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# 设计数据密集型应用(第二版) - 中文翻译
> DDIA 第二版的[中文翻译](https://github.com/Vonng/ddia/issues/345) 正在 [v2](https://github.com/Vonng/ddia/tree/v2) 分支上进行,欢迎参与校对与翻译。
> DDIA 第二版的[中文翻译](https://github.com/Vonng/ddia/issues/345) 正在当前 [v2](https://github.com/Vonng/ddia/tree/v2) 分支上进行,欢迎参与校对与翻译。
- 作者: [Martin Kleppmann](https://martin.kleppmann.com)
- 原名:[《Designing Data-Intensive Applications》](http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032175.do)
- 原名:[《Designing Data-Intensive Applications 2nd Edition》](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html)
- 译者:[冯若航](https://vonng.com) ([@Vonng](https://vonng.com/en/))
- 校订: [@yingang](https://github.com/yingang)
- 繁体:[繁體中文版本](zh-tw/README.md) by [@afunTW](https://github.com/afunTW)
@ -12,13 +12,14 @@
> 本地:你可在项目根目录中执行 `make`,并通过浏览器阅读([在线预览](http://ddia.vonng.com/#/))。
## 译序
> 不懂数据库的全栈工程师不是好架构师
> —— Vonng
> —— 冯若航 / Vonng
@ -31,6 +32,8 @@
这是 2017 年译者读过最好的一本技术类书籍,这么好的书没有中文翻译,实在是遗憾。某不才,愿为先进技术文化的传播贡献一份力量。既可以深入学习有趣的技术主题,又可以锻炼中英文语言文字功底,何乐而不为?
## 前言
> 在我们的社会中,技术是一种强大的力量。数据、软件、通信可以用于坏的方面:不公平的阶级固化,损害公民权利,保护既得利益集团。但也可以用于好的方面:让底层人民发出自己的声音,让每个人都拥有机会,避免灾难。本书献给所有将技术用于善途的人们。
@ -42,6 +45,8 @@
> —— 阿兰・凯接受 Dobb 博士的杂志采访时(2012 年)
## 目录
### [序言](preface.md)
@ -49,6 +54,11 @@
### [第一部分:数据系统基础](part-i.md)
* [第一章:数据系统架构中的利弊权衡](ch1.md)
* [事务处理与分析](ch1.md#可靠性)
* [云服务与自托管](ch1.md#云服务与自托管)
* [分布式与单节点系统](ch1.md#分布式与单节点系统)
* [数据系统,法律与社会](ch1.md#数据系统法律与社会)
* [本章小结](ch1.md#本章小结)
* [第二章:定义非功能性要求](ch2.md)
* [关于数据系统的思考](ch2.md#关于数据系统的思考)
* [可靠性](ch2.md#可靠性)
@ -1,20 +1,53 @@
# 第一章:数据系统架构中的利弊权衡
> *没有解决方案,只有利弊权衡。[…] 尽你所能获取最好的利弊权衡,这是你唯一能指望的事。*
> [Thomas Sowell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YUtKr8-_Fg), 与 Fred Barnes 的采访 (2005)
> **预览版读者须知**
> 在提前发布的电子书中,你可以最早获取到作者撰写时的原始未编辑内容——因此你可以在这些书籍正式发布前长时间利用这些技术。
> 这将是最终书籍的第一章。本书的 GitHub 仓库位于 *[https://github.com/ept/ddia2-feedback](https://github.com/ept/ddia2-feedback)*。
> 如果你对如何改进本书的内容和/或示例有任何建议,或者你发现本章有缺失的材料,请在 GitHub 上联系我们。
# A Note for Early Release Readers
With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author’s raw and unedited content as they write—so you can take advantage of these technologies long before the official release of these titles.
如果数据管理是开发应用程序的主要挑战之一,我们称这类应用为*数据密集型* [[1](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Kouzes2009)]。而在*计算密集型*系统中,挑战在于并行处理一些非常大的计算,在数据密集型应用中,我们通常更关心的是如何存储和处理大数据量、管理数据变化、在出现故障和并发时确保一致性以及确保服务的高可用性。
This will be the 1st chapter of the final book. The GitHub repo for this book is *[\*https://github.com/ept/ddia2-feedback\*](https://github.com/ept/ddia2-feedback)*.
If you have comments about how we might improve the content and/or examples in this book, or if you notice missing material within this chapter, please reach out on GitHub.
- 存储数据,以便它们或其他应用程序稍后可以再次找到它(*数据库*)
- 记住一次昂贵操作的结果,以加速读取(*缓存*)
- 允许用户按关键词搜索数据或以各种方式过滤数据(*搜索索引*)
- 当事件和数据变化发生时立即处理(*流处理*)
- 定期处理大量积累的数据(*批处理*)
在构建应用程序时,我们通常会采用几个软件系统或服务,如数据库或 API,并用一些应用代码将它们粘合在一起。如果你完全按照数据系统的设计目的去做,那么这个过程可能会非常容易。
- 事务处理与分析之间的区别([“事务处理与分析”](#事务处理与分析))
- 云服务与自托管系统的优缺点([“云服务与自托管”](#云服务与自托管))
- 何时从单节点系统迁移到分布式系统([“分布式与单节点系统”](#分布式与单节点系统))
- 平衡业务需求与用户权利([“数据系统、法律与社会”](#数据系统法律与社会))
Data is central to much application development today. With web and mobile apps, software as a service (SaaS), and cloud services, it has become normal to store data from many different users in a shared server-based data infrastructure. Data from user activity, business transactions, devices and sensors needs to be stored and made available for analysis. As users interact with an application, they both read the data that is stored, and also generate more data.
@ -49,13 +82,35 @@ To help you understand what choices you can make, this chapter compares several
Moreover, this chapter will provide you with terminology that we will need for the rest of the book.
# Terminology: Frontends and Backends
### 术语:前端与后端
后端服务通常可以通过 HTTP 访问;它通常包含一些应用程序代码,这些代码在一个或多个数据库中读写数据,有时还会与额外的数据系统(如缓存或消息队列)接口(我们可能统称为*数据基础设施*)。应用程序代码通常是*无状态的*(即,当它完成处理一个 HTTP 请求后,它会忘记该请求的所有信息),并且任何需要从一个请求传递到另一个请求的信息都需要存储在客户端或服务器端的数据基础设施中。
Much of what we will discuss in this book relates to *backend development*. To explain that term: for web applications, the client-side code (which runs in a web browser) is called the *frontend*, and the server-side code that handles user requests is known as the *backend*. Mobile apps are similar to frontends in that they provide user interfaces, which often communicate over the Internet with a server-side backend. Frontends sometimes manage data locally on the user’s device [[2](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Kleppmann2019)], but the greatest data infrastructure challenges often lie in the backend: a frontend only needs to handle one user’s data, whereas the backend manages data on behalf of *all* of the users.
