From 1100e9190709a48b0819c84b3cebeaf2bf904d65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dominic Hamon Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2016 11:04:50 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Simplify clang-format and apply to tests (#302) --- .clang-format | 93 +----------- test/ | 19 ++- test/ | 96 ++++++------- test/ | 158 +++++++++++---------- test/ | 22 +-- test/ | 17 ++- test/ | 7 +- test/ | 35 +++-- test/ | 7 +- test/ | 6 +- test/ | 45 +++--- test/ | 3 +- test/output_test.h | 29 ++-- test/ | 243 ++++++++++++++++---------------- test/ | 55 ++++---- test/ | 173 ++++++++++------------- test/ | 69 ++++----- 17 files changed, 478 insertions(+), 599 deletions(-) diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format index 32bdeb7f..4b3f13fa 100644 --- a/.clang-format +++ b/.clang-format @@ -1,96 +1,5 @@ --- Language: Cpp -# BasedOnStyle: Google -AccessModifierOffset: -1 -AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align -AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false -AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false -AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true -AlignOperands: true -AlignTrailingComments: true -AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true -AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false -AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false -AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All -AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: true -AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: true -AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None -AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None -AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: true -AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true -BinPackArguments: true -BinPackParameters: true -BraceWrapping: - AfterClass: false - AfterControlStatement: false - AfterEnum: false - AfterFunction: false - AfterNamespace: false - AfterObjCDeclaration: false - AfterStruct: false - AfterUnion: false - BeforeCatch: false - BeforeElse: false - IndentBraces: false -BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None -BreakBeforeBraces: Attach -BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true -BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false -BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false -BreakStringLiterals: true -ColumnLimit: 80 -CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:' -ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true -ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 -ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 -Cpp11BracedListStyle: true -DerivePointerAlignment: true -DisableFormat: false -ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false -ForEachMacros: [ foreach, Q_FOREACH, BOOST_FOREACH ] -IncludeCategories: - - Regex: '^<.*\.h>' - Priority: 1 - - Regex: '^<.*' - Priority: 2 - - Regex: '.*' - Priority: 3 -IncludeIsMainRegex: '([-_](test|unittest))?$' -IndentCaseLabels: true -IndentWidth: 2 -IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false -JavaScriptQuotes: Leave -JavaScriptWrapImports: true -KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false -MacroBlockBegin: '' -MacroBlockEnd: '' -MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 -NamespaceIndentation: None -ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2 -ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false -ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: false -PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 1 -PenaltyBreakComment: 300 -PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120 -PenaltyBreakString: 1000 -PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000 -PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 200 -PointerAlignment: Left -ReflowComments: true -SortIncludes: true -SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false -SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true -SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true -SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements -SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false -SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 2 -SpacesInAngles: false -SpacesInContainerLiterals: true -SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false -SpacesInParentheses: false -SpacesInSquareBrackets: false -Standard: Auto -TabWidth: 8 -UseTab: Never +BasedOnStyle: Google ... diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index 570ff226..22de007c 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ #include "benchmark/benchmark_api.h" -#define BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(x) \ - BENCHMARK(x)->Arg(8)->Arg(512)->Arg(8192) +#define BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(x) BENCHMARK(x)->Arg(8)->Arg(512)->Arg(8192) void BM_empty(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) { @@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ void BM_spin_pause_before(benchmark::State& state) { for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(i); } - while(state.KeepRunning()) { + while (state.KeepRunning()) { for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(i); } @@ -35,9 +34,8 @@ void BM_spin_pause_before(benchmark::State& state) { BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(BM_spin_pause_before); BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(BM_spin_pause_before)->ThreadPerCpu(); - void BM_spin_pause_during(benchmark::State& state) { - while(state.KeepRunning()) { + while (state.KeepRunning()) { state.PauseTiming(); for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(i); @@ -52,7 +50,7 @@ BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(BM_spin_pause_during); BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(BM_spin_pause_during)->ThreadPerCpu(); void BM_pause_during(benchmark::State& state) { - while(state.KeepRunning()) { + while (state.KeepRunning()) { state.PauseTiming(); state.ResumeTiming(); } @@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_pause_during)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK(BM_pause_during)->UseRealTime()->ThreadPerCpu(); void BM_spin_pause_after(benchmark::State& state) { - while(state.KeepRunning()) { + while (state.KeepRunning()) { for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(i); } @@ -75,12 +73,11 @@ void BM_spin_pause_after(benchmark::State& state) { BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(BM_spin_pause_after); BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(BM_spin_pause_after)->ThreadPerCpu(); - void BM_spin_pause_before_and_after(benchmark::State& state) { for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(i); } - while(state.KeepRunning()) { + while (state.KeepRunning()) { for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(i); } @@ -92,9 +89,9 @@ void BM_spin_pause_before_and_after(benchmark::State& state) { BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(BM_spin_pause_before_and_after); BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(BM_spin_pause_before_and_after)->ThreadPerCpu(); - void BM_empty_stop_start(benchmark::State& state) { - while (state.KeepRunning()) { } + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK(BM_empty_stop_start); BENCHMARK(BM_empty_stop_start)->ThreadPerCpu(); diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index eeb6e854..d832f81a 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -13,15 +14,14 @@ #include #include #include -#include -#include #include #include +#include #if defined(__GNUC__) -# define BENCHMARK_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline)) +#define BENCHMARK_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline)) #else -# define BENCHMARK_NOINLINE +#define BENCHMARK_NOINLINE #endif namespace { @@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ double CalculatePi(int depth) { std::set ConstructRandomSet(int size) { std::set