23 KiB
设计数据密集型应用 - 中文翻译
- 作者: Martin Kleppmann
- 原名:《Designing Data-Intensive Applications》
- 译者:冯若航 (@Vonng)
- 校订: @yingang
- 繁体:繁體中文版本 by @afunTW
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—— Vonng
计算是一种流行文化,流行文化鄙视历史。 流行文化关乎个体身份和参与感,但与合作无关。流行文化活在当下,也与过去和未来无关。 我认为大部分(为了钱)编写代码的人就是这样的, 他们不知道自己的文化来自哪里。
- 全文校订 by @yingang
- 序言初翻修正 by @seagullbird
- 第一章语法标点校正 by @nevertiree
- 第六章部分校正 与第十章的初翻 by @MuAlex
- 第一部分前言,ch2校正 by @jiajiadebug
- 词汇表、后记关于野猪的部分 by @Chowss
- 繁體中文版本与转换脚本 by @afunTW
- 感谢所有作出贡献,提出意见的朋友们:
Pull Requests & Issues
ISSUE & Pull Requests | USER | Title |
164 | @DragonDriver | preface: 更正错误的标点符号 |
163 | @llmmddCoder | ch1: 更正错误字 |
160 | @Zhayhp | ch2: 建议将 network model 翻译为网状模型 |
159 | @1ess | ch4: 更正错误字 |
157 | @ZvanYang | ch7: 更正不太通顺的翻译 |
155 | @ZvanYang | ch7: 更正不太通顺的翻译 |
153 | @DavidZhiXing | ch9: 修正缩略图的错别字 |
152 | @ZvanYang | ch7: 除重->去重 |
151 | @ZvanYang | ch5: 修订sibling相关的翻译 |
147 | @ZvanYang | ch5: 更正一处不准确的翻译 |
145 | @Hookey | 识别了当前简繁转译过程中处理不当的地方,暂通过转换脚本规避 |
144 | @secret4233 | ch7: 不翻译next-key locking |
143 | @imcheney | ch3: 更新残留的机翻段落 |
142 | @XIJINIAN | 建议去除段首的制表符 |
141 | @Flyraty | ch5: 发现一处错误格式的章节引用 |
140 | @Bowser1704 | ch5: 修正章节Summary中多处不通顺的翻译 |
139 | @Bowser1704 | ch2&ch3: 修正多处不通顺的或错误的翻译 |
137 | @fuxuemingzhu | ch5&ch6: 优化多处不通顺的或错误的翻译 |
134 | @fuxuemingzhu | ch4: 优化多处不通顺的或错误的翻译 |
133 | @fuxuemingzhu | ch3: 优化多处错误的或不通顺的翻译 |
132 | @fuxuemingzhu | ch3: 优化一处容易产生歧义的翻译 |
131 | @rwwg4 | ch6: 修正两处错误的翻译 |
129 | @anaer | ch4: 修正两处强调文本和四处代码变量名称 |
128 | @meilin96 | ch5: 修正一处错误的引用 |
126 | @cwr31 | ch10: 修正一处错误的翻译(功能 -> 函数) |
125 | @dch1228 | ch2: 优化 how best 的翻译(如何以最佳方式) |
124 | @yingang | translation updates (chapter 10) |
123 | @yingang | translation updates (chapter 9, TOC in readme, glossary, etc.) |
121 | @yingang | translation updates (chapter 5 to chapter 8) |
120 | @jiong-han | Typo fix: 呲之以鼻 -> 嗤之以鼻 |
119 | @cclauss | Streamline file operations in convert() |
118 | @yingang | translation updates (chapter 2 to chapter 4) |
117 | @feeeei | 统一每章的标题格式 |
115 | @NageNalock | 第七章病句修改: 重复词语 |
114 | @Sunt-ing | Update README.md: correct the book name |
113 | @lpxxn | 修改语句 |
112 | @ibyte2011 | Update ch9.md |
110 | @lpxxn | 读已写入数据 |
107 | @abbychau | 單調鐘和好死还是赖活着 |
106 | @enochii | typo in ch2: fix braces typo |
105 | @LiminCode | Chronicle translation error |
104 | @Sunt-ing | several advice for better translation |
103 | @Sunt-ing | typo in ch4: should be 完成 rather than 完全 |
102 | @Sunt-ing | ch4: better-translation: 扼杀 → 破坏 |
101 | @Sunt-ing | typo in Ch4: should be "改变" rathr than "盖面" |
100 | @LiminCode | fix missing translation |
99 | @mrdrivingduck | ch6: fix the word rebalancing |