A backend service is often reachable via HTTP; it usually consists of some application code that reads and writes data in one or more databases, and sometimes interfaces with additional data systems such as caches or message queues (which we might collectively call *data infrastructure*). The application code is often *stateless* (i.e., when it finishes handling one HTTP request, it forgets everything about that request), and any information that needs to persist from one request to another needs to be stored either on the client, or in the server-side data infrastructure.
# Transaction Processing versus Analytics
## 事务处理与分析
除了管理后端服务的团队外,还有两个群体通常需要访问组织的数据:*商业分析师*,他们生成有关组织活动的报告以帮助管理层做出更好的决策(*商业智能*或*BI*),以及*数据科学家*,他们在数据中寻找新的见解或创建由数据分析和机器学习/AI支持的面向用户的产品功能(例如,电子商务网站上的“购买 X 的人也购买了 Y”推荐、风险评分或垃圾邮件过滤等预测分析,以及搜索结果的排名)。
- *业务系统*包括后端服务和数据基础设施,数据是在那里创建的,例如通过服务外部用户。在这里,应用程序代码根据用户的操作读取并修改其数据库中的数据。
- *分析系统*满足商业分析师和数据科学家的需求。它们包含来自业务系统的数据的只读副本,并针对分析所需的数据处理类型进行了优化。
If you are working on data systems in an enterprise, you are likely to encounter several different types of people who work with data. The first type are *backend engineers* who build services that handle requests for reading and updating data; these services often serve external users, either directly or indirectly via other services (see [“Microservices and Serverless”](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#sec_introduction_microservices)). Sometimes services are for internal use by other parts of the organization.
@ -70,11 +125,36 @@ As we shall see in the next section, operational and analytical systems are ofte
Many engineers specialize on either the operational or the analytical side. However, this book covers both operational and analytical data systems, since both play an important role in the lifecycle of data within an organization. We will explore in-depth the data infrastructure that is used to deliver services both to internal and external users, so that you can work better with your colleagues on the other side of this divide.
## Characterizing Analytical and Operational Systems
### 分析与业务系统的特征
In the early days of business data processing, a write to the database typically corresponded to a *commercial transaction* taking place: making a sale, placing an order with a supplier, paying an employee’s salary, etc. As databases expanded into areas that didn’t involve money changing hands, the term *transaction* nevertheless stuck, referring to a group of reads and writes that form a logical unit.
###### Note
> **注意**
> [即将提供链接]将详细探讨我们对交易的定义。本章宽泛地使用这个术语,指代低延迟的读写操作。
- 我们的每家店在一月份的总收入是多少?
- 我们在最近的促销活动中卖出的香蕉比平时多多少?
- 哪种品牌的婴儿食品最常与X品牌的尿布一起购买?
| 属性 | 业务系统 (OLTP) | 分析系统 (OLAP) |
| 主要读取模式 | 点查询(按键提取个别记录) | 在大量记录上聚合 |
| 主要写入模式 | 创建、更新和删除个别记录 | 批量导入(ETL)或事件流 |
| 人类用户示例 | 网络/移动应用的终端用户 | 内部分析师,用于决策支持 |
| 机器使用示例 | 检查是否授权某项行动 | 检测欺诈/滥用模式 |
| 查询类型 | 固定的查询集合,由应用预定义 | 分析师可以进行任意查询 |
| 数据表示 | 数据的最新状态(当前时间点) | 随时间发生的事件历史 |
| 数据集大小 | 千兆字节至太字节 | 太字节至拍字节 |
[Link to Come] explores in detail what we mean with a transaction. This chapter uses the term loosely to refer to low-latency reads and writes.
@ -88,8 +168,8 @@ However, databases also started being increasingly used for analytics, which has
The reports that result from these types of queries are important for business intelligence, helping the management decide what to do next. In order to differentiate this pattern of using databases from transaction processing, it has been called *online analytic processing* (OLAP) [[5](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Codd1993)]. The difference between OLTP and analytics is not always clear-cut, but some typical characteristics are listed in [Table 1-1](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#tab_oltp_vs_olap).
| Property | Operational systems (OLTP) | Analytical systems (OLAP) |
| :------------------ | :---------------------------------------------- | :---------------------------------------- |
| Property | 运营系统 (OLTP) | 分析系统 (OLAP) |
| Main read pattern | Point queries (fetch individual records by key) | Aggregate over large number of records |
| Main write pattern | Create, update, and delete individual records | Bulk import (ETL) or event stream |
| Human user example | End user of web/mobile application | Internal analyst, for decision support |
@ -98,13 +178,33 @@ The reports that result from these types of queries are important for business i
| Data represents | Latest state of data (current point in time) | History of events that happened over time |
| Dataset size | Gigabytes to terabytes | Terabytes to petabytes |
###### Note
> 注意
> *在线*在*OLAP*中的含义并不清晰;它可能指的是分析师不仅仅用于预定义报告的查询,而且还可以交互式地用于探索性查询的事实。
在业务系统中,用户通常不允许构建自定义SQL查询并在数据库上运行,因为这可能允许他们读取或修改他们无权访问的数据。此外,他们可能编写执行成本高昂的查询,从而影响其他用户的数据库性能。因此,OLTP系统大多运行固定的查询集,这些查询嵌入在应用程序代码中,仅偶尔使用一次性自定义查询进行维护或故障排除。另一方面,分析数据库通常允许用户手动编写任意SQL查询,或使用数据可视化或仪表板工具(如Tableau、Looker或Microsoft Power BI)自动生成查询。
The meaning of *online* in *OLAP* is unclear; it probably refers to the fact that queries are not just for predefined reports, but that analysts use the OLAP system interactively for explorative queries.
With operational systems, users are generally not allowed to construct custom SQL queries and run them on the database, since that would potentially allow them to read or modify data that they do not have permission to access. Moreover, they might write queries that are expensive to execute, and hence affect the database performance for other users. For these reasons, OLTP systems mostly run a fixed set of queries that are baked into the application code, and use one-off custom queries only occasionally for maintenance or troubleshooting. On the other hand, analytic databases usually give their users the freedom to write arbitrary SQL queries by hand, or to generate queries automatically using a data visualization or dashboard tool such as Tableau, Looker, or Microsoft Power BI.
