This behaves the same, and saves a pre-commit step. ruff just needs an
additional package location hint to correctly map first-part packages
(in this case, `google_benchmark`).
This revealed a misformat in the `google_benchmark.__init__`, which is
now fixed.
* Add pre-commit config and GitHub Actions job
Contains the following hooks:
* buildifier - for formatting and linting Bazel files.
* mypy, ruff, isort, black - for Python typechecking, import hygiene,
static analysis, and formatting.
The pylint CI job was changed to be a pre-commit CI job, where pre-commit
is bootstrapped via Python.
Pylint is currently no longer part of the
code checks, but can be re-added if requested. The reason to drop was
that it does not play nicely with pre-commit, and lots of its
functionality and responsibilities are actually covered in ruff.
* Add dev extra to pyproject.toml for development installs
* Clarify that pre-commit contains only Python and Bazel hooks
* Add one-line docstrings to Bazel modules
* Apply buildifier pre-commit fixes to Bazel files
* Apply pre-commit fixes to Python files
* Supply --profile=black to isort to prevent conflicts
* Fix nanobind build file formatting
* Add tooling configs to `pyproject.toml`
In particular, set line length 80 for all Python files.
* Reformat all Python files to line length 80, fix return type annotations
Also ignores the `tools/` and `tools/gbench/` files
for mypy, since they emit a barrage of errors which we can deal with
later. The errors are mostly related to dynamic classmethod definition.
* Add Python 3.12 support tag
* Bump nanobind to latest stable v1.6.2 tag
* Add PyPI trusted publishing to GitHub workflow, add Python 3.12 wheel builds
Trusted publishing has been available since v1.8.0 of the pypa-publish
action. It enables password-less authentication and wheel uploads from
the wheel upload job.
`cibuildwheel` was bumped to v2.16.2 to allow Python 3.12 wheel builds.
More info on trusted publishing:
The Windows distribution was reverted to `latest` in the OS matrix,
since the discovery problem of MSVC was fixed in a Bazel patch release.
* Bump nanobind to stable v1.7.0 tag
The newly created `pyproject.toml` contains all static metadata as well
as the readme and version as dynamic arguments, to be read by setuptools
during the build.
What is left in the `` for now is the custom Bazel extension
class, since that is not properly supported yet.