Data is central to much application development today. With web and mobile apps, software as a service (SaaS), and cloud services, it has become normal to store data from many different users in a shared server-based data infrastructure. Data from user activity, business transactions, devices and sensors needs to be stored and made available for analysis. As users interact with an application, they both read the data that is stored, and also generate more data.
Small amounts of data, which can be stored and processed on a single machine, are often fairly easy to deal with. However, as the data volume or the rate of queries grows, it needs to be distributed across multiple machines, which introduces many challenges. As the needs of the application become more complex, it is no longer sufficient to store everything in one system, but it might be necessary to combine multiple storage or processing systems that provide different capabilities.
We call an application *data-intensive* if data management is one of the primary challenges in developing the application [[1](ch01.html#Kouzes2009)]. While in *compute-intensive* systems the challenge is parallelizing some very large computation, in data-intensive applications we usually worry more about things like storing and processing large data volumes, managing changes to data, ensuring consistency in the face of failures and concurrency, and making sure services are highly available.
Such applications are typically built from standard building blocks that provide commonly needed functionality. For example, many applications need to:
In building an application we typically take several software systems or services, such as databases or APIs, and glue them together with some application code. If you are doing exactly what the data systems were designed for, then this process can be quite easy.
However, as your application becomes more ambitious, challenges arise. There are many database systems with different characteristics, suitable for different purposes—how do you choose which one to use? There are various approaches to caching, several ways of building search indexes, and so on—how do you reason about their trade-offs? You need to figure out which tools and which approaches are the most appropriate for the task at hand, and it can be difficult to combine tools when you need to do something that a single tool cannot do alone.
This book is a guide to help you make decisions about which technologies to use and how to combine them. As you will see, there is no one approach that is fundamentally better than others; everything has pros and cons. With this book, you will learn to ask the right questions to evaluate and compare data systems, so that you can figure out which approach will best serve the needs of your particular application.
We will start our journey by looking at some of the ways that data is typically used in organizations today. Many of the ideas here have their origin in *enterprise software* (i.e., the software needs and engineering practices of large organizations, such as big corporations and governments), since historically, only large organizations had the large data volumes that required sophisticated technical solutions. If your data volume is small enough, you can simply keep it in a spreadsheet! However, more recently it has also become common for smaller companies and startups to manage large data volumes and build data-intensive systems.
One of the key challenges with data systems is that different people need to do very different things with data. If you are working at a company, you and your team will have one set of priorities, while another team may have entirely different goals, although you might even be working with the same dataset! Moreover, those goals might not be explicitly articulated, which can lead to misunderstandings and disagreement about the right approach.
- the difference between transaction processing and analytics ([“Transaction Processing versus Analytics”](ch01.html#sec_introduction_analytics));
- pros and cons of cloud services and self-hosted systems ([“Cloud versus Self-Hosting”](ch01.html#sec_introduction_cloud));
- when to move from single-node systems to distributed systems ([“Distributed versus Single-Node Systems”](ch01.html#sec_introduction_distributed)); and
- balancing the needs of the business and the rights of the user ([“Data Systems, Law, and Society”](ch01.html#sec_introduction_compliance)).
Much of what we will discuss in this book relates to *backend development*. To explain that term: for web applications, the client-side code (which runs in a web browser) is called the *frontend*, and the server-side code that handles user requests is known as the *backend*. Mobile apps are similar to frontends in that they provide user interfaces, which often communicate over the Internet with a server-side backend. Frontends sometimes manage data locally on the user’s device [[2](ch01.html#Kleppmann2019)], but the greatest data infrastructure challenges often lie in the backend: a frontend only needs to handle one user’s data, whereas the backend manages data on behalf of *all* of the users.
A backend service is often reachable via HTTP; it usually consists of some application code that reads and writes data in one or more databases, and sometimes interfaces with additional data systems such as caches or message queues (which we might collectively call *data infrastructure*). The application code is often *stateless* (i.e., when it finishes handling one HTTP request, it forgets everything about that request), and any information that needs to persist from one request to another needs to be stored either on the client, or in the server-side data infrastructure.
除了管理後端服務的團隊外,還有兩個群體通常需要訪問組織的資料:*商業分析師*,他們生成有關組織活動的報告以幫助管理層做出更好的決策(*商業智慧*或*BI*),以及*資料科學家*,他們在資料中尋找新的見解或建立由資料分析和機器學習/AI支援的面向使用者的產品功能(例如,電子商務網站上的“購買 X 的人也購買了 Y”推薦、風險評分或垃圾郵件過濾等預測分析,以及搜尋結果的排名)。
If you are working on data systems in an enterprise, you are likely to encounter several different types of people who work with data. The first type are *backend engineers* who build services that handle requests for reading and updating data; these services often serve external users, either directly or indirectly via other services (see [“Microservices and Serverless”](ch01.html#sec_introduction_microservices)). Sometimes services are for internal use by other parts of the organization.
In addition to the teams managing backend services, two other groups of people typically require access to an organization’s data: *business analysts*, who generate reports about the activities of the organization in order to help the management make better decisions (*business intelligence* or *BI*), and *data scientists*, who look for novel insights in data or who create user-facing product features that are enabled by data analysis and machine learning/AI (for example, “people who bought X also bought Y” recommendations on an e-commerce website, predictive analytics such as risk scoring or spam filtering, and ranking of search results).
Although business analysts and data scientists tend to use different tools and operate in different ways, they have some things in common: both perform *analytics*, which means they look at the data that the users and backend services have generated, but they generally do not modify this data (except perhaps for fixing mistakes). They might create derived datasets in which the original data has been processed in some way. This has led to a split between two types of systems—a distinction that we will use throughout this book:
- *Operational systems* consist of the backend services and data infrastructure where data is created, for example by serving external users. Here, the application code both reads and modifies the data in its databases, based on the actions performed by the users.