## Data Warehousing
### 数据仓库
- 感兴趣的数据可能分布在多个业务系统中,将这些数据集合并到单一查询中很困难(一个称为*数据孤岛*的问题);
- 适合OLTP的模式和数据布局不太适合分析(见[“星型和雪花型:分析的模式”](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch03.html#sec_datamodels_analytics));
- 分析查询可能相当昂贵,如果在OLTP数据库上运行,将影响其他用户的性能;以及
- OLTP系统可能位于一个不允许用户直接访问的单独网络中,出于安全或合规原因。
At first, the same databases were used for both transaction processing and analytic queries. SQL turned out to be quite flexible in this regard: it works well for both types of queries. Nevertheless, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, there was a trend for companies to stop using their OLTP systems for analytics purposes, and to run the analytics on a separate database system instead. This separate database was called a *data warehouse*.
@ -121,9 +221,19 @@ A *data warehouse*, by contrast, is a separate database that analysts can query
The data warehouse contains a read-only copy of the data in all the various OLTP systems in the company. Data is extracted from OLTP databases (using either a periodic data dump or a continuous stream of updates), transformed into an analysis-friendly schema, cleaned up, and then loaded into the data warehouse. This process of getting data into the data warehouse is known as *Extract–Transform–Load* (ETL) and is illustrated in [Figure 1-1](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#fig_dwh_etl). Sometimes the order of the *transform* and *load* steps is swapped (i.e., the transformation is done in the data warehouse, after loading), resulting in *ELT*.
![ddia 0308](img/ddia_0308.png)
###### Figure 1-1. Simplified outline of ETL into a data warehouse.
###### 图1-1 数仓ETL简化框架
在某些情况下,ETL过程的数据来源是外部的SaaS产品,如客户关系管理(CRM)、电子邮件营销或信用卡处理系统。在这些情况下,你无法直接访问原始数据库,因为它只能通过软件供应商的API访问。将这些外部系统的数据引入你自己的数据仓库,可以启用SaaS API无法实现的分析。对于SaaS API的ETL通常由专业的数据连接服务实现,如Fivetran、Singer或AirByte。
有些数据库系统提供*混合事务/分析处理*(HTAP),旨在在单一系统中同时启用OLTP和分析,无需从一个系统向另一个系统进行ETL [[7](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Ozcan2017),[8](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Prout2022)]。然而,许多HTAP系统内部由一个OLTP系统与一个独立的分析系统组成,这些系统通过一个公共界面隐藏——因此,理解这两者之间的区别对于理解这些系统的工作方式非常重要。
业务系统和分析系统之间的分离是一个更广泛趋势的一部分:随着工作负载变得更加苛刻,系统变得更加专业化,并为特定工作负载优化。通用系统可以舒适地处理小数据量,但规模越大,系统趋向于变得更加专业化 [[9](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Stonebraker2005fitsall)]。
In some cases the data sources of the ETL processes are external SaaS products such as customer relationship management (CRM), email marketing, or credit card processing systems. In those cases, you do not have direct access to the original database, since it is accessible only via the software vendor’s API. Bringing the data from these external systems into your own data warehouse can enable analyses that are not possible via the SaaS API. ETL for SaaS APIs is often implemented by specialist data connector services such as Fivetran, Singer, or AirByte.
@ -133,7 +243,20 @@ Moreover, even though HTAP exists, it is common to have a separation between tra
The separation between operational and analytical systems is part of a wider trend: as workloads have become more demanding, systems have become more specialized and optimized for particular workloads. General-purpose systems can handle small data volumes comfortably, but the greater the scale, the more specialized systems tend to become [[9](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Stonebraker2005fitsall)].
### From data warehouse to data lake
#### 从数据仓库到数据湖
- 将数据转换成适合训练机器学习模型的形式;这通常需要将数据库表的行和列转换为称为*特征*的数字值向量或矩阵。以一种最大化训练模型性能的方式执行这种转换的过程称为*特征工程*,它通常需要使用SQL难以表达的自定义代码。
- 获取文本数据(例如,产品评论)并使用自然语言处理技术尝试从中提取结构化信息(例如,作者的情感或他们提到的主题)。类似地,他们可能需要使用计算机视觉技术从照片中提取结构化信息。
尽管已经努力在SQL数据模型中添加机器学习操作符 [[10](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Cohen2009)] 并在关系基础上构建高效的机器学习系统 [[11](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Olteanu2020)],许多数据科学家更喜欢不在数据仓库这类关系数据库中工作。相反,许多人更喜欢使用如pandas和scikit-learn这样的Python数据分析库,统计分析语言如R,以及分布式分析框架如Spark [[12](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Bornstein2020)]。我们在[“数据框架、矩阵和数组”](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch03.html#sec_datamodels_dataframes)中进一步讨论这些内容。
因此,组织面临着使数据以适合数据科学家使用的形式可用的需求。答案是*数据湖*:一个集中的数据存储库,存放可能对分析有用的任何数据,通过ETL过程从业务系统获取。与数据仓库的不同之处在于,数据湖只包含文件,不强加任何特定的文件格式或数据模型。数据湖中的文件可能是使用如Avro或Parquet等文件格式编码的数据库记录集合(见[链接即将到来]),但它们同样可能包含文本、图像、视频、传感器读数、稀疏矩阵、特征向量、基因序列或任何其他类型的数据 [[13](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Fowler2015)]。
ETL过程已经概括为*数据管道*,在某些情况下,数据湖已成为从业务系统到数据仓库的中间停靠点。数据湖包含由业务系统产生的“原始”形式的数据,而不是转换成关系数据仓库架构的数据。这种方法的优点是,每个数据的消费者都可以将原始数据转换成最适合其需要的形式。这被称为*寿司原则*:“原始数据更好” [[14](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Johnson2015)]。
除了从数据湖加载数据到单独的数据仓库外,还可以直接在数据湖中的文件上运行典型的数据仓库工作负载(SQL查询和商业分析),以及数据科学/机器学习工作负载。这种架构被称为*数据湖仓*,它需要一个查询执行引擎和一个元数据(例如,模式管理)层来扩展数据湖的文件存储 [[15](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Armbrust2021)]。Apache Hive、Spark SQL、Presto和Trino是这种方法的例子。
A data warehouse often uses a *relational* data model that is queried through SQL (see [Chapter 3](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch03.html#ch_datamodels)), perhaps using specialized business intelligence software. This model works well for the types of queries that business analysts need to make, but it is less well suited to the needs of data scientists, who might need to perform tasks such as:
@ -148,7 +271,14 @@ ETL processes have been generalized to *data pipelines*, and in some cases the d
Besides loading data from a data lake into a separate data warehouse, it is also possible to run typical data warehousing workloads (SQL queries and business analytics) directly on the files in the data lake, alongside data science/machine learning workloads. This architecture is known as a *data lakehouse*, and it requires a query execution engine and a metadata (e.g., schema management) layer that extend the data lake’s file storage [[15](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Armbrust2021)]. Apache Hive, Spark SQL, Presto, and Trino are examples of this approach.
