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Confusing git terminology

Hello! Im slowly working on explaining git. One of my biggest problems is that after almost 15 years of using git, Ive become very used to gits idiosyncracies and its easy for me to forget whats confusing about it.

So I asked people on Mastodon:

what git jargon do you find confusing? thinking of writing a blog post that explains some of gits weirder terminology: “detached HEAD state”, “fast-forward”, “index/staging area/staged”, “ahead of origin/main by 1 commit”, etc

I got a lot of GREAT answers and Ill try to summarize some of them here. Heres a list of the terms:

Ive done my best to explain whats going on with these terms, but they cover basically every single major feature of git which is definitely too much for a single blog post so its pretty patchy in some places.

HEAD and “heads”

A few people said they were confused by the terms HEAD and refs/heads/main, because it sounds like its some complicated technical internal thing.

Heres a quick summary:

  • “heads” are “branches”. Internally in git, branches are stored in a directory called .git/refs/heads. (technically the official git glossary says that the branch is all the commits on it and the head is just the most recent commit, but theyre 2 different ways to think about the same thing)
  • HEAD is the current branch. Its stored in .git/HEAD.

I think that “a head is a branch, HEAD is the current branch” is a good candidate for the weirdest terminology choice in git, but its definitely too late for a clearer naming scheme so lets move on.

There are some important exceptions to “HEAD is the current branch”, which well talk about next.

“detached HEAD state”

Youve probably seen this message:

    $ git checkout v0.1
    You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
    changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
    state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.


Heres the deal with this message:

  • In Git, usually you have a “current branch” checked out, for example main.
  • The place the current branch is stored is called HEAD.
  • Any new commits you make will get added to your current branch, and if you run git merge other_branch, that will also affect your current branch
  • But HEAD doesnt have to be a branch! Instead it can be a commit ID.
  • Git calls this state (where HEAD is a commit ID instead of a branch) “detached HEAD state”
  • For example, you can get into detached HEAD state by checking out a tag, because a tag isnt a branch
  • if you dont have a current branch, a bunch of things break:
    • git pull doesnt work at all (since the whole point of it is to update your current branch)
    • neither does git push unless you use it in a special way
    • git commit, git merge, git rebase, and git cherry-pick do still work, but theyll leave you with “orphaned” commits that arent connected to any branch, so those commits will be hard to find
  • You can get out of detached HEAD state by either creating a new branch or switching to an existing branch

“ours” and “theirs” while merging or rebasing

If you have a merge conflict, you can run git checkout --ours file.txt to pick the version of file.txt from the “ours” side. But which side is “ours” and which side is “theirs”?

I always find this confusing and I never use git checkout --ours because of that, but I looked it up to see which is which.

For merges, heres how it works: the current branch is “ours” and the branch youre merging in is “theirs”, like this. Seems reasonable.

    $ git checkout merge-into-ours # current branch is "ours"
    $ git merge from-theirs # branch we're merging in is "theirs"

For rebases its the opposite the current branch is “theirs” and the target branch were rebasing onto is “ours”, like this:

    $ git checkout theirs # current branch is "theirs"
    $ git rebase ours # branch we're rebasing onto is "ours"

I think the reason for this is that under the hood git rebase main is merging the current branch into main (its like git checkout main; git merge current_branch), but I still find it confusing.

This nice tiny site explains the “ours” and “theirs” terms.

A couple of people also mentioned that VSCode calls “ours”/“theirs” “current change”/“incoming change”, and that its confusing in the exact same way.

“Your branch is up to date with origin/main

This message seems straightforward its saying that your main branch is up to date with the origin!

But its actually a little misleading. You might think that this means that your main branch is up to date. It doesnt. What it actually means is if you last ran git fetch or git pull 5 days ago, then your main branch is up to date with all the changes as of 5 days ago.

So if you dont realize that, it can give you a false sense of security.

I think git could theoretically give you a more useful message like “is up to date with the origins main as of your last fetch 5 days ago ” because the time that the most recent fetch happened is stored in the reflog, but it doesnt.


Ive known for a long time that HEAD^ refers to the previous commit, but Ive been confused for a long time about the difference between HEAD~ and HEAD^.

