
309 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
namespace benchmark {
template <typename VType, typename NumType>
class Stat1;
template <typename VType, typename NumType>
class Stat1MinMax;
typedef Stat1<float, float> Stat1_f;
typedef Stat1<double, double> Stat1_d;
typedef Stat1MinMax<float, float> Stat1MinMax_f;
typedef Stat1MinMax<double, double> Stat1MinMax_d;
template <typename VType> class Vector2;
template <typename VType> class Vector3;
template <typename VType> class Vector4;
template <typename VType, typename NumType>
class Stat1 {
typedef Stat1<VType, NumType> Self;
Stat1() {
void Clear() {
numsamples_ = NumType();
sum_squares_ = sum_ = VType();
// Create a sample of value dat and weight 1
explicit Stat1(const VType &dat) {
sum_ = dat;
sum_squares_ = Sqr(dat);
numsamples_ = 1;
// Create statistics for all the samples between begin (included)
// and end(excluded)
explicit Stat1(const VType *begin, const VType *end) {
for ( const VType *item = begin; item < end; ++item ) {
(*this) += Stat1(*item);
// Create a sample of value dat and weight w
Stat1(const VType &dat, const NumType &w) {
sum_ = w * dat;
sum_squares_ = w * Sqr(dat);
numsamples_ = w;
// Copy operator
Stat1(const Self &stat) {
sum_ = stat.sum_;
sum_squares_ = stat.sum_squares_;
numsamples_ = stat.numsamples_;
inline Self &operator =(const Self &stat) {
sum_ = stat.sum_;
sum_squares_ = stat.sum_squares_;
numsamples_ = stat.numsamples_;
return (*this);
// Merge statistics from two sample sets.
inline Self &operator +=(const Self &stat) {
sum_ += stat.sum_;
sum_squares_+= stat.sum_squares_;
numsamples_ += stat.numsamples_;
return (*this);
// The operation opposite to +=
inline Self &operator -=(const Self &stat) {
sum_ -= stat.sum_;
sum_squares_-= stat.sum_squares_;
numsamples_ -= stat.numsamples_;
return (*this);
// Multiply the weight of the set of samples by a factor k
inline Self &operator *=(const VType &k) {
sum_ *= k;
sum_squares_*= k;
numsamples_ *= k;
return (*this);
// Merge statistics from two sample sets.
inline Self operator + (const Self &stat) const {
return Self(*this) += stat;
// The operation opposite to +
inline Self operator - (const Self &stat) const {
return Self(*this) -= stat;
// Multiply the weight of the set of samples by a factor k
inline Self operator * (const VType &k) const {
return Self(*this) *= k;
// Return the total weight of this sample set
NumType NumSamples() const {
return numsamples_;
// Return the sum of this sample set
VType Sum() const {
return sum_;
// Return the mean of this sample set
VType Mean() const {
if (numsamples_ == 0) return VType();
return sum_ * (1.0 / numsamples_);
// Return the mean of this sample set and compute the standard deviation at
// the same time.
VType Mean(VType *stddev) const {
if (numsamples_ == 0) return VType();
VType mean = sum_ * (1.0 / numsamples_);
if (stddev) {
VType avg_squares = sum_squares_ * (1.0 / numsamples_);
*stddev = Sqrt(avg_squares - Sqr(mean));
return mean;
// Return the standard deviation of the sample set
VType StdDev() const {
if (numsamples_ == 0) return VType();
VType mean = Mean();
VType avg_squares = sum_squares_ * (1.0 / numsamples_);
return Sqrt(avg_squares - Sqr(mean));
// Let i be the index of the samples provided (using +=)
// and weight[i],value[i] be the data of sample #i
// then the variables have the following meaning:
NumType numsamples_; // sum of weight[i];
VType sum_; // sum of weight[i]*value[i];
VType sum_squares_; // sum of weight[i]*value[i]^2;
// Template function used to square a number.
// For a vector we square all components
template <typename SType>
static inline SType Sqr(const SType &dat) {
return dat * dat;
template <typename SType>
static inline Vector2<SType> Sqr(const Vector2<SType> &dat) {
return dat.MulComponents(dat);
template <typename SType>
static inline Vector3<SType> Sqr(const Vector3<SType> &dat) {
return dat.MulComponents(dat);
template <typename SType>
static inline Vector4<SType> Sqr(const Vector4<SType> &dat) {
return dat.MulComponents(dat);
// Template function used to take the square root of a number.