### Beyond the data lake
#### 数据湖之外
随着分析实践的成熟,组织越来越关注分析系统和数据管道的管理和运营,例如在DataOps宣言中捕捉到的内容 [[16](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#DataOps)]。其中包括治理、隐私和遵守像GDPR和CCPA这样的法规问题,我们将在[“数据系统、法律与社会”](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#sec_introduction_compliance)和[即将到来的链接]中讨论。
在某些情况下,分析系统的输出会提供给业务系统(有时被称为*反向ETL* [[17](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Manohar2021)])。例如,一个在分析系统中训练的机器学习模型可能被部署到生产中,以便它可以为终端用户生成推荐,如“购买X的人也买了Y”。这些部署的分析系统输出也被称为*数据产品* [[18](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#ORegan2018)]。机器学习模型可以使用TFX、Kubeflow或MLflow等专门工具部署到业务系统中。
As analytics practices have matured, organizations have been increasingly paying attention to the management and operations of analytics systems and data pipelines, as captured for example in the DataOps manifesto [[16](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#DataOps)]. Part of this are issues of governance, privacy, and compliance with regulation such as GDPR and CCPA, which we discuss in [“Data Systems, Law, and Society”](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#sec_introduction_compliance) and [Link to Come].
@ -156,7 +286,28 @@ Moreover, analytical data is increasingly made available not only as files and r
In some cases the outputs of analytics systems are made available to operational systems (a process sometimes known as *reverse ETL* [[17](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Manohar2021)]). For example, a machine-learning model that was trained on data in an analytics system may be deployed to production, so that it can generate recommendations for end-users, such as “people who bought X also bought Y”. Such deployed outputs of analytics systems are also known as *data products* [[18](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#ORegan2018)]. Machine learning models can be deployed to operational systems using specialized tools such as TFX, Kubeflow, or MLflow.
## Systems of Record and Derived Data
### 记录系统与衍生数据系统
- 记录系统
- 衍生数据系统
Related to the distinction between operational and analytical systems, this book also distinguishes between *systems of record* and *derived data systems*. These terms are useful because they can help you clarify the flow of data through a system:
@ -178,7 +329,18 @@ When the data in one system is derived from the data in another, you need a proc
That brings us to the end of our comparison of analytics and transaction processing. In the next section, we will examine another trade-off that you might have already seen debated multiple times.
# Cloud versus Self-Hosting
## 云服务与自托管
这最终是一个关于业务优先级的问题。管理学的普遍观点是,作为组织的核心能力或竞争优势的事物应该在内部完成,而非核心、常规或普通的事务则应交给供应商处理 [[19](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Fournier2021)]。举一个极端的例子,大多数公司不会自己发电(除非它们是能源公司,且不考虑紧急备用电力),因为从电网购买电力更便宜。
在软件方面,需要做出的两个重要决策是谁来构建软件以及谁来部署它。有一个将每个决策外包出去的可能性的范围,如[图 1-2](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#fig_cloud_spectrum)所示。一个极端是你编写并在内部运行的定制软件;另一个极端是广泛使用的云服务或软件即服务(SaaS)产品,由外部供应商实施和操作,你只能通过Web界面或API访问。
With anything that an organization needs to do, one of the first questions is: should it be done in-house, or should it be outsourced? Should you build or should you buy?
@ -188,13 +350,39 @@ With software, two important decisions to be made are who builds the software an
![ddia 0101](img/ddia_0101.png)
###### Figure 1-2. A spectrum of types of software and its operations.
###### 图 1-2. 软件及其运营的类型范围。 A spectrum of types of software and its operations.
The middle ground is off-the-shelf software (open source or commercial) that you *self-host*, i.e., deploy yourself—for example, if you download MySQL and install it on a server you control. This could be on your own hardware (often called *on-premises*, even if the server is actually in a rented datacenter rack and not literally on your own premises), or on a virtual machine in the cloud (*Infrastructure as a Service* or IaaS). There are still more points along this spectrum, e.g., taking open source software and running a modified version of it.
Seperately from this spectrum there is also the question of *how* you deploy services, either in the cloud or on-premises—for example, whether you use an orchestration framework such as Kubernetes. However, choice of deployment tooling is out of scope of this book, since other factors have a greater influence on the architecture of data systems.
## Pros and Cons of Cloud Services
### 云服务的优缺点
云服务是否实际上比自托管更便宜和更容易,很大程度上取决于你的技能和系统的工作负载。如果你已经有设置和操作所需系统的经验,并且你的负载相当可预测(即,你需要的机器数量不会剧烈波动),那么通常购买自己的机器并自己运行软件会更便宜 [[20](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#HeinemeierHansson2022), [21](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Badizadegan2022)]。
- 如果它缺少你需要的功能,你唯一能做的就是礼貌地询问供应商是否会添加它;你通常无法自己实现它。
- 如果服务出现故障,你只能等待它恢复。
- 如果你以某种方式使用服务,触发了一个错误或导致性能问题,你很难诊断问题。对于你自己运行的软件,你可以从业务系统获取性能指标和调试信息来帮助你了解其行为,你可以查看服务器日志,但使用供应商托管的服务时,你通常无法访问这些内部信息。
- 此外,如果服务关闭或变得无法接受地昂贵,或者如果供应商决定以你不喜欢的方式更改其产品,你将受制于他们——继续运行软件的旧版本通常不是一个选项,因此你将被迫迁移到另一个服务 [[22](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Yegge2020)]。如果有提供兼容API的替代服务,这种风险可以缓解,但对于许多云服务,没有标准的API,这增加了切换的成本,使供应商锁定成为一个问题。
Using a cloud service, rather than running comparable software yourself, essentially outsources the operation of that software to the cloud provider. There are good arguments for and against cloud services. Cloud providers claim that using their services saves you time and money, and allows you to move faster compared to setting up your own infrastructure.
