Results check: add checks with epsilon.

This commit is contained in:
Joao Paulo Magalhaes 2017-04-28 20:44:27 +01:00
parent 1826feb164
commit 8c757a3bb9

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@ -143,27 +143,49 @@ struct ResultsCheckerEntry {
#define _CHECK_RESULT_VALUE(entry, getfn, var_type, var_name, relationship, value) \
CONCAT(CHECK_, relationship)(entry.getfn< var_type >(var_name), (value)) \
<< "\n" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " \
<< << ": expected (" << #var_type << ")" \
<< var_name << "=" << entry.GetAs< var_type >(var_name) \
<< " to be " #relationship " to " << (value);
#define CHECK_RESULT_VALUE(entry, var_type, var_name, relationship, value) \
_CHECK_RESULT_VALUE(entry, GetAs, var_type, var_name, relationship, value)
#define CHECK_COUNTER_VALUE(entry, var_type, var_name, relationship, value) \
_CHECK_RESULT_VALUE(entry, GetCounterAs, var_type, var_name, relationship, value)
#define CHECK_BENCHMARK_RESULTS(bm_name, checker_function) \
size_t CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddChecker(bm_name, checker_function)
// Add a function to check the (CSV) results of a benchmark. These
// functions will be called only after the output was successfully
// checked.
size_t AddChecker(const char* bm_name, ResultsCheckFn fn);
#ifdef __clang__
/* NOTE: using , ## __VA_ARGS__ to deal with zero-args calls to
* variadic macros is not portable, but works in clang, gcc, msvc, icc.
* clang requires switching off compiler warnings for pedantic mode.
* @see */
# pragma clang diagnostic push
// warning: token pasting of ',' and __VA_ARGS__ is a GNU extension
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments"
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
/* GCC also issues a warning for zero-args calls to variadic macros.
* This warning is switched on with -pedantic and apparently there is no
* easy way to turn it off as with clang. But marking this as a system
* header works.
* @see
* @see */
# pragma GCC system_header
#define _CHECK_RESULT_VALUE(entry, getfn, var_type, var_name, relationship, value, ...) \
CONCAT(CHECK_, relationship)(entry.getfn< var_type >(var_name), (value), ## __VA_ARGS__) \
<< "\n" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " \
<< << ": expected (" << #var_type << ")" \
<< var_name << "=" << entry.getfn< var_type >(var_name) \
<< " to be " #relationship " to " << (value);
#define CHECK_RESULT_VALUE(entry, var_type, var_name, relationship, value, ...) \
_CHECK_RESULT_VALUE(entry, GetAs, var_type, var_name, relationship, value, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define CHECK_COUNTER_VALUE(entry, var_type, var_name, relationship, value, ...) \
_CHECK_RESULT_VALUE(entry, GetCounterAs, var_type, var_name, relationship, value, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef __clang__
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
#define CHECK_BENCHMARK_RESULTS(bm_name, checker_function) \
size_t CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddChecker(bm_name, checker_function)
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// --------------------------- Misc Utilities ------------------------------ //
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