I looked it up, and heres how these relate to each other:

  • HEAD^ and HEAD~ are the same thing (1 commit ago)
  • HEAD^^^ and HEAD~~~ and HEAD~3 are the same thing (3 commits ago)
  • HEAD^3 refers the the third parent of a commit, and is different from HEAD~3

This seems weird why are HEAD~ and HEAD^ the same thing? And whats the “third parent”? Is that the same thing as the parents parents parent? (spoiler: it isnt) Lets talk about it!

Most commits have only one parent. But merge commits have multiple parents theyre merging together 2 or more commits. In Git HEAD^ means “the parent of the HEAD commit”. But what if HEAD is a merge commit? What does HEAD^ refer to?

The answer is that HEAD^ refers to the the first parent of the merge, HEAD^2 is the second parent, HEAD^3 is the third parent, etc.

But I guess they also wanted a way to refer to “3 commits ago”, so HEAD^3 is the third parent of the current commit (which may have many parents if its a merge commit), and HEAD~3 is the parents parents parent.

I think in the context of the merge commit ours/theirs discussion earlier, HEAD^ is “ours” and HEAD^2 is “theirs”.

.. and ...

Here are two commands:

  • git log main..test
  • git log main...test

Whats the difference between .. and ...? I never use these so I had to look it up in man git-range-diff. It seems like the answer is that in this case:

    A - B main
        C - D test

  • main..test is commits C and D
  • test..main is commit B
  • main...test is commits B, C, and D

But it gets worse: apparently git diff also supports .. and ..., but they do something completely different than they do with git log? I think the summary is:

  • git log test..main shows changes on main that arent on test, whereas git log test...main shows changes on both sides.
  • git diff test..main shows test changes and main changes (it diffs B and D) whereas git diff test...main diffs A and D (it only shows you the diff on one side).

this blog post talks about it a bit more.

“can be fast-forwarded”

Heres a very common message youll see in git status:

    $ git status
    On branch main
    Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
      (use "git pull" to update your local branch)

What does “fast-forwarded” mean? Basically its trying to say that the two branches look something like this: (newest commits are on the right)

    main:        A - B - C
    origin/main: A - B - C - D - E

or visualized another way:

    A - B - C - D - E (origin/main)

Here origin/main just has 2 extra commits that main doesnt have, so its easy to bring main up to date we just need to add those 2 commits. Literally nothing can possibly go wrong theres no possibility of merge conflicts. A fast forward merge is a very good thing! Its the easiest way to combine 2 branches.

After running git pull, youll end up this state:

    main:        A - B - C - D - E
    origin/main: A - B - C - D - E

Heres an example of a state which cant be fast-forwarded.

                 A - B - C - X  (main)
                         - - D - E  (origin/main)

Here main has a commit that origin/main doesnt have (X). So you cant do a fast forward. In that case, git status would say:

    $ git status
    Your branch and 'origin/main' have diverged,
    and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.

“reference”, “symbolic reference”

Ive always found the term “reference” kind of confusing. There are at least 3 things that get called “references” in git

  • branches and tags like main and v0.2
  • HEAD, which is the current branch
  • things like HEAD^^^ which git will resolve to a commit ID. Technically these are probably not “references”, I guess git calls them “revision parameters” but Ive never used that term.

“symbolic reference” is a very weird term to me because personally I think the only symbolic reference Ive ever used is HEAD (the current branch), and HEAD has a very central place in git (most of gits core commands behaviour depends on the value of HEAD), so Im not sure what the point of having it as a generic concept is.


When you configure a git remote in .git/config, theres this +refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main thing.

    [remote "origin"]
        url = git@github.com:jvns/pandas-cookbook
        fetch = +refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main

I dont really know what this means, Ive always just used whatever the default is when you do a git clone or git remote add, and Ive never felt any motivation to learn about it or change it from the default.


The man page for git checkout says:

     git checkout [-f|--ours|--theirs|-m|--conflict=<style>] [<tree-ish>] [--] <pathspec>...

Whats tree-ish??? What git is trying to say here is when you run git checkout THING ., THING can be either:

  • a commit ID (like 182cd3f)
  • a reference to a commit ID (like main or HEAD^^ or v0.3.2)
  • a subdirectory inside a commit (like main:./docs)
  • I think thats it????

Personally Ive never used the “directory inside a commit” thing and from my perspective “tree-ish” might as well just mean “commit or reference to commit”.

