EX.Deep down, we're all the same

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暮晨 2018-11-12 22:40:48 +08:00 committed by 暮晨
parent c95600a4f7
commit 8c04c301d5

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ So, here we go...
- [> Strings can be tricky sometimes/微妙的字符串 *](#-strings-can-be-tricky-sometimes微妙的字符串-)
- [> Time for some hash brownies!/是时候来点蛋糕了!](#-time-for-some-hash-brownies是时候来点蛋糕了)
- [> Return return everywhere!/到处返回!](#-return-return-everywhere到处返回)
- [> Deep down, we're all the same. *](#-deep-down-were-all-the-same-)
- [> Deep down, we're all the same./本质上,我们都一样. *](#-deep-down-were-all-the-same本质上我们都一样-)
- [> For what?](#-for-what)
- [> Evaluation time discrepancy](#-evaluation-time-discrepancy)
- [> `is` is not what it is!](#-is-is-not-what-it-is)
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ def some_func():
### > Deep down, we're all the same. *
### > Deep down, we're all the same./本质上,我们都一样. *
class WTF:
@ -282,22 +282,22 @@ class WTF:
>>> WTF() == WTF() # two different instances can't be equal
>>> WTF() == WTF() # 两个不同的对象应该不相等
>>> WTF() is WTF() # identities are also different
>>> WTF() is WTF() # 也不相同
>>> hash(WTF()) == hash(WTF()) # hashes _should_ be different as well
>>> hash(WTF()) == hash(WTF()) # 哈希值也应该不同
>>> id(WTF()) == id(WTF())
#### 💡 Explanation:
#### 💡 说明:
* When `id` was called, Python created a `WTF` class object and passed it to the `id` function. The `id` function takes its `id` (its memory location), and throws away the object. The object is destroyed.
* When we do this twice in succession, Python allocates the same memory location to this second object as well. Since (in CPython) `id` uses the memory location as the object id, the id of the two objects is the same.
* So, object's id is unique only for the lifetime of the object. After the object is destroyed, or before it is created, something else can have the same id.
* But why did the `is` operator evaluated to `False`? Let's see with this snippet.
* 当调用 `id` 函数时, Python 创建了一个 `WTF` 类的对象并传给 `id` 函数. 然后 `id` 函数获取其id值 (也就是内存地址), 然后丢弃该对象. 该对象就被销毁了.
* 当我们连续两次进行这个操作时, Python会将相同的内存地址分配给第二个对象. 因为 (在CPython中) `id` 函数使用对象的内存地址作为对象的id值, 所以两个对象的id值是相同的.
* 综上, 对象的id值仅仅在对象的生命周期内唯一. 在对象被销毁之后, 或被创建之前, 其他对象可以具有相同的id值.
* 那为什么 `is` 操作的结果为 `False` 呢? 让我们看看这段代码.
class WTF(object):
def __init__(self): print("I")
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ True
As you may observe, the order in which the objects are destroyed is what made all the difference here.
正如你所看到的, 对象销毁的顺序是造成所有不同之处的原因.