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Chapter 2. Defining Nonfunctional Requirements

The Internet was done so well that most people think of it as a natural resource like the Pacific Ocean, rather than something that was man-made. When was the last time a tech nology with a scale like that was so error-free?

Alan Kay, in interview with Dr Dobbs Journal (2012)

If you are building an application, you will be driven by a list of requirements. At the top of your list is most likely the functionality that the application must offer: what screens and what buttons you need, and what each operation is supposed to do in order to fulfill the purpose of your software. These are your functional requirements.

In addition, you probably also have some nonfunctional requirements: for example, the app should be fast, reliable, secure, legally compliant, and easy to maintain. These requirements might not be explicitly written down, because they may seem somewhat obvious, but they are just as important as the apps functionality: an app that is unbearably slow or unreliable might as well not exist.

Not all nonfunctional requirements fall within the scope of this book, but several do. In this chapter we will introduce several technical concepts that will help you articulate the nonfunctional requirements for your own systems:

The terminology introduced in this chapter will also be useful in the following chapters, when we go into the details of how data-intensive systems are implemented. However, abstract definitions can be quite dry; to make the ideas more concrete, we will start this chapter with a case study of how a social networking service might work, which will provide practical examples of performance and scalability.



In this chapter we examined several examples of nonfunctional requirements: performance, reliability, scalability, and maintainability. Through these topics we have also encountered principles and terminology that we will need throughout the rest of the book. We started with a case study of how one might implement home timelines in a social network, which illustrated some of the challenges that arise at scale.

We discussed how to measure performance (e.g., using response time percentiles), the load on a system (e.g., using throughput metrics), and how they are used in SLAs. Scalability is a closely related concept: that is, ensuring performance stays the same when the load grows. We saw some general principles for scalability, such as breaking a task down into smaller parts that can operate independently, and we will dive into deep technical detail on scalability techniques in the following chapters.

To achieve reliability, you can use fault tolerance techniques, which allow a system to continue providing its service even if some component (e.g., a disk, a machine, or another service) is faulty. We saw examples of hardware faults that can occur, and distinguished them from software faults, which can be harder to deal with because they are often strongly correlated. Another aspect of achieving reliability is to build resilience against humans making mistakes, and we saw blameless postmortems as a technique for learning from incidents.

Finally, we examined several facets of maintainability, including supporting the work of operations teams, managing complexity, and making it easy to evolve an applications functionality over time. There are no easy answers on how to achieve these things, but one thing that can help is to build applications using well-understood building blocks that provide useful abstractions. The rest of this book will cover a selection of the most important such building blocks.


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