.. |
20150123 How to make a file immutable on Linux.md
chmod 644 20150123 How to make a file immutable on Linux.md
2015-05-18 13:49:09 +08:00 |
20150205 Inxi--Find System And Hardware Information On Linux.md
[Translated] 20150205 Inxi--Find System And Hardware Information On Linux.md
2015-05-18 19:34:59 +08:00 |
20150205 zBackup--A versatile deduplicating backup tool.md
[Translated] 20150205 zBackup--A versatile deduplicating backup tool.md
2015-05-18 21:48:04 +08:00 |
20150227 Enjoy Android Apps on Ubuntu using ARChon Runtime.md
move the article from sources to translated
2015-05-19 08:43:58 +08:00 |
20150302 How to Limit the Network Bandwidth Used by Applications in a Linux System with Trickle.md
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/theo-l/TranslateProject
2015-04-04 01:23:26 -03:00 |
20150304 Share Folders On Local Network Between Ubuntu And Windows.md
2015-03-15 15:24:08 +08:00 |
20150309 List Of Free Windows SSH Client Tools To Connect To Your Linux Server .md
Create 20150309 List Of Free Windows SSH Client Tools To Connect To Your Linux Server .md
2015-03-14 22:55:38 +08:00 |
20150316 How to access Gmail from the command line on Linux with Alpine.md
[Translated] 20150316 How to access Gmail from the command line on Linux with Alpine.md
2015-04-02 18:31:53 +08:00 |
20150323 How to set up networking between Docker containers.md
[translated]How to set up networking between Docker containers.md
2015-05-06 14:24:47 +08:00 |
20150324 4 Tools to Securely Delete Files from Linux.md
[Translated] dbarobin translated, 20150324 4 Tools to Securely Delete Files from Linux
2015-03-26 16:39:34 +08:00 |
20150324 How to Interactively Create a Docker Container.md
translated wi-cuckoo
2015-03-30 22:53:17 +08:00 |
20150326 A Peep into Process Management Commands in Linux.md
2015-04-07 17:03:40 +08:00 |
20150330 How to secure SSH login with one-time passwords on Linux.md
[translated]How to secure SSH login with one-time passwords on Linux
2015-04-30 08:43:08 +08:00 |
20150330 Linux FAQs with Answers--How to upgrade Docker on Ubuntu.md
2015-04-02 08:39:52 +08:00 |
20150331 Conky--The Ultimate X Based System Monitor Application.md
Translated 20150331 Conky---The Ultimate X Based System Monitor Application.md
2015-05-14 11:11:00 +08:00 |
20150331 How to Generate or Encrypt or Decrypt Random Passwords in Linux.md
[Translated]20150331 How to Generate or Encrypt or Decrypt Random Passwords in Linux.md
2015-04-18 22:43:50 +08:00 |
20150331 How to Install WordPress with Nginx in a Docker Container.md
[Translated] tech/20150331 How to Install WordPress with Nginx in a Docker Container
2015-05-11 12:55:51 +08:00 |
20150331 Its Now Worth Try Installing PHP 7.0 on CentOS 7.x or Fedora 21.md
translated wi-cuckoo
2015-04-05 20:36:17 +08:00 |
20150331 Linux Email App Geary Updated--How To Install It In Ubuntu.md
[Translated]share/20141106 Exaile 3.4.1 Overview--A Feature-Complete GNOME Music Player
2015-04-08 13:59:05 +08:00 |
20150407 5 Linux Command Line Based Tools for Downloading Files and Browsing Websites.md
[Translated]tech/20150407 5 Linux Command Line Based Tools for Downloading Files and Browsing Websites
2015-04-09 12:34:40 +08:00 |
20150407 How To Install CentOS Web Panel In CentOS.md
translated wi-cuckoo
2015-04-12 11:13:57 +08:00 |
20150409 Install Inkscape - Open Source Vector Graphic Editor.md
Finish the translation by ZTinoZ
2015-05-08 17:01:26 +08:00 |
20150410 What is a good alternative to wget or curl on Linux.md
2015-04-12 16:08:37 +08:00 |
20150413 [Solved] Ubuntu Does Not Remember Brightness Settings.md
Finish the translation by ZTinoZ
2015-04-14 14:48:22 +08:00 |
20150413 How to manage remote MySQL databases on Linux VPS using a GUI tool.md
修改 PR 的错误
2015-04-21 22:34:09 +08:00 |
20150413 How to Show Dialog Box from Bash Shell Script with Examples.md
[Translated] tech/20150413 How to Show Dialog Box from Bash Shell Script with Examples
2015-04-17 20:09:47 +08:00 |
20150413 Linux FAQs with Answers--How to change PATH environment variable on Linux.md
2015-04-14 10:21:52 +08:00 |
20150413 Linux FAQs with Answers--How to compile ixgbe driver on CentOS, RHEL or Fedora.md
2015-04-30 14:20:22 +08:00 |
20150413 Linux FAQs with Answers--How to configure PCI-passthrough on virt-manager.md
