38 How to install
NetSysFire edited this page 2025-03-01 03:11:47 +01:00

Update the Linux/BSD system with latest CA bundle and patches from System Update otherwise some issues may occur when generating your free SSL certificates. Once completed begin with the install procedure below.

  • CentOs: yum update ca-certificates
  • Debian: apt update ; apt install ca-certificates (updates package if already installed)
    also applies to Debian-based distros like Ubuntu, LinuxMint, etc.

1. Install from web: https://get.acme.sh

Install https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh

curl https://get.acme.sh | sh -s email=my@example.com


wget -O -  https://get.acme.sh | sh -s email=my@example.com

2. Or, install from GitHub:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/master/acme.sh | sh -s -- --install-online -m  my@example.com


wget -O -  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/master/acme.sh | sh -s -- --install-online -m  my@example.com

3. Or, git clone and install:

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh.git
cd acme.sh
./acme.sh --install -m my@example.com

4. Advanced installation

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh.git
cd acme.sh
./acme.sh --install  \
--home ~/myacme \
--config-home ~/myacme/data \
--cert-home  ~/mycerts \
--accountemail  "my@example.com" \
--accountkey  ~/myaccount.key \
--accountconf ~/myaccount.conf \
--useragent  "this is my client."

You don't need to set them all, just set those ones you care about.

Explanations :

  • --home is a customized dir to install acme.sh in. By default, it installs into ~/.acme.sh
  • --config-home is a writable folder, acme.sh will write all the files(including cert/keys, configs) there. By default, it's in --home
  • --cert-home is a customized dir to save the certs you issue. By default, it's saved in --config-home.
  • --accountemail is the email used to register an account to Let's Encrypt, you will receive a renewal notice email here.
  • --accountkey is the file saving your account private key. By default, it's saved in --config-home.
  • --useragent is the user-agent header value used to send to Let's Encrypt.
  • --nocron install acme.sh without cronjob

5. Special case: Converting LE account data from certbot to acme.sh

If already using certbot, then there is the possibility to convert its LE account data to acme.sh format. See https://github.com/maddes-b/linux-stuff/tree/main/acme.sh .

If re-using the LE account created from certbot, then it is recommended not to specify -m/--email during installation.