Add instructions for reporting SMTP notify-hook bugs

Mike Edmunds 2021-01-11 12:59:04 -08:00
parent a98e1f2f7c
commit d573822ecb

@ -365,6 +365,8 @@ To omit default color set variable value to any non xdigit character, eg. `TEAMS can send email notifications by connecting directly to an SMTP mail server. Most commercial email service providers (ESPs) and corporate email systems support sending through SMTP, including Amazon SES, GSuite/Google Workspaces,, and others.
Please report bugs in the SMTP notify hook in [issue #3358](
> SMTP support is pending merge of PR [#3330]( To try it out before that, grab the updated []( from the pull request.
SMTP notifications in require Python (2.7 or 3) on the machine where you run (If you don't have Python available, you may be able to use [mail notifications](#3-set-notification-for-mail) instead.)