Add CQHTTP API usage.

Victor Huang 2020-02-08 22:47:37 +08:00
parent 012b3992df
commit 48747a1df9

@ -290,6 +290,47 @@ --set-notify --notify-hook dingtalk
## 10. Set notification for QQ with self-built CQHTTP API
### 中文说明
通过 CoolQ 的插件 CQHTTP 将消息推送到 QQ。需要您自行部署 CQHTTP 服务端。部署详情参见 [CoolQ 社区](和 [CQHTTP]( 的文档。
CoolQ 是一个第三方开发的无头 QQ 客户端,并提供了一些插件功能。在开始之前,您需要自行准备一个 QQ 号码作为机器人,并保证您的 QQ 和机器人 QQ 是好友关系以便发送通知。CQHTTP 是 CoolQ 的一个插件,为 CoolQ 提供了 HTTP API。
这个 hook 有四个环境变量可供传入:
- `CQHTTP_TOKEN`: 必需,将 CQHTTP 配置文件中填写的 Access Token 填入。如果您没有设置 Access Token请将其设为 `__ACME_SH_TOKEN_EMPTY__`
- `CQHTTP_USER`: 必需,接收推送通知的 QQ 号码。您需要自行保证机器人号码可以向接收者的 QQ 号码发送消息。
- `CQHTTP_APIROOT`: 必需,您搭建的 CQHTTP 服务器的 URL (不包含斜杠结尾)。
- `CQHTTP_CUSTOM_MSGHEAD`: 可选,自定义的消息开头。默认值是 "A message from".
### English version
Push notifications to QQ via the plugin CQHTTP of CoolQ. a self-built CQHTTP server is needed, visit [the community of CoolQ]( and [the docs of CQHTTP]( for the details of deployment.
CoolQ is a third-party headless QQ client, which provides a strong plugin system. Before we start, you need to prepare a QQ number for the robot. And ensure that your QQ number is a friend of the robot. CQHTTP is a plugin of CoolQ, which provides HTTP API for CoolQ.
This hook can parse four environment variables:
- `CQHTTP_TOKEN`: Required, QQ application token, which is set in CQHTTP server. If it's empty, please set it to `__ACME_SH_TOKEN_EMPTY__`.
- `CQHTTP_USER`: Required, QQ receiver ID. Make sure that the sender has right permission to send message to the receiver.
- `CQHTTP_APIROOT`: Required, CQHTTP Server URL (without slash suffix)
- `CQHTTP_CUSTOM_MSGHEAD`: Optional, custom message header. Default value is "A message from".
### Demo
export CQHTTP_TOKEN="Itsjustat0ken,qwq" # That's the access token
export CQHTTP_USER="10086" # That's your QQ number (receiver)
export CQHTTP_APIROOT="http://cqhttp-server.local:5700" # That's your server address --set-notify --notify-hook cqhttp
After that, you'll recieve a message (在这之后,你将收到一条信息如下):
A message from Hello, this is a notification from
If you receive this message, your notification works.