mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 06:00:08 +08:00
Currently, the tooling just keeps the whatever benchmark order that was present, and this is fine nowadays, but once the benchmarks will be optionally run interleaved, that will be rather suboptimal. So, now that i have introduced family index and per-family instance index, we can define an order for the benchmarks, and sort them accordingly. There is a caveat with aggregates, we assume that they are in-order, and hopefully we won't mess that order up..
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992 lines
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"""report.py - Utilities for reporting statistics about benchmark results
import unittest
import os
import re
import copy
import random
from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
class BenchmarkColor(object):
def __init__(self, name, code):
self.name = name
self.code = code
def __repr__(self):
return '%s%r' % (self.__class__.__name__,
(self.name, self.code))
def __format__(self, format):
return self.code
# Benchmark Colors Enumeration
BC_NONE = BenchmarkColor('NONE', '')
BC_MAGENTA = BenchmarkColor('MAGENTA', '\033[95m')
BC_CYAN = BenchmarkColor('CYAN', '\033[96m')
BC_OKBLUE = BenchmarkColor('OKBLUE', '\033[94m')
BC_OKGREEN = BenchmarkColor('OKGREEN', '\033[32m')
BC_HEADER = BenchmarkColor('HEADER', '\033[92m')
BC_WARNING = BenchmarkColor('WARNING', '\033[93m')
BC_WHITE = BenchmarkColor('WHITE', '\033[97m')
BC_FAIL = BenchmarkColor('FAIL', '\033[91m')
BC_ENDC = BenchmarkColor('ENDC', '\033[0m')
BC_BOLD = BenchmarkColor('BOLD', '\033[1m')
BC_UNDERLINE = BenchmarkColor('UNDERLINE', '\033[4m')
UTEST_OPTIMAL_REPETITIONS = 9 # Lowest reasonable number, More is better.
UTEST_COL_NAME = "_pvalue"
def color_format(use_color, fmt_str, *args, **kwargs):
Return the result of 'fmt_str.format(*args, **kwargs)' after transforming
'args' and 'kwargs' according to the value of 'use_color'. If 'use_color'
is False then all color codes in 'args' and 'kwargs' are replaced with
the empty string.
assert use_color is True or use_color is False
if not use_color:
args = [arg if not isinstance(arg, BenchmarkColor) else BC_NONE
for arg in args]
kwargs = {key: arg if not isinstance(arg, BenchmarkColor) else BC_NONE
for key, arg in kwargs.items()}
return fmt_str.format(*args, **kwargs)
def find_longest_name(benchmark_list):
Return the length of the longest benchmark name in a given list of
benchmark JSON objects
longest_name = 1
for bc in benchmark_list:
if len(bc['name']) > longest_name:
longest_name = len(bc['name'])
return longest_name
def calculate_change(old_val, new_val):
Return a float representing the decimal change between old_val and new_val.
if old_val == 0 and new_val == 0:
return 0.0
if old_val == 0:
return float(new_val - old_val) / (float(old_val + new_val) / 2)
return float(new_val - old_val) / abs(old_val)
def filter_benchmark(json_orig, family, replacement=""):
Apply a filter to the json, and only leave the 'family' of benchmarks.
regex = re.compile(family)
filtered = {}
filtered['benchmarks'] = []
for be in json_orig['benchmarks']:
if not regex.search(be['name']):
filteredbench = copy.deepcopy(be) # Do NOT modify the old name!
filteredbench['name'] = regex.sub(replacement, filteredbench['name'])
return filtered
def get_unique_benchmark_names(json):
While *keeping* the order, give all the unique 'names' used for benchmarks.
seen = set()
uniqued = [x['name'] for x in json['benchmarks']
if x['name'] not in seen and
(seen.add(x['name']) or True)]
return uniqued
def intersect(list1, list2):
Given two lists, get a new list consisting of the elements only contained
in *both of the input lists*, while preserving the ordering.
return [x for x in list1 if x in list2]
def is_potentially_comparable_benchmark(x):
return ('time_unit' in x and 'real_time' in x and 'cpu_time' in x)
def partition_benchmarks(json1, json2):
While preserving the ordering, find benchmarks with the same names in
both of the inputs, and group them.
