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# What to look for in a code review
Note: Always make sure to take into account
[The Standard of Code Review](standard.md) when considering each of these
## Design
The most important thing to cover in a review is the overall design of the CL.
Do the interactions of various pieces of code in the CL make sense? Does this
change belong in your codebase, or in a library? Does it integrate well with the
rest of your system? Is now a good time to add this functionality?
## Functionality
Does this CL do what the developer intended? Is what the developer intended good
for the users of this code? The "users" are usually both end-users (when they
are affected by the change) and developers (who will have to "use" this code in
the future).
Mostly, we expect developers to test CLs well-enough that they work correctly by
the time they get to code review. However, as the reviewer you should still be
thinking about edge cases, looking for concurrency problems, trying to think
like a user, and making sure that there are no bugs that you see just by reading
the code.
You *can* validate the CL if you want—the time when it's most important for a
reviewer to check a CL's behavior is when it has a user-facing impact, such as a
**UI change**. It's hard to understand how some changes will impact a user when
you're just reading the code. For changes like that, you can have the developer
give you a demo of the functionality if it's too inconvenient to patch in the CL
and try it yourself.
Another time when it's particularly important to think about functionality
during a code review is if there is some sort of **parallel programming** going
on in the CL that could theoretically cause deadlocks or race conditions. These
sorts of issues are very hard to detect by just running the code and usually
need somebody (both the developer and the reviewer) to think through them
carefully to be sure that problems aren't being introduced. (Note that this is
also a good reason not to use concurrency models where race conditions or
deadlocks are possible—it can make it very complex to do code reviews or
understand the code.)
## Complexity
Is the CL more complex than it should be? Check this at every level of the
CL—are individual lines too complex? Are functions too complex? Are classes too
complex? "Too complex" usually means **"can't be understood quickly by code
readers."** It can also mean **"developers are likely to introduce bugs when
they try to call or modify this code."**
A particular type of complexity is **over-engineering**, where developers have
made the code more generic than it needs to be, or added functionality that
isn't presently needed by the system. Reviewers should be especially vigilant
about over-engineering. Encourage developers to solve the problem they know
needs to be solved *now*, not the problem that the developer speculates *might*
need to be solved in the future. The future problem should be solved once it
arrives and you can see its actual shape and requirements in the physical
## Tests
Ask for unit, integration, or end-to-end
tests as appropriate for the change. In general, tests should be added in the
same CL as the production code unless the CL is handling an
Make sure that the tests in the CL are correct, sensible, and useful. Tests do
not test themselves, and we rarely write tests for our tests—a human must ensure
that tests are valid.
Will the tests actually fail when the code is broken? If the code changes
beneath them, will they start producing false positives? Does each test make
simple and useful assertions? Are the tests separated appropriately between
different test methods?
Remember that tests are also code that has to be maintained. Don't accept
complexity in tests just because they aren't part of the main binary.
## Naming
Did the developer pick good names for everything? A good name is long enough to
fully communicate what the item is or does, without being so long that it
becomes hard to read.
## Comments
Did the developer write clear comments in understandable English? Are all of the
comments actually necessary? Usually comments are useful when they **explain
why** some code exists, and should not be explaining *what* some code is doing.
If the code isn't clear enough to explain itself, then the code should be made
simpler. There are some exceptions (regular expressions and complex algorithms
often benefit greatly from comments that explain what they're doing, for
example) but mostly comments are for information that the code itself can't
possibly contain, like the reasoning behind a decision.
It can also be helpful to look at comments that were there before this CL. Maybe
there is a TODO that can be removed now, a comment advising against this change
being made, etc.
Note that comments are different from *documentation* of classes, modules, or
functions, which should instead express the purpose of a piece of code, how it
should be used, and how it behaves when used.
## Style
We have [style guides](http://google.github.io/styleguide/) at Google for all
of our major languages, and even for most of the minor languages. Make sure the
CL follows the appropriate style guides.
If you want to improve some style point that isn't in the style guide, prefix
your comment with "Nit:" to let the developer know that it's a nitpick that you
think would improve the code but isn't mandatory. Don't block CLs from being
submitted based only on personal style preferences.
The author of the CL should not include major style changes combined with other
changes. It makes it hard to see what is being changed in the CL, makes merges
and rollbacks more complex, and causes other problems. For example, if the
author wants to reformat the whole file, have them send you just the
reformatting to as one CL, and then send another CL with their functional
changes after that.
## Documentation
If a CL changes how users build, test, interact with, or release code, check to
see that it also updates associated documentation, including
READMEs, g3doc pages, and any generated
reference docs. If the CL deletes or deprecates code, consider whether the
documentation should also be deleted.
If documentation is
missing, ask for it.
## Every Line {#every_line}
Look at *every* line of code that you have been assigned to review. Some things
like data files, generated code, or large data structures you can scan over
sometimes, but don't scan over a human-written class, function, or block of code
and assume that what's inside of it is okay. Obviously some code deserves more
careful scrutiny than other code—that's a judgment call that you have to
make—but you should at least be sure that you *understand* what all the
code is doing.
If it's too hard for you to read the code and this is slowing down the review,
then you should let the developer know that
and wait for them to clarify it before you try to review it. At Google, we hire
great software engineers, and you are one of them. If you can't understand the
code, it's very likely that other developers won't either. So you're also
helping future developers understand this code, when you ask the developer to
clarify it.
If you understand the code but you don't feel qualified to do some part of the
review, make sure there is a reviewer on the CL who is qualified, particularly
for complex issues such as security, concurrency, accessibility,
internationalization, etc.
## Context
It is often helpful to look at the CL in a broad context. Usually the code
review tool will only show you a few lines of code around the parts that are
being changed. Sometimes you have to look at the whole file to be sure that the
change actually makes sense. For example, you might see only four new lines
being added, but when you look at the whole file, you see those four lines are
in a 50-line method that now really needs to be broken up into smaller methods.
It's also useful to think about the CL in the context of the system as a whole.
Is this CL improving the code health of the system or is it making the whole
system more complex, less tested, etc.? **Don't accept CLs that degrade the code
health of the system.** Most systems become complex through many small changes
that add up, so it's important to prevent even small complexities in new
## Good Things {#good_things}
If you see something nice in the CL, tell the developer, especially when they
addressed one of your comments in a great way. Code reviews often just focus on
mistakes, but they should offer encouragement and appreciation for good
practices, as well. Its sometimes even more valuable, in terms of mentoring, to
tell a developer what they did right than to tell them what they did wrong.
## Summary
In doing a code review, you should make sure that:
- The code is well-designed.
- The functionality is good for the users of the code.
- Any UI changes are sensible and look good.
- Any parallel programming is done safely.
- The code isn't more complex than it needs to be.
- The developer isn't implementing things they *might* need in the future but
don't know they need now.
- Code has appropriate unit tests.
- Tests are well-designed.
- The developer used clear names for everything.
- Comments are clear and useful, and mostly explain *why* instead of *what*.
- Code is appropriately documented (generally in g3doc).
- The code conforms to our style guides.
Make sure to review **every line** of code you've been asked to review, look at
the **context**, make sure you're **improving code health**, and compliment
developers on **good things** that they do.
Next: [Navigating a CL in Review](navigate.md)