s; - for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) - s.insert(i); + for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) s.insert(i); return s; } @@ -54,8 +53,7 @@ std::vector* test_vector = nullptr; static void BM_Factorial(benchmark::State& state) { int fac_42 = 0; - while (state.KeepRunning()) - fac_42 = Factorial(8); + while (state.KeepRunning()) fac_42 = Factorial(8); // Prevent compiler optimizations std::stringstream ss; ss << fac_42; @@ -66,8 +64,7 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_Factorial)->UseRealTime(); static void BM_CalculatePiRange(benchmark::State& state) { double pi = 0.0; - while (state.KeepRunning()) - pi = CalculatePi(state.range(0)); + while (state.KeepRunning()) pi = CalculatePi(state.range(0)); std::stringstream ss; ss << pi; state.SetLabel(ss.str()); @@ -89,27 +86,27 @@ static void BM_SetInsert(benchmark::State& state) { state.PauseTiming(); std::set data = ConstructRandomSet(state.range(0)); state.ResumeTiming(); - for (int j = 0; j < state.range(1); ++j) - data.insert(rand()); + for (int j = 0; j < state.range(1); ++j) data.insert(rand()); } state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(1)); state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(1) * sizeof(int)); } -BENCHMARK(BM_SetInsert)->Ranges({{1<<10,8<<10}, {1,10}}); +BENCHMARK(BM_SetInsert)->Ranges({{1 << 10, 8 << 10}, {1, 10}}); -template +template static void BM_Sequential(benchmark::State& state) { ValueType v = 42; while (state.KeepRunning()) { Container c; - for (int i = state.range(0); --i; ) - c.push_back(v); + for (int i = state.range(0); --i;) c.push_back(v); } const size_t items_processed = state.iterations() * state.range(0); state.SetItemsProcessed(items_processed); state.SetBytesProcessed(items_processed * sizeof(v)); } -BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE2(BM_Sequential, std::vector, int)->Range(1 << 0, 1 << 10); +BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE2(BM_Sequential, std::vector, int) + ->Range(1 << 0, 1 << 10); BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Sequential, std::list)->Range(1 << 0, 1 << 10); // Test the variadic version of BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE in C++11 and beyond. #if __cplusplus >= 201103L @@ -119,10 +116,9 @@ BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Sequential, std::vector, int)->Arg(512); static void BM_StringCompare(benchmark::State& state) { std::string s1(state.range(0), '-'); std::string s2(state.range(0), '-'); - while (state.KeepRunning()) - benchmark::DoNotOptimize(; + while (state.KeepRunning()) benchmark::DoNotOptimize(; } -BENCHMARK(BM_StringCompare)->Range(1, 1<<20); +BENCHMARK(BM_StringCompare)->Range(1, 1 << 20); static void BM_SetupTeardown(benchmark::State& state) { if (state.thread_index == 0) { @@ -132,7 +128,7 @@ static void BM_SetupTeardown(benchmark::State& state) { int i = 0; while (state.KeepRunning()) { std::lock_guard l(test_vector_mu); - if (i%2 == 0) + if (i % 2 == 0) test_vector->push_back(i); else test_vector->pop_back(); @@ -151,7 +147,7 @@ static void BM_LongTest(benchmark::State& state) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(tracker += i); } } -BENCHMARK(BM_LongTest)->Range(1<<16,1<<28); +BENCHMARK(BM_LongTest)->Range(1 << 16, 1 << 28); static void BM_ParallelMemset(benchmark::State& state) { int size = state.range(0) / sizeof(int); @@ -180,20 +176,18 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_ParallelMemset)->Arg(10 << 20)->ThreadRange(1, 4); static void BM_ManualTiming(benchmark::State& state) { size_t slept_for = 0; int microseconds = state.range(0); - std::chrono::duration sleep_duration { - static_cast(microseconds) - }; + std::chrono::duration sleep_duration{ + static_cast(microseconds)}; while (state.KeepRunning()) { - auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); + auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); // Simulate some useful workload with a sleep - std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::duration_cast< - std::chrono::nanoseconds>(sleep_duration)); - auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); + std::this_thread::sleep_for( + std::chrono::duration_cast(sleep_duration)); + auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto elapsed = - std::chrono::duration_cast>( - end - start); + std::chrono::duration_cast>(end - start); state.SetIterationTime(elapsed.count()); slept_for += microseconds; @@ -205,35 +199,37 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_ManualTiming)->Range(1, 1 << 14)->UseManualTime(); #if __cplusplus >= 201103L -template +template void BM_with_args(benchmark::State& state, Args&&...) { - while (state.KeepRunning()) {} + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(BM_with_args, int_test, 42, 43, 44); -BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(BM_with_args, string_and_pair_test, - std::string("abc"), std::pair(42, 3.8)); +BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(BM_with_args, string_and_pair_test, std::string("abc"), + std::pair(42, 3.8)); void BM_non_template_args(benchmark::State& state, int, double) { - while(state.KeepRunning()) {} + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(BM_non_template_args, basic_test, 0, 0); -#endif // __cplusplus >= 201103L +#endif // __cplusplus >= 201103L -static void BM_DenseThreadRanges(benchmark::State &st) { +static void BM_DenseThreadRanges(benchmark::State& st) { switch (st.range(0)) { - case 1: - assert(st.threads == 1 || st.threads == 2 || st.threads == 3); - break; - case 2: - assert(st.threads == 1 || st.threads == 3 || st.threads == 4); - break; - case 3: - assert(st.threads == 5 || st.threads == 8 || st.threads == 11 || - st.threads == 14); - break; - default: - assert(false && "Invalid test case number"); + case 1: + assert(st.threads == 1 || st.threads == 2 || st.threads == 3); + break; + case 2: + assert(st.threads == 1 || st.threads == 3 || st.threads == 4); + break; + case 3: + assert(st.threads == 5 || st.threads == 8 || st.threads == 11 || + st.threads == 14); + break; + default: + assert(false && "Invalid test case number"); } while (st.KeepRunning()) { } diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index d2e5e194..a74008db 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -1,47 +1,41 @@ #undef NDEBUG +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include "benchmark/benchmark.h" #include "output_test.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include namespace { #define ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(...) \ - int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddComplexityTest(__VA_ARGS__) + int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddComplexityTest(__VA_ARGS__) -int AddComplexityTest(std::string big_o_test_name, - std::string rms_test_name, std::string big_o) { - SetSubstitutions({ - {"%bigo_name", big_o_test_name}, - {"%rms_name", rms_test_name}, - {"%bigo_str", "[ ]*" + std::string(dec_re) + " " + big_o}, - {"%bigo", big_o}, - {"%rms", "[ ]*[0-9]+ %"} - }); - AddCases(TC_ConsoleOut, { - {"^%bigo_name %bigo_str %bigo_str[ ]*$"}, - {"^%bigo_name", MR_Not}, // Assert we we didn't only matched a name. - {"^%rms_name %rms %rms[ ]*$", MR_Next} - }); - AddCases(TC_JSONOut, { - {"\"name\": \"%bigo_name\",$"}, - {"\"cpu_coefficient\": [0-9]+,$", MR_Next}, - {"\"real_coefficient\": [0-9]{1,5},$", MR_Next}, - {"\"big_o\": \"%bigo\",$", MR_Next}, - {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\"$", MR_Next}, - {"}", MR_Next}, - {"\"name\": \"%rms_name\",$"}, - {"\"rms\": [0-9]+%$", MR_Next}, - {"}", MR_Next} - }); - AddCases(TC_CSVOut, { - {"^\"%bigo_name\",,%float,%float,%bigo,,,,,$"}, - {"^\"%bigo_name\"", MR_Not}, - {"^\"%rms_name\",,%float,%float,,,,,,$", MR_Next} - }); +int AddComplexityTest(std::string big_o_test_name, std::string rms_test_name, + std::string big_o) { + SetSubstitutions({{"%bigo_name", big_o_test_name}, + {"%rms_name", rms_test_name}, + {"%bigo_str", "[ ]*" + std::string(dec_re) + " " + big_o}, + {"%bigo", big_o}, + {"%rms", "[ ]*[0-9]+ %"}}); + AddCases( + TC_ConsoleOut, + {{"^%bigo_name %bigo_str %bigo_str[ ]*$"}, + {"^%bigo_name", MR_Not}, // Assert we we didn't only matched a name. + {"^%rms_name %rms %rms[ ]*$", MR_Next}}); + AddCases(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"%bigo_name\",$"}, + {"\"cpu_coefficient\": [0-9]+,$", MR_Next}, + {"\"real_coefficient\": [0-9]{1,5},$", MR_Next}, + {"\"big_o\": \"%bigo\",$", MR_Next}, + {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\"$", MR_Next}, + {"}", MR_Next}, + {"\"name\": \"%rms_name\",$"}, + {"\"rms\": [0-9]+%$", MR_Next}, + {"}", MR_Next}}); + AddCases(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"%bigo_name\",,%float,%float,%bigo,,,,,$"}, + {"^\"%bigo_name\"", MR_Not}, + {"^\"%rms_name\",,%float,%float,,,,,,$", MR_Next}}); return 0; } @@ -53,23 +47,26 @@ int AddComplexityTest(std::string big_o_test_name, void BM_Complexity_O1(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) { - for (int i=0; i < 1024; ++i) { - benchmark::DoNotOptimize(&i); - } + for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(&i); + } } state.SetComplexityN(state.range(0)); } -BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O1) -> Range(1, 1<<18) -> Complexity(benchmark::o1); -BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O1) -> Range(1, 1<<18) -> Complexity(); -BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O1) -> Range(1, 1<<18) -> Complexity([](int){return 1.0; }); +BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O1)->Range(1, 1 << 18)->Complexity(benchmark::o1); +BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O1)->Range(1, 1 << 18)->Complexity(); +BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O1)->Range(1, 1 << 18)->Complexity([](int) { + return 1.0; +}); -const char* big_o_1_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O1_BigO"; -const char* rms_o_1_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O1_RMS"; -const char* enum_big_o_1 = "\\([0-9]+\\)"; -// FIXME: Tolerate both '(1)' and 'lgN' as output when the complexity is auto deduced. +const char *big_o_1_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O1_BigO"; +const char *rms_o_1_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O1_RMS"; +const char *enum_big_o_1 = "\\([0-9]+\\)"; +// FIXME: Tolerate both '(1)' and 'lgN' as output when the complexity is auto +// deduced. // See -const char* auto_big_o_1 = "(\\([0-9]+\\))|(lgN)"; -const char* lambda_big_o_1 = "f\\(N\\)"; +const char *auto_big_o_1 = "(\\([0-9]+\\))|(lgN)"; +const char *lambda_big_o_1 = "f\\(N\\)"; // Add enum tests ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_1_test_name, rms_o_1_test_name, enum_big_o_1); @@ -95,20 +92,30 @@ std::vector ConstructRandomVector(int size) { void BM_Complexity_O_N(benchmark::State& state) { auto v = ConstructRandomVector(state.range(0)); - const int item_not_in_vector = state.range(0)*2; // Test worst case scenario (item not in vector) + const int item_not_in_vector = + state.range(0) * 2; // Test worst case scenario (item not in vector) while (state.KeepRunning()) { - benchmark::DoNotOptimize(std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), item_not_in_vector)); + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), item_not_in_vector)); } state.SetComplexityN(state.range(0)); } -BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N) -> RangeMultiplier(2) -> Range(1<<10, 1<<16) -> Complexity(benchmark::oN); -BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N) -> RangeMultiplier(2) -> Range(1<<10, 1<<16) -> Complexity([](int n) -> double{return n; }); -BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N) -> RangeMultiplier(2) -> Range(1<<10, 1<<16) -> Complexity(); +BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N) + ->RangeMultiplier(2) + ->Range(1 << 10, 1 << 16) + ->Complexity(benchmark::oN); +BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N) + ->RangeMultiplier(2) + ->Range(1 << 10, 1 << 16) + ->Complexity([](int n) -> double { return n; }); +BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N) + ->RangeMultiplier(2) + ->Range(1 << 10, 1 << 16) + ->Complexity(); -const char* big_o_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_BigO"; -const char* rms_o_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_RMS"; -const char* enum_auto_big_o_n = "N"; -const char* lambda_big_o_n = "f\\(N\\)"; +const char *big_o_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_BigO"; +const char *rms_o_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_RMS"; +const char *enum_auto_big_o_n = "N"; +const char *lambda_big_o_n = "f\\(N\\)"; // Add enum tests ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_n_test_name, rms_o_n_test_name, enum_auto_big_o_n); @@ -123,31 +130,38 @@ ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_n_test_name, rms_o_n_test_name, lambda_big_o_n); static void BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N(benchmark::State& state) { auto v = ConstructRandomVector(state.range(0)); while (state.KeepRunning()) { - std::sort(v.begin(), v.end()); + std::sort(v.begin(), v.end()); } state.SetComplexityN(state.range(0)); } -BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N) -> RangeMultiplier(2) -> Range(1<<10, 1<<16) -> Complexity(benchmark::oNLogN); -BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N) -> RangeMultiplier(2) -> Range(1<<10, 1<<16) -> Complexity([](int n) {return n * std::log2(n); }); -BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N) -> RangeMultiplier(2) -> Range(1<<10, 1<<16) -> Complexity(); +BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N) + ->RangeMultiplier(2) + ->Range(1 << 10, 1 << 16) + ->Complexity(benchmark::oNLogN); +BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N) + ->RangeMultiplier(2) + ->Range(1 << 10, 1 << 16) + ->Complexity([](int n) { return n * std::log2(n); }); +BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N) + ->RangeMultiplier(2) + ->Range(1 << 10, 1 << 16) + ->Complexity(); -const char* big_o_n_lg_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N_BigO"; -const char* rms_o_n_lg_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N_RMS"; -const char* enum_auto_big_o_n_lg_n = "NlgN"; -const char* lambda_big_o_n_lg_n = "f\\(N\\)"; +const char *big_o_n_lg_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N_BigO"; +const char *rms_o_n_lg_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N_RMS"; +const char *enum_auto_big_o_n_lg_n = "NlgN"; +const char *lambda_big_o_n_lg_n = "f\\(N\\)"; // Add enum tests -ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_n_lg_n_test_name, rms_o_n_lg_n_test_name, enum_auto_big_o_n_lg_n); +ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_n_lg_n_test_name, rms_o_n_lg_n_test_name, + enum_auto_big_o_n_lg_n); // Add lambda tests -ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_n_lg_n_test_name, rms_o_n_lg_n_test_name, lambda_big_o_n_lg_n); - +ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_n_lg_n_test_name, rms_o_n_lg_n_test_name, + lambda_big_o_n_lg_n); // ========================================================================= // // --------------------------- TEST CASES END ------------------------------ // // ========================================================================= // -int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { - RunOutputTests(argc, argv); -} - +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { RunOutputTests(argc, argv); } diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index 9994c9e1..4f3d0fb6 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #undef NDEBUG -#include #include +#include #include "benchmark/benchmark.h" @@ -9,32 +9,32 @@ #endif void BM_empty(benchmark::State& state) { - while (state.KeepRunning()) { - volatile std::size_t x = state.iterations(); - ((void)x); - } + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + volatile std::size_t x = state.iterations(); + ((void)x); + } } BENCHMARK(BM_empty); // The new C++11 interface for args/ranges requires initializer list support. // Therefore we provide the old interface to support C++03. void BM_old_arg_range_interface(benchmark::State& state) { - assert((state.range(0) == 