diff --git a/deployhooks.md b/deployhooks.md
index 459cc03..d8fc8ca 100644
--- a/deployhooks.md
+++ b/deployhooks.md
@@ -335,6 +335,15 @@ acme.sh --deploy -d haproxy.example.com --deploy-hook haproxy
 The path for the PEM file will be stored with the domain configuration and will be available when renewing, so that deploy will happen automatically when renewed.
+It is also possible to do hot updates, without any reload, using the HAProxy stats socket.
+To achieve that, `DEPLOY_HAPROXY_HOT_UPDATE=yes` must be used, as well as the `DEPLOY_HAPROXY_STATS_SOCKET` variable with the path of the stats socket. HAProxy must be configured with a `crt` directory which will be also set in `DEPLOY_HAPROXY_PEM_PATH` 
+DEPLOY_HAPROXY_HOT_UPDATE=yes DEPLOY_HAPROXY_STATS_SOCKET=UNIX:/var/run/haproxy/admin.sock DEPLOY_HAPROXY_PEM_PATH=/etc/haproxy/certs acme.sh --deploy -d domain1.com --deploy-hook haproxy
+A more complete tutorial is available on the [haproxy wiki](https://github.com/haproxy/wiki/wiki/Letsencrypt-integration-with-HAProxy-and-acme.sh)
 ## 11. Deploy your cert to Gitlab pages
 You must define the API key and the informations for the project and Gitlab page you are updating the certificate for.