- *Analytical systems* serve the needs of business analysts and data scientists. They contain a read-only copy of the data from the operational systems, and they are optimized for the types of data processing that are needed for analytics.
As we shall see in the next section, operational and analytical systems are often kept separate, for good reasons. As these systems have matured, two new specialized roles have emerged: *data engineers* and *analytics engineers*. Data engineers are the people who know how to integrate the operational and the analytical systems, and who take responsibility for the organization’s data infrastructure more widely [[3](ch01.html#Reis2022)]. Analytics engineers model and transform data to make it more useful for end users querying data in an organization [[4](ch01.html#Machado2023)].
Many engineers specialize on either the operational or the analytical side. However, this book covers both operational and analytical data systems, since both play an important role in the lifecycle of data within an organization. We will explore in-depth the data infrastructure that is used to deliver services both to internal and external users, so that you can work better with your colleagues on the other side of this divide.
In the early days of business data processing, a write to the database typically corresponded to a *commercial transaction* taking place: making a sale, placing an order with a supplier, paying an employee’s salary, etc. As databases expanded into areas that didn’t involve money changing hands, the term *transaction* nevertheless stuck, referring to a group of reads and writes that form a logical unit.
Even though databases started being used for many different kinds of data—posts on social media, moves in a game, contacts in an address book, and many others—the basic access pattern remained similar to processing business transactions. An operational system typically looks up a small number of records by some key (this is called a *point query*). Records are inserted, updated, or deleted based on the user’s input. Because these applications are interactive, this access pattern became known as *online transaction processing* (OLTP).
However, databases also started being increasingly used for analytics, which has very different access patterns compared to OLTP. Usually an analytic query scans over a huge number of records, and calculates aggregate statistics (such as count, sum, or average) rather than returning the individual records to the user. For example, a business analyst at a supermarket chain may want to answer analytic queries such as:
The reports that result from these types of queries are important for business intelligence, helping the management decide what to do next. In order to differentiate this pattern of using databases from transaction processing, it has been called *online analytic processing* (OLAP) [[5](ch01.html#Codd1993)]. The difference between OLTP and analytics is not always clear-cut, but some typical characteristics are listed in [Table 1-1](ch01.html#tab_oltp_vs_olap).
The meaning of *online* in *OLAP* is unclear; it probably refers to the fact that queries are not just for predefined reports, but that analysts use the OLAP system interactively for explorative queries.
With operational systems, users are generally not allowed to construct custom SQL queries and run them on the database, since that would potentially allow them to read or modify data that they do not have permission to access. Moreover, they might write queries that are expensive to execute, and hence affect the database performance for other users. For these reasons, OLTP systems mostly run a fixed set of queries that are baked into the application code, and use one-off custom queries only occasionally for maintenance or troubleshooting. On the other hand, analytic databases usually give their users the freedom to write arbitrary SQL queries by hand, or to generate queries automatically using a data visualization or dashboard tool such as Tableau, Looker, or Microsoft Power BI.
At first, the same databases were used for both transaction processing and analytic queries. SQL turned out to be quite flexible in this regard: it works well for both types of queries. Nevertheless, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, there was a trend for companies to stop using their OLTP systems for analytics purposes, and to run the analytics on a separate database system instead. This separate database was called a *data warehouse*.
A large enterprise may have dozens, even hundreds, of operational transaction processing systems: systems powering the customer-facing website, controlling point of sale (checkout) systems in physical stores, tracking inventory in warehouses, planning routes for vehicles, managing suppliers, administering employees, and performing many other tasks. Each of these systems is complex and needs a team of people to maintain it, so these systems end up operating mostly independently from each other.
- the data of interest may be spread across multiple operational systems, making it difficult to combine those datasets in a single query (a problem known as *data silos*);
- the kinds of schemas and data layouts that are good for OLTP are less well suited for analytics (see [“Stars and Snowflakes: Schemas for Analytics”](ch03.html#sec_datamodels_analytics));
A *data warehouse*, by contrast, is a separate database that analysts can query to their hearts’ content, without affecting OLTP operations [[6](ch01.html#Chaudhuri1997)]. As we shall see in [Link to Come], data warehouses often store data in a way that is very different from OLTP databases, in order to optimize for the types of queries that are common in analytics.
The data warehouse contains a read-only copy of the data in all the various OLTP systems in the company. Data is extracted from OLTP databases (using either a periodic data dump or a continuous stream of updates), transformed into an analysis-friendly schema, cleaned up, and then loaded into the data warehouse. This process of getting data into the data warehouse is known as *Extract–Transform–Load* (ETL) and is illustrated in [Figure 1-1](ch01.html#fig_dwh_etl). Sometimes the order of the *transform* and *load* steps is swapped (i.e., the transformation is done in the data warehouse, after loading), resulting in *ELT*.
In some cases the data sources of the ETL processes are external SaaS products such as customer relationship management (CRM), email marketing, or credit card processing systems. In those cases, you do not have direct access to the original database, since it is accessible only via the software vendor’s API. Bringing the data from these external systems into your own data warehouse can enable analyses that are not possible via the SaaS API. ETL for SaaS APIs is often implemented by specialist data connector services such as Fivetran, Singer, or AirByte.
Some database systems offer *hybrid transactional/analytic processing* (HTAP), which aims to enable OLTP and analytics in a single system without requiring ETL from one system into another [[7](ch01.html#Ozcan2017), [8](ch01.html#Prout2022)]. However, many HTAP systems internally consist of an OLTP system coupled with a separate analytical system, hidden behind a common interface—so the distinction beween the two remains important for understanding how these systems work.
