Upgrade travis to use CMake 2.8.12 and add Clang builders

This commit is contained in:
Eric Fiselier 2015-04-03 14:43:42 -04:00
parent bf063941d4
commit 818c9fcc2f
2 changed files with 44 additions and 26 deletions

.travis-setup.sh Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Before install
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:kalakris/cmake
if [ "$STD" = "c++11" ]; then
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
if [ "$CXX" = "clang++" ]; then
wget -O - http://llvm.org/apt/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb http://llvm.org/apt/precise/ llvm-toolchain-precise-3.6 main"
sudo apt-get update -qq
# Install
sudo apt-get install -qq cmake
if [ "$STD" = "c++11" ] && [ "$CXX" = "g++" ]; then
sudo apt-get install -qq gcc-4.8 g++-4.8
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 90
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 90
elif [ "$CXX" = "clang++" ]; then
sudo apt-get install -qq clang-3.6
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-3.6 90
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-3.6 90
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

View File

@ -1,32 +1,24 @@
language: cpp
# NOTE: The COMPILER variable is unused. It simply makes the display on
# travis-ci.org more readable.
- os: linux
env: BUILD_TYPE=Debug STD=c++0x
- os: linux
env: BUILD_TYPE=Debug STD=c++11
- os: linux
env: BUILD_TYPE=Release STD=c++0x
- os: linux
env: BUILD_TYPE=Release STD=c++11
- os: osx
env: BUILD_TYPE=Debug STD=c++11
- os: osx
env: BUILD_TYPE=Release STD=c++11
- cpp
- uname -a
- cmake --version
- if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ] && [ "$STD" = "c++11" ]; then sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test; fi
- if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ] && [ "$STD" = "c++11" ]; then sudo apt-get update -qq; fi
- if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ] && [ "$STD" = "c++11" ]; then sudo apt-get install -qq gcc-4.8 g++-4.8; fi
- if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ] && [ "$STD" = "c++11" ]; then sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 90; fi
- compiler: gcc
env: COMPILER=g++-4.6 STD=c++0x BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- compiler: gcc
env: COMPILER=g++-4.6 STD=c++0x BUILD_TYPE=Release
- compiler: gcc
env: COMPILER=g++-4.8 STD=c++11 BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- compiler: gcc
env: COMPILER=g++-4.8 STD=c++11 BUILD_TYPE=Release
- compiler: clang
env: COMPILER=clang++-3.6 STD=c++11 BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- compiler: clang
env: COMPILER=clang++-3.6 STD=c++11 BUILD_TYPE=Release
- source .travis-setup.sh
- mkdir build && cd build