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synced 2025-02-03 16:20:50 +08:00
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133 lines
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<pre><code>// Single line comment
/* Multi-line
comment */</code></pre>
<h2>Literal values</h2>
<pre><code>class A {}
class B extends A {}</code></pre>
<h2>Inline XML</h2>
<pre><code>var employees:XML =
<employee ssn="123-123-1234">
<name first="John" last="Doe"/>
<city>San Francisco</city>
<employee ssn="789-789-7890">
<name first="Mary" last="Roe"/>
<h2>Full example</h2>
<pre><code>package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class ch23ex2 extends Sprite {
protected const BMP_SCALE:Number = 1/2;
protected const D:Number = 1.015;
protected const DIM_EFFECT:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(D, D, D);
protected const B:int = 16;
protected const BLUR_EFFECT:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(B, B, 1);
protected var RLUT:Array, GLUT:Array, BLUT:Array;
protected var sourceBmp:BitmapData;
protected var colorBmp:BitmapData;
protected var touches:Array = new Array();
protected var fingerShape:Shape = new Shape();
public function ch23ex2() {
try {
var test:Class = Multitouch;
if (Multitouch.supportsTouchEvents) {
Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;
} else {
trace("Sorry, this example requires multitouch.");
} catch (error:ReferenceError) {
trace("Sorry, but multitouch is not supported in this runtime.");
protected function init():void {
//create a black-and-white bitmap and a color bitmap, only show the color
sourceBmp = new BitmapData(
stage.stageWidth*BMP_SCALE, stage.stageHeight*BMP_SCALE, false, 0);
colorBmp = sourceBmp.clone();
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(colorBmp, PixelSnapping.ALWAYS, true);
bitmap.width = stage.stageWidth; bitmap.height = stage.stageHeight;
//create finger shape to paste onto the bitmap under your touches
fingerShape.graphics.beginFill(0xffffff, 0.1);
fingerShape.graphics.drawEllipse(-15, -20, 30, 40);
//create the palette map from a gradient
var gradient:Shape = new Shape();
var m:Matrix = new Matrix();
m.createGradientBox(256, 10);
[0x313ad8, 0x2dce4a, 0xdae234, 0x7a1c1c, 0x0f0303],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0.4*256, 0.75*256, 0.9*256, 255], m);
gradient.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 256, 10);
var gradientBmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData(256, 10, false, 0);
RLUT = new Array(); GLUT = new Array(); BLUT = new Array();
for (var i:int = 0; i < 256; i++) {
var pixelColor:uint = gradientBmp.getPixel(i, 0);
//I drew the gradient backwards, so sue me
RLUT[256-i] = pixelColor & 0xff0000;
GLUT[256-i] = pixelColor & 0x00ff00;
BLUT[256-i] = pixelColor & 0x0000ff;
stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, assignTouch);
stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, assignTouch);
stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, removeTouch);
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
protected function assignTouch(event:TouchEvent):void {
touches[event.touchPointID] = event;
protected function removeTouch(event:TouchEvent):void {
delete touches[event.touchPointID];
protected function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void {
for (var key:String in touches) {
var touch:TouchEvent = touches[key] as TouchEvent;
if (touch) {
//plaster the finger image under your finger
var m:Matrix = new Matrix();
m.translate(touch.stageX*BMP_SCALE, touch.stageY*BMP_SCALE);
sourceBmp.draw(fingerShape, m, null, BlendMode.ADD);
var O:Point = new Point(0, 0);
//blur and ever-so-slightly brighten the image to make the color last
sourceBmp.applyFilter(sourceBmp, sourceBmp.rect, O, BLUR_EFFECT);
sourceBmp.colorTransform(sourceBmp.rect, DIM_EFFECT);
//we've calculated the image in grayscale brightnesses, now make it color
colorBmp.paletteMap(sourceBmp, sourceBmp.rect, O, RLUT, GLUT, BLUT, null);
}</code></pre> |