@ -217,18 +405,43 @@ The biggest downside of a cloud service is that you have no control over it:
Despite all these risks, it has become more and more popular for organizations to build new applications on top of cloud services. However, cloud services will not subsume all in-house data systems: many older systems predate the cloud, and for any services that have specialist requirements that existing cloud services cannot meet, in-house systems remain necessary. For example, very latency-sensitive applications such as high-frequency trading require full control of the hardware.
## Cloud-Native System Architecture
### 云原生系统架构
除了经济模式的不同(订阅服务而非购买硬件并在其上运行许可软件),云计算的兴起还在技术层面深刻影响了数据系统的实施方式。*云原生* 一词用来描述一种旨在利用云服务优势的架构。
原则上,几乎任何你可以自行托管的软件也可以作为云服务提供,实际上,许多流行的数据系统现在已经有了这样的托管服务。然而,从底层设计为云原生的系统显示出多项优势:在相同硬件上有更好的性能,从失败中更快恢复,能迅速扩展计算资源以匹配负载,并支持更大的数据集[[23](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Verbitski2017), [24](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Antonopoulos2019_ch1), [25](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Vuppalapati2020)]。[表 1-2](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#tab_cloud_native_dbs)列出了这两类系统的一些例子。
| 类别 | 自托管系统 | 云原生系统 |
| 操作型/OLTP | MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB | AWS Aurora 【23】, Azure SQL DB Hyperscale 【24】, Google Cloud Spanner |
| 分析型/OLAP | Teradata, ClickHouse, Spark | Snowflake 【25】, Google BigQuery, Azure Synapse Analytics |
Besides having a different economic model (subscribing to a service instead of buying hardware and licensing software to run on it), the rise of the cloud has also had a profound effect on how data systems are implemented on a technical level. The term *cloud-native* is used to describe an architecture that is designed to take advantage of cloud services.
In principle, almost any software that you can self-host could also be provided as a cloud service, and indeed such managed services are now available for many popular data systems. However, systems that have been designed from the ground up to be cloud-native have been shown to have several advantages: better performance on the same hardware, faster recovery from failures, being able to quickly scale computing resources to match the load, and supporting larger datasets [[23](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Verbitski2017), [24](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Antonopoulos2019_ch1), [25](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Vuppalapati2020)]. [Table 1-2](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#tab_cloud_native_dbs) lists some examples of both types of systems.
| Category | Self-hosted systems | Cloud-native systems |
| :--------------- | :-------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- |
| Operational/OLTP | MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB | AWS Aurora [[23](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Verbitski2017)], Azure SQL DB Hyperscale [[24](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Antonopoulos2019_ch1)], Google Cloud Spanner |
| Analytical/OLAP | Teradata, ClickHouse, Spark | Snowflake [[25](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Vuppalapati2020)], Google BigQuery, Azure Synapse Analytics |
| Operational/OLTP | MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB | AWS Aurora 【23】, Azure SQL DB Hyperscale 【24】, Google Cloud Spanner |
| Analytical/OLAP | Teradata, ClickHouse, Spark | Snowflake 【25】, Google BigQuery, Azure Synapse Analytics |
### Layering of cloud services
#### 云服务的分层
许多自托管的数据系统具有非常简单的系统要求:它们运行在常规业务系统如 Linux 或 Windows 上,它们将数据存储为文件系统上的文件,并通过标准网络协议如 TCP/IP 进行通信。一些系统依赖于特殊硬件,如用于机器学习的 GPU 或 RDMA 网络接口,但总体来说,自托管软件倾向于使用非常通用的计算资源:CPU、RAM、文件系统和 IP 网络。
- *对象存储*服务,如亚马逊 S3、Azure Blob 存储和 Cloudflare R2 存储大文件。它们提供的 API 比典型文件系统的 API 更有限(基本的文件读写),但它们的优势在于隐藏了底层的物理机器:服务自动将数据分布在许多机器上,因此你无需担心任何一台机器上的磁盘空间耗尽。即使某些机器或其磁盘完全失败,也不会丢失数据。
- 许多其他服务又是建立在对象存储和其他云服务之上的:例如,Snowflake 是一种基于云的分析数据库(数据仓库),依赖于 S3 进行数据存储 [[25](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Vuppalapati2020)],还有一些服务又建立在 Snowflake 之上。
Many self-hosted data systems have very simple system requirements: they run on a conventional operating system such as Linux or Windows, they store their data as files on the filesystem, and they communicate via standard network protocols such as TCP/IP. A few systems depend on special hardware such as GPUs (for machine learning) or RDMA network interfaces, but on the whole, self-hosted software tends to use very generic computing resources: CPU, RAM, a filesystem, and an IP network.
@ -241,7 +454,19 @@ In contrast, the key idea of cloud-native services is to use not only the comput
As always with abstractions in computing, there is no one right answer to what you should use. As a general rule, higher-level abstractions tend to be more oriented towards particular use cases. If your needs match the situations for which a higher-level system is designed, using the existing higher-level system will probably provide what you need with much less hassle than building it yourself from lower-level systems. On the other hand, if there is no high-level system that meets your needs, then building it yourself from lower-level components is the only option.