1 && state.range(1) == 2) || - (state.range(0) == 5 && state.range(1) == 6)); - while (state.KeepRunning()) { - } + assert((state.range(0) == 1 && state.range(1) == 2) || + (state.range(0) == 5 && state.range(1) == 6)); + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK(BM_old_arg_range_interface)->ArgPair(1, 2)->RangePair(5, 5, 6, 6); template void BM_template2(benchmark::State& state) { - BM_empty(state); + BM_empty(state); } BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE2(BM_template2, int, long); template void BM_template1(benchmark::State& state) { - BM_empty(state); + BM_empty(state); } BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_template1, long); BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE1(BM_template1, int); diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index 60fa3b16..c6c235d0 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ // NOTE: Users should NOT include or use src/check.h. This is only done in // order to test library internals. -#include "benchmark/benchmark_api.h" -#include "../src/check.h" -#include #include +#include + +#include "../src/check.h" +#include "benchmark/benchmark_api.h" #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__EXCEPTIONS) #define TEST_HAS_NO_EXCEPTIONS @@ -29,13 +30,15 @@ void try_invalid_pause_resume(benchmark::State& state) { try { state.PauseTiming(); std::abort(); - } catch (std::logic_error const&) {} + } catch (std::logic_error const&) { + } try { state.ResumeTiming(); std::abort(); - } catch (std::logic_error const&) {} + } catch (std::logic_error const&) { + } #else - (void)state; // avoid unused warning + (void)state; // avoid unused warning #endif } @@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ void BM_diagnostic_test(benchmark::State& state) { } BENCHMARK(BM_diagnostic_test); -int main(int argc, char** argv) { +int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { benchmark::internal::GetAbortHandler() = &TestHandler; benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv); benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(); diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index e4453fbb..b21187aa 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -4,15 +4,12 @@ namespace { #if defined(__GNUC__) - std::uint64_t double_up(const std::uint64_t x) __attribute__ ((const)); +std::uint64_t double_up(const std::uint64_t x) __attribute__((const)); #endif - std::uint64_t double_up(const std::uint64_t x) { - return x * 2; - } +std::uint64_t double_up(const std::uint64_t x) { return x * 2; } } int main(int, char*[]) { - // this test verifies compilation of DoNotOptimize() for some types char buffer8[8]; diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index 0ba40711..3a205295 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ class TestReporter : public benchmark::ConsoleReporter { virtual ~TestReporter() {} - size_t GetCount() const { - return count_; - } + size_t GetCount() const { return count_; } private: mutable size_t count_; @@ -37,46 +35,47 @@ class TestReporter : public benchmark::ConsoleReporter { } // end namespace - static void NoPrefix(benchmark::State& state) { - while (state.KeepRunning()) {} + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK(NoPrefix); static void BM_Foo(benchmark::State& state) { - while (state.KeepRunning()) {} + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK(BM_Foo); - static void BM_Bar(benchmark::State& state) { - while (state.KeepRunning()) {} + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK(BM_Bar); - static void BM_FooBar(benchmark::State& state) { - while (state.KeepRunning()) {} + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK(BM_FooBar); - static void BM_FooBa(benchmark::State& state) { - while (state.KeepRunning()) {} + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK(BM_FooBa); - - -int main(int argc, char** argv) { +int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool list_only = false; - for (int i=0; i < argc; ++i) - list_only |= std::string(argv[i]).find("--benchmark_list_tests") != std::string::npos; + for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) + list_only |= std::string(argv[i]).find("--benchmark_list_tests") != + std::string::npos; benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv); TestReporter test_reporter; - const size_t returned_count = benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(&test_reporter); + const size_t returned_count = + benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(&test_reporter); if (argc == 2) { // Make sure we ran all of the tests diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index 226bb2a1..bbc2f957 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -20,15 +20,12 @@ class MyFixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture { } } - ~MyFixture() { - assert(data == nullptr); - } + ~MyFixture() { assert(data == nullptr); } std::unique_ptr data; }; - -BENCHMARK_F(MyFixture, Foo)(benchmark::State& st) { +BENCHMARK_F(MyFixture, Foo)(benchmark::State &st) { assert(data.get() != nullptr); assert(*data == 42); while (st.KeepRunning()) { diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index 729c012f..83457c99 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -37,9 +37,7 @@ class MapFixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture { m = ConstructRandomMap(st.range(0)); } - void TearDown(const ::benchmark::State&) { - m.clear(); - } + void TearDown(const ::benchmark::State&) { m.clear(); } std::map m; }; @@ -53,6 +51,6 @@ BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(MapFixture, Lookup)(benchmark::State& state) { } state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations() * size); } -BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(MapFixture, Lookup)->Range(1<<3, 1<<12); +BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(MapFixture, Lookup)->Range(1 << 3, 1 << 12); BENCHMARK_MAIN() diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index ad9f0d8c..8e67b3b2 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -1,19 +1,30 @@ #include "benchmark/benchmark.h" -#include #include +#include class MultipleRangesFixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture { public: MultipleRangesFixture() - : expectedValues({ - {1, 3, 5}, {1, 3, 8}, {1, 3, 15}, {2, 3, 5}, {2, 3, 8}, {2, 3, 15}, - {1, 4, 5}, {1, 4, 8}, {1, 4, 15}, {2, 4, 5}, {2, 4, 8}, {2, 4, 15}, - {1, 7, 5}, {1, 7, 8}, {1, 7, 15}, {2, 7, 5}, {2, 7, 8}, {2, 7, 15}, - {7, 6, 3} - }) - { - } + : expectedValues({{1, 3, 5}, + {1, 3, 8}, + {1, 3, 15}, + {2, 3, 5}, + {2, 3, 8}, + {2, 3, 15}, + {1, 4, 5}, + {1, 4, 8}, + {1, 4, 15}, + {2, 4, 5}, + {2, 4, 8}, + {2, 4, 15}, + {1, 7, 5}, + {1, 7, 8}, + {1, 7, 15}, + {2, 7, 5}, + {2, 7, 8}, + {2, 7, 15}, + {7, 6, 3}}) {} void SetUp(const ::benchmark::State& state) { std::vector ranges = {state.range(0), state.range(1), state.range(2)}; @@ -26,12 +37,11 @@ class MultipleRangesFixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture { virtual ~MultipleRangesFixture() { assert(actualValues.size() == expectedValues.size()); } - + std::set> expectedValues; std::set> actualValues; }; - BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(MultipleRangesFixture, Empty)(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) { int product = state.range(0) * state.range(1) * state.range(2); @@ -41,21 +51,24 @@ BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(MultipleRangesFixture, Empty)(benchmark::State& state) { } } -BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(MultipleRangesFixture, Empty)->RangeMultiplier(2) - ->Ranges({{1, 2}, {3, 7}, {5, 15}})->Args({7, 6, 3}); +BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(MultipleRangesFixture, Empty) + ->RangeMultiplier(2) + ->Ranges({{1, 2}, {3, 7}, {5, 15}}) + ->Args({7, 6, 3}); void BM_CheckDefaultArgument(benchmark::State& state) { // Test that the 'range()' without an argument is the same as 'range(0)'. assert(state.range() == state.range(0)); assert(state.range() != state.range(1)); - while (state.KeepRunning()) {} + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK(BM_CheckDefaultArgument)->Ranges({{1, 5}, {6, 10}}); static void BM_MultipleRanges(benchmark::State& st) { - while (st.KeepRunning()) {} + while (st.