Moreover, even though HTAP exists, it is common to have a separation between transactional and analytic systems due to their different goals and requirements. In particular, it is considered good practice for each operational system to have its own database (see [“Microservices and Serverless”](ch01.html#sec_introduction_microservices)), leading to hundreds of separate operational databases; on the other hand, an enterprise usually has a single data warehouse, so that business analysts can combine data from several operational systems in a single query.
The separation between operational and analytical systems is part of a wider trend: as workloads have become more demanding, systems have become more specialized and optimized for particular workloads. General-purpose systems can handle small data volumes comfortably, but the greater the scale, the more specialized systems tend to become [[9](ch01.html#Stonebraker2005fitsall)].
A data warehouse often uses a *relational* data model that is queried through SQL (see [Chapter 3](ch03.html#ch_datamodels)), perhaps using specialized business intelligence software. This model works well for the types of queries that business analysts need to make, but it is less well suited to the needs of data scientists, who might need to perform tasks such as:
- Transform data into a form that is suitable for training a machine learning model; often this requires turning the rows and columns of a database table into a vector or matrix of numerical values called *features*. The process of performing this transformation in a way that maximizes the performance of the trained model is called *feature engineering*, and it often requires custom code that is difficult to express using SQL.
- Take textual data (e.g., reviews of a product) and use natural language processing techniques to try to extract structured information from it (e.g., the sentiment of the author, or which topics they mention). Similarly, they might need to extract structured information from photos using computer vision techniques.
Although there have been efforts to add machine learning operators to a SQL data model [[10](ch01.html#Cohen2009)] and to build efficient machine learning systems on top of a relational foundation [[11](ch01.html#Olteanu2020)], many data scientists prefer not to work in a relational database such as a data warehouse. Instead, many prefer to use Python data analysis libraries such as pandas and scikit-learn, statistical analysis languages such as R, and distributed analytics frameworks such as Spark [[12](ch01.html#Bornstein2020)]. We discuss these further in [“Dataframes, Matrices, and Arrays”](ch03.html#sec_datamodels_dataframes).
Consequently, organizations face a need to make data available in a form that is suitable for use by data scientists. The answer is a *data lake*: a centralized data repository that holds a copy of any data that might be useful for analysis, obtained from operational systems via ETL processes. The difference from a data warehouse is that a data lake simply contains files, without imposing any particular file format or data model. Files in a data lake might be collections of database records, encoded using a file format such as Avro or Parquet (see [Link to Come]), but they can equally well contain text, images, videos, sensor readings, sparse matrices, feature vectors, genome sequences, or any other kind of data [[13](ch01.html#Fowler2015)].
ETL processes have been generalized to *data pipelines*, and in some cases the data lake has become an intermediate stop on the path from the operational systems to the data warehouse. The data lake contains data in a “raw” form produced by the operational systems, without the transformation into a relational data warehouse schema. This approach has the advantage that each consumer of the data can transform the raw data into a form that best suits their needs. It has been dubbed the *sushi principle*: “raw data is better” [[14](ch01.html#Johnson2015)].
Besides loading data from a data lake into a separate data warehouse, it is also possible to run typical data warehousing workloads (SQL queries and business analytics) directly on the files in the data lake, alongside data science/machine learning workloads. This architecture is known as a *data lakehouse*, and it requires a query execution engine and a metadata (e.g., schema management) layer that extend the data lake’s file storage [[15](ch01.html#Armbrust2021)]. Apache Hive, Spark SQL, Presto, and Trino are examples of this approach.
As analytics practices have matured, organizations have been increasingly paying attention to the management and operations of analytics systems and data pipelines, as captured for example in the DataOps manifesto [[16](ch01.html#DataOps)]. Part of this are issues of governance, privacy, and compliance with regulation such as GDPR and CCPA, which we discuss in [“Data Systems, Law, and Society”](ch01.html#sec_introduction_compliance) and [Link to Come].
Moreover, analytical data is increasingly made available not only as files and relational tables, but also as streams of events (see [Link to Come]). With file-based data analysis you can re-run the analysis periodically (e.g., daily) in order to respond to changes in the data, but stream processing allows analytics systems to respond to events much faster, on the order of seconds. Depending on the application and how time-sensitive it is, a stream processing approach can be valuable, for example to identify and block potentially fraudulent or abusive activity.
In some cases the outputs of analytics systems are made available to operational systems (a process sometimes known as *reverse ETL* [[17](ch01.html#Manohar2021)]). For example, a machine-learning model that was trained on data in an analytics system may be deployed to production, so that it can generate recommendations for end-users, such as “people who bought X also bought Y”. Such deployed outputs of analytics systems are also known as *data products* [[18](ch01.html#ORegan2018)]. Machine learning models can be deployed to operational systems using specialized tools such as TFX, Kubeflow, or MLflow.
Related to the distinction between operational and analytical systems, this book also distinguishes between *systems of record* and *derived data systems*. These terms are useful because they can help you clarify the flow of data through a system:
A system of record, also known as *source of truth*, holds the authoritative or *canonical* version of some data. When new data comes in, e.g., as user input, it is first written here. Each fact is represented exactly once (the representation is typically *normalized*; see [“Normalization, Denormalization, and Joins”](ch03.html#sec_datamodels_normalization)). If there is any discrepancy between another system and the system of record, then the value in the system of record is (by definition) the correct one.
Data in a derived system is the result of taking some existing data from another system and transforming or processing it in some way. If you lose derived data, you can recreate it from the original source. A classic example is a cache: data can be served from the cache if present, but if the cache doesn’t contain what you need, you can fall back to the underlying database. Denormalized values, indexes, materialized views, transformed data representations, and models trained on a dataset also fall into this category.