2015-05-06 10:18:36 +08:00 |
20150416 Linux Network Statistics Tools or Commands.md
[Translated] tech/20150416 Linux Network Statistics Tools or Commands
2015-04-16 23:20:43 +08:00 |
20150417 How to Configure MariaDB Replication on CentOS Linux.md
[Translated] tech/20150417 How to Configure MariaDB Replication on CentOS Linux
2015-04-22 13:43:27 +08:00 |
20150417 How to Install Discourse in a Docker Container.md
translated wi-cuckoo
2015-04-27 11:27:44 +08:00 |
20150417 sshuttle--A transparent proxy-based VPN using ssh.md
2015-04-18 10:31:07 +08:00 |
20150420 Managing file and directory attributes in linux using chattr and lsattr command.md
[Translated] tech/20150420 Managing file and directory attributes in linux using chattr and lsattr command
2015-04-20 21:31:02 +08:00 |
20150423 How IP forwarding Helps Connecting Private interface to Internet in Linux.md
[Translated] tech/20150423 How IP forwarding Helps Connecting Private interface to Internet in Linux
2015-04-24 14:03:50 +08:00 |
20150423 How to Change Default Web Browser and Email Client in Ubuntu.md
[Translated] tech/20150423 How to Change Default Web Browser and Email Client in Ubuntu
2015-04-24 13:19:59 +08:00 |
20150427 How to set up NTP server in CentOS.md
[Translate]tech/20150427 How to set up NTP server in CentOS
2015-04-28 12:03:53 +08:00 |
20150429 Docker 1.6 Released--How to Upgrade on Fedora or CentOS.md
translated wi-cuckoo
2015-05-04 20:24:04 +08:00 |
20150429 How To Integrate Apache2 With Tomcat 7 Using mod_jk Connector.md
2015-05-01 11:01:09 +08:00 |
20150429 KDE Plasma 5.3 Released, Here' s How To Upgrade in Kubuntu 15.04.md
[Translated]20150429 KDE Plasma 5.3 Released, Here's How To Upgrade in Kubuntu 15.04.md
2015-05-18 10:25:41 +08:00 |
20150504 Useful Commands to Create Commandline Chat Server and Remove Unwanted Packages in Linux.md
translated wi-cuckoo
2015-05-16 00:07:39 +08:00 |
20150505 Bodhi Linux Introduces Moksha Desktop.md
[Translated]20150505 Bodhi Linux Introduces Moksha Desktop.md
2015-05-11 08:43:47 +08:00 |
20150505 How to Manage 'Systemd' Services and Units Using 'Systemctl' in Linux.md
[Translated]20150505 How to Manage 'Systemd' Services and Units Using
2015-05-07 12:48:48 +08:00 |
20150506 First Step Guide for Learning Shell Scripting.md
[Translated]20150506 First Step Guide for Learning Shell Scripting.md
2015-05-12 09:35:11 +08:00 |
20150506 How to Setup OpenERP (Odoo) on CentOS 7.x.md
2015-05-10 13:14:50 +08:00 |
20150506 Linux FAQs with Answers--How to disable entering password for default keyring to unlock on Ubuntu desktop.md
[Translated]20150506 Linux FAQs with Answers--How to disable entering password for default keyring to unlock on Ubuntu desktop.md
2015-05-07 10:26:38 +08:00 |
20150506 Linux FAQs with Answers--How to install Shrew Soft IPsec VPN client on Linux.md
[Translated]20150506 Linux FAQs with Answers--How to install Shrew Soft IPsec VPN client on Linux.md
2015-05-08 10:18:40 +08:00 |
20150507 Install uGet Download Manager 2.0 in Debian Ubuntu Linux Mint and Fedora.md
[Translated]20150507 Install uGet Download Manager 2.0 in Debian Ubuntu Linux Mint and Fedora.md
2015-05-17 22:13:56 +08:00 |
20150511 Fix Various Update Errors In Ubuntu 14.04.md
[Translated]20150511 Fix Various Update Errors In Ubuntu 14.04.md
2015-05-14 09:44:53 +08:00 |
20150512 A Shell Script to Monitor Network, Disk Usage, Uptime, Load Average and RAM Usage in Linux.md
[Translated]20150512 A Shell Script to Monitor Network, Disk Usage, Uptime, Load Average and RAM Usage in Linux.md
2015-05-15 08:35:21 +08:00 |
20150512 How To Run Docker Client Inside Windows OS.md
[Translated] tech/20150512 How To Run Docker Client Inside Windows OS
2015-05-15 14:58:08 +08:00 |
20150512 Linux FAQs with Answers--How to view torrent file content on Linux.md
[Translated]20150512 Linux FAQs with Answers--How to view torrent file content on Linux.md
2015-05-13 14:31:45 +08:00 |
20150515 Basic Networking Commands with Docker Containers.md
2015-05-16 10:52:14 +08:00 |
20150518 70 Expected Shell Scripting Interview Questions and Answers.md
[Translated] tech/20150518 70 Expected Shell Scripting Interview Questions and Answers
2015-05-18 19:33:45 +08:00 |
2014-03-13 23:47:53 +08:00 |