### Separation of storage and compute
#### 存储与计算分离
在传统计算中,磁盘存储被视为持久的(我们假设一旦某些内容被写入磁盘,它就不会丢失);为了容忍单个硬盘的失败,经常使用 RAID 来在几个磁盘上维护数据的副本。在云中,计算实例(虚拟机)也可能有本地磁盘附加,但云原生系统通常将这些磁盘更像是临时缓存,而不是长期存储。这是因为如果关联实例失败,或者为了适应负载变化而用更大或更小的实例替换实例(在不同的物理机上),本地磁盘将变得无法访问。
作为本地磁盘的替代,云服务还提供了可以从一个实例分离并连接到另一个实例的虚拟磁盘存储(Amazon EBS、Azure 管理磁盘和 Google Cloud 中的持久磁盘)。这种虚拟磁盘实际上不是物理磁盘,而是由一组独立机器提供的云服务,模拟磁盘(块设备)的行为(每个块通常为 4 KiB 大小)。这项技术使得在云中运行传统基于磁盘的软件成为可能,但它通常表现出较差的性能和可扩展性 [[23](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Verbitski2017)]。
为解决这个问题,云原生服务通常避免使用虚拟磁盘,而是建立在专门为特定工作负载优化的专用存储服务之上。如 S3 等对象存储服务旨在长期存储相对较大的文件,大小从数百千字节到几个千兆字节不等。存储在数据库中的单独行或值通常比这小得多;因此云数据库通常在单独的服务中管理更小的值,并在对象存储中存储更大的数据块(包含许多单独的值) [[24](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Antonopoulos2019_ch1)]。
在传统的系统架构中,同一台计算机负责存储(磁盘)和计算(CPU 和 RAM),但在云原生系统中,这两种责任已经有所分离或*解耦* [[8](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Prout2022), [25](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Vuppalapati2020), [26](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/例如,S3仅存储文件,如果你想分析那些数据,你将不得不在 S3 外部的某处运行分析代码。这意味着需要通过网络传输数据,我们将在[“分布式与单节点系统”](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#sec_introduction_distributed)中进一步讨论这一点。
此外,云原生系统通常是*多租户*的,这意味着它们不是为每个客户配置单独的机器,而是在同一共享硬件上由同一服务处理来自几个不同客户的数据和计算 [[28](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Vanlightly2023)]。多租户可以实现更好的硬件利用率、更容易的可扩展性和云提供商更容易的管理,但它也需要精心的工程设计,以确保一个客户的活动不影响系统对其他客户的性能或安全性 [[29](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Jonas2019)]。
In traditional computing, disk storage is regarded as durable (we assume that once something is written to disk, it will not be lost); to tolerate the failure of an individual hard disk, RAID is often used to maintain copies of the data on several disks. In the cloud, compute instances (virtual machines) may also have local disks attached, but cloud-native systems typically treat these disks more like an ephemeral cache, and less like long-term storage. This is because the local disk becomes inaccessible if the associated instance fails, or if the instance is replaced with a bigger or a smaller one (on a different physical machine) in order to adapt to changes in load.
@ -253,7 +478,33 @@ In a traditional systems architecture, the same computer is responsible for both
Moreover, cloud-native systems are often *multitenant*, which means that rather than having a separate machine for each customer, data and computation from several different customers are handled on the same shared hardware by the same service [[28](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Vanlightly2023)]. Multitenancy can enable better hardware utilization, easier scalability, and easier management by the cloud provider, but it also requires careful engineering to ensure that one customer’s activity does not affect the performance or security of the system for other customers [[29](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Jonas2019)].
## Operations in the Cloud Era
### 在云时代的运营
传统上,管理组织服务器端数据基础设施的人被称为*数据库管理员*(DBAs)或*系统管理员*(sysadmins)。近年来,许多组织试图将软件开发和运营的角色整合到一个团队中,共同负责后端服务和数据基础设施;*DevOps*哲学指导了这一趋势。*站点可靠性工程师*(SREs)是谷歌实施这一理念的方式 [[30](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Beyer2016)]。
- 自动化——偏好可重复的过程而不是一次性的手工作业,
- 偏好短暂的虚拟机和服务而不是长时间运行的服务器,
- 促进频繁的应用更新,
- 从事件中学习,
- 即使个别人员来去,也要保留组织对系统的知识 [[31](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Limoncelli2020)]。
随着云服务的兴起,角色出现了分化:基础设施公司的运营团队专注于向大量客户提供可靠服务的细节,而服务的客户尽可能少地花时间和精力在基础设施上 [[32](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Majors2020)]。
云服务的客户仍然需要运营,但他们关注的方面不同,如选择最适合特定任务的服务、将不同服务相互集成以及从一个服务迁移到另一个服务。尽管计量计费消除了传统意义上的容量规划的需要,但仍然重要的是了解您正在使用哪些资源以及用途,以免在不需要的云资源上浪费金钱:容量规划变成了财务规划,性能优化变成了成本优化 [[33](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Cherkasky2021)]。此外,云服务确实有资源限制或*配额*(如您可以同时运行的最大进程数),您需要了解并计划这些限制,以免遇到问题 [[34](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Kushchi2023)]。
采用云服务可能比运行自己的基础设施更容易且更快,尽管即使在这里,学习如何使用它和可能绕过其限制也有成本。随着越来越多的供应商提供针对不同用例的更广泛的云服务,不同服务之间的集成成为特别的挑战 [[35](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Bernhardsson2021), [36](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Stancil2021)]。ETL(见[“数据仓库”](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#sec_introduction_dwh))只是故事的一部分;运营云服务也需要相互集成。目前缺乏促进此类集成的标准,因此它通常涉及大量的手动努力。
Traditionally, the people managing an organization’s server-side data infrastructure were known as *database administrators* (DBAs) or *system administrators* (sysadmins). More recently, many organizations have tried to integrate the roles of software development and operations into teams with a shared responsibility for both backend services and data infrastructure; the *DevOps* philosophy has guided this trend. *Site Reliability Engineers* (SREs) are Google’s implementation of this idea [[30](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Beyer2016)].
@ -277,7 +528,49 @@ Adopting a cloud service can be easier and quicker than running your own infrast
Other operational aspects that cannot fully be outsourced to cloud services include maintaining the security of an application and the libraries it uses, managing the interactions between your own services, monitoring the load on your services, and tracking down the cause of problems such as performance degradations or outages. While the cloud is changing the role of operations, the need for operations is as great as ever.
# Distributed versus Single-Node Systems
## 分布式与单节点系统
- 固有的分布式系统
- 云服务间的请求
- 容错/高可用性
- 可扩展性
- 延迟
- 弹性
- 使用专用硬件
- 法律合规
一些国家有数据居留法律,要求在其管辖区内的人的数据必须在该国地理范围内存储和处理 [[37](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Korolov2022)]。这些规则的范围各不相同——例如,在某些情况下,它仅适用于医疗或财务数据,而其他情况则更广泛。因此,一个在几个这样的司法管辖区有用户的服务将不得不将其数据分布在几个位置的服务器上。
A system that involves several machines communicating via a network is called a *distributed system*. Each of the processes participating in a distributed system is called a *node*. There are various reasons why you might want a system to be distributed:
@ -315,19 +608,43 @@ A system that involves several machines communicating via a network is called a
These reasons apply both to services that you write yourself (application code) and services consisting of off-the-shelf software (such as databases).
## Problems with Distributed Systems
Distributed systems also have downsides. Every request and API call that goes via the network needs to deal with the possibility of failure: the network may be interrupted, or the service may be overloaded or crashed, and therefore any request may time out without receiving a response. In this case, we don’t know whether the service received the request, and simply retrying it might not be safe. We will discuss these problems in detail in [Link to Come].