Technically speaking, derived data is *redundant*, in the sense that it duplicates existing information. However, it is often essential for getting good performance on read queries. You can derive several different datasets from a single source, enabling you to look at the data from different “points of view.”
Analytical systems are usually derived data systems, because they are consumers of data created elsewhere. Operational services may contain a mixture of systems of record and derived data systems. The systems of record are the primary databases to which data is first written, whereas the derived data systems are the indexes and caches that speed up common read operations, especially for queries that the system of record cannot answer efficiently.
Most databases, storage engines, and query languages are not inherently a system of record or a derived system. A database is just a tool: how you use it is up to you. The distinction between system of record and derived data system depends not on the tool, but on how you use it in your application. By being clear about which data is derived from which other data, you can bring clarity to an otherwise confusing system architecture.
When the data in one system is derived from the data in another, you need a process for updating the derived data when the original in the system of record changes. Unfortunately, many databases are designed based on the assumption that your application only ever needs to use that one database, and they do not make it easy to integrate multiple systems in order to propagate such updates. In [Link to Come] we will discuss approaches to *data integration*, which allow us to compose multiple data systems to achieve things that one system alone cannot do.
That brings us to the end of our comparison of analytics and transaction processing. In the next section, we will examine another trade-off that you might have already seen debated multiple times.
With anything that an organization needs to do, one of the first questions is: should it be done in-house, or should it be outsourced? Should you build or should you buy?
Ultimately, this is a question about business priorities. The received management wisdom is that things that are a core competency or a competitive advantage of your organization should be done in-house, whereas things that are non-core, routine, or commonplace should be left to a vendor [[19](ch01.html#Fournier2021)]. To give an extreme example, most companies do not generate their own electricity (unless they are an energy company, and leaving aside emergency backup power), since it is cheaper to buy electricity from the grid.
With software, two important decisions to be made are who builds the software and who deploys it. There is a spectrum of possibilities that outsource each decision to various degrees, as illustrated in [Figure 1-2](ch01.html#fig_cloud_spectrum). At one extreme is bespoke software that you write and run in-house; at the other extreme are widely-used cloud services or Software as a Service (SaaS) products that are implemented and operated by an external vendor, and which you only access through a web interface or API.
The middle ground is off-the-shelf software (open source or commercial) that you *self-host*, i.e., deploy yourself—for example, if you download MySQL and install it on a server you control. This could be on your own hardware (often called *on-premises*, even if the server is actually in a rented datacenter rack and not literally on your own premises), or on a virtual machine in the cloud (*Infrastructure as a Service* or IaaS). There are still more points along this spectrum, e.g., taking open source software and running a modified version of it.
Seperately from this spectrum there is also the question of *how* you deploy services, either in the cloud or on-premises—for example, whether you use an orchestration framework such as Kubernetes. However, choice of deployment tooling is out of scope of this book, since other factors have a greater influence on the architecture of data systems.
Using a cloud service, rather than running comparable software yourself, essentially outsources the operation of that software to the cloud provider. There are good arguments for and against cloud services. Cloud providers claim that using their services saves you time and money, and allows you to move faster compared to setting up your own infrastructure.
Whether a cloud service is actually cheaper and easier than self-hosting depends very much on your skills and the workload on your systems. If you already have experience setting up and operating the systems you need, and if your load is quite predictable (i.e., the number of machines you need does not fluctuate wildly), then it’s often cheaper to buy your own machines and run the software on them yourself [[20](ch01.html#HeinemeierHansson2022), [21](ch01.html#Badizadegan2022)].
On the other hand, if you need a system that you don’t already know how to deploy and operate, then adopting a cloud service is often easier and quicker than learning to manage the system yourself. If you have to hire and train staff specifically to maintain and operate the system, that can get very expensive. You still need an operations team when you’re using the cloud (see [“Operations in the Cloud Era”](ch01.html#sec_introduction_operations)), but outsourcing the basic system administration can free up your team to focus on higher-level concerns.
When you outsource the operation of a system to a company that specializes in running that service, that can potentially result in a better service, since the provider gains operational expertise from providing the service to many customers. On the other hand, if you run the service yourself, you can configure and tune it to perform well on your particular workload; it is unlikely that a cloud service would be willing to make such customizations on your behalf.
Cloud services are particularly valuable if the load on your systems varies a lot over time. If you provision your machines to be able to handle peak load, but those computing resources are idle most of the time, the system becomes less cost-effective. In this situation, cloud services have the advantage that they can make it easier to scale your computing resources up or down in response to changes in demand.
For example, analytics systems often have extremely variable load: running a large analytical query quickly requires a lot of computing resources in parallel, but once the query completes, those resources sit idle until the user makes the next query. Predefined queries (e.g., for daily reports) can be enqueued and scheduled to smooth out the load, but for interactive queries, the faster you want them to complete, the more variable the workload becomes. If your dataset is so large that querying it quickly requires significant computing resources, using the cloud can save money, since you can return unused resources to the provider rather than leaving them idle. For smaller datasets, this difference is less significant.
The biggest downside of a cloud service is that you have no control over it:
- If it is lacking a feature you need, all you can do is to politely ask the vendor whether they will add it; you generally cannot implement it yourself.
- If the service goes down, all you can do is to wait for it to recover.
- If you are using the service in a way that triggers a bug or causes performance problems, it will be difficult for you to diagnose the issue. With software that you run yourself, you can get performance metrics and debugging information from the operating system to help you understand its behavior, and you can look at the server logs, but with a service hosted by a vendor you usually do not have access to these internals.
