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11. Stream Processing

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that works. The inverse proposition also appears to be true: A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be made to work.

— John Gall, Systemantics (1975)

In Chapter 10 we discussed batch processing—techniques that read a set of files as input and produce a new set of output files. The output is a form of derived data; that is, a dataset that can be recreated by running the batch process again if necessary. We saw how this simple but powerful idea can be used to create search indexes, recom mendation systems, analytics, and more.

However, one big assumption remained throughout Chapter 10: namely, that the input is bounded—i.e., of a known and finite size—so the batch process knows when it has finished reading its input. For example, the sorting operation that is central to MapReduce must read its entire input before it can start producing output: it could happen that the very last input record is the one with the lowest key, and thus needs to be the very first output record, so starting the output early is not an option.

In reality, a lot of data is unbounded because it arrives gradually over time: your users produced data yesterday and today, and they will continue to produce more data tomorrow. Unless you go out of business, this process never ends, and so the dataset is never “complete” in any meaningful way [1]. Thus, batch processors must artifi cially divide the data into chunks of fixed duration: for example, processing a days worth of data at the end of every day, or processing an hours worth of data at the end of every hour.

The problem with daily batch processes is that changes in the input are only reflected in the output a day later, which is too slow for many impatient users. To reduce the delay, we can run the processing more frequently—say, processing a seconds worth of data at the end of every second—or even continuously, abandoning the fixed time slices entirely and simply processing every event as it happens. That is the idea behind stream processing.

In general, a “stream” refers to data that is incrementally made available over time. The concept appears in many places: in the stdin and stdout of Unix, programming languages (lazy lists) [2], filesystem APIs (such as Javas FileInputStream), TCP con nections, delivering audio and video over the internet, and so on.

In this chapter we will look at event streams as a data management mechanism: the unbounded, incrementally processed counterpart to the batch data we saw in the last chapter. We will first discuss how streams are represented, stored, and transmit ted over a network. In “Databases and Streams” we will investigate the relationship between streams and databases. And finally, in “Processing Streams” we will explore approaches and tools for processing those streams continually, and ways that they can be used to build applications.



In this chapter we have discussed event streams, what purposes they serve, and how to process them. In some ways, stream processing is very much like the batch pro cessing we discussed in Chapter 10, but done continuously on unbounded (neverending) streams rather than on a fixed-size input. From this perspective, message brokers and event logs serve as the streaming equivalent of a filesystem.

We spent some time comparing two types of message brokers:

AMQP/JMS-style message broker

The broker assigns individual messages to consumers, and consumers acknowl edge individual messages when they have been successfully processed. Messages are deleted from the broker once they have been acknowledged. This approach is appropriate as an asynchronous form of RPC (see also “Message-Passing Data flow”), for example in a task queue, where the exact order of mes sage processing is not important and where there is no need to go back and read old messages again after they have been processed.

Log-based message broker

The broker assigns all messages in a partition to the same consumer node, and always delivers messages in the same order. Parallelism is achieved through par titioning, and consumers track their progress by checkpointing the offset of the last message they have processed. The broker retains messages on disk, so it is possible to jump back and reread old messages if necessary.

The log-based approach has similarities to the replication logs found in databases (see Chapter 5) and log-structured storage engines (see Chapter 3). We saw that this approach is especially appropriate for stream processing systems that consume input streams and generate derived state or derived output streams.

In terms of where streams come from, we discussed several possibilities: user activity events, sensors providing periodic readings, and data feeds (e.g., market data in finance) are naturally represented as streams. We saw that it can also be useful to think of the writes to a database as a stream: we can capture the changelog—i.e., the history of all changes made to a database—either implicitly through change data cap ture or explicitly through event sourcing. Log compaction allows the stream to retain a full copy of the contents of a database.

Representing databases as streams opens up powerful opportunities for integrating systems. You can keep derived data systems such as search indexes, caches, and analytics systems continually up to date by consuming the log of changes and applying them to the derived system. You can even build fresh views onto existing data by starting from scratch and consuming the log of changes from the beginning all the way to the present.

The facilities for maintaining state as streams and replaying messages are also the basis for the techniques that enable stream joins and fault tolerance in various stream processing frameworks. We discussed several purposes of stream processing, including searching for event patterns (complex event processing), computing windowed aggregations (stream analytics), and keeping derived data systems up to date (materialized views).

We then discussed the difficulties of reasoning about time in a stream processor, including the distinction between processing time and event timestamps, and the problem of dealing with straggler events that arrive after you thought your window was complete.

We distinguished three types of joins that may appear in stream processes:

Stream-stream joins

Both input streams consist of activity events, and the join operator searches for related events that occur within some window of time. For example, it may match two actions taken by the same user within 30 minutes of each other. The two join inputs may in fact be the same stream (a self-join) if you want to find related events within that one stream.

Stream-table joins

One input stream consists of activity events, while the other is a database change log. The changelog keeps a local copy of the database up to date. For each activity event, the join operator queries the database and outputs an enriched activity event.

Table-table joins

Both input streams are database changelogs. In this case, every change on one side is joined with the latest state of the other side. The result is a stream of changes to the materialized view of the join between the two tables.

Finally, we discussed techniques for achieving fault tolerance and exactly-once semantics in a stream processor. As with batch processing, we need to discard the partial output of any failed tasks. However, since a stream process is long-running and produces output continuously, we cant simply discard all output. Instead, a finer-grained recovery mechanism can be used, based on microbatching, checkpoint ing, transactions, or idempotent writes.


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