“index”, “staged”, “cached”

All of these refer to the exact same thing (the file .git/index, which is where your changes are staged when you run git add):

  • git diff --cached
  • git rm --cached
  • git diff --staged
  • the file .git/index

Even though they all ultimately refer to the same file, theres some variation in how those terms are used in practice:

  • Apparently the flags --index and --cached do not generally mean the same thing. I have personally never used the --index flag so Im not going to get into it, but this blog post by Junio Hamano (gits lead maintainer) explains all the gnarly details
  • the “index” lists untracked files (I guess for performance reasons) but you dont usually think of the “staging area” as including untracked files”

“reset”, “revert”, “restore”

A bunch of people mentioned that “reset”, “revert” and “restore” are very similar words and its hard to differentiate them.

I think its made worse because

  • git reset --hard and git restore . on their own do basically the same thing. (though git reset --hard COMMIT and git restore --source COMMIT . are completely different from each other)
  • the respective man pages dont give very helpful descriptions:
    • git reset: “Reset current HEAD to the specified state”
    • git revert: “Revert some existing commits”
    • git restore: “Restore working tree files”

Those short descriptions do give you a better sense for which noun is being affected (“current HEAD”, “some commits”, “working tree files”) but they assume you know what “reset”, “revert” and “restore” mean in this context.

Here are some short descriptions of what they each do:

  • git revert COMMIT: Create a new commit thats the “opposite” of COMMIT on your current branch (if COMMIT added 3 lines, the new commit will delete those 3 lines)
  • git reset --hard COMMIT: Force your current branch back to the state it was at COMMIT, erasing any new changes since COMMIT. Very dangerous operation.
  • git restore --source=COMMIT PATH: Take all the files in PATH back to how they were at COMMIT, without changing any other files or commit history.

“untracked files”, “remote-tracking branch”, “track remote branch”

Git uses the word “track” in 3 different related ways:

  • Untracked files: in the output of git status. This means those files arent managed by Git and wont be included in commits.
  • a “remote tracking branch” like origin/main. This is a local reference, and its the commit ID that main pointed to on the remote origin the last time you ran git pull or git fetch.
  • “branch foo set up to track remote branch bar from origin”

The “untracked files” and “remote tracking branch” thing is not too bad they both use “track”, but the context is very different. No big deal. But I think the other two uses of “track” are actually quite confusing:

  • main is a branch that tracks a remote
  • origin/main is a remote-tracking branch

But a “branch that tracks a remote” and a “remote-tracking branch” are different things in Git and the distinction is pretty important! Heres a quick summary of the differences:

  • main is a branch. You can make commits to it, merge into it, etc. Its often configured to “track” the remote main in .git/config, which means that you can use git pull and git push to push/pull changes.
  • origin/main is not a branch. Its a “remote-tracking branch”, which is not a kind of branch (Im sorry). You cant make commits to it. The only way you can update it is by running git pull or git fetch to get the latest state of main from the remote.

Id never really thought about this ambiguity before but I think its pretty easy to see why folks are confused by it.


Checkout does two totally unrelated things:

  • git checkout BRANCH switches branches
  • git checkout file.txt discards your unstaged changes to file.txt

This is well known to be confusing and git has actually split those two functions into git switch and git restore (though you can still use checkout if, like me, you have 15 years of muscle memory around git checkout that you dont feel like unlearning)

Also personally after 15 years I still cant remember the order of the arguments to git checkout main file.txt for restoring the version of file.txt from the main branch.

I think sometimes you need to pass -- to checkout as an argument somewhere to help it figure out which argument is a branch and which ones are paths but I never do that and Im not sure when its needed.


Lots of people mentioning reading reflog as re-flog and not ref-log. I wont get deep into the reflog here because this post is REALLY long but:

  • “reference” is an umbrella term git uses for branches, tags, and HEAD
  • the reference log (“reflog”) gives you the history of everything a reference has ever pointed to
  • It can help get you out of some VERY bad git situations, like if you accidentally delete an important branch
  • I find it one of the most confusing parts of gits UI and I try to avoid needing to use it.

merge vs rebase vs cherry-pick

A bunch of people mentioned being confused about the difference between merge and rebase and not understanding what the “base” in rebase was supposed to be.

