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# 12. 数据系统的未来

> 如果船长的终极目标是保护船只,他应该永远待在港口。
> ——圣托马斯·阿奎那《神学大全》(1265-1274)
## 数据集成
### 组合使用派生数据的工具
### 批量处理与流处理
## 拆分数据库
### 组合使用数据存储技术
### 围绕数据流设计应用
### 观察派生数据状态
## 目标是正确性
### 数据库端到端的争论
### 强制实施约束
### 时间线与完整性
### 信任,但需要验证
## 做正确的事情
### 预测性的分析
### 隐私与跟踪
## 本章小结
## 参考文献
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“[Your Data Footprint Is Affecting Your Life in Ways You Can’t Even Imagine](https://www.fastcoexist.com/3057514/your-data-footprint-is-affecting-your-life-in-ways-you-cant-even-imagine),” *fastcoexist.com*, March 15,
1. Maciej Cegłowski:
“[Haunted by Data](http://idlewords.com/talks/haunted_by_data.htm),” *idlewords.com*,
October 2015.
1. Sam Thielman:
“[You Are Not What You Read: Librarians Purge User Data to Protect Privacy](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jan/13/us-library-records-purged-data-privacy),” *theguardian.com*,
January 13, 2016.
1. Conor Friedersdorf:
“[Edward Snowden’s Other Motive for Leaking](http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/05/edward-snowdens-other-motive-for-leaking/370068/),” *theatlantic.com*, May 13, 2014.
1. Phillip Rogaway:
“[The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work](http://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/papers/moral-fn.pdf),” Cryptology ePrint 2015/1162, December 2015.