* Introduce Coefficient of variation aggregate
I believe, it is much more useful / use to understand,
because it is already normalized by the mean,
so it is not affected by the duration of the benchmark,
unlike the standard deviation.
Example of real-world output:
raw.pixls.us-unique/GoPro/HERO6 Black$ ~/rawspeed/build-old/src/utilities/rsbench/rsbench GOPR9172.GPR --benchmark_repetitions=27 --benchmark_display_aggregates_only=true --benchmark_counters_tabular=true
Running /home/lebedevri/rawspeed/build-old/src/utilities/rsbench/rsbench
Run on (32 X 3596.16 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 32 KiB (x16)
L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x16)
L2 Unified 512 KiB (x16)
L3 Unified 32768 KiB (x2)
Load Average: 7.00, 2.99, 1.85
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations CPUTime,s CPUTime/WallTime Pixels Pixels/CPUTime Pixels/WallTime Raws/CPUTime Raws/WallTime WallTime,s
GOPR9172.GPR/threads:32/process_time/real_time_mean 11.1 ms 353 ms 27 0.353122 31.9473 12M 33.9879M 1085.84M 2.83232 90.4864 0.0110535
GOPR9172.GPR/threads:32/process_time/real_time_median 11.0 ms 352 ms 27 0.351696 31.9599 12M 34.1203M 1090.11M 2.84336 90.8425 0.0110081
GOPR9172.GPR/threads:32/process_time/real_time_stddev 0.159 ms 4.60 ms 27 4.59539m 0.0462064 0 426.371k 14.9631M 0.0355309 1.24692 158.944u
GOPR9172.GPR/threads:32/process_time/real_time_cv 1.44 % 1.30 % 27 0.0130136 1.44633m 0 0.0125448 0.0137802 0.0125448 0.0137802 0.0143795
Fixes https://github.com/google/benchmark/issues/1146
* Be consistent, it's CV, not 'rel std dev'
* Statistics: add support for percentage unit in addition to time
I think, `stddev` statistic is useful, but confusing.
What does it mean if `stddev` of `1ms` is reported?
Is that good or bad? If the `median` is `1s`,
then that means that the measurements are pretty noise-less.
And what about `stddev` of `100ms` is reported?
If the `median` is `1s` - awful, if the `median` is `10s` - good.
And hurray, there is just the statistic that we need:
But, naturally, that produces a value in percents,
but the statistics are currently hardcoded to produce time.
So this refactors thinkgs a bit, and allows a percentage unit for statistics.
I'm not sure whether or not `benchmark` would be okay
with adding this `RSD` statistic by default,
but regales, that is a separate patch.
Refs. https://github.com/google/benchmark/issues/1146
* Address review notes
Refactoring in 201b981a moved most of the documentation from `README.md` to `docs/user_guide.md`. Some links from `README.md` to other `docs/*.md` files ended up unchanged in `docs/user_guide.md`. Those links were now broken as they did not link from outside the `docs` directory anymore, but from inside it. Removing the leading `docs/` for these links fixes this.