98 | @jacklightChen | fix ch7.md: fix wrong references |
97 | @jenac | 96 |
96 | @PragmaTwice | ch2: fix typo about 'may or may not be' |
95 | @EvanMu96 | fix translation of "the battle cry" in ch5 |
94 | @kemingy | ch6: fix markdown and punctuations |
93 | @kemingy | ch5: fix markdown and some typos |
92 | @Gilbert1024 | Merge pull request #1 from Vonng/master |
88 | @kemingy | fix typo for ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4 |
87 | @wynn5a | Update ch3.md |
86 | @northmorn | Update ch1.md |
85 | @sunbuhui | fix ch2.md: fix ch2 ambiguous translation |
84 | @ganler | Fix translation: use up |
83 | @afunTW | Using OpenCC to convert from zh-cn to zh-tw |
82 | @kangni | fix gitbook url |
78 | @hanyu2 | Fix unappropriated translation |
77 | @Ozarklake | fix typo |
75 | @2997ms | Fix typo |
74 | @2997ms | Update ch9.md |
70 | @2997ms | Update ch7.md |
67 | @jiajiadebug | fix issues in ch2 - ch9 and glossary |
66 | @blindpirate | Fix typo |
63 | @haifeiWu | Update ch10.md |
62 | @ych | fix ch1.md typesetting problem |
61 | @xianlaioy | docs:钟-->种,去掉ou |
60 | @Zombo1296 | 否则 -> 或者 |
59 | @AlexanderMisel | 呼叫->调用,显着->显著 |
58 | @ibyte2011 | Update ch8.md |
55 | @saintube | ch8: 修改链接错误 |
54 | @Panmax | Update ch2.md |
53 | @ibyte2011 | Update ch9.md |
52 | @hecenjie | Update ch1.md |
51 | @latavin243 | fix 修正ch3 ch4几处翻译 |
50 | @AlexZFX | 几个疏漏和格式错误 |
49 | @haifeiWu | Update ch1.md |
48 | @scaugrated | fix typo |
47 | @lzwill | Fixed typos in ch2 |
45 | @zenuo | 删除一个多余的右括号 |
44 | @akxxsb | 修正第七章底部链接错误 |
43 | @baijinping | "更假简单"->"更加简单" |
42 | @tisonkun | 修复 ch1 中的无序列表格式 |
38 | @renjie-c | 纠正多处的翻译小错误 |
37 | @tankilo | fix translation mistakes in ch4.md |
36 | @wwek | 1.修复多个链接错误 2.名词优化修订 3.错误修订 |
35 | @wwek | fix ch7.md to ch8.md link error |
34 | @wwek | Merge pull request #1 from Vonng/master |
33 | @wwek | fix part-ii.md link error |
32 | @JCYoky | Update ch2.md |
31 | @elsonLee | Update ch7.md |
26 | @yjhmelody | 修复一些明显错误 |
25 | @lqbilbo | 修复链接错误 |
24 | @artiship | 修改词语顺序 |
23 | @artiship | 修正错别字 |
22 | @artiship | 纠正翻译错误 |
21 | @zhtisi | 修正目录和本章标题不符的情况 |
20 | @rentiansheng | Update ch7.md |
19 | @LHRchina | 修复语句小bug |
16 | @MuAlex | Master |
15 | @cg-zhou | Update translation progress |
14 | @cg-zhou | Translate glossary |
13 | @cg-zhou | 详细修改了后记中和印度野猪相关的描述 |
12 | @ibyte2011 | 修改了部分翻译 |
11 | @jiajiadebug | ch2 100% |
10 | @jiajiadebug | ch2 20% |
9 | @jiajiadebug | Preface, ch1, part-i translation minor fixes |
7 | @MuAlex | Ch6 translation pull request |
6 | @MuAlex | Ch6 change version1 |
5 | @nevertiree | Chapter 01语法微调 |
2 | @seagullbird | 序言初翻 |