Updated notify (markdown)

neil 2019-11-02 09:47:53 +08:00
parent bd09a97fa4
commit 7bb668fbfe

@ -270,3 +270,25 @@ acme.sh --set-notify --notify-hook xmpp
The `XMPP_TO`, `XMPP_BIN` and `XMPP_BIN_ARGS` will be saved in ~/.acme.sh/account.conf and will be reused when needed.
On debian based systems `sendxmpp` has problems validating certificates (see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=854210).
## 9. Set notification for dingtalk.com(钉钉)
Push notification to dingtalk group by group robot webhook api.
First create a group robot, get your webhook url, and set a keyword.
推送通知到钉钉群聊天机器人. 现在群设置中添加一个 webhook 机器人. 获得 webhook url. 并设置一个 keyword. 目前不支持签名模式.
export DINGTALK_WEBHOOK='https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=b05ccexxxxx'
acme.sh --set-notify --notify-hook dingtalk