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK(BM_MultipleRanges)->Ranges({{5, 5}, {6, 6}}); - BENCHMARK_MAIN() diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index 06bc9c2e..bedb1cc3 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ void BM_basic_slow(benchmark::State& state) { std::chrono::milliseconds sleep_duration(state.range(0)); while (state.KeepRunning()) { std::this_thread::sleep_for( - std::chrono::duration_cast(sleep_duration) - ); + std::chrono::duration_cast(sleep_duration)); } } diff --git a/test/output_test.h b/test/output_test.h index 98ce54b2..57d4397a 100644 --- a/test/output_test.h +++ b/test/output_test.h @@ -2,28 +2,28 @@ #define TEST_OUTPUT_TEST_H #undef NDEBUG -#include "benchmark/benchmark.h" -#include "../src/re.h" -#include -#include #include #include +#include #include +#include + +#include "../src/re.h" +#include "benchmark/benchmark.h" #define CONCAT2(x, y) x##y #define CONCAT(x, y) CONCAT2(x, y) -#define ADD_CASES(...) \ - int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = ::AddCases(__VA_ARGS__) +#define ADD_CASES(...) int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = ::AddCases(__VA_ARGS__) #define SET_SUBSTITUTIONS(...) \ - int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = ::SetSubstitutions(__VA_ARGS__) + int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = ::SetSubstitutions(__VA_ARGS__) enum MatchRules { - MR_Default, // Skip non-matching lines until a match is found. - MR_Next, // Match must occur on the next line. - MR_Not // No line between the current position and the next match matches - // the regex + MR_Default, // Skip non-matching lines until a match is found. + MR_Next, // Match must occur on the next line. + MR_Not // No line between the current position and the next match matches + // the regex }; struct TestCase { @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ enum TestCaseID { TC_CSVOut, TC_CSVErr, - TC_NumID // PRIVATE + TC_NumID // PRIVATE }; // Add a list of test cases to be run against the output specified by @@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ namespace { const char* const dec_re = "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?"; -} // end namespace +} // end namespace - -#endif // TEST_OUTPUT_TEST_H \ No newline at end of file +#endif // TEST_OUTPUT_TEST_H diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index 4bd95efe..2f48b414 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -1,16 +1,17 @@ -#include "output_test.h" -#include "../src/check.h" // NOTE: check.h is for internal use only! -#include "../src/re.h" // NOTE: re.h is for internal use only -#include -#include #include +#include +#include #include +#include "../src/check.h" // NOTE: check.h is for internal use only! +#include "../src/re.h" // NOTE: re.h is for internal use only +#include "output_test.h" // ========================================================================= // // ------------------------------ Internals -------------------------------- // // ========================================================================= // -namespace internal { namespace { +namespace internal { +namespace { using TestCaseList = std::vector; @@ -22,91 +23,89 @@ using TestCaseList = std::vector; using SubMap = std::vector>; TestCaseList& GetTestCaseList(TestCaseID ID) { - // Uses function-local statics to ensure initialization occurs - // before first use. - static TestCaseList lists[TC_NumID]; - return lists[ID]; + // Uses function-local statics to ensure initialization occurs + // before first use. + static TestCaseList lists[TC_NumID]; + return lists[ID]; } SubMap& GetSubstitutions() { - // Don't use 'dec_re' from header because it may not yet be initialized. - static std::string dec_re = "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?"; - static SubMap map = { - {"%float", "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?"}, - {"%int", "[ ]*[0-9]+"}, - {" %s ", "[ ]+"}, - {"%time", "[ ]*[0-9]{1,5} ns"}, - {"%console_report", "[ ]*[0-9]{1,5} ns [ ]*[0-9]{1,5} ns [ ]*[0-9]+"}, - {"%csv_report", "[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,,,"} - }; - return map; + // Don't use 'dec_re' from header because it may not yet be initialized. + static std::string dec_re = "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?"; + static SubMap map = { + {"%float", "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?"}, + {"%int", "[ ]*[0-9]+"}, + {" %s ", "[ ]+"}, + {"%time", "[ ]*[0-9]{1,5} ns"}, + {"%console_report", "[ ]*[0-9]{1,5} ns [ ]*[0-9]{1,5} ns [ ]*[0-9]+"}, + {"%csv_report", "[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,,,"}}; + return map; } std::string PerformSubstitutions(std::string source) { - SubMap const& subs = GetSubstitutions(); - using SizeT = std::string::size_type; - for (auto const& KV : subs) { - SizeT pos; - SizeT next_start = 0; - while ((pos = source.find(KV.first, next_start)) != std::string::npos) { - next_start = pos + KV.second.size(); - source.replace(pos, KV.first.size(), KV.second); - } + SubMap const& subs = GetSubstitutions(); + using SizeT = std::string::size_type; + for (auto const& KV : subs) { + SizeT pos; + SizeT next_start = 0; + while ((pos = source.find(KV.first, next_start)) != std::string::npos) { + next_start = pos + KV.second.size(); + source.replace(pos, KV.first.size(), KV.second); } - return source; + } + return source; } void CheckCase(std::stringstream& remaining_output, TestCase const& TC, - TestCaseList const& not_checks) -{ - std::string first_line; - bool on_first = true; - std::string line; - while (remaining_output.eof() == false) { - CHECK(remaining_output.good()); - std::getline(remaining_output, line); - if (on_first) { - first_line = line; - on_first = false; - } - for (auto& NC : not_checks) { - CHECK(!NC.regex->Match(line)) - << "Unexpected match for line \"" << line - << "\" for MR_Not regex \"" << NC.regex_str << "\"" - << "\n actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\"" - << "\n started matching near: " << first_line; - } - if (TC.regex->Match(line)) return; - CHECK(TC.match_rule != MR_Next) - << "Expected line \"" << line << "\" to match regex \"" << TC.regex_str << "\"" - << "\n actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\"" - << "\n started matching near: " << first_line; + TestCaseList const& not_checks) { + std::string first_line; + bool on_first = true; + std::string line; + while (remaining_output.eof() == false) { + CHECK(remaining_output.good()); + std::getline(remaining_output, line); + if (on_first) { + first_line = line; + on_first = false; } - CHECK(remaining_output.eof() == false) - << "End of output reached before match for regex \"" << TC.regex_str - << "\" was found" + for (const auto& NC : not_checks) { + CHECK(!NC.regex->Match(line)) + << "Unexpected match for line \"" << line << "\" for MR_Not regex \"" + << NC.regex_str << "\"" + << "\n actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\"" + << "\n started matching near: " << first_line; + } + if (TC.regex->Match(line)) return; + CHECK(TC.match_rule != MR_Next) + << "Expected line \"" << line << "\" to match regex \"" << TC.regex_str + << "\"" << "\n actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\"" << "\n started matching near: " << first_line; + } + CHECK(remaining_output.eof() == false) + << "End of output reached before match for regex \"" << TC.regex_str + << "\" was found" + << "\n actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\"" + << "\n started matching near: " << first_line; } - void CheckCases(TestCaseList const& checks, std::stringstream& output) { - std::vector not_checks; - for (size_t i=0; i < checks.size(); ++i) { - const auto& TC = checks[i]; - if (TC.match_rule == MR_Not) { - not_checks.push_back(TC); - continue; - } - CheckCase(output, TC, not_checks); - not_checks.clear(); + std::vector not_checks; + for (size_t i = 0; i < checks.size(); ++i) { + const auto& TC = checks[i]; + if (TC.match_rule == MR_Not) { + not_checks.push_back(TC); + continue; } + CheckCase(output, TC, not_checks); + not_checks.clear(); + } } class TestReporter : public benchmark::BenchmarkReporter { -public: + public: TestReporter(std::vector reps) - : reporters_(reps) {} + : reporters_(reps) {} virtual bool ReportContext(const Context& context) { bool last_ret = false; @@ -118,56 +117,61 @@ public: first = false; last_ret = new_ret; } + (void)first; return last_ret; } - void ReportRuns(const std::vector& report) - { for (auto rep : reporters_) rep->ReportRuns(report); } - void Finalize() { for (auto rep : reporters_) rep->Finalize(); } + void ReportRuns(const std::vector& report) { + for (auto rep : reporters_) rep->ReportRuns(report); + } + void Finalize() { + for (auto rep : reporters_) rep->Finalize(); + } -private: - std::vector reporters_; + private: + std::vector reporters_; }; - -}} // end namespace internal +} +} // end namespace internal // ========================================================================= // // -------------------------- Public API Definitions------------------------ // // ========================================================================= // TestCase::TestCase(std::string re, int rule) - : regex_str(std::move(re)), match_rule(rule), + : regex_str(std::move(re)), + match_rule(rule), substituted_regex(internal::PerformSubstitutions(regex_str)), - regex(std::make_shared()) -{ - std::string err_str; - regex->Init(substituted_regex, &err_str); - CHECK(err_str.empty()) - << "Could not construct regex \"" << substituted_regex << "\"" - << "\n originally \"" << regex_str << "\"" - << "\n got error: " << err_str; + regex(std::make_shared()) { + std::string err_str; + regex->Init(substituted_regex,& err_str); + CHECK(err_str.empty()) << "Could not construct regex \"" << substituted_regex + << "\"" + << "\n originally \"" << regex_str << "\"" + << "\n got error: " << err_str; } int AddCases(TestCaseID ID, std::initializer_list il) { - auto& L = internal::GetTestCaseList(ID); - L.insert(L.end(), il); - return 0; + auto& L = internal::GetTestCaseList(ID); + L.insert(L.end(), il); + return 0; } -int SetSubstitutions(std::initializer_list> il) { - auto& subs = internal::GetSubstitutions(); - for (auto const& KV : il) { - bool exists = false; - for (auto& EKV : subs) { - if (EKV.first == KV.first) { - EKV.second = KV.second; - exists = true; - break; - } - } - if (!exists) subs.push_back(KV); +int SetSubstitutions( + std::initializer_list> il) { + auto& subs = internal::GetSubstitutions(); + for (auto const& KV : il) { + bool exists = false; + for (auto& EKV : subs) { + if (EKV.first == KV.first) { + EKV.second = KV.second; + exists = true; + break; + } } - return 0; + if (!exists) subs.push_back(KV); + } + return 0; } void RunOutputTests(int argc, char* argv[]) { @@ -184,21 +188,20 @@ void RunOutputTests(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::stringstream out_stream; std::stringstream err_stream; - ReporterTest(const char* n, - std::vector& out_tc, + ReporterTest(const char* n, std::vector& out_tc, std::vector& err_tc, benchmark::BenchmarkReporter& br) : name(n), output_cases(out_tc), error_cases(err_tc), reporter(br) { - reporter.SetOutputStream(&out_stream); - reporter.SetErrorStream(&err_stream); + reporter.SetOutputStream(&out_stream); + reporter.SetErrorStream(&err_stream); } } TestCases[] = { {"ConsoleReporter", GetTestCaseList(TC_ConsoleOut), - GetTestCaseList(TC_ConsoleErr), CR}, - {"JSONReporter", GetTestCaseList(TC_JSONOut), - GetTestCaseList(TC_JSONErr), JR}, - {"CSVReporter", GetTestCaseList(TC_CSVOut), - GetTestCaseList(TC_CSVErr), CSVR}, + GetTestCaseList(TC_ConsoleErr), CR}, + {"JSONReporter", GetTestCaseList(TC_JSONOut), GetTestCaseList(TC_JSONErr), + JR}, + {"CSVReporter", GetTestCaseList(TC_CSVOut), GetTestCaseList(TC_CSVErr), + CSVR}, }; // Create the test reporter and run the benchmarks. @@ -207,18 +210,16 @@ void RunOutputTests(int argc, char* argv[]) { benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(&test_rep); for (auto& rep_test : TestCases) { - std::string msg = std::string("\nTesting ") + + " Output\n"; - std::string banner(msg.size() - 1, '-'); - std::cout << banner << msg << banner << "\n"; + std::string msg = std::string("\nTesting ") + + " Output\n"; + std::string banner(msg.size() - 1, '-'); + std::cout << banner << msg << banner << "\n"; - std::cerr << rep_test.err_stream.str(); - std::cout << rep_test.out_stream.str(); + std::cerr << rep_test.err_stream.str(); + std::cout << rep_test.out_stream.str(); - internal::CheckCases(rep_test.error_cases,rep_test.err_stream); - internal::CheckCases(rep_test.output_cases, rep_test.out_stream); + internal::CheckCases(rep_test.error_cases, rep_test.err_stream); + internal::CheckCases(rep_test.output_cases, rep_test.out_stream); - std::cout << "\n"; + std::cout << "\n"; } } - - diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index f25ae85a..e9f8ea53 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -1,14 +1,15 @@ #undef NDEBUG -#include "benchmark/benchmark.h" -#include "../src/check.h" // NOTE: check.h is for internal use only! #include #include +#include "../src/check.h" // NOTE: check.h is for internal use only! +#include "benchmark/benchmark.h" + namespace { class TestReporter : public benchmark::ConsoleReporter { -public: + public: virtual void ReportRuns(const std::vector& report) { all_runs_.insert(all_runs_.end(), begin(report), end(report)); ConsoleReporter::ReportRuns(report); @@ -20,18 +21,19 @@ public: struct TestCase { std::string name; const char* label; - TestCase(const char* xname) : name(xname), label(nullptr) {} + // Note: not explicit as we rely on it being converted through ADD_CASES. + TestCase(const char* xname) : TestCase(xname, nullptr) {} TestCase(const char* xname, const char* xlabel) - : name(xname), label(xlabel) {} + : name(xname), label(xlabel) {} typedef benchmark::BenchmarkReporter::Run Run; void CheckRun(Run const& run) const { - CHECK(name == run.benchmark_name) << "expected " << name - << " got " << run.benchmark_name; + CHECK(name == run.benchmark_name) << "expected " << name << " got " + << run.benchmark_name; if (label) { - CHECK(run.report_label == label) << "expected " << label - << " got " << run.report_label; + CHECK(run.report_label == label) << "expected " << label << " got " + << run.report_label; } else { CHECK(run.report_label == ""); } @@ -49,8 +51,7 @@ int AddCases(std::initializer_list const& v) { #define CONCAT(x, y) CONCAT2(x, y) #define CONCAT2(x, y) x##y -#define ADD_CASES(...) \ -int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddCases({__VA_ARGS__}) +#define ADD_CASES(...) int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddCases({__VA_ARGS__}) } // end namespace @@ -59,11 +60,13 @@ typedef benchmark::internal::Benchmark* ReturnVal; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Test RegisterBenchmark with no additional arguments //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// -void BM_function(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) {} } +void BM_function(benchmark::State& state) { + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } +} BENCHMARK(BM_function); ReturnVal dummy = benchmark::RegisterBenchmark( - "BM_function_manual_registration", - BM_function); + "BM_function_manual_registration", BM_function); ADD_CASES({"BM_function"}, {"BM_function_manual_registration"}); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// @@ -74,27 +77,21 @@ ADD_CASES({"BM_function"}, {"BM_function_manual_registration"}); #ifndef BENCHMARK_HAS_NO_VARIADIC_REGISTER_BENCHMARK void BM_extra_args(benchmark::State& st, const char* label) { - while (st.KeepRunning()) {} + while (st.KeepRunning()) { + } st.SetLabel(label); } int RegisterFromFunction() { std::pair cases[] = { - {"test1", "One"}, - {"test2", "Two"}, - {"test3", "Three"} - }; - for (auto& c : cases) + {"test1", "One"}, {"test2", "Two"}, {"test3", "Three"}}; + for (auto const& c : cases) benchmark::RegisterBenchmark(c.first, &BM_extra_args, c.second); return 