- Moreover, if the service shuts down or becomes unacceptably expensive, or if the vendor decides to change their product in a way you don’t like, you are at their mercy—continuing to run an old version of the software is usually not an option, so you will be forced to migrate to an alternative service [[22](ch01.html#Yegge2020)]. This risk is mitigated if there are alternative services that expose a compatible API, but for many cloud services there are no standard APIs, which raises the cost of switching, making vendor lock-in a problem.
Despite all these risks, it has become more and more popular for organizations to build new applications on top of cloud services. However, cloud services will not subsume all in-house data systems: many older systems predate the cloud, and for any services that have specialist requirements that existing cloud services cannot meet, in-house systems remain necessary. For example, very latency-sensitive applications such as high-frequency trading require full control of the hardware.
Besides having a different economic model (subscribing to a service instead of buying hardware and licensing software to run on it), the rise of the cloud has also had a profound effect on how data systems are implemented on a technical level. The term *cloud-native* is used to describe an architecture that is designed to take advantage of cloud services.
In principle, almost any software that you can self-host could also be provided as a cloud service, and indeed such managed services are now available for many popular data systems. However, systems that have been designed from the ground up to be cloud-native have been shown to have several advantages: better performance on the same hardware, faster recovery from failures, being able to quickly scale computing resources to match the load, and supporting larger datasets [[23](ch01.html#Verbitski2017), [24](ch01.html#Antonopoulos2019_ch1), [25](ch01.html#Vuppalapati2020)]. [Table 1-2](ch01.html#tab_cloud_native_dbs) lists some examples of both types of systems.
許多自託管的資料系統具有非常簡單的系統要求:它們執行在常規業務系統如 Linux 或 Windows 上,它們將資料儲存為檔案系統上的檔案,並透過標準網路協議如 TCP/IP 進行通訊。一些系統依賴於特殊硬體,如用於機器學習的 GPU 或 RDMA 網路介面,但總體來說,自託管軟體傾向於使用非常通用的計算資源:CPU、RAM、檔案系統和 IP 網路。
Many self-hosted data systems have very simple system requirements: they run on a conventional operating system such as Linux or Windows, they store their data as files on the filesystem, and they communicate via standard network protocols such as TCP/IP. A few systems depend on special hardware such as GPUs (for machine learning) or RDMA network interfaces, but on the whole, self-hosted software tends to use very generic computing resources: CPU, RAM, a filesystem, and an IP network.
In a cloud, this type of software can be run on an Infrastructure-as-a-Service environment, using one or more virtual machines (or *instances*) with a certain allocation of CPUs, memory, disk, and network bandwidth. Compared to physical machines, cloud instances can be provisioned faster and they come in a greater variety of sizes, but otherwise they are similar to a traditional computer: you can run any software you like on it, but you are responsible for administering it yourself.
In contrast, the key idea of cloud-native services is to use not only the computing resources managed by your operating system, but also to build upon lower-level cloud services to create higher-level services. For example:
- *Object storage* services such as Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, and Cloudflare R2 store large files. They provide more limited APIs than a typical filesystem (basic file reads and writes), but they have the advantage that they hide the underlying physical machines: the service automatically distributes the data across many machines, so that you don’t have to worry about running out of disk space on any one machine. Even if some machines or their disks fail entirely, no data is lost.
- Many other services are in turn built upon object storage and other cloud services: for example, Snowflake is a cloud-based analytic database (data warehouse) that relies on S3 for data storage [[25](ch01.html#Vuppalapati2020)], and some other services in turn build upon Snowflake.
As always with abstractions in computing, there is no one right answer to what you should use. As a general rule, higher-level abstractions tend to be more oriented towards particular use cases. If your needs match the situations for which a higher-level system is designed, using the existing higher-level system will probably provide what you need with much less hassle than building it yourself from lower-level systems. On the other hand, if there is no high-level system that meets your needs, then building it yourself from lower-level components is the only option.
In traditional computing, disk storage is regarded as durable (we assume that once something is written to disk, it will not be lost); to tolerate the failure of an individual hard disk, RAID is often used to maintain copies of the data on several disks. In the cloud, compute instances (virtual machines) may also have local disks attached, but cloud-native systems typically treat these disks more like an ephemeral cache, and less like long-term storage. This is because the local disk becomes inaccessible if the associated instance fails, or if the instance is replaced with a bigger or a smaller one (on a different physical machine) in order to adapt to changes in load.
As an alternative to local disks, cloud services also offer virtual disk storage that can be detached from one instance and attached to a different one (Amazon EBS, Azure managed disks, and persistent disks in Google Cloud). Such a virtual disk is not actually a physical disk, but rather a cloud service provided by a separate set of machines, which emulates the behavior of a disk (a *block device*, where each block is typically 4 KiB in size). This technology makes it possible to run traditional disk-based software in the cloud, but it often suffers from poor performance and poor scalability [[23](ch01.html#Verbitski2017)].
To address this problem, cloud-native services generally avoid using virtual disks, and instead build on dedicated storage services that are optimized for particular workloads. Object storage services such as S3 are designed for long-term storage of fairly large files, ranging from hundreds of kilobytes to several gigabytes in size. The individual rows or values stored in a database are typically much smaller than this; cloud databases therefore typically manage smaller values in a separate service, and store larger data blocks (containing many individual values) in an object store [[24](ch01.html#Antonopoulos2019_ch1)].
In a traditional systems architecture, the same computer is responsible for both storage (disk) and computation (CPU and RAM), but in cloud-native systems, these two responsibilities have become somewhat separated or *disaggregated* [[8](ch01.html#Prout2022), [25](ch01.html#Vuppalapati2020), [26](ch01.html#Shapira2023), [27](ch01.html#Murthy2022)]: for example, S3 only stores files, and if you want to analyze that data, you will have to run the analysis code somewhere outside of S3. This implies transferring the data over the network, which we will discuss further in [“Distributed versus Single-Node Systems”](ch01.html#sec_introduction_distributed).