(i.e. partition/filter into groups with common name)
json1_unique_names = get_unique_benchmark_names(json1)
json2_unique_names = get_unique_benchmark_names(json2)
names = intersect(json1_unique_names, json2_unique_names)
partitions = []
for name in names:
time_unit = None
# Pick the time unit from the first entry of the lhs benchmark.
# We should be careful not to crash with unexpected input.
for x in json1['benchmarks']:
if (x['name'] == name and is_potentially_comparable_benchmark(x)):
time_unit = x['time_unit']
if time_unit is None:
# Filter by name and time unit.
# All the repetitions are assumed to be comparable.
lhs = [x for x in json1['benchmarks'] if x['name'] == name and
x['time_unit'] == time_unit]
rhs = [x for x in json2['benchmarks'] if x['name'] == name and
x['time_unit'] == time_unit]
partitions.append([lhs, rhs])
return partitions
def extract_field(partition, field_name):
# The count of elements may be different. We want *all* of them.
lhs = [x[field_name] for x in partition[0]]
rhs = [x[field_name] for x in partition[1]]
return [lhs, rhs]
def calc_utest(timings_cpu, timings_time):
min_rep_cnt = min(len(timings_time[0]),
# Does *everything* has at least UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS repetitions?
if min_rep_cnt < UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS:
return False, None, None
time_pvalue = mannwhitneyu(
timings_time[0], timings_time[1], alternative='two-sided').pvalue
cpu_pvalue = mannwhitneyu(
timings_cpu[0], timings_cpu[1], alternative='two-sided').pvalue
return (min_rep_cnt >= UTEST_OPTIMAL_REPETITIONS), cpu_pvalue, time_pvalue
def print_utest(bc_name, utest, utest_alpha, first_col_width, use_color=True):
def get_utest_color(pval):
return BC_FAIL if pval >= utest_alpha else BC_OKGREEN
# Check if we failed miserably with minimum required repetitions for utest
if not utest['have_optimal_repetitions'] and utest['cpu_pvalue'] is None and utest['time_pvalue'] is None:
return []
dsc = "U Test, Repetitions: {} vs {}".format(
utest['nr_of_repetitions'], utest['nr_of_repetitions_other'])
dsc_color = BC_OKGREEN
# We still got some results to show but issue a warning about it.
if not utest['have_optimal_repetitions']:
dsc_color = BC_WARNING
dsc += ". WARNING: Results unreliable! {}+ repetitions recommended.".format(
special_str = "{}{:<{}s}{endc}{}{:16.4f}{endc}{}{:16.4f}{endc}{} {}"
return [color_format(use_color,
"{}{}".format(bc_name, UTEST_COL_NAME),
utest['time_pvalue']), utest['time_pvalue'],
utest['cpu_pvalue']), utest['cpu_pvalue'],
dsc_color, dsc,
def get_difference_report(
Calculate and report the difference between each test of two benchmarks
runs specified as 'json1' and 'json2'. Output is another json containing
relevant details for each test run.
assert utest is True or utest is False
diff_report = []
partitions = partition_benchmarks(json1, json2)
for partition in partitions:
benchmark_name = partition[0][0]['name']
time_unit = partition[0][0]['time_unit']
measurements = []
utest_results = {}
# Careful, we may have different repetition count.
for i in range(min(len(partition[0]), len(partition[1]))):
bn = partition[0][i]
other_bench = partition[1][i]
'real_time': bn['real_time'],
'cpu_time': bn['cpu_time'],
'real_time_other': other_bench['real_time'],
'cpu_time_other': other_bench['cpu_time'],
'time': calculate_change(bn['real_time'], other_bench['real_time']),
'cpu': calculate_change(bn['cpu_time'], other_bench['cpu_time'])
# After processing the whole partition, if requested, do the U test.
if utest:
timings_cpu = extract_field(partition, 'cpu_time')
timings_time = extract_field(partition, 'real_time')
have_optimal_repetitions, cpu_pvalue, time_pvalue = calc_utest(timings_cpu, timings_time)
if cpu_pvalue and time_pvalue:
utest_results = {
'have_optimal_repetitions': have_optimal_repetitions,
'cpu_pvalue': cpu_pvalue,
'time_pvalue': time_pvalue,
'nr_of_repetitions': len(timings_cpu[0]),
'nr_of_repetitions_other': len(timings_cpu[1])