Although datacenter networks are fast, making a call to another service is still vastly slower than calling a function in the same process [[38](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Nath2019)]. When operating on large volumes of data, rather than transferring the data from storage to a separate machine that processes it, it can be faster to bring the computation to the machine that already has the data [[39](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Hellerstein2019)]. More nodes are not always faster: in some cases, a simple single-threaded program on one computer can perform significantly better than a cluster with over 100 CPU cores [[40](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#McSherry2015_ch1)].
Troubleshooting a distributed system is often difficult: if the system is slow to respond, how do you figure out where the problem lies? Techniques for diagnosing problems in distributed systems are developed under the heading of *observability* [[41](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Sridharan2018), [42](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Majors2019)], which involves collecting data about the execution of a system, and allowing it to be queried in ways that allows both high-level metrics and individual events to be analyzed. *Tracing* tools such as OpenTelemetry allow you to track which client called which server for which operation, and how long each call took [[43](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Sigelman2010)].
### 分布式系统的问题
Databases provide various mechanisms for ensuring data consistency, as we shall see in [Link to Come] and [Link to Come]. However, when each service has its own database, maintaining consistency of data across those different services becomes the application’s problem. Distributed transactions, which we explore in [Link to Come], are a possible technique for ensuring consistency, but they are rarely used in a microservices context because they run counter to the goal of making services independent from each other [[44](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Laigner2021)].
For all these reasons, if you can do something on a single machine, this is often much simpler and easier compared to setting up a distributed system [[21](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Badizadegan2022)]. CPUs, memory, and disks have grown larger, faster, and more reliable. When combined with single-node databases such as DuckDB, SQLite, and KùzuDB, many workloads can now run on a single node. We will explore more on this topic in [Link to Come].
尽管数据中心网络速度很快,但调用另一个服务的速度仍然比在同一进程中调用函数要慢得多 [38]。在处理大量数据时,与其将数据从存储传输到另一台处理它的机器,不如将计算带到已经拥有数据的机器上,这样可能更快 [39]。更多的节点并不总是更快:在某些情况下,一台计算机上的简单单线程程序可能比拥有超过100个CPU核心的集群表现得更好 [40]。
## Microservices and Serverless
调试分布式系统通常很困难:如果系统响应缓慢,您如何确定问题所在?在可观测性的标题下开发了分布式系统问题诊断技术 [41, 42],这涉及收集关于系统执行的数据,并允许以可以分析高级指标和个别事件的方式查询这些数据。追踪工具如OpenTelemetry允许您跟踪哪个客户端为哪个操作调用了哪个服务器,以及每个调用花费了多长时间 [43]。
数据库提供了各种机制来确保数据一致性,我们将在[链接待补充]和[链接待补充]中看到。然而,当每个服务都有自己的数据库时,跨这些不同服务维护数据一致性成为应用程序的问题。我们将在[链接待补充]中探讨的分布式事务是确保一致性的一种可能技术,但它们在微服务环境中很少使用,因为它们与使服务相互独立的目标相悖 [44]。
基于所有这些原因,如果您可以在单台机器上完成某项任务,这通常比建立分布式系统简单得多 [21]。CPU、内存和硬盘已变得更大、更快和更可靠。结合单节点数据库,如DuckDB、SQLite和KùzuDB,现在许多工作负载都可以在单个节点上运行。我们将在[链接待补充]中进一步探讨这个话题。
### 微服务与无服务
这种构建应用程序的方式传统上被称为*面向服务的架构*(SOA);最近这个想法被细化为*微服务*架构 [[45](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Newman2021_ch1), [46](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Richardson2014)]。在这种架构中,每个服务都有一个明确定义的目的(例如,在S3的情况下,这将是文件存储);每个服务都暴露一个可以通过网络由客户端调用的API,并且每个服务都有一个负责其维护的团队。因此,一个复杂的应用程序可以被分解为多个互动的服务,每个服务由一个单独的团队管理。
微服务主要是对人的问题的技术解决方案:允许不同团队独立进展,无需彼此协调。这在大公司中很有价值,但在小公司中,如果没有许多团队,使用微服务可能是不必要的开销,更倾向于以最简单的方式实现应用程序 [[45](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Newman2021_ch1)]。
*无服务器*,或*功能即服务*(FaaS),是部署服务的另一种方法,其中基础设施的管理被外包给云供应商 [[29](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Jonas2019)]。使用虚拟机时,您必须明确选择何时启动或关闭实例;相比之下,在无服务器模型中,云提供商根据对您服务的传入请求,自动分配和释放硬件资源 [[47](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Shahrad2020)]。“无服务器”的术语可能会产生误导:每个无服务器功能执行仍然在服务器上运行,但后续执行可能在不同的服务器上进行。
The most common way of distributing a system across multiple machines is to divide them into clients and servers, and let the clients make requests to the servers. Most commonly HTTP is used for this communication, as we will discuss in [Link to Come]. The same process may be both a server (handling incoming requests) and a client (making outbound requests to other services).
@ -345,7 +662,21 @@ Microservices are primarily a technical solution to a people problem: allowing d
Just like cloud storage replaced capacity planning (deciding in advance how many disks to buy) with a metered billing model, the serverless approach is bringing metered billing to code execution: you only pay for the time that your application code is actually running, rather than having to provision resources in advance.
## Cloud Computing versus Supercomputing
### 云计算与超算
- 超级计算机通常用于计算密集型的科学计算任务,如天气预报、分子动力学(模拟原子和分子的运动)、复杂的优化问题和求解偏微分方程。另一方面,云计算倾向于用于在线服务、商业数据系统和需要高可用性服务用户请求的类似系统。
- 超级计算机通常运行大型批处理作业,这些作业会不时地将计算状态检查点保存到磁盘。如果节点失败,一个常见的解决方案是简单地停止整个集群工作,修复故障节点,然后从最后一个检查点重新开始计算 [[48](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Barroso2018), [49](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Fiala2012)]。在云服务中,通常不希望停止整个集群,因为服务需要持续地以最小的中断服务于用户。
- 超级计算机通常由专用硬件构建,每个节点都相当可靠。云服务中的节点通常由商品机构建,这些商品机由于规模经济可以以较低成本提供等效性能,但也具有更高的故障率(见[“硬件和软件故障”](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch02.html#sec_introduction_hardware_faults))。
- 超级计算机节点通常通过共享内存和远程直接内存访问(RDMA)进行通信,这支持高带宽和低延迟,但假设系统用户之间有高度的信任 [[50](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#KornfeldSimpson2020)]。在云计算中,网络和机器经常由互不信任的组织共享,需要更强的安全机制,如资源隔离(例如,虚拟机)、加密和认证。
- 云数据中心网络通常基于IP和以太网,按Clos拓扑排列,以提供高切面带宽——这是衡量网络整体性能的常用指标 [[48](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Barroso2018), [51](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Singh2015)]。超级计算机通常使用专用的网络拓扑,如多维网格和环面 [[52](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Lockwood2014)],这为具有已知通信模式的HPC工作负载提供了更好的性能。
- 云计算允许节点分布在多个地理位置,而超级计算机通常假设其所有节点都靠近在一起。
Cloud computing is not the only way of building large-scale computing systems; an alternative is *high-performance computing* (HPC), also known as *supercomputing*. Although there are overlaps, HPC often has different priorities and uses different techniques compared to cloud computing and enterprise datacenter systems. Some of those differences are:
@ -358,7 +689,35 @@ Cloud computing is not the only way of building large-scale computing systems; a
Large-scale analytics systems sometimes share some characteristics with supercomputing, which is why it can be worth knowing about these techniques if you are working in this area. However, this book is mostly concerned with services that need to be continually available, as discussed in [“Reliability and Fault Tolerance”](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch02.html#sec_introduction_reliability).
