mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 17:00:12 +08:00
599 lines
14 KiB
599 lines
14 KiB
* Manage downloads
(function() {
var cache = {};
var form = $('form');
var minified = true;
var dependencies = {};
var treeURL = 'https://api.github.com/repos/PrismJS/prism/git/trees/gh-pages?recursive=1';
var treePromise = new Promise(function(resolve) {
url: treeURL,
callback: function(xhr) {
if (xhr.status < 400) {
var hstr = window.location.hash.match(/(?:languages|plugins)=[-+\w]+|themes=[-\w]+/g);
if (hstr) {
hstr.forEach(function(str) {
var kv = str.split('=', 2),
category = kv[0],
ids = kv[1].split('+');
if (category !== 'meta' && category !== 'core' && components[category]) {
for (var id in components[category]) {
if (components[category][id].option) {
delete components[category][id].option;
if (category === 'themes' && ids.length) {
var themeInput = $('#theme input[value="' + ids[0] + '"]');
if (themeInput) {
themeInput.checked = true;
var makeDefault = function (id) {
if (id !== 'meta') {
if (components[category][id]) {
if (components[category][id].option !== 'default') {
if (typeof components[category][id] === 'string') {
components[category][id] = { title: components[category][id] }
components[category][id].option = 'default';
if (components[category][id].require) {
var deps = components[category][id].require;
if ($u.type(deps) !== 'array') {
deps = [deps];
// Stay compatible with old querystring feature
var qstr = window.location.search.match(/(?:languages|plugins)=[-+\w]+|themes=[-\w]+/g);
if (qstr && !hstr) {
window.location.hash = window.location.search.replace(/^\?/, '');
window.location.search = '';
var storedTheme = localStorage.getItem('theme');
for (var category in components) {
var all = components[category];
all.meta.section = $u.element.create('section', {
className: 'options',
id: 'category-' + category,
contents: {
tag: 'h1',
contents: category.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + category.slice(1)
inside: '#components'
if (all.meta.addCheckAll) {
$u.element.create('label', {
attributes: {
'data-id': 'check-all-' + category
contents: [
tag: 'input',
properties: {
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'check-all-' + category,
value: '',
checked: false,
onclick: (function(category, all){
return function () {
var checkAll = this;
$$('input[name="download-' + category + '"]').forEach(function(input) {
all[input.value].enabled = input.checked = checkAll.checked;
})(category, all)
'Select/unselect all'
inside: all.meta.section
for (var id in all) {
if(id === 'meta') {
var checked = false, disabled = false;
var option = all[id].option || all.meta.option;
switch (option) {
case 'mandatory': disabled = true; // fallthrough
case 'default': checked = true;
if (category === 'themes' && storedTheme) {
checked = id === storedTheme;
var filepath = all.meta.path.replace(/\{id}/g, id);
var info = all[id] = {
title: all[id].title || all[id],
aliasTitles: all[id].aliasTitles,
noCSS: all[id].noCSS || all.meta.noCSS,
noJS: all[id].noJS || all.meta.noJS,
enabled: checked,
require: $u.type(all[id].require) === 'string' ? [all[id].require] : all[id].require,
after: $u.type(all[id].after) === 'string' ? [all[id].after] : all[id].after,
peerDependencies: $u.type(all[id].peerDependencies) === 'string' ? [all[id].peerDependencies] : all[id].peerDependencies,
owner: all[id].owner,
files: {
minified: {
paths: [],
size: 0
dev: {
paths: [],
size: 0
if (info.require) {
info.require.forEach(function (v) {
dependencies[v] = (dependencies[v] || []).concat(id);
if (!all[id].noJS && !/\.css$/.test(filepath)) {
info.files.minified.paths.push(filepath.replace(/(\.js)?$/, '.min.js'));
info.files.dev.paths.push(filepath.replace(/(\.js)?$/, '.js'));
if ((!all[id].noCSS && !/\.js$/.test(filepath)) || /\.css$/.test(filepath)) {
var cssFile = filepath.replace(/(\.css)?$/, '.css');
function getLanguageTitle(lang) {