# Store only if we had any measurements for given benchmark.
# E.g. partition_benchmarks will filter out the benchmarks having
# time units which are not compatible with other time units in the
# benchmark suite.
if measurements:
run_type = partition[0][0]['run_type'] if 'run_type' in partition[0][0] else ''
aggregate_name = partition[0][0]['aggregate_name'] if run_type == 'aggregate' and 'aggregate_name' in partition[0][0] else ''
'name': benchmark_name,
'measurements': measurements,
'time_unit': time_unit,
'run_type': run_type,
'aggregate_name': aggregate_name,
'utest': utest_results
return diff_report
def print_difference_report(
Calculate and report the difference between each test of two benchmarks
runs specified as 'json1' and 'json2'.
assert utest is True or utest is False
def get_color(res):
if res > 0.05:
return BC_FAIL
elif res > -0.07:
return BC_WHITE
return BC_CYAN
first_col_width = find_longest_name(json_diff_report)
first_col_width = max(
first_col_width += len(UTEST_COL_NAME)
first_line = "{:<{}s}Time CPU Time Old Time New CPU Old CPU New".format(
'Benchmark', 12 + first_col_width)
output_strs = [first_line, '-' * len(first_line)]
fmt_str = "{}{:<{}s}{endc}{}{:+16.4f}{endc}{}{:+16.4f}{endc}{:14.0f}{:14.0f}{endc}{:14.0f}{:14.0f}"
for benchmark in json_diff_report:
# *If* we were asked to only include aggregates,
# and if it is non-aggregate, then don't print it.
if not include_aggregates_only or not 'run_type' in benchmark or benchmark['run_type'] == 'aggregate':
for measurement in benchmark['measurements']:
output_strs += [color_format(use_color,
# After processing the measurements, if requested and
# if applicable (e.g. u-test exists for given benchmark),
# print the U test.
if utest and benchmark['utest']:
output_strs += print_utest(benchmark['name'],
return output_strs
# Unit tests
class TestGetUniqueBenchmarkNames(unittest.TestCase):
def load_results(self):
import json
testInputs = os.path.join(
testOutput = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run0.json')
with open(testOutput, 'r') as f:
json = json.load(f)
return json
def test_basic(self):
expect_lines = [
'short', # These two are not sorted
'medium', # These two are not sorted
json = self.load_results()
output_lines = get_unique_benchmark_names(json)
self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines))
for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], output_lines[i])
class TestReportDifference(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
def load_results():
import json
testInputs = os.path.join(
testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test1_run1.json')
testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test1_run2.json')
with open(testOutput1, 'r') as f:
json1 = json.load(f)
with open(testOutput2, 'r') as f:
json2 = json.load(f)
return json1, json2
json1, json2 = load_results()
cls.json_diff_report = get_difference_report(json1, json2)
def test_json_diff_report_pretty_printing(self):
expect_lines = [
['BM_SameTimes', '+0.0000', '+0.0000', '10', '10', '10', '10'],
['BM_2xFaster', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '50', '25', '50', '25'],
['BM_2xSlower', '+1.0000', '+1.0000', '50', '100', '50', '100'],
['BM_1PercentFaster', '-0.0100', '-0.0100', '100', '99', '100', '99'],
['BM_1PercentSlower', '+0.0100', '+0.0100', '100', '101', '100', '101'],
['BM_10PercentFaster', '-0.1000', '-0.1000', '100', '90', '100', '90'],
['BM_10PercentSlower', '+0.1000', '+0.1000', '100', '110', '100', '110'],
['BM_100xSlower', '+99.0000', '+99.0000',
'100', '10000', '100', '10000'],
['BM_100xFaster', '-0.9900', '-0.9900',
'10000', '100', '10000', '100'],
['BM_10PercentCPUToTime', '+0.1000',
'-0.1000', '100', '110', '100', '90'],
['BM_ThirdFaster', '-0.3333', '-0.3334', '100', '67', '100', '67'],
['BM_NotBadTimeUnit', '-0.9000', '+0.2000', '0', '0', '0', '1'],
output_lines_with_header = print_difference_report(
self.json_diff_report, use_color=False)
output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:]
self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines))
for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x]
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 7)
self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts)
def test_json_diff_report_output(self):
expected_output = [
'name': 'BM_SameTimes',
'measurements': [{'time': 0.0000, 'cpu': 0.0000, 'real_time': 10, 'real_time_other': 10, 'cpu_time': 10, 'cpu_time_other': 10}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': 'BM_2xFaster',
