This commit adds a `bazel shutdown` command to the setuptools BazelExtension. This has the effect that wheel builds shut down the Bazel server and terminate gracefully after the build, something
that was previously an issue on Windows builds.
Since the windows-specific `--no-clean` flag option to `pip wheel` becomes unnecessary due to this change, this change has the side-effect that GitHub Actions wheel builds via `cibuildwheel` can now
be written as a compact job matrix again, which leads to a lot of deduplicated code in the corresponding workflow file.
Lastly, some GitHub-provided actions (checkout, setup-python, upload/download-artifact) were bumped to the latest v3 version.
This commit adds a job running after the wheel building job responsible for uploading the built wheels to PyPI.
The job only runs on successful completion of all build jobs, and uploads to PyPI using a secret added to the Google Benchmark repo (TBD).
Also, the setup-python action has been bumped to the latest version v3.
* Fix dependency typo and unpin cibuildwheel version in wheel building action
* Move to monolithic build jobs, restrict to x64 architectures
As of this commit, all wheel building jobs complete on GitHub Actions. Since some platform-specific options had to be set to fix different types of build problems underway, the build job matrix was unrolled.
Still left TODO:
* Wheel testing after build (running the Python bindings test)
* Emulating bazel on other architectures to build aarch64/i686/ppc64le
* Enabling Win32 (this fails due to linker errors).
* Add binding test commands for all wheels, set macOSX deployment target to 10.9
* Add instructions for updating Python __version__ variable before release creation