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概述:我们列举了几款以云端为中心的 Linux 发行版,它们被视为真正能替代 Chrome OS 的 Linux 发行版。 Brief: We list some Cloud centric Linux distributions that might be termed as real Linux alternatives to Chrome OS.
这个世界正在向云端服务转变,而且我们都知道 Chrome OS 倍受人们喜爱。嗯,它确实值得尊重。它超级快、轻盈、省电、简约、设计精美而且充分发挥了当今科技所能提供的云端潜能。 The world is moving to cloud-based services and we all know the kind of love that Chrome OS got. Well, it does deserve respect. It’s super fast, light, power-efficient, minimalistic, beautifully designed and utilizes the full potential of cloud that technology permits today.
虽然 Chrome OS 只能在谷歌的硬件上使用,但是,就只是在你的台式机或者笔记本上,还是有其他的方法来体验云计算的潜能。 Although Chrome OS is exclusively available only for Google’s hardware, there are other means to experience the potential of cloud computing right on your laptop or desktop.
正如我重复说的,在 Linux 领域中,人们总能参与其中。有那些看起来像 Windows 或者 Mac OS 的Linux 发行版。Linux 汇集了分享,爱和计算体验的最前沿。让我们马上看看这份列表吧! As I have repeatedly said, there is always something for everybody in the Linux domain, be it Linux distributions that look like Windows or Mac OS. Linux is all about sharing, love and some really bleeding edge computing experience. Let’s crack this list right away!
这不是 Chrome OS ,上述图片描绘的是 Cub Linux 的桌面。不清楚我说的什么? It is not Chrome OS. But the above image is featuring the desktop of Cub Linux. Say what?
Cub Linux 对于 Linux 用户来说不再新鲜,但是如果你确实不知道的话,(我来解释下,)Cub Linux 灵感来源于主流的 Chrome OS ,是一款专注于网页的 Linux 发行版。从母亲 Linux 来讲,它也是 Chrome OS 的开源兄弟。 Cub Linux is no news for Linux users. But if you already did not know, Cub Linux is the web focused Linux distro that is inspired from mainstream Chrome OS. It is also the open source brother of Chrome OS from mother Linux.
Chrome OS 内置了 Chrome 浏览器。不久之前,一个名为 Chromixium OS 的项目启动,旨在用 Chromium 浏览器取代 Chrome 浏览器,来提供与 Chrome OS 同样的体验。因为一些法律上的争论,项目名字后来改为 Cub Linux (取自 Chromium 和 Ubuntu 两个词)。 Chrome OS has the Chrome Browser as it’s primary component. Not so long ago, a project by name Chromixium OS was started to recreate Chrome OS like experience by using the Chromium Browser in place of Chrome Browser. Due to some legal issues, the name was later changed to Cub Linux (Chromium+Ubuntu).
在历史上,如名字提示的那样,Cub Linux 基于 Ubuntu ,使用了轻量的 Openbox 桌面环境。定制桌面来给人以 Chrome OS 的印象,而且看起来很整洁。 Well, history apart, as the name hints, Cub Linux is based on Ubuntu, features the lightweight Openbox Desktop Environment. The Desktop is customized to give a Chrome OS impression and looks really neat.
在应用部分,你能安装 Chrome 网上商店的网络应用和所有的 Ubuntu 应用。对,有 Chrome OS 的精美应用,你还能体会到 Ubuntu 的好处。 In the apps department, you can install the web applications from the Chrome web store and all the Ubuntu software. Yup, with all the snappy apps of the Chrome OS, You’ll still get the Ubuntu goodies.
就表现而言,这操作系统相当快多亏了它自身的 Openbox 桌面环境。基于 Ubuntu ,Cub Linux 的稳定性是毋庸置疑的。这桌面流畅的动画和漂亮的用户界面,对于眼睛是一种享受, As far as the performance is concerned, the operating system is super fast thanks to its Openbox Desktop Environment. Based on Ubuntu Linux, the stability of Cub Linux is unquestionable. The desktop itself is a treat to the eyes with all its smooth animations and beautiful UI.
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我向花费大部分时间在浏览器,时不时做些家务的人推荐 Cub Linux 。嗯,一个浏览器就是你所需要的全部,而且,一个浏览器正是你将会得到的全部。 I suggest Cub Linux to anybody who spends most their times on a browser and do some home tasks now and then. Well, a browser is all you need and a browser is exactly what you’ll get.
A good number of people look towards Linux because they want a no-BS computing experience. Some people do not really like the hassle of an anti-virus, a defragmenter, a cleaner etcetera as they want an operating system and not a baby. And I must say Peppermint OS is really good at being no-BS. Peppermint OS developers have put a good amount of effort in understanding the user requirements and needs.
There is a very small number of selected software included by default. The traditional ideology of including a couple apps from every software category is ditched here for good. The power to customize the computer as per needs has been given to the user. By the way, do we really need to install so many applications when we can get web alternatives for almost all the applications?
Ice is a utile little tool that converts your favorite and most used websites into desktop applications that you can directly launch from your desktop or the menu. It’s what we call a site-specific browser.
Love facebook? Why not make a facebook web app on your desktop for quick launch? While there are people complaining about a decent Google drive application for Linux, Ice allows you to access Drive with just a click. Not just Drive, the functionality of Ice is limited only by your imagination.
Peppermint OS 7 is based on Ubuntu 16.04. It not only provides a smooth, rock solid performance but also a very swift response. A heavily customizes LXDE will be your home screen. And the customization I’m speaking about is driven to achieve both a snappy performance as well as visual appeal.
Peppermint OS hits more of a middle ground in the cloud-native operating system types. Although the skeleton of the OS is designed to support the speedy cloudy apps, the native Ubuntu application play well too. If you are someone like me who wants an OS that is balanced in online-offline capabilities, Peppermint OS is for you.
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Apricity OS stole the show for being one of the top aesthetically pleasing Linux distros out there. It’s just gorgeous. It’s like the Mona Lisa of the Linux domain. But, there’s more to it than just the looks.
The prime reason Apricity OS makes this list is because of its simplicity. While OS desktop design is getting chaotic and congested with elements (and I’m not talking only about non-Linux operating systems), Apricity de-clutters everything and simplifies the very basic human-desktop interaction. Gnome desktop environment is customized beautifully here. They made it really simpler.
The pre-installed software list is really small. Almost all Linux distros have the same pre-installed software. But Apricity OS has a completely new set of software. Chrome instead of Firefox. I was really waiting for this. I mean why not give us what’s rocking out there?
Apricity OS also features the Ice tool that we discussed in the last segment. But instead of Firefox, Chrome browser is used in website-desktop integration. Apricity OS has Numix Circle icons by default and everytime you add a popular webapp, there will be a beautiful icon placed on your Dock.
See what I mean?
Apricity OS is based on Arch Linux. (So anybody looking for a quick start with Arch, and a beautiful at that one, download that Apricity ISO here) Apricity fully upholds the Arch principle of freedom of choice. Within just 10 minutes on the Ice, and you’ll have all your favorite webapps set up.
Gorgeous backgrounds, minimalistic desktop and a great functionality. These make Apricity OS a really great choice for setting up an amazing cloud-centric system. It’ll take 5 mins for Apricity OS to make you fall in love with it. I mean it.
There you have it, people. Cloud-centric Linux distros for online dwellers. Do give us your take on the webapp-native app topic. Don’t forget to share.
via: https://itsfoss.com/cloud-focused-linux-distros/
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