if (!lang.aliasTitles)
return lang.title;
var titles = [lang.title];
for (var alias in lang.aliasTitles)
if (lang.aliasTitles.hasOwnProperty(alias))
return titles.join(" + ");
var label = $u.element.create('label', {
attributes: {
'data-id': id
contents: [
tag: 'input',
properties: {
type: all.meta.exclusive? 'radio' : 'checkbox',
name: 'download-' + category,
value: id,
checked: checked,
disabled: disabled,
onclick: (function(id, category, all){
return function () {
$$('input[name="' + this.name + '"]').forEach(function(input) {
all[input.value].enabled = input.checked;
if (all[id].require && this.checked) {
all[id].require.forEach(function(v) {
var input = $('label[data-id="' + v + '"] > input');
input.checked = true;
if (dependencies[id] && !this.checked) { // It’s required by others
dependencies[id].forEach(function(dependent) {
var input = $('label[data-id="' + dependent + '"] > input');
input.checked = false;
update(category, id);
})(id, category, all)
all.meta.link? {
tag: 'a',
properties: {
href: all.meta.link.replace(/\{id}/g, id),
className: 'name'
contents: info.title
} : {
tag: 'span',
properties: {
className: 'name'
contents: getLanguageTitle(info)
' ',
all[id].owner? {
tag: 'a',
properties: {
href: 'https://github.com/' + all[id].owner,
className: 'owner',
target: '_blank'
contents: all[id].owner
} : ' ',
tag: 'strong',
className: 'filesize'
inside: all.meta.section
// Add click events on main theme selector too.
(function (label) {
if (category === 'themes') {
var themeInput = $('#theme input[value="' + id + '"]');
var input = $('input', label);
if (themeInput) {
var themeInputOnclick = themeInput.onclick;
themeInput.onclick = function () {
input.checked = true;
themeInputOnclick && themeInputOnclick.call(themeInput);
form.elements.compression[0].onclick =
form.elements.compression[1].onclick = function() {
minified = !!+this.value;
function getFileSize(filepath) {
return treePromise.then(function(tree) {
for(var i=0, l=tree.length; i<l; i++) {
if(tree[i].path === filepath) {
return tree[i].size;
function getFilesSizes() {
for (var category in components) {
var all = components[category];
for (var id in all) {
if(id === 'meta') {
var distro = all[id].files[minified? 'minified' : 'dev'],
files = distro.paths;
files.forEach(function (filepath) {
var file = cache[filepath] = cache[filepath] || {};
if(!file.size) {
(function(category, id) {
getFileSize(filepath).then(function(size) {
if(size) {
file.size = size;
distro.size += file.size;
update(category, id);
}(category, id));
else {
update(category, id);
function getFileContents(filepath) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
url: filepath,
callback: function(xhr) {
if (xhr.status < 400 && xhr.responseText) {
} else {
function prettySize(size) {
return Math.round(100 * size / 1024)/100 + 'KB';
function update(updatedCategory, updatedId){
// Update total size
var total = {js: 0, css: 0}, updated = {js: 0, css: 0};
for (var category in components) {
var all = components[category];
var allChecked = true;
for (var id in all) {
var info = all[id];
if (info.enabled || id == updatedId) {
var distro = info.files[minified? 'minified' : 'dev'];
distro.paths.forEach(function(path) {
if (cache[path]) {
var file = cache[path];
var type = path.match(/\.(\w+)$/)[1],
size = file.size || 0;
if (info.enabled) {
if (!file.contentsPromise) {
file.contentsPromise = getFileContents(path);
total[type] += size;
if (id == updatedId) {
updated[type] += size;
if (id !== 'meta' && !info.enabled) {
allChecked = false;
// Select main theme
if (category === 'themes' && id === updatedId && info.enabled) {
var themeInput = $('#theme input[value="' + updatedId + '"]');
if (themeInput) {
themeInput.checked = true;
if (all.meta.addCheckAll) {
$('input[name="check-all-' + category + '"]').checked = allChecked;
total.all = total.js + total.css;
if (updatedId) {
updated.all = updated.js + updated.css;
