"; break;
case '\f': tmp += "\\f"; break;
case '\n': tmp += "\\n"; break;
case '\r': tmp += "\\r"; break;
case '\t': tmp += "\\t"; break;
case '\\': tmp += "\\\\"; break;
case '"' : tmp += "\\\""; break;
default : tmp += c; break;
return tmp;
std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, std::string const& value) {
return StrFormat("\"%s\": \"%s\"", StrEscape(key).c_str(), StrEscape(value).c_str());
std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, const char* value) {
return StrFormat("\"%s\": \"%s\"", StrEscape(key).c_str(), StrEscape(value).c_str());
std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, bool value) {
return StrFormat("\"%s\": %s", StrEscape(key).c_str(), value ? "true" : "false");
std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, int64_t value) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << '"' << StrEscape(key) << "\": " << value;
return ss.str();
std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, IterationCount value) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << '"' << StrEscape(key) << "\": " << value;
return ss.str();
std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, double value) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << '"' << StrEscape(key) << "\": ";
if (std::isnan(value))
ss << (value < 0 ? "-" : "") << "NaN";
else if (std::isinf(value))
ss << (value < 0 ? "-" : "") << "Infinity";
else {
const auto max_digits10 =
const auto max_fractional_digits10 = max_digits10 - 1;
ss << std::scientific << std::setprecision(max_fractional_digits10)
<< value;
return ss.str();
int64_t RoundDouble(double v) { return std::lround(v); }
} // end namespace
bool JSONReporter::ReportContext(const Context& context) {
std::ostream& out = GetOutputStream();
out << "{\n";
std::string inner_indent(2, ' ');
// Open context block and print context information.
out << inner_indent << "\"context\": {\n";
std::string indent(4, ' ');
std::string walltime_value = LocalDateTimeString();
out << indent << FormatKV("date", walltime_value) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("host_name", context.sys_info.name) << ",\n";
if (Context::executable_name) {
out << indent << FormatKV("executable", Context::executable_name) << ",\n";
CPUInfo const& info = context.cpu_info;
out << indent << FormatKV("num_cpus", static_cast<int64_t>(info.num_cpus))
<< ",\n";
out << indent
<< FormatKV("mhz_per_cpu",
RoundDouble(info.cycles_per_second / 1000000.0))
<< ",\n";
if (CPUInfo::Scaling::UNKNOWN != info.scaling) {
out << indent << FormatKV("cpu_scaling_enabled", info.scaling == CPUInfo::Scaling::ENABLED ? true : false)
<< ",\n";
out << indent << "\"caches\": [\n";
indent = std::string(6, ' ');
std::string cache_indent(8, ' ');
for (size_t i = 0; i < info.caches.size(); ++i) {
auto& CI = info.caches[i];
out << indent << "{\n";
out << cache_indent << FormatKV("type", CI.type) << ",\n";
out << cache_indent << FormatKV("level", static_cast<int64_t>(CI.level))
<< ",\n";
out << cache_indent
<< FormatKV("size", static_cast<int64_t>(CI.size)) << ",\n";
out << cache_indent
<< FormatKV("num_sharing", static_cast<int64_t>(CI.num_sharing))
<< "\n";
out << indent << "}";
if (i != info.caches.size() - 1) out << ",";
out << "\n";
indent = std::string(4, ' ');
out << indent << "],\n";
out << indent << "\"load_avg\": [";
for (auto it = info.load_avg.begin(); it != info.load_avg.end();) {
out << *it++;
if (it != info.load_avg.end()) out << ",";
out << "],\n";
#if defined(NDEBUG)
const char build_type[] = "release";
const char build_type[] = "debug";
out << indent << FormatKV("library_build_type", build_type) << "\n";
if (internal::global_context != nullptr) {
for (const auto& kv: *internal::global_context) {
out << indent << FormatKV(kv.first, kv.second) << "\n";
// Close context block and open the list of benchmarks.
out << inner_indent << "},\n";
out << inner_indent << "\"benchmarks\": [\n";
return true;
void JSONReporter::ReportRuns(std::vector<Run> const& reports) {
if (reports.empty()) {
std::string indent(4, ' ');
std::ostream& out = GetOutputStream();
if (!first_report_) {
out << ",\n";
first_report_ = false;
for (auto it = reports.begin(); it != reports.end(); ++it) {
out << indent << "{\n";
out << indent << '}';
auto it_cp = it;
if (++it_cp != reports.end()) {
out << ",\n";
void JSONReporter::Finalize() {
// Close the list of benchmarks and the top level object.
GetOutputStream() << "\n ]\n}\n";
void JSONReporter::PrintRunData(Run const& run) {
std::string indent(6, ' ');
std::ostream& out = GetOutputStream();
out << indent << FormatKV("name", run.benchmark_name()) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("family_index", run.family_index) << ",\n";
out << indent
<< FormatKV("per_family_instance_index", run.per_family_instance_index)
<< ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("run_name", run.run_name.str()) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("run_type", [&run]() -> const char* {
switch (run.run_type) {
case BenchmarkReporter::Run::RT_Iteration:
return "iteration";
case BenchmarkReporter::Run::RT_Aggregate:
return "aggregate";
}()) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("repetitions", run.repetitions) << ",\n";
if (run.run_type != BenchmarkReporter::Run::RT_Aggregate) {
out << indent << FormatKV("repetition_index", run.repetition_index)
<< ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("threads", run.threads) << ",\n";
if (run.run_type == BenchmarkReporter::Run::RT_Aggregate) {
out << indent << FormatKV("aggregate_name", run.aggregate_name) << ",\n";
if (run.error_occurred) {
out << indent << FormatKV("error_occurred", run.error_occurred) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("error_message", run.error_message) << ",\n";
if (!run.report_big_o && !run.report_rms) {
out << indent << FormatKV("iterations", run.iterations) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("real_time", run.GetAdjustedRealTime()) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("cpu_time", run.GetAdjustedCPUTime());
out << ",\n"
<< indent << FormatKV("time_unit", GetTimeUnitString(run.time_unit));
} else if (run.report_big_o) {
out << indent << FormatKV("cpu_coefficient", run.GetAdjustedCPUTime())
<< ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("real_coefficient", run.GetAdjustedRealTime())
<< ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("big_o", GetBigOString(run.complexity)) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("time_unit", GetTimeUnitString(run.time_unit));
} else if (run.report_rms) {
out << indent << FormatKV("rms", run.GetAdjustedCPUTime());
for (auto& c : run.counters) {
out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV(c.first, c.second);
if (run.has_memory_result) {
out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV("allocs_per_iter", run.allocs_per_iter);
out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV("max_bytes_used", run.max_bytes_used);
if (!run.report_label.empty()) {
out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV("label", run.report_label);
out << '\n';
} // end namespace benchmark