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< p > < strong > Cisco CCNA in 60 Days< / strong > < / p >
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< p > < strong > 推荐模拟器< / strong > < / p >
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2023-03-28 16:43:51 +08:00
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< p > 本书结合了学习技巧,包括阅读、复习、背书、测试以及 hands-on 实验。< / p >
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< p > < em > 2017-08-03< / em > < / p >
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< li > “十円”通过支付宝进行了捐赠,并留言“谢谢译者的辛勤付出!”< / li >
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< p > < em > 2017-05-21< / em > < / p >
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< li > “远”通过支付宝进行了捐赠,并留言 “60 天通过 ccna 对我帮助很大期待更新”< / li >
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< p > < em > 2017-07-16< / em > < / p >
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< li > 完成第37天--EIGRP故障排除章节< / li >
< li > 完成第38天--IPv6下的EIGRP章节< / li >
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< p > < em > 2017-07-14< / em > < / p >
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< li > 完成第36天--EIGRP 章节的修订, EIGRP已无问题< / li >
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