Moreover, cloud-native systems are often *multitenant*, which means that rather than having a separate machine for each customer, data and computation from several different customers are handled on the same shared hardware by the same service [[28](ch01.html#Vanlightly2023)]. Multitenancy can enable better hardware utilization, easier scalability, and easier management by the cloud provider, but it also requires careful engineering to ensure that one customer’s activity does not affect the performance or security of the system for other customers [[29](ch01.html#Jonas2019)].
Traditionally, the people managing an organization’s server-side data infrastructure were known as *database administrators* (DBAs) or *system administrators* (sysadmins). More recently, many organizations have tried to integrate the roles of software development and operations into teams with a shared responsibility for both backend services and data infrastructure; the *DevOps* philosophy has guided this trend. *Site Reliability Engineers* (SREs) are Google’s implementation of this idea [[30](ch01.html#Beyer2016)].
The role of operations is to ensure services are reliably delivered to users (including configuring infrastructure and deploying applications), and to ensure a stable production environment (including monitoring and diagnosing any problems that may affect reliability). For self-hosted systems, operations traditionally involves a significant amount of work at the level of individual machines, such as capacity planning (e.g., monitoring available disk space and adding more disks before you run out of space), provisioning new machines, moving services from one machine to another, and installing operating system patches.
Many cloud services present an API that hides the individual machines that actually implement the service. For example, cloud storage replaces fixed-size disks with *metered billing*, where you can store data without planning your capacity needs in advance, and you are then charged based on the space actually used. Moreover, many cloud services remain highly available, even when individual machines have failed (see [“Reliability and Fault Tolerance”](ch02.html#sec_introduction_reliability)).
This shift in emphasis from individual machines to services has been accompanied by a change in the role of operations. The high-level goal of providing a reliable service remains the same, but the processes and tools have evolved. The DevOps/SRE philosophy places greater emphasis on:
- automation—preferring repeatable processes over manual one-off jobs,
- preferring ephemeral virtual machines and services over long running servers,
With the rise of cloud services, there has been a bifurcation of roles: operations teams at infrastructure companies specialize in the details of providing a reliable service to a large number of customers, while the customers of the service spend as little time and effort as possible on infrastructure [[32](ch01.html#Majors2020)].
Customers of cloud services still require operations, but they focus on different aspects, such as choosing the most appropriate service for a given task, integrating different services with each other, and migrating from one service to another. Even though metered billing removes the need for capacity planning in the traditional sense, it’s still important to know what resources you are using for which purpose, so that you don’t waste money on cloud resources that are not needed: capacity planning becomes financial planning, and performance optimization becomes cost optimization [[33](ch01.html#Cherkasky2021)]. Moreover, cloud services do have resource limits or *quotas* (such as the maximum number of processes you can run concurrently), which you need to know about and plan for before you run into them [[34](ch01.html#Kushchi2023)].
Adopting a cloud service can be easier and quicker than running your own infrastructure, although even here there is a cost in learning how to use it, and perhaps working around its limitations. Integration between different services becomes a particular challenge as a growing number of vendors offers an ever broader range of cloud services targeting different use cases [[35](ch01.html#Bernhardsson2021), [36](ch01.html#Stancil2021)]. ETL (see [“Data Warehousing”](ch01.html#sec_introduction_dwh)) is only part of the story; operational cloud services also need to be integrated with each other. At present, there is a lack of standards that would facilitate this sort of integration, so it often involves significant manual effort.
Other operational aspects that cannot fully be outsourced to cloud services include maintaining the security of an application and the libraries it uses, managing the interactions between your own services, monitoring the load on your services, and tracking down the cause of problems such as performance degradations or outages. While the cloud is changing the role of operations, the need for operations is as great as ever.
A system that involves several machines communicating via a network is called a *distributed system*. Each of the processes participating in a distributed system is called a *node*. There are various reasons why you might want a system to be distributed:
If an application involves two or more interacting users, each using their own device, then the system is unavoidably distributed: the communication between the devices will have to go via a network.
If your application needs to continue working even if one machine (or several machines, or the network, or an entire datacenter) goes down, you can use multiple machines to give you redundancy. When one fails, another one can take over. See [“Reliability and Fault Tolerance”](ch02.html#sec_introduction_reliability).
If your data volume or computing requirements grow bigger than a single machine can handle, you can potentially spread the load across multiple machines. See [“Scalability”](ch02.html#sec_introduction_scalability).
If you have users around the world, you might want to have servers at various locations worldwide so that each user can be served from a datacenter that is geographically close to them. That avoids the users having to wait for network packets to travel halfway around the world to answer their requests. See [“Describing Performance”](ch02.html#sec_introduction_percentiles).
If your application is busy at some times and idle at other times, a cloud deployment can scale up or down to meet the demand, so that you pay only for resources you are actively using. This more difficult on a single machine, which needs to be provisioned to handle the maximum load, even at times when it is barely used.
Different parts of the system can take advantage of different types of hardware to match their workload. For example, an object store may use machines with many disks but few CPUs, whereas a data analysis system may use machines with lots of CPU and memory but no disks, and a machine learning system may use machines with GPUs (which are much more efficient than CPUs for training deep neural networks and other machine learning tasks).
Some countries have data residency laws that require data about people in their jurisdiction to be stored and processed geographically within that country [[37](ch01.html#Korolov2022)]. The scope of these rules varies—for example, in some cases it applies only to medical or financial data, while other cases are broader. A service with users in several such jurisdictions will therefore have to distribute their data across servers in several locations.