$u.element.prop($('label[data-id="' + updatedId + '"] .filesize'), {
textContent: prettySize(updated.all),
title: (updated.js ? Math.round(100 * updated.js / updated.all) + '% JavaScript' : '') +
(updated.js && updated.css ? ' + ' : '') +
(updated.css ? Math.round(100 * updated.css / updated.all) + '% CSS' : '')
$('#filesize').textContent = prettySize(total.all);
$u.element.prop($('#percent-js'), {
textContent: Math.round(100 * total.js / total.all) + '%',
title: prettySize(total.js)
$u.element.prop($('#percent-css'), {
textContent: Math.round(100 * total.css / total.all) + '%',
title: prettySize(total.css)
var timerId = 0;
// "debounce" multiple rapid requests to generate and highlight code
function delayedGenerateCode(){
if ( timerId !== 0 ) {
timerId = setTimeout(generateCode, 500);
function getSortedComponents(components, requireName, sorted) {
if (!sorted) {
sorted = [];
for (var component in components) {
var i = 0;
while (i < sorted.length) {
var id = sorted[i];
var indexOfRequirement = i;
var notNow = false;
for (var requirement in components[id][requireName]) {
indexOfRequirement = sorted.indexOf(components[id][requireName][requirement]);
if (indexOfRequirement > i) {
notNow = true;
if (notNow) {
var tmp = sorted[i];
sorted[i] = sorted[indexOfRequirement];
sorted[indexOfRequirement] = tmp;
else {
return sorted;
function getSortedComponentsByRequirements(components, afterName) {
var sorted = getSortedComponents(components, afterName);
return getSortedComponents(components, "require", sorted);
function generateCode(){
var promises = [];
var redownload = {};
for (var category in components) {
var all = components[category];
// In case if one component requires other, required component should go first.
var sorted = getSortedComponentsByRequirements(all, category === 'languages' ? 'peerDependencies' : 'after');
for (var i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) {
var id = sorted[i];
if(id === 'meta') {
var info = all[id];
if (info.enabled) {
if (category !== 'core') {
redownload[category] = redownload[category] || [];
info.files[minified? 'minified' : 'dev'].paths.forEach(function (path) {
if (cache[path]) {
var type = path.match(/\.(\w+)$/)[1];
contentsPromise: cache[path].contentsPromise,
path: path,
type: type
// Hide error message if visible
var error = $('#download .error');
error.style.display = '';
Promise.all([buildCode(promises), getVersion()]).then(function(arr) {
var res = arr[0];
var version = arr[1];
var code = res.code;
var errors = res.errors;
if(errors.length) {
error.style.display = 'block';
error.innerHTML = '';
$u.element.contents(error, errors);
var redownloadUrl = window.location.href.split("#")[0] + "#";
for (var category in redownload) {
redownloadUrl += category + "=" + redownload[category].join('+') + "&";
redownloadUrl = redownloadUrl.replace(/&$/,"");
var versionComment = "/* PrismJS " + version + "\n" + redownloadUrl + " */";
for (var type in code) {
var codeElement = $('#download-' + type + ' code');
codeElement.textContent = versionComment + "\n" + code[type];
Prism.highlightElement(codeElement, true);
$('#download-' + type + ' .download-button').href = 'data:application/octet-stream;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(versionComment + "\n" + code[type]);
function buildCode(promises) {
var i = 0,
l = promises.length;
var code = {js: '', css: ''};
var errors = [];
var f = function(resolve) {
if(i < l) {
var p = promises[i];
p.contentsPromise.then(function(contents) {
code[p.type] += contents + (p.type === 'js' && !/;\s*$/.test(contents) ? ';' : '') + '\n';
p.contentsPromise['catch'](function() {
tag: 'p',
prop: {
textContent: 'An error occurred while fetching the file "' + p.path + '".'
} else {
resolve({code: code, errors: errors});
return new Promise(f);
function getVersion() {
return getFileContents('./package.json').then(function (jsonStr) {
return JSON.parse(jsonStr).version;