// For a vector we square all components
template <typename SType>
static inline SType Sqrt(const SType &dat) {
// Avoid NaN due to imprecision in the calculations
if ( dat < 0 )
return 0;
return sqrt(dat);
template <typename SType>
static inline Vector2<SType> Sqrt(const Vector2<SType> &dat) {
// Avoid NaN due to imprecision in the calculations
return Max(dat, Vector2<SType>()).Sqrt();
template <typename SType>
static inline Vector3<SType> Sqrt(const Vector3<SType> &dat) {
// Avoid NaN due to imprecision in the calculations
return Max(dat, Vector3<SType>()).Sqrt();
template <typename SType>
static inline Vector4<SType> Sqrt(const Vector4<SType> &dat) {
// Avoid NaN due to imprecision in the calculations
return Max(dat, Vector4<SType>()).Sqrt();
// Useful printing function
template <typename VType, typename NumType>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const Stat1<VType, NumType>& s) {
out << "{ avg = " << s.Mean()
<< " std = " << s.StdDev()
<< " nsamples = " << s.NumSamples() << "}";
return out;
// Stat1MinMax: same as Stat1, but it also
// keeps the Min and Max values; the "-"
// operator is disabled because it cannot be implemented
// efficiently
template <typename VType, typename NumType>
class Stat1MinMax : public Stat1<VType, NumType> {
typedef Stat1MinMax<VType, NumType> Self;
Stat1MinMax() {
void Clear() {
Stat1<VType, NumType>::Clear();
if (std::numeric_limits<VType>::has_infinity) {
min_ = std::numeric_limits<VType>::infinity();
max_ = -std::numeric_limits<VType>::infinity();
} else {
min_ = std::numeric_limits<VType>::max();
max_ = std::numeric_limits<VType>::min();
// Create a sample of value dat and weight 1
explicit Stat1MinMax(const VType &dat) : Stat1<VType, NumType>(dat) {
max_ = dat;
min_ = dat;
// Create statistics for all the samples between begin (included)
// and end(excluded)
explicit Stat1MinMax(const VType *begin, const VType *end) {
for ( const VType *item = begin; item < end; ++item ) {
(*this) += Stat1MinMax(*item);
// Create a sample of value dat and weight w
Stat1MinMax(const VType &dat, const NumType &w)
: Stat1<VType, NumType>(dat, w) {
max_ = dat;
min_ = dat;
// Copy operator
Stat1MinMax(const Self &stat) : Stat1<VType, NumType>(stat) {
max_ = stat.max_;
min_ = stat.min_;
inline Self &operator =(const Self &stat) {
this->Stat1<VType, NumType>::operator=(stat);
max_ = stat.max_;
min_ = stat.min_;
return (*this);
// Merge statistics from two sample sets.
inline Self &operator +=(const Self &stat) {
this->Stat1<VType, NumType>::operator+=(stat);
if (stat.max_ > max_) max_ = stat.max_;
if (stat.min_ < min_) min_ = stat.min_;
return (*this);
// Multiply the weight of the set of samples by a factor k
inline Self &operator *=(const VType &stat) {
this->Stat1<VType, NumType>::operator*=(stat);
return (*this);
// Merge statistics from two sample sets.
inline Self operator + (const Self &stat) const {
return Self(*this) += stat;
// Multiply the weight of the set of samples by a factor k
inline Self operator * (const VType &k) const {
return Self(*this) *= k;
// The - operation makes no sense with Min/Max
// unless we keep the full list of values (but we don't)
// make it private, and let it undefined so nobody can call it
Self &operator -=(const Self &stat); // senseless. let it undefined.
// The operation opposite to -
Self operator - (const Self &stat) const; // senseless. let it undefined.
// Return the maximal value in this sample set
VType Max() const {
return max_;
// Return the minimal value in this sample set
VType Min() const {
return min_;
// Let i be the index of the samples provided (using +=)
// and weight[i],value[i] be the data of sample #i
// then the variables have the following meaning:
VType max_; // max of value[i]
VType min_; // min of value[i]
// Useful printing function
template <typename VType, typename NumType>
inline std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& out,
const Stat1MinMax<VType, NumType>& s) {
out << "{ avg = " << s.Mean()
<< " std = " << s.StdDev()
<< " nsamples = " << s.NumSamples()
<< " min = " << s.Min()
<< " max = " << s.Max() << "}";
return out;
} // end namespace benchmark