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20141127 Keeping (financial) score with Ledger .md
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20170404 Kernel Tracing with Ftrace.md
20170829 An Advanced System Configuration Utility For Ubuntu Power Users.md
20171003 Streams a new general purpose data structure in Redis.md
20171024 Learn Blockchains by Building One.md
20171116 How to improve ROI on automation- 4 tips.md
20171228 Container Basics- Terms You Need to Know.md
20180103 How To Find The Installed Proprietary Packages In Arch Linux.md
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20180115 How debuggers really work.md
20180115 Why DevSecOps matters to IT leaders.md
20180126 Running a Python application on Kubernetes.md
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20180128 Being open about data privacy.md
20180228 Why Python devs should use Pipenv.md
20180301 The Cost of Cloud Computing.md
20180302 5 open source software tools for supply chain management.md
20180305 What-s next in IT automation- 6 trends to watch.md
20180313 Migrating to Linux- Using Sudo.md
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20180320 Migrating to Linux- Installing Software.md
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20180423 An introduction to Python bytecode.md
20180425 JavaScript Router.md
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20180430 3 practical Python tools- magic methods, iterators and generators, and method magic.md
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20180508 How To Check Ubuntu Version and Other System Information Easily.md
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20180519 Python Debugging Tips.md
20180522 How to Run Your Own Git Server.md
20180529 5 trending open source machine learning JavaScript frameworks.md
20180530 3 Python command-line tools.md
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20180531 You don-t know Bash- An introduction to Bash arrays.md
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20180607 3 journaling applications for the Linux desktop.md
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20180607 Mesos and Kubernetes- It-s Not a Competition.md
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20180620 Stop merging your pull requests manually.md
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20180625 How to install Pipenv on Fedora.md
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20180626 TrueOS Doesnt Want to Be BSD for Desktop Anymore.md
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20180702 My first sysadmin mistake.md
20180704 Install an NVIDIA GPU on almost any machine.md
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20180705 How to use dd in Linux without destroying your disk.md
20180706 6 RFCs for understanding how the internet works.md
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20180706 How to Run Windows Apps on Android with Wine.md
20180708 Getting Started with Debian Packaging.md
20180709 Boost your typing with emoji in Fedora 28 Workstation.md
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20180710 15 open source applications for MacOS.md
20180710 Display Weather Forecast In Your Terminal With Wttr.in.md
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20180718 How to check free disk space in Linux.md
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20180724 Learn how to build your own Twitter bot with Python.md