# Data Systems, Law, and Society
## 数据系统,法律与社会
此外,即使在不直接受法规约束的领域,也越来越多地认识到计算机系统对人和社会的影响。社交媒体改变了个人获取新闻的方式,这影响了他们的政治观点,从而可能影响选举结果。自动化系统越来越多地做出对个人有深远影响的决定,例如决定谁应获得贷款或保险,谁应被邀请参加工作面试,或者谁应被怀疑犯有罪行 [[53](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#ONeil2016_ch1)]。
法律考量正在影响数据系统设计的基础 [[54](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Shastri2020)]。例如,GDPR授予个人在请求时删除其数据的权利(有时称为*被遗忘权*)。然而,正如我们在本书中将看到的,许多数据系统依赖于不可变构造,如作为设计一部分的仅追加日志;我们如何确保在一个本应不可变的文件中删除某些数据?我们如何处理已并入派生数据集的数据的删除问题(见[“记录系统与派生数据”](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#sec_introduction_derived)),如机器学习模型的训练数据?回答这些问题创造了新的工程挑战。
一般来说,我们存储数据是因为我们认为其价值大于存储它的成本。然而,值得记住的是,存储成本不仅仅是您为亚马逊 S3 或其他服务支付的账单:成本效益计算还应考虑数据泄露或被敌对方妥协时的责任和声誉损害风险,以及如果数据的存储和处理被发现不符合法律的风险,还有法律费用和罚款的风险。
政府或警察部门也可能强制公司交出数据。当存在数据可能揭示被刑事化行为的风险时(例如,在几个中东和非洲国家的同性恋行为,或在几个美国州寻求堕胎),存储该数据为用户创造了真正的安全风险。例如,通过位置数据很容易揭露到堕胎诊所的旅行,甚至可能通过一段时间内用户 IP 地址的日志(表明大致位置)揭露。
一旦考虑到所有风险,可能会合理地决定某些数据根本不值得存储,因此应该将其删除。*数据最小化*原则(有时称为德语术语*Datensparsamkeit*)与存储大量数据的“大数据”哲学相悖,以防它在未来证明有用 [[55](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Datensparsamkeit)]。但这与 GDPR 相符,后者规定只能为特定的、明确的目的收集个人数据,这些数据以后不能用于任何其他目的,且为了收集目的,保存的数据不得超过必要的时间 [[56](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#GDPR)]。
企业也注意到了隐私和安全问题。信用卡公司要求支付处理业务遵守严格的支付卡行业(PCI)标准。处理者经常接受独立审计师的评估,以验证持续合规。软件供应商也看到了增加的审查。现在许多买家要求其供应商符合服务组织控制(SOC)类型 2 标准。与 PCI 合规一样,供应商接受第三方审计以验证遵守情况。
So far you’ve seen in this chapter that the architecture of data systems is influenced not only by technical goals and requirements, but also by the human needs of the organizations that they support. Increasingly, data systems engineers are realizing that serving the needs of their own business is not enough: we also have a responsibility towards society at large.
@ -382,7 +741,20 @@ Businesses have also taken notice of privacy and safety concerns. Credit card co
Generally, it is important to balance the needs of your business against the needs of the people whose data you are collecting and processing. There is much more to this topic; in [Link to Come] we will go deeper into the topics of ethics and legal compliance, including the problems of bias and discrimination.
# Summary
## 本章小结
我们首先区分了操作型(事务处理,OLTP)和分析型(OLAP)系统,并看到了它们的不同特点:不仅管理不同类型的数据,访问模式也不同,而且服务于不同的受众。我们遇到了数据仓库和数据湖的概念,这些系统通过 ETL 从业务系统接收数据。在[链接待补充]中,我们将看到,由于需要服务的查询类型不同,操作型和分析型系统通常使用非常不同的内部数据布局。
The theme of this chapter has been to understand trade-offs: that is, to recognize that for many questions there is not one right answer, but several different approaches that each have various pros and cons. We explored some of the most important choices that affect the architecture of data systems, and introduced terminology that will be needed throughout the rest of this book.
@ -394,9 +766,11 @@ Cloud systems are intrinsically distributed, and we briefly examined some of the
Finally, we saw that data systems architecture is determined not only by the needs of the business deploying the system, but also by privacy regulation that protects the rights of the people whose data is being processed—an aspect that many engineers are prone to ignoring. How we translate legal requirements into technical implementations is not yet well understood, but it’s important to keep this question in mind as we move through the rest of this book.
##### Footnotes
##### References
## 参考文献
[[1](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-data-intensive-applications/9781098119058/ch01.html#Kouzes2009-marker)] Richard T. Kouzes, Gordon A. Anderson, Stephen T. Elbert, Ian Gorton, and Deborah K. Gracio. [The Changing Paradigm of Data-Intensive Computing](http://www2.ic.uff.br/~boeres/slides_AP/papers/TheChanginParadigmDataIntensiveComputing_2009.pdf). *IEEE Computer*, volume 42, issue 1, January 2009. [doi:10.1109/MC.2009.26](https://doi.org/10.1109/MC.2009.26)
@ -363,6 +363,6 @@ Couchbase 不会自动进行再平衡,这简化了设计。通常情况下,
| 上一章 | 目录 | 下一章 |
|:----------------:| :-----------------------------: |:----------------:|
| [第六章:复制](ch6.md) | [设计数据密集型应用](README.md) | [第八章:事务](ch8.md) |
Reference in New Issue
Block a user