import contextlib import os import platform import re import shutil import sys from import Generator from pathlib import Path from typing import Any import setuptools from setuptools.command import build_ext IS_WINDOWS = platform.system() == "Windows" IS_MAC = platform.system() == "Darwin" IS_LINUX = platform.system() == "Linux" # hardcoded SABI-related options. Requires that each Python interpreter # (hermetic or not) participating is of the same major-minor version. py_limited_api = sys.version_info >= (3, 12) options = {"bdist_wheel": {"py_limited_api": "cp312"}} if py_limited_api else {} def is_cibuildwheel() -> bool: return os.getenv("CIBUILDWHEEL") is not None @contextlib.contextmanager def _maybe_patch_toolchains() -> Generator[None, None, None]: """ Patch rules_python toolchains to ignore root user error when run in a Docker container on Linux in cibuildwheel. """ def fmt_toolchain_args(matchobj): suffix = "ignore_root_user_error = True" callargs = # toolchain def is broken over multiple lines if callargs.endswith("\n"): callargs = callargs + " " + suffix + ",\n" # toolchain def is on one line. else: callargs = callargs + ", " + suffix return "python.toolchain(" + callargs + ")" CIBW_LINUX = is_cibuildwheel() and IS_LINUX module_bazel = Path("MODULE.bazel") content: str = module_bazel.read_text() try: if CIBW_LINUX: module_bazel.write_text( re.sub( r"python.toolchain\(([\w\"\s,.=]*)\)", fmt_toolchain_args, content, ) ) yield finally: if CIBW_LINUX: module_bazel.write_text(content) class BazelExtension(setuptools.Extension): """A C/C++ extension that is defined as a Bazel BUILD target.""" def __init__(self, name: str, bazel_target: str, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(name=name, sources=[], **kwargs) self.bazel_target = bazel_target stripped_target = bazel_target.split("//")[-1] self.relpath, self.target_name = stripped_target.split(":") class BuildBazelExtension(build_ext.build_ext): """A command that runs Bazel to build a C/C++ extension.""" def run(self): for ext in self.extensions: self.bazel_build(ext) # explicitly call `bazel shutdown` for graceful exit self.spawn(["bazel", "shutdown"]) def copy_extensions_to_source(self): """ Copy generated extensions into the source tree. This is done in the ``bazel_build`` method, so it's not necessary to do again in the `build_ext` base class. """ def bazel_build(self, ext: BazelExtension) -> None: # noqa: C901 """Runs the bazel build to create the package.""" temp_path = Path(self.build_temp) # We round to the minor version, which makes rules_python # look up the latest available patch version internally. python_version = "{}.{}".format(*sys.version_info[:2]) bazel_argv = [ "bazel", "run", ext.bazel_target, f"--symlink_prefix={temp_path / 'bazel-'}", f"--compilation_mode={'dbg' if self.debug else 'opt'}", # C++17 is required by nanobind f"--cxxopt={'/std:c++17' if IS_WINDOWS else '-std=c++17'}", f"--@rules_python//python/config_settings:python_version={python_version}", ] if ext.py_limited_api: bazel_argv += ["--@nanobind_bazel//:py-limited-api=cp312"] if IS_WINDOWS: # Link with python*.lib. for library_dir in self.library_dirs: bazel_argv.append("--linkopt=/LIBPATH:" + library_dir) elif IS_MAC: # C++17 needs macOS 10.14 at minimum bazel_argv.append("--macos_minimum_os=10.14") with _maybe_patch_toolchains(): self.spawn(bazel_argv) if IS_WINDOWS: suffix = ".pyd" else: suffix = "" if ext.py_limited_api else ".so" # copy the Bazel build artifacts into setuptools' libdir, # from where the wheel is built. pkgname = "google_benchmark" pythonroot = Path("bindings") / "python" / "google_benchmark" srcdir = temp_path / "bazel-bin" / pythonroot libdir = Path(self.build_lib) / pkgname for root, dirs, files in os.walk(srcdir, topdown=True): # exclude runfiles directories and children. dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if "runfiles" not in d] for f in files: fp = Path(f) should_copy = False # we do not want the bare .so file included # when building for ABI3, so we require a # full and exact match on the file extension. if "".join(fp.suffixes) == suffix or fp.suffix == ".pyi": should_copy = True elif Path(root) == srcdir and f == "py.typed": # copy py.typed, but only at the package root. should_copy = True if should_copy: shutil.copyfile(root / fp, libdir / fp) setuptools.setup( cmdclass={"build_ext": BuildBazelExtension}, package_data={"google_benchmark": ["py.typed", "*.pyi"]}, ext_modules=[ BazelExtension( name="google_benchmark._benchmark", bazel_target="//bindings/python/google_benchmark:benchmark_stubgen", py_limited_api=py_limited_api, ) ], options=options, )