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Enum [en^m]是源自Enumerate, 意思是一一列举出来。

枚举特性令到定义一个命名常量的集合可行。使用枚举可使得意图表达或创建差异案例更为容易Using enums can make it easier to document intent, or create a set of distinct cases。TypeScript同时支持基于数字与字符串这两种枚举。

数字的枚举Numeric enums


enum Direction {
    Up = 1,



enum Direction {


使用枚举很简单只要以枚举本身属性的方式并使用枚举的名称来声明类型来访问其任何成员即可Using an enum is simple: just access any member as a property off of the enum itself, and declare types using the name of the enum

enum Response {
    No = 0,

function respond (recipient: string, message: Response): void {
    // ...

respond ("Princess Caroline", Response.Yes);

数字枚举可混合计算的与常量成员见后。简单的说没有初始值的枚举成员要么需放在第一个或必须在那些以数值常量或其它常量枚举成员初始化过的数字枚举成员之后Numberic enums can be mixed in computed and constant members(see below). The short story is, enums without initializers either need to be first, or have to come after numberic enums initialized with numberic constants or other constant enum members。也就是说下面这种方式是不允许的

enum E {
    A = getSomeValue (),
    B, // Enum member must have initializer. (1061)

字符串枚举String enums

字符串枚举的概念相同但有一些细微的运行时上的不同runtime differences后面会有说明。在字符串枚举中每个成员都必须使用字符串字面值或其它字符串枚举成员加以初始化。

enum Direction {
    Up = "UP",
    Down = "DOWN",
    Left = "LEFT",
    Right = "RIGHT",

虽然字符串枚举不具有自动增加行为,它们却仍然受益于其良好的“连续性”。换句话说,加入正在对程序进行调试,而不得不读取某个数字枚举的运行时值,该值通常是不透明的 -- 该值并不能提供到任何其本身有用的意义尽管反向映射通常有所帮助但字符串枚举却允许在代码运行时独立于枚举成员本身赋予有意义且可读的值While string enums don't have auto-incrementing behavior, string enums have the benefit that they "serialize" well. In other words, if you are debugging and had to read the runtime value of a numeric enum, the value is ofter opaque - it doesn't convey any useful meaning on its own(though reverse mapping can often help), string enums allow you to give a meaningful and readable value when your code runs, independent of the name of the enum member itself

异质枚举Heterogeneous enums


enum BooleanLikeHeterogeneousEnum {
    No = 0,
    Yes = "YES",

除非要以某种明智的方式来利用JavaScript的运行时行为否则建议不要这样做Unless you're really trying to take advantage of JavaScript's runtime behavior in a clever way, it's advised that you don't do this

计算的与常量成员Computed and constant members

枚举的每个成员,都有着一个与其关联的值,该值可以是 常量或计算值(constant or computed)。在以下情况下,枚举成员将被看着是常量:

  • 其作为枚举中的第一个成员且没有初始值,这种情况下其就被赋予值0

    // E.X 是常量
    enum E { X }
  • 没有初始值,且前一个枚举成员是一个 数字 常量。这种情况下当前枚举成员的值将是其前一个枚举成员加一。

    // `E1`与`E2`中的所有枚举成员都是常量。
    enum E1 { X, Y, Z }
    enum E2 { A = 1, B, C }
  • 以常量枚举表达式a constant enum expression初始化的成员。常量枚举表达式是TypeScript表达式的一个子集在运行时可被完整执行。在满足以下条件是表达式就是常量枚举表达式
    1. 字面的枚举表达式(基本的字符串表达式或数字表达式, a literal enum expression(basically a string literal or a numeric literal)
    2. 对先前定义的常量枚举成员(可以来自不同枚举)的引用 a reference to previously defined constant enum member(which can originate from a different enum)
    3. 一个用括号包围的常量枚举表达式a parentthesized constant enum expression
    4. 运用到常量枚举表达式的+-~三个一元运算符之一one of the +, -, ~ unary operators applied to constant enum expression
    5. 与将常量枚举表达式作为操作数一起的+-*/%>><<>>>&|^等二元运算符

对于结果为NaNNot a Number, 非数值)或Infinity无穷将作为编译时错误加以对待It is compile time error for constant enum expressions to be evaluated to NaN or Infinity)。

那么其它所有情况下枚举成员都将被看作是计算的In all other cases enum member is considered computed

enum FileAccess {
    // 常量成员
    Read        = 1 << 1,
    Write       = 1 << 2,
    ReadWrite   = Read | Write,
    // 计算的成员
    G = "123".length,

联合枚举与枚举成员类型Union enums and enum member types

存在这么一个非计算的常量枚举成员的特殊子集: 字面的枚举成员。字面枚举成员是不带有初始值的或有着被初始化为以下值的常量枚举成员There is a special subset of constant enum members that aren't calculated: literal enum members. A literal enum member is a constant enum member with no initialized value, or with values that are initialized to:

  • 任意字符串字面值(比如"foo""bar""baz"
  • 任意数字的字面值(比如1100
  • 应用到任意数字字面值的一元减号运算符(比如-1-100


第一就是枚举成员还成为了类型!比如,这里可以说某些成员 能具有某个枚举成员的值The first is that enum members also become types as well! For example, we can say that certain members can only have the value of an enum member:

enum ShapeKind {

interface Circle {
    kind: ShapeKind.Circle;
    radius: number;

interface Square {
    kind: ShapeKind.Square;
    sideLength: number;

let c: Circle = {
    kind: ShapeKind.Square,
    // Type '{ kind: ShapeKind.Square; radius: number; }' is not assignable to type 'Circle'.
    //  Types of property 'kind' are incompatible.
    // Type 'ShapeKind.Square' is not assignable to type 'ShapeKind.Circle'. (2322)
    radius: 100,

另一改变,就是枚举类型本身,有效地成为各枚举成员的 联合 。虽然到这里还没有讨论到 联合类型 union types只需知道有了联合枚举TypeScript的类型系统就能够利用其对存在于枚举本身中的那些确切值的知悉这一事实。而正由于这一点TypeScript就能捕捉到那些可能进行不正确地值比较等愚蠢程序错误The other change is that enum types themselves effectively become a union of each enum member. While we havn't discussed union types yet, all that you need to know is that with union enums, the type system is able to leverage the fact that it knows the exact set of values that exist in the enum itself. Because of that, TypeScript can catch silly bugs where we might be comparing values incorrectly。比如

enum E {

function f (x: E) {
    if ( x !== E.Foo || x !== E.Bar ) {
        // ~~~~~~~~~~
        // Operator '!==' cannot be applied to types 'E.Foo' and 'E.Bar'. (2365)

在该示例中,首先检查了x是否不是E.Foo。如此检查成功,那么这里的||将短路,同时if的语句体将得到运行。但是若那个检查不成功,那么x就只能是E.Foo,因此再来判断其是否等于E.Bar就没有意义了In that example, we first checked whether x was not E.Foo. If that check succeeds, then our || will short-circuit, and the body of the if will get run. However, if the check didn't succed, then x can only be E.Foo, so it doesn't make sense to see whether it's equal to E.Bar)。

运行时的枚举Enums at runtime


enum E {
    X, Y, Z


function f(obj: { X: number }) {
    return obj.X;


反向映射Reverse mappings

除了创建出一个带有属性名称成员的对象之外,数字枚举成员,还可以得到一个枚举值到枚举名称的 反向映射 In addition to creating an object with property names for members, numeric enums members also get a reverse mapping from enum values to enum names。比如在下面的示例中

enum Enum {

let a = Enum.A;
let nameOfA = Enum[a]; // "A"

TypeScript 会将此编译到类似下面的JavaScript代码

var Enum;
(function (Enum) {
    Enum[Enum["A"] = 0] = "A";
})( Enum || (Enum = {}) );

var a = Enum.A;
var nameOfA = Enum[a]; // "A"

在生成的代码中,枚举就被编译成一个同时存储了正向(name -> value)与逆向(value -> name映射的对象中。对其它枚举成员的引用总是作为属性访问而被省略且绝不会被内联In this generated code, an enum is compiled into an object that stores both forward (name -> value) and reverse (value -> name) mappings. References to other enum members are always emitted as property accesses and never inlined

请记住字符串的枚举成员并不会得到一个生成的反向映射Keep in mind that string enum members do not get a reverse mapping generated at all

常量枚举(const enums

大多数情况下,枚举都是一种相当有效的方案。不过某些时候需求更为紧致。为避免付出额外生成的代码与在访问枚举值时多余的间接性这两个代价,就可以使用常量枚举。所谓常量枚举,就是在枚举上使用const这个修饰器所定义的枚举In most cases, enums are a perfectly valid solution. However sometimes requirements are tighter. To avoid paying the cost of extra generated code and additional indirection when accessing enum values, it's possible to use const enums. Const enums are defined using the const modifier on our enums

const enum Enum {
    A = 1,
    B = A * 2

常量枚举只能使用常量枚举表达式而与常规枚举不一样它们在编译期间就被完全移除了。在使用到常量枚举的地方其成员完全是内联的。这可能是因为常量枚举不能拥有计算的成员的关系Const enums can only use constant enum expressions and unlike regular enums they are completely removed during compilation. Const enum members are inlined at use sites. This is possible since const enums cannot have computed members

const enum Directions {

let directions = [Directions.Up, Directions.Down, Directions.Left, Directions.Right];


var directions = [0 /* Up */, 1 /* Down */, 2 /* Left */, 3 /* Right */];

环境枚举Ambient enums

环境枚举用于描述已存在枚举类型的形状Ambient enums are used to describe the shape of already existing enum types

declare enum Enum {
    A = 1,
    C = 2

环境枚举与非环境枚举的一个重要的不同,就是在常规枚举中,不带有初始器的成员,在其前导枚举成员被认为是常量时,将被看作是常量。而与此相比,不带有初始器的环境(且非常量)枚举成员, 始终 被认为是计算的成员One important difference between ambient and non-ambient enums is that, in regular enums, members that don't have an initializer will be considered constant if its preceding enum member is considered constant. In contrast, an ambient(and non-const) enum member that does not have initializer is always considered computed