'measurements': [{'time': -0.5000, 'cpu': -0.5000, 'real_time': 50, 'real_time_other': 25, 'cpu_time': 50, 'cpu_time_other': 25}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': 'BM_2xSlower',
'measurements': [{'time': 1.0000, 'cpu': 1.0000, 'real_time': 50, 'real_time_other': 100, 'cpu_time': 50, 'cpu_time_other': 100}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': 'BM_1PercentFaster',
'measurements': [{'time': -0.0100, 'cpu': -0.0100, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 98.9999999, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 98.9999999}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': 'BM_1PercentSlower',
'measurements': [{'time': 0.0100, 'cpu': 0.0100, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 101, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 101}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': 'BM_10PercentFaster',
'measurements': [{'time': -0.1000, 'cpu': -0.1000, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 90, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 90}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': 'BM_10PercentSlower',
'measurements': [{'time': 0.1000, 'cpu': 0.1000, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 110, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 110}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': 'BM_100xSlower',
'measurements': [{'time': 99.0000, 'cpu': 99.0000, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 10000, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 10000}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': 'BM_100xFaster',
'measurements': [{'time': -0.9900, 'cpu': -0.9900, 'real_time': 10000, 'real_time_other': 100, 'cpu_time': 10000, 'cpu_time_other': 100}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': 'BM_10PercentCPUToTime',
'measurements': [{'time': 0.1000, 'cpu': -0.1000, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 110, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 90}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': 'BM_ThirdFaster',
'measurements': [{'time': -0.3333, 'cpu': -0.3334, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 67, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 67}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': 'BM_NotBadTimeUnit',
'measurements': [{'time': -0.9000, 'cpu': 0.2000, 'real_time': 0.4, 'real_time_other': 0.04, 'cpu_time': 0.5, 'cpu_time_other': 0.6}],
'time_unit': 's',
'utest': {}
self.assertEqual(len(self.json_diff_report), len(expected_output))
for out, expected in zip(
self.json_diff_report, expected_output):
self.assertEqual(out['name'], expected['name'])
self.assertEqual(out['time_unit'], expected['time_unit'])
assert_utest(self, out, expected)
assert_measurements(self, out, expected)
class TestReportDifferenceBetweenFamilies(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
def load_result():
import json
testInputs = os.path.join(
testOutput = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test2_run.json')
with open(testOutput, 'r') as f:
json = json.load(f)
return json
json = load_result()
json1 = filter_benchmark(json, "BM_Z.ro", ".")
json2 = filter_benchmark(json, "BM_O.e", ".")
cls.json_diff_report = get_difference_report(json1, json2)
def test_json_diff_report_pretty_printing(self):
expect_lines = [
['.', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '10', '5', '10', '5'],
['./4', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '40', '20', '40', '20'],
['Prefix/.', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '20', '10', '20', '10'],
['Prefix/./3', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '30', '15', '30', '15'],
output_lines_with_header = print_difference_report(
self.json_diff_report, use_color=False)
output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:]
self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines))
for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x]
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 7)
self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts)
def test_json_diff_report(self):
expected_output = [
'name': u'.',
'measurements': [{'time': -0.5, 'cpu': -0.5, 'real_time': 10, 'real_time_other': 5, 'cpu_time': 10, 'cpu_time_other': 5}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': u'./4',
'measurements': [{'time': -0.5, 'cpu': -0.5, 'real_time': 40, 'real_time_other': 20, 'cpu_time': 40, 'cpu_time_other': 20}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {},
'name': u'Prefix/.',
