6.8 KiB
第一步: 配置存储池
# man virsh
1. 用virsh带pool-define-as的命令来定义新的存储池,你需要指定名字、类型和类型参数。
- source-host
- source-path
- source-dev
- source-name
- target
# virsh pool-define-as Spool1 dir - - - - "/mnt/personal-data/SPool1/"
2. 查看环境中我们所有的存储池,用以下命令。
# virsh pool-list --all
3. 现在是时候来构造存储池了,用以下命令来构造我们刚才定义的存储池。
# virsh pool-build Spool1
4. 用virsh带pool-start的命令来激活并启动我们刚才创建并构造完成的存储池。
# virsh pool-start Spool1
5. 查看环境中存储池的状态,用以下命令。
# virsh pool-list --all
6. 对Spool1进行配置,让它每次都能被libvirtd服务自启动。
# virsh pool-autostart Spool1
7. 最后来看看我们新的存储池的信息吧。
# virsh pool-info Spool1
第二步: 配置存储卷/磁盘映像
现在轮到磁盘映像了,using qemu-img to create new disk image from Spool1. For more details about qemy-img, use the man page.
# man qemu-img
8. We should specify the qemu-img command “create, check,….etc”, disk image format, the path of disk image you want to create and the size.
# qemu-img create -f raw /mnt/personal-data/SPool1/SVol1.img 10G
9. By using qemu-img command info, you could get information about your new disk image.
Check Storage Volume Information
Warning: Never use qemu-img to modify images in use by a running virtual machine or any other process; this may destroy the image.
Now its time to create virtual machines in the next step.
第三步: 创建虚拟机
10. Now with the last and latest part, we will create virtual machines using virt-istall. The virt-install is a command line tool for creating new KVM virtual machines using the “libvirt” hypervisor management library. For more details about it, use:
# man virt-install
To create new KVM virtual machine, you need to use the following command with all the details like shown in the below.
Name: Virtual Machine’s name.
Disk Location: Location of disk image.
Graphics : How to connect to VM “Usually be SPICE”.
vcpu : Number of virtual CPU’s.
ram : Amount of allocated memory in megabytes.
Location : Specify the installation source path.
Network : Specify the virtual network “Usually be vibr00 bridge”.
virt-install --name=rhel7 --disk path=/mnt/personal-data/SPool1/SVol1.img --graphics spice --vcpu=1 --ram=1024 --location=/run/media/dos/9e6f605a-f502-4e98-826e-e6376caea288/rhel-server-7.0-x86_64-dvd.iso --network bridge=virbr0
11. You will find also a pop-up virt-vierwer window appears to communicate with virtual machine through it.
Installation of Virtual Machine
This is the latest part of our KVM tutorial, we haven’t covered everything of course. It a shot to scratch the KVM environment so its your turn to search and keep hands dirty using this nice resources.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/kvm-management-tools-to-manage-virtual-machines/
作者:Mohammad Dosoukey 译者:ZTinoZ 校对:校对者ID