diff --git a/deployhooks.md b/deployhooks.md
index d8fc8ca..96c060b 100644
--- a/deployhooks.md
+++ b/deployhooks.md
@@ -873,4 +873,34 @@ export DEPLOY_PROXMOXVE_API_TOKEN_NAME=<token_id>
 export DEPLOY_PROXMOXVE_API_TOKEN_KEY=<token_secret>
 acme.sh --deploy -d vm1.home.wesitcllc.com --deploy-hook proxmoxve
\ No newline at end of file
+## 28. Deploy cert on MuleSoft CloudHub 2.0
+Before you can deploy your cert, you must [issue the cert first](https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/wiki/How-to-issue-a-cert).
+This script deploys an SSL certificate on [CloudHub 2.0](https://docs.mulesoft.com/cloudhub-2/) using Anypoint Platform REST APIs via curl.
+This script uses a [Connected App - Client Credentials](https://docs.mulesoft.com/access-management/connected-apps-developers#developers). 
+The App must have "Cloudhub Network Administrator" or "Cloudhub Organization Admin" scope.
+A [TLS Context](https://docs.mulesoft.com/cloudhub-2/ps-config-domains) is automatically created into the Private Space and the certificate is deployed on it.
+The following environment variables are required to execute this script:
+* **CH2_CLIENT_ID** - Connected App Client ID\
+* **CH2_CLIENT_SECRET** - Connected App Client Secret\
+* **ORGANIZATION_ID** - Anypoint Platform Organization ID\
+* **CH2_PRIVATE_SPACE_ID** - Private Space ID where the TLS Context will be created
+export CH2_CLIENT_ID=<Client ID>
+export CH2_CLIENT_SECRET=<Client Secret>
+export ORGANIZATION_ID=<Organization ID>
+export CH2_PRIVATE_SPACE_ID=<Private Space ID>
+Deploy the cert using the following:
+acme.sh --deploy -d 'my-cert.acme-apis.com' --deploy-hook cloudhub_v2