0; } int dummy2 = RegisterFromFunction(); -ADD_CASES( - {"test1", "One"}, - {"test2", "Two"}, - {"test3", "Three"} -); +ADD_CASES({"test1", "One"}, {"test2", "Two"}, {"test3", "Three"}); -#endif // BENCHMARK_HAS_NO_VARIADIC_REGISTER_BENCHMARK +#endif // BENCHMARK_HAS_NO_VARIADIC_REGISTER_BENCHMARK //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Test RegisterBenchmark with different callable types @@ -102,7 +99,8 @@ ADD_CASES( struct CustomFixture { void operator()(benchmark::State& st) { - while (st.KeepRunning()) {} + while (st.KeepRunning()) { + } } }; @@ -118,7 +116,8 @@ void TestRegistrationAtRuntime() { { int x = 42; auto capturing_lam = [=](benchmark::State& st) { - while (st.KeepRunning()) {} + while (st.KeepRunning()) { + } st.SetLabel(std::to_string(x)); }; benchmark::RegisterBenchmark("lambda_benchmark", capturing_lam); diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index 00f02f26..7e314221 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -1,69 +1,55 @@ #undef NDEBUG -#include "benchmark/benchmark.h" -#include "output_test.h" #include +#include "benchmark/benchmark.h" +#include "output_test.h" // ========================================================================= // // ---------------------- Testing Prologue Output -------------------------- // // ========================================================================= // -ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, { - {"^Benchmark %s Time %s CPU %s Iterations$", MR_Next}, - {"^[-]+$", MR_Next} -}); -ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, { - {"name,iterations,real_time,cpu_time,time_unit,bytes_per_second,items_per_second," - "label,error_occurred,error_message"} -}); +ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^Benchmark %s Time %s CPU %s Iterations$", MR_Next}, + {"^[-]+$", MR_Next}}); +ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"name,iterations,real_time,cpu_time,time_unit,bytes_per_" + "second,items_per_second," + "label,error_occurred,error_message"}}); // ========================================================================= // // ------------------------ Testing Basic Output --------------------------- // // ========================================================================= // void BM_basic(benchmark::State& state) { - while (state.KeepRunning()) {} + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK(BM_basic); -ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, { - {"^BM_basic %console_report$"} -}); -ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, { - {"\"name\": \"BM_basic\",$"}, - {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, - {"\"real_time\": %int,$", MR_Next}, - {"\"cpu_time\": %int,$", MR_Next}, - {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\"$", MR_Next}, - {"}", MR_Next} -}); -ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, { - {"^\"BM_basic\",%csv_report$"} -}); +ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_basic %console_report$"}}); +ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_basic\",$"}, + {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, + {"\"real_time\": %int,$", MR_Next}, + {"\"cpu_time\": %int,$", MR_Next}, + {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\"$", MR_Next}, + {"}", MR_Next}}); +ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_basic\",%csv_report$"}}); // ========================================================================= // // ------------------------ Testing Error Output --------------------------- // // ========================================================================= // void BM_error(benchmark::State& state) { - state.SkipWithError("message"); - while(state.KeepRunning()) {} + state.SkipWithError("message"); + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } } BENCHMARK(BM_error); -ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, { - {"^BM_error[ ]+ERROR OCCURRED: 'message'$"} -}); -ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, { - {"\"name\": \"BM_error\",$"}, - {"\"error_occurred\": true,$", MR_Next}, - {"\"error_message\": \"message\",$", MR_Next} -}); - -ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, { - {"^\"BM_error\",,,,,,,,true,\"message\"$"} -}); +ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_error[ ]+ERROR OCCURRED: 'message'$"}}); +ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_error\",$"}, + {"\"error_occurred\": true,$", MR_Next}, + {"\"error_message\": \"message\",$", MR_Next}}); +ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_error\",,,,,,,,true,\"message\"$"}}); // ========================================================================= // // ----------------------- Testing Complexity Output ----------------------- // @@ -74,85 +60,68 @@ void BM_Complexity_O1(benchmark::State& state) { } state.SetComplexityN(state.range(0)); } -BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O1)->Range(1, 1<<18)->Complexity(benchmark::o1); -SET_SUBSTITUTIONS({ - {"%bigOStr", "[ ]*[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+ \\([0-9]+\\)"}, - {"%RMS", "[ ]*[0-9]+ %"} -}); -ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, { - {"^BM_Complexity_O1_BigO %bigOStr %bigOStr[ ]*$"}, - {"^BM_Complexity_O1_RMS %RMS %RMS[ ]*$"} -}); - +BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O1)->Range(1, 1 << 18)->Complexity(benchmark::o1); +SET_SUBSTITUTIONS({{"%bigOStr", "[ ]*[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+ \\([0-9]+\\)"}, + {"%RMS", "[ ]*[0-9]+ %"}}); +ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Complexity_O1_BigO %bigOStr %bigOStr[ ]*$"}, + {"^BM_Complexity_O1_RMS %RMS %RMS[ ]*$"}}); // ========================================================================= // // ----------------------- Testing Aggregate Output ------------------------ // // ========================================================================= // // Test that non-aggregate data is printed by default -void BM_Repeat(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) {} } +void BM_Repeat(benchmark::State& state) { + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } +} BENCHMARK(BM_Repeat)->Repetitions(3); -ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, { - {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3 %console_report$"}, - {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3 %console_report$"}, - {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3 %console_report$"}, - {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean %console_report$"}, - {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev %console_report$"} -}); -ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, { - {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"}, - {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"}, - {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"}, - {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean\",$"}, - {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev\",$"} -}); -ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, { - {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"}, - {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"}, - {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"}, - {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean\",%csv_report$"}, - {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev\",%csv_report$"} -}); +ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3 %console_report$"}, + {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3 %console_report$"}, + {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3 %console_report$"}, + {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean %console_report$"}, + {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev %console_report$"}}); +ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"}, + {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"}, + {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"}, + {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean\",$"}, + {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev\",$"}}); +ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"}, + {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"}, + {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"}, + {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean\",%csv_report$"}, + {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev\",%csv_report$"}}); // Test that a non-repeated test still prints non-aggregate results even when // only-aggregate reports have been requested -void BM_RepeatOnce(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) {} } +void BM_RepeatOnce(benchmark::State& state) { + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } +} BENCHMARK(BM_RepeatOnce)->Repetitions(1)->ReportAggregatesOnly(); -ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, { - {"^BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1 %console_report$"} -}); -ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, { - {"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1\",$"} -}); -ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, { - {"^\"BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1\",%csv_report$"} -}); - +ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1 %console_report$"}}); +ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1\",$"}}); +ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1\",%csv_report$"}}); // Test that non-aggregate data is not reported -void BM_SummaryRepeat(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) {} } +void BM_SummaryRepeat(benchmark::State& state) { + while (state.KeepRunning()) { + } +} BENCHMARK(BM_SummaryRepeat)->Repetitions(3)->ReportAggregatesOnly(); -ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, { - {".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not}, - {"^BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean %console_report$"}, - {"^BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev %console_report$"} -}); -ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, { - {".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not}, - {"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\",$"}, - {"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\",$"} -}); -ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, { - {".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not}, - {"^\"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\",%csv_report$"}, - {"^\"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\",%csv_report$"} -}); +ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, + {{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not}, + {"^BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean %console_report$"}, + {"^BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev %console_report$"}}); +ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not}, + {"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\",$"}, + {"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\",$"}}); +ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not}, + {"^\"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\",%csv_report$"}, + {"^\"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\",%csv_report$"}}); // ========================================================================= // // --------------------------- TEST CASES END ------------------------------ // // ========================================================================= // - -int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { - RunOutputTests(argc, argv); -} +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { RunOutputTests(argc, argv); } diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index 1ad13665..b74d33c5 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ #undef NDEBUG -#include "benchmark/benchmark.h" -#include "../src/check.h" // NOTE: check.h is for internal use only! #include #include +#include "../src/check.h" // NOTE: check.h is for internal use only! +#include "benchmark/benchmark.h" + namespace { class TestReporter : public benchmark::ConsoleReporter { @@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ class TestReporter : public benchmark::ConsoleReporter { ConsoleReporter::ReportRuns(report); } - TestReporter() {} + TestReporter() {} virtual ~TestReporter() {} mutable std::vector all_runs_; @@ -32,11 +33,12 @@ struct TestCase { typedef benchmark::BenchmarkReporter::Run Run; void CheckRun(Run const& run) const { - CHECK(name == run.benchmark_name) << "expected " << name << " got " << run.benchmark_name; + CHECK(name == run.benchmark_name) << "expected " << name << " got " + << run.benchmark_name; CHECK(error_occurred == run.error_occurred); CHECK(error_message == run.error_message); if (error_occurred) { - //CHECK(run.iterations == 0); + // CHECK(run.iterations == 0); } else { CHECK(run.iterations != 0); } @@ -55,12 +57,10 @@ int AddCases(const char* base_name, std::initializer_list const& v) { #define CONCAT(x, y) CONCAT2(x, y) #define CONCAT2(x, y) x##y -#define ADD_CASES(...) \ -int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddCases(__VA_ARGS__) +#define ADD_CASES(...) int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddCases(__VA_ARGS__) } // end namespace - void BM_error_before_running(benchmark::State& state) { state.SkipWithError("error message"); while (state.KeepRunning()) { @@ -68,8 +68,7 @@ void BM_error_before_running(benchmark::State& state) { } } BENCHMARK(BM_error_before_running); -ADD_CASES("BM_error_before_running", - {{"", true, "error message"}}); +ADD_CASES("BM_error_before_running", {{"", true, "error message"}}); void BM_error_during_running(benchmark::State& state) { int first_iter = true; @@ -85,17 +84,14 @@ void BM_error_during_running(benchmark::State& state) { } } BENCHMARK(BM_error_during_running)->Arg(1)->Arg(2)->ThreadRange(1, 8); -ADD_CASES( - "BM_error_during_running", - {{"/1/threads:1", true, "error message"}, - {"/1/threads:2", true, "error message"}, - {"/1/threads:4", true, "error message"}, - {"/1/threads:8", true, "error message"}, - {"/2/threads:1", false, ""}, - {"/2/threads:2", false, ""}, - {"/2/threads:4", false, ""}, - {"/2/threads:8", false, ""}} -); +ADD_CASES("BM_error_during_running", {{"/1/threads:1", true, "error message"}, + {"/1/threads:2", true, "error message"}, + {"/1/threads:4", true, "error message"}, + {"/1/threads:8", true, "error message"}, + {"/2/threads:1", false, ""}, + {"/2/threads:2", false, ""}, + {"/2/threads:4", false, ""}, + {"/2/threads:8", false, ""}}); void BM_error_after_running(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) { @@ -105,13 +101,10 @@ void BM_error_after_running(benchmark::State& state) { state.SkipWithError("error message"); } BENCHMARK(BM_error_after_running)->ThreadRange(1, 8); -ADD_CASES( - "BM_error_after_running", - {{"/threads:1", true, "error message"}, - {"/threads:2", true, "error message"}, - {"/threads:4", true, "error message"}, - {"/threads:8", true, "error message"}} -); +ADD_CASES("BM_error_after_running", {{"/threads:1", true, "error message"}, + {"/threads:2", true, "error message"}, + {"/threads:4", true, "error message"}, + {"/threads:8", true, "error message"}}); void BM_error_while_paused(benchmark::State& state) { bool first_iter = true; @@ -128,18 +121,14 @@ void BM_error_while_paused(benchmark::State& state) { } } BENCHMARK(BM_error_while_paused)->Arg(1)->Arg(2)->ThreadRange(1, 8); -ADD_CASES( - "BM_error_while_paused", - {{"/1/threads:1", true, "error message"}, - {"/1/threads:2", true, "error message"}, - {"/1/threads:4", true, "error message"}, - {"/1/threads:8", true, "error message"}, - {"/2/threads:1", false, ""}, - {"/2/threads:2", false, ""}, - {"/2/threads:4", false, ""}, - {"/2/threads:8", false, ""}} -); - +ADD_CASES("BM_error_while_paused", {{"/1/threads:1", true, "error message"}, + {"/1/threads:2", true, "error message"}, + {"/1/threads:4", true, "error message"}, + {"/1/threads:8", true, "error message"}, + {"/2/threads:1", false, ""}, + {"/2/threads:2", false, ""}, + {"/2/threads:4", false, ""}, + {"/2/threads:8", false, ""}}); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);