'measurements': [{'time': -0.5, 'cpu': -0.5, 'real_time': 20, 'real_time_other': 10, 'cpu_time': 20, 'cpu_time_other': 10}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': u'Prefix/./3',
'measurements': [{'time': -0.5, 'cpu': -0.5, 'real_time': 30, 'real_time_other': 15, 'cpu_time': 30, 'cpu_time_other': 15}],
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
self.assertEqual(len(self.json_diff_report), len(expected_output))
for out, expected in zip(
self.json_diff_report, expected_output):
self.assertEqual(out['name'], expected['name'])
self.assertEqual(out['time_unit'], expected['time_unit'])
assert_utest(self, out, expected)
assert_measurements(self, out, expected)
class TestReportDifferenceWithUTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
def load_results():
import json
testInputs = os.path.join(
testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run0.json')
testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run1.json')
with open(testOutput1, 'r') as f:
json1 = json.load(f)
with open(testOutput2, 'r') as f:
json2 = json.load(f)
return json1, json2
json1, json2 = load_results()
cls.json_diff_report = get_difference_report(
json1, json2, utest=True)
def test_json_diff_report_pretty_printing(self):
expect_lines = [
['BM_One', '-0.1000', '+0.1000', '10', '9', '100', '110'],
['BM_Two', '+0.1111', '-0.0111', '9', '10', '90', '89'],
['BM_Two', '-0.1250', '-0.1628', '8', '7', '86', '72'],
['short', '-0.1250', '-0.0625', '8', '7', '80', '75'],
['short', '-0.4325', '-0.1351', '8', '5', '77', '67'],
['medium', '-0.3750', '-0.3375', '8', '5', '80', '53'],
output_lines_with_header = print_difference_report(
self.json_diff_report, utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False)
output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:]
self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines))
for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x]
self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts)
def test_json_diff_report_pretty_printing_aggregates_only(self):
expect_lines = [
['BM_One', '-0.1000', '+0.1000', '10', '9', '100', '110'],
['short', '-0.1250', '-0.0625', '8', '7', '80', '75'],
['short', '-0.4325', '-0.1351', '8', '5', '77', '67'],
output_lines_with_header = print_difference_report(
self.json_diff_report, include_aggregates_only=True, utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False)
output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:]
self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines))
for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x]
self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts)
def test_json_diff_report(self):
expected_output = [
'name': u'BM_One',
'measurements': [
{'time': -0.1,
'cpu': 0.1,
'real_time': 10,
'real_time_other': 9,
'cpu_time': 100,
'cpu_time_other': 110}
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': u'BM_Two',
'measurements': [
{'time': 0.1111111111111111,
'cpu': -0.011111111111111112,
'real_time': 9,
'real_time_other': 10,
'cpu_time': 90,
'cpu_time_other': 89},
{'time': -0.125, 'cpu': -0.16279069767441862, 'real_time': 8,
'real_time_other': 7, 'cpu_time': 86, 'cpu_time_other': 72}
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {
'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.6985353583033387, 'time_pvalue': 0.6985353583033387
'name': u'short',
'measurements': [
{'time': -0.125,
'cpu': -0.0625,
'real_time': 8,
'real_time_other': 7,
'cpu_time': 80,
'cpu_time_other': 75},
{'time': -0.4325,
'cpu': -0.13506493506493514,
'real_time': 8,
'real_time_other': 4.54,
'cpu_time': 77,
'cpu_time_other': 66.6}
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {
'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.14891467317876572, 'time_pvalue': 0.7670968684102772
'name': u'medium',
'measurements': [
{'time': -0.375,
'cpu': -0.3375,
'real_time': 8,
'real_time_other': 5,
'cpu_time': 80,
'cpu_time_other': 53}
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
self.assertEqual(len(self.json_diff_report), len(expected_output))
for out, expected in zip(
self.json_diff_report, expected_output):
self.assertEqual(out['name'], expected['name'])
self.assertEqual(out['time_unit'], expected['time_unit'])
assert_utest(self, out, expected)
assert_measurements(self, out, expected)
class TestReportDifferenceWithUTestWhileDisplayingAggregatesOnly(
def setUpClass(cls):
def load_results():
import json
testInputs = os.path.join(
testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run0.json')
testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run1.json')