The most common way of distributing a system across multiple machines is to divide them into clients and servers, and let the clients make requests to the servers. Most commonly HTTP is used for this communication, as we will discuss in [Link to Come]. The same process may be both a server (handling incoming requests) and a client (making outbound requests to other services).
This way of building applications has traditionally been called a *service-oriented architecture* (SOA); more recently the idea has been refined into a *microservices* architecture [[45](ch01.html#Newman2021_ch1), [46](ch01.html#Richardson2014)]. In this architecture, a service has one well-defined purpose (for example, in the case of S3, this would be file storage); each service exposes an API that can be called by clients via the network, and each service has one team that is responsible for its maintenance. A complex application can thus be decomposed into multiple interacting services, each managed by a separate team.
There are several advantages to breaking down a complex piece of software into multiple services: each service can be updated independently, reducing coordination effort among teams; each service can be assigned the hardware resources it needs; and by hiding the implementation details behind an API, the service owners are free to change the implementation without affecting clients. In terms of data storage, it is common for each service to have its own databases, and not to share databases between services: sharing a database would effectively make the entire database structure a part of the service’s API, and then that structure would be difficult to change. Shared databases could also cause one service’s queries to negatively impact the performance of other services.
On the other hand, having many services can itself breed complexity: each service requires infrastructure for deploying new releases, adjusting the allocated hardware resources to match the load, collecting logs, monitoring service health, and alerting an on-call engineer in the case of a problem. *Orchestration* frameworks such as Kubernetes have become a popular way of deploying services, since they provide a foundation for this infrastructure. Testing a service during development can be complicated, since you also need to run all the other services that it depends on.
Microservice APIs can be challenging to evolve. Clients that call an API expect the API to have certain fields. Developers might wish to add or remove fields to an API as business needs change, but doing so can cause clients to fail. Worse still, such failures are often not discovered until late in the development cycle when the updated service API is deployed to a staging or production environment. API description standards such as OpenAPI and gRPC help manage the relationship between client and server APIs; we discuss these further in [Link to Come].
Microservices are primarily a technical solution to a people problem: allowing different teams to make progress independently without having to coordinate with each other. This is valuable in a large company, but in a small company where there are not many teams, using microservices is likely to be unnecessary overhead, and it is preferable to implement the application in the simplest way possible [[45](ch01.html#Newman2021_ch1)].
*Serverless*, or *function-as-a-service* (FaaS), is another approach to deploying services, in which the management of the infrastructure is outsourced to a cloud vendor [[29](ch01.html#Jonas2019)]. When using virtual machines, you have to explicitly choose when to start up or shut down an instance; in contrast, with the serverless model, the cloud provider automatically allocates and frees hardware resources as needed, based on the incoming requests to your service [[47](ch01.html#Shahrad2020)]. The term “serverless” can misleading: each serverless function execution still runs on a server, but subsequent executions might run on a different one.
Just like cloud storage replaced capacity planning (deciding in advance how many disks to buy) with a metered billing model, the serverless approach is bringing metered billing to code execution: you only pay for the time that your application code is actually running, rather than having to provision resources in advance.
Cloud computing is not the only way of building large-scale computing systems; an alternative is *high-performance computing* (HPC), also known as *supercomputing*. Although there are overlaps, HPC often has different priorities and uses different techniques compared to cloud computing and enterprise datacenter systems. Some of those differences are:
- Supercomputers are typically used for computationally intensive scientific computing tasks, such as weather forecasting, molecular dynamics (simulating the movement of atoms and molecules), complex optimization problems, and solving partial differential equations. On the other hand, cloud computing tends to be used for online services, business data systems, and similar systems that need to serve user requests with high availability.
- A supercomputer typically runs large batch jobs that checkpoint the state of their computation to disk from time to time. If a node fails, a common solution is to simply stop the entire cluster workload, repair the faulty node, and then restart the computation from the last checkpoint [[48](ch01.html#Barroso2018), [49](ch01.html#Fiala2012)]. With cloud services, it is usually not desirable to stop the entire cluster, since the services need to continually serve users with minimal interruptions.
- Supercomputers are typically built from specialized hardware, where each node is quite reliable. Nodes in cloud services are usually built from commodity machines, which can provide equivalent performance at lower cost due to economies of scale, but which also have higher failure rates (see [“Hardware and Software Faults”](ch02.html#sec_introduction_hardware_faults)).
- Supercomputer nodes typically communicate through shared memory and remote direct memory access (RDMA), which support high bandwidth and low latency, but assume a high level of trust among the users of the system [[50](ch01.html#KornfeldSimpson2020)]. In cloud computing, the network and the machines are often shared by mutually untrusting organizations, requiring stronger security mechanisms such as resource isolation (e.g., virtual machines), encryption and authentication.
- Cloud datacenter networks are often based on IP and Ethernet, arranged in Clos topologies to provide high bisection bandwidth—a commonly used measure of a network’s overall performance [[48](ch01.html#Barroso2018), [51](ch01.html#Singh2015)]. Supercomputers often use specialized network topologies, such as multi-dimensional meshes and toruses [[52](ch01.html#Lockwood2014)], which yield better performance for HPC workloads with known communication patterns.
- Cloud computing allows nodes to be distributed across multiple geographic locations, whereas supercomputers generally assume that all of their nodes are close together.
Large-scale analytics systems sometimes share some characteristics with supercomputing, which is why it can be worth knowing about these techniques if you are working in this area. However, this book is mostly concerned with services that need to be continually available, as discussed in [“Reliability and Fault Tolerance”](ch02.html#sec_introduction_reliability).
