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Check your Local and Public IP address
Your Local IP address is:
Above is your local/private IP address(es) assigned to your internal hardware or virtual network card on your computer. Depending on your LAN configuration the above IP addresses may be static or dynamic.
In case you can't find any address above, to check your internal IP address manually on Linux with ifconfig
or ip
command execute:
# ifconfig | grep -w inet | awk '{ print $2}'
# ip a s | grep -w inet | awk '{ print $2}'
Your Public IP address is:
The above address is your public/external IP address assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider ( ISP ). Depending on your current plan with your ISP this IP address may be dynamic, meaning it will change every time you restart your router or it may be static which means it will never change.
In case you can't find any address above, to check your public IP address manually on Linux with wget
or curl
command execute:
# echo $(wget -qO - https://api.ipify.org)
# echo $(curl -s https://api.ipify.org)
via: https://linuxconfig.org/check-your-local-and-public-ip-address
作者:Lubos Rendek 译者:译者ID 校对:校对者ID