typo: sciprt vs. script

Steven Cozart 2024-03-03 23:59:56 -06:00
parent 93b0faaae1
commit 319a0894bf

@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ acme.sh --deploy -d example.com --deploy-hook panos --insecure
As pointed out [inside the deploy script file](https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/blob/ff090d2f74f994da4bca89b942b08bb714b25a46/deploy/synology_dsm.sh#L11-L38) itself, only 3 simple steps are required for deploy:
1. Set the required environment variables which used for authentication while deploying:
- (Recommend) Use an automatically created temp admin user by executing `export SYNO_USE_TEMP_ADMIN=1`.
In this way, you won't need to provide any admin credentials, the deploy sciprt itself will utilize Synology built-in utils to complete authentication, so it designed to only support locally deployment, and can't be used to deploy in docker or deploy remotely.
In this way, you won't need to provide any admin credentials, the deploy script itself will utilize Synology built-in utils to complete authentication, so it designed to only support locally deployment, and can't be used to deploy in docker or deploy remotely.
Script will load previous saved conf for subsequent deployments, so if you want to back to deploy with existing admin user, you need to execute `export CLEAR_SYNO_USE_TEMP_ADMIN=1` first. After deploy script exits, the temp admin user should either not have been created or has already been deleted, however it may still remain if script exits unexpectedly (e.g., aborted by pressing "Ctrl+C"), in this case, you can safely delete it via "Control Panel".