So far you’ve seen in this chapter that the architecture of data systems is influenced not only by technical goals and requirements, but also by the human needs of the organizations that they support. Increasingly, data systems engineers are realizing that serving the needs of their own business is not enough: we also have a responsibility towards society at large.
One particular concern are systems that store data about people and their behavior. Since 2018 the *General Data Protection Regulation* (GDPR) has given residents of many European countries greater control and legal rights over their personal data, and similar privacy regulation has been adopted in various other countries and states around the world, including for example the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Regulations around AI, such as the *EU AI Act*, place further restrictions on how personal data can be used.
Moreover, even in areas that are not directly subject to regulation, there is increasing recognition of the effects that computer systems have on people and society. Social media has changed how individuals consume news, which influences their political opinions and hence may affect the outcome of elections. Automated systems increasingly make decisions that have profound consequences for individuals, such as deciding who should be given a loan or insurance coverage, who should be invited to a job interview, or who should be suspected of a crime [[53](ch01.html#ONeil2016_ch1)].
Everyone who works on such systems shares a responsibility for considering the ethical impact and ensuring that they comply with relevant law. It is not necessary for everybody to become an expert in law and ethics, but a basic awareness of legal and ethical principles is just as important as, say, some foundational knowledge in distributed systems.
Legal considerations are influencing the very foundations of how data systems are being designed [[54](ch01.html#Shastri2020)]. For example, the GDPR grants individuals the right to have their data erased on request (sometimes known as the *right to be forgotten*). However, as we shall see in this book, many data systems rely on immutable constructs such as append-only logs as part of their design; how can we ensure deletion of some data in the middle of a file that is supposed to be immutable? How do we handle deletion of data that has been incorporated into derived datasets (see [“Systems of Record and Derived Data”](ch01.html#sec_introduction_derived)), such as training data for machine learning models? Answering these questions creates new engineering challenges.
At present we don’t have clear guidelines on which particular technologies or system architectures should be considered “GDPR-compliant” or not. The regulation deliberately does not mandate particular technologies, because these may quickly change as technology progresses. Instead, the legal texts set out high-level principles that are subject to interpretation. This means that there are no simple answers to the question of how to comply with privacy regulation, but we will look at some of the technologies in this book through this lens.
In general, we store data because we think that its value is greater than the costs of storing it. However, it is worth remembering that the costs of storage are not just the bill you pay for Amazon S3 or another service: the cost-benefit calculation should also take into account the risks of liability and reputational damage if the data were to be leaked or compromised by adversaries, and the risk of legal costs and fines if the storage and processing of the data is found not to be compliant with the law.
Governments or police forces might also compel companies to hand over data. When there is a risk that the data may reveal criminalized behaviors (for example, homosexuality in several Middle Eastern and African countries, or seeking an abortion in several US states), storing that data creates real safety risks for users. Travel to an abortion clinic, for example, could easily be revealed by location data, perhaps even by a log of the user’s IP addresses over time (which indicate approximate location).
Once all the risks are taken into account, it might be reasonable to decide that some data is simply not worth storing, and that it should therefore be deleted. This principle of *data minimization* (sometimes known by the German term *Datensparsamkeit*) runs counter to the “big data” philosophy of storing lots of data speculatively in case it turns out to be useful in the future [[55](ch01.html#Datensparsamkeit)]. But it fits with the GDPR, which mandates that personal data many only be collected for a specified, explicit purpose, that this data may not later be used for any other purpose, and that the data must not be kept for longer than necessary for the purposes for which it was collected [[56](ch01.html#GDPR)].
Businesses have also taken notice of privacy and safety concerns. Credit card companies require payment processing businesses to adhere to strict payment card industry (PCI) standards. Processors undergo frequent evaluations from independent auditors to verify continued compliance. Software vendors have also seen increased scrutiny. Many buyers now require their vendors to comply with Service Organization Control (SOC) Type 2 standards. As with PCI compliance, vendors undergo third party audits to verify adherence.
Generally, it is important to balance the needs of your business against the needs of the people whose data you are collecting and processing. There is much more to this topic; in [Link to Come] we will go deeper into the topics of ethics and legal compliance, including the problems of bias and discrimination.
The theme of this chapter has been to understand trade-offs: that is, to recognize that for many questions there is not one right answer, but several different approaches that each have various pros and cons. We explored some of the most important choices that affect the architecture of data systems, and introduced terminology that will be needed throughout the rest of this book.
We started by making a distinction between operational (transaction-processing, OLTP) and analytical (OLAP) systems, and saw their different characteristics: not only managing different types of data with different access patterns, but also serving different audiences. We encountered the concept of a data warehouse and data lake, which receive data feeds from operational systems via ETL. In [Link to Come] we will see that operational and analytical systems often use very different internal data layouts because of the different types of queries they need to serve.
We then compared cloud services, a comparatively recent development, to the traditional paradigm of self-hosted software that has previously dominated data systems architecture. Which of these approaches is more cost-effective depends a lot on your particular situation, but it’s undeniable that cloud-native approaches are bringing big changes to the way data systems are architected, for example in the way they separate storage and compute.
Cloud systems are intrinsically distributed, and we briefly examined some of the trade-offs of distributed systems compared to using a single machine. There are situations in which you can’t avoid going distributed, but it’s advisable not to rush into making a system distributed if it’s possible to keep it on a single machine. In [Link to Come] and [Link to Come] we will cover the challenges with distributed systems in more detail.
Finally, we saw that data systems architecture is determined not only by the needs of the business deploying the system, but also by privacy regulation that protects the rights of the people whose data is being processed—an aspect that many engineers are prone to ignoring. How we translate legal requirements into technical implementations is not yet well understood, but it’s important to keep this question in mind as we move through the rest of this book.
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