Ill try to summarize them very briefly here, but I dont think these 1-line explanations are that useful because people structure their workflows around merge / rebase in pretty different ways and to really understand merge/rebase you need to understand the workflows. Also pictures really help. That could really be its whole own blog post though so Im not going to get into it.

  • merge creates a single new commit that merges the 2 branches
  • rebase copies commits on the current branch to the target branch, one at a time.
  • cherry-pick is similar to rebase, but with a totally different syntax (one big difference is that rebase copies commits FROM the current branch, cherry-pick copies commits TO the current branch)

rebase --onto

git rebase has an flag called onto. This has always seemed confusing to me because the whole point of git rebase main is to rebase the current branch onto main. So whats the extra onto argument about?

I looked it up, and --onto definitely solves a problem that Ive rarely/never actually had, but I guess Ill write down my understanding of it anyway.

    A - B - C (main)
          D - E - F - G (mybranch)

Imagine that for some reason I just want to move commits F and G to be rebased on top of main. I think theres probably some git workflow where this comes up a lot.

Apparently you can run git rebase --onto main otherbranch mybranch to do that. It seems impossible to me to remember the syntax for this (there are 3 different branch names involved, which for me is too many), but I heard about it from a bunch of people so I guess it must be useful.


Someone mentioned that they found it confusing that commit is used both as a verb and a noun in git.

for example:

  • verb: “Remember to commit often”
  • noun: “the most recent commit on main

My guess is that most folks get used to this relatively quickly, but this use of “commit” is different from how its used in SQL databases, where I think “commit” is just a verb (you “COMMIT” to end a transaction) and not a noun.

Also in git you can think of a Git commit in 3 different ways:

  1. a snapshot of the current state of every file
  2. a diff from the parent commit
  3. a history of every previous commit

None of those are wrong: different commands use commits in all of these ways. For example git show treats a commit as a diff, git log treats it as a history, and git restore treats it as a snapshot.

But gits terminology doesnt do much to help you understand in which sense a commit is being used by a given command.

more confusing terms

Here are a bunch more confusing terms. I dont know what a lot of these mean.

things I dont really understand myself:

  • “the git pickaxe” (maybe this is git log -S and git log -G, for searching the diffs of previous commits?)
  • submodules (all I know is that they dont work the way I want them to work)
  • “cone mode” in git sparse checkout (no idea what this is but someone mentioned it)

things that people mentioned finding confusing but that I left out of this post because it was already 3000 words:

  • blob, tree
  • the direction of “merge”
  • “origin”, “upstream”, “downstream”
  • that push and pull arent opposites
  • the relationship between fetch and pull (pull = fetch + merge)
  • git porcelain
  • subtrees
  • worktrees
  • the stash
  • “master” or “main” (it sounds like it has a special meaning inside git but it doesnt)
  • when you need to use origin main (like git push origin main) vs origin/main

github terms people mentioned being confused by:

  • “pull request” (vs “merge request” in gitlab which folks seemed to think was clearer)
  • what “squash and merge” and “rebase and merge” do (Id never actually heard of git merge --squash until yesterday, I thought “squash and merge” was a special github feature)

its genuinely “every git term”

I was surprised that basically every other core feature of git was mentioned by at least one person as being confusing in some way. Id be interested in hearing more examples of confusing git terms that I missed too.

Theres another great post about this from 2012 called the most confusing git terminology. It talks more about how gits terminology relates to CVS and Subversions terminology.

If I had to pick the 3 most confusing git terms, I think right now Id pick:

  • a head is a branch, HEAD is the current branch
  • “remote tracking branch” and “branch that tracks a remote” being different things
  • how “index”, “staged”, “cached” all refer to the same thing

thats all!

I learned a lot from writing this I learned a few new facts about git, but more importantly I feel like I have a slightly better sense now for what someone might mean when they say that everything in git is confusing.

I really hadnt thought about a lot of these issues before like Id never realized how “tracking” is used in such a weird way when discussing branches.

Also as usual I might have made some mistakes, especially since I ended up in a bunch of corners of git that I hadnt visited before.

via: https://jvns.ca/blog/2023/11/01/confusing-git-terminology/

作者:Julia Evans 选题:lujun9972 译者:译者ID 校对:校对者ID

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