`OSPFv3`定义在`RFC 2740`中,而其功能与`OSPFv2`相同,不过`OSPFv3`显式地是为 IPv6 路由协议设计(OSPFv3 is defined in RFC 2740 and is the counterpart of OSPFv2, but it is designed explicitly for the IPv6 routed protocol)。该版本号取自此种 OSPF 数据包中的版本字段,该字段已被更新到数字`3`. `OSPFv3`规格主要是基于`OSPFv2`, 但因为加入对 IPv6 的支持,而包含了一些额外功能增强。
-`OSPFv3`继续使用着为`OSPFv2`所用到的那些数据包。包括数据库说明数据包(Database Description, DBD), 链路状态请求数据包(Link State Requests, LSRs),链路状态更新数据包(Link State Updates, LSUs), 以及链路状态通告数据包(Lins State Advertisements, LSAs)
- 以与 EIGRP 类似的方式,`OSPFv3`是在链路上运行的(in a manner similar to EIGRP, OSPFv3 runs over a link)。这就打消了`OSPFv3`中执行网络声明语句的需求。取而代之的是,**通过使用接口配置命令`ipv6 router ospf [process id] area [area id]`,来将该链路配置为某个 OSPF 进程的组成部分**。但是,与`OSPFv2`类似, OSPF 进程号仍然是通过在全局配置模式中,使用全局配置命令`ipv6 router ospf [process id]`进行指定。
-`OSPFv3`**引入了两种新的OSPF LSA类型**。分别是**链路LSA**(the Link LSA),被定义为 LSA 类型`0x0008`(LSA `Type 0x0008`,或LSA Type 8), 以及**区域内前缀LSA**(the Intra-Area-Prefix LSA),被定义为 LSA 类型`0x0029`(LSA `Type 0x0029`, 或LSA Type 29)。**链路 LSA 提供了路由器的本地链路地址,及加诸路由器上的所有 IPv6 前缀**。每条链路都有一个链路 LSA 。可能有多个带有不同**链路状态IDs**的区域内前缀 LSAs 。因此,区域 LSA 散布范围就既可能是与应用自网络 LSA 的所经过网络的相关前缀网络,也可能是参考自路由器 LSA 的某台路由器或末梢区域相关前缀(There can be multiple Intra-Area-Prefix LSAs with different Link-State IDs. The Area flooding scope can therefore be an associated prefix with the transit network referencing a Network LSA or it can be an associated prefix with a router or Stub referencing a Router LSA)。
-`OSPFv3`利用到 IPv6 内建的`IPSec`的能力,并将 AH 和 ESP 扩展头部用着一种的认证机制,而不是想在`OSPFv2`中可配置的为数众多的认证机制(OSPFv3 leverages the built-in capabilities of IPSec and uses the AH and ESP extension headers as an authentication mechanism instead of the numerous authentication mechanisms configurable in OSPFv2)。因此,在`OSPFv3`的 OSPF 数据包中,那些认证和 AuType 字段就被移除了。
- 最终的最后一个明显区别就是,`OSPFv3` `Hello`数据包现在不包含任何地址信息,而是包含了一个接口 ID ,该接口 ID 是发出`Hello`数据包路由器分配的,用于对链路做其接口的唯一区分。此接口 ID 成为网络 LSA (the Network LSA)的链路状态 ID (Link State ID), 判断该路由器是否应成为该链路上的指定路由器(This interface ID becomes the Network LSA's Link State ID, should the router become the Designated Router on the link)。
与 EIGRPv6 (将在 ICND2 中涵盖)所要求的一样, OSPFv3 的路由器 ID 也必须予以手动指定,或配置成一个带有 IPv4 地址的运行接口(比如一个环回接口)。与 EIGRPv6 类似,在启用 OSPFv3 时,是没有网络命令的(网络宣告,network statement)。取而代之的是, OSPF 的启用,是基于各个接口的,且在同一接口上可开启多个 OSPFv3 实例(similar to EIGRPv6, there are no network commands used when enabling OSPFv3. Instead OSPFv3 is enabled on a per-interface basis and multiple instances may be enabled on the same interface)。
1. Both OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 can run on the same router. True or false?
2. OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 use different LSA flooding and aging mechanisms. True or false?
3. Which is the equivalent of `` in the IPv6 world?
4. As is required for EIGRPv6, the router ID for OSPFv3 must be either specified manually or configured as an operational interface with an IPv4 address. True or false?
5. Which command would you use to enable the OSPFv3 routing protocol?
6. Which command would you use to specify an OSPFv3 neighbour over an NBMA interface?
7. Which command would you use to see the OSPFv3 LSDB?
8. A significant difference between OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 is that the OSPFv3 Hello packet now contains no address information at all but includes an interface ID, which the originating router has assigned to uniquely identify its interface to the link. True or false?