with open(testOutput1, 'r') as f:
json1 = json.load(f)
with open(testOutput2, 'r') as f:
json2 = json.load(f)
return json1, json2
json1, json2 = load_results()
cls.json_diff_report = get_difference_report(
json1, json2, utest=True)
def test_json_diff_report_pretty_printing(self):
expect_lines = [
['BM_One', '-0.1000', '+0.1000', '10', '9', '100', '110'],
['BM_Two', '+0.1111', '-0.0111', '9', '10', '90', '89'],
['BM_Two', '-0.1250', '-0.1628', '8', '7', '86', '72'],
['short', '-0.1250', '-0.0625', '8', '7', '80', '75'],
['short', '-0.4325', '-0.1351', '8', '5', '77', '67'],
['medium', '-0.3750', '-0.3375', '8', '5', '80', '53']
output_lines_with_header = print_difference_report(
utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False)
output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:]
self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines))
for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x]
self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts)
def test_json_diff_report(self):
expected_output = [
'name': u'BM_One',
'measurements': [
{'time': -0.1,
'cpu': 0.1,
'real_time': 10,
'real_time_other': 9,
'cpu_time': 100,
'cpu_time_other': 110}
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {}
'name': u'BM_Two',
'measurements': [
{'time': 0.1111111111111111,
'cpu': -0.011111111111111112,
'real_time': 9,
'real_time_other': 10,
'cpu_time': 90,
'cpu_time_other': 89},
{'time': -0.125, 'cpu': -0.16279069767441862, 'real_time': 8,
'real_time_other': 7, 'cpu_time': 86, 'cpu_time_other': 72}
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {
'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.6985353583033387, 'time_pvalue': 0.6985353583033387
'name': u'short',
'measurements': [
{'time': -0.125,
'cpu': -0.0625,
'real_time': 8,
'real_time_other': 7,
'cpu_time': 80,
'cpu_time_other': 75},
{'time': -0.4325,
'cpu': -0.13506493506493514,
'real_time': 8,
'real_time_other': 4.54,
'cpu_time': 77,
'cpu_time_other': 66.6}
'time_unit': 'ns',
'utest': {
'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.14891467317876572, 'time_pvalue': 0.7670968684102772
'name': u'medium',
'measurements': [
{'real_time_other': 5,
'cpu_time': 80,
'time': -0.375,
'real_time': 8,
'cpu_time_other': 53,
'cpu': -0.3375
'utest': {},
'time_unit': u'ns',
'aggregate_name': ''
self.assertEqual(len(self.json_diff_report), len(expected_output))
for out, expected in zip(
self.json_diff_report, expected_output):
self.assertEqual(out['name'], expected['name'])
self.assertEqual(out['time_unit'], expected['time_unit'])
assert_utest(self, out, expected)
assert_measurements(self, out, expected)
class TestReportSorting(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
def load_result():
import json
testInputs = os.path.join(
testOutput = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test4_run.json')
with open(testOutput, 'r') as f:
json = json.load(f)
return json
cls.json = load_result()
def test_json_diff_report_pretty_printing(self):
import util
expected_names = [
"99 family 0 instance 0 repetition 0",
"98 family 0 instance 0 repetition 1",
"97 family 0 instance 0 aggregate",
"96 family 0 instance 1 repetition 0",
"95 family 0 instance 1 repetition 1",
"94 family 0 instance 1 aggregate",
"93 family 1 instance 0 repetition 0",
"92 family 1 instance 0 repetition 1",
"91 family 1 instance 0 aggregate",
"90 family 1 instance 1 repetition 0",
"89 family 1 instance 1 repetition 1",
"88 family 1 instance 1 aggregate"
for n in range(len(self.json['benchmarks']) ** 2):
sorted_benchmarks = util.sort_benchmark_results(self.json)[
self.assertEqual(len(expected_names), len(sorted_benchmarks))
for out, expected in zip(sorted_benchmarks, expected_names):
self.assertEqual(out['name'], expected)
def assert_utest(unittest_instance, lhs, rhs):
if lhs['utest']:
# lhs is empty. assert if rhs is not.
unittest_instance.assertEqual(lhs['utest'], rhs['utest'])
def assert_measurements(unittest_instance, lhs, rhs):
for m1, m2 in zip(lhs['measurements'], rhs['measurements']):
unittest_instance.assertEqual(m1['real_time'], m2['real_time'])
unittest_instance.assertEqual(m1['cpu_time'], m2['cpu_time'])
# m1['time'] and m1['cpu'] hold values which are being calculated,
# and therefore we must use almost-equal pattern.
unittest_instance.assertAlmostEqual(m1['time'], m2['time'], places=4)
unittest_instance.assertAlmostEqual(m1['cpu'], m2['cpu'], places=4)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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