diff --git a/deployhooks.md b/deployhooks.md
index 5c7cc91..bf2d6ab 100644
--- a/deployhooks.md
+++ b/deployhooks.md
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ acme.sh --deploy -d ftp.example.com --deploy-hook routeros
 The deploy script will remove previously deployed certificates,
 and it does this with an assumption on how RouterOS names imported
 certificates, adding a "cer_0" suffix at the end. This is true for
-versions 6.32 -> 6.41.3, but it is not guaranteed that it will be
+versions 6.32 -> 6.41.3 and 7.1.3, but it is not guaranteed that it will be
 true for future versions when upgrading.
 If the router have other certificates with the same name as the one
@@ -558,6 +558,16 @@ export ROUTER_OS_ADDITIONAL_SERVICES="/ip service set api-ssl certificate=$_cdom
 returns 0 means success, otherwise error.
+To adopt parameters to `scp` and/or `ssh` set the optional
+`ROUTER_OS_SSH_CMD` and `ROUTER_OS_SCP_CMD` variables accordingly,
+see ssh(1) and scp(1) for parameters to those commands.
+export ROUTER_OS_SSH_CMD="ssh -i /acme.sh/.ssh/router.example.com -o UserKnownHostsFile=/acme.sh/.ssh/known_hosts"
+export ROUTER_OS_SCP_CMD="scp -i /acme.sh/.ssh/router.example.com -o UserKnownHostsFile=/acme.sh/.ssh/known_hosts"
 If there are any bugs for routeros hook, 
 please report here: https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/issues/2344