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用作安全数据通信的 Secure shell 的10个 ssh 命令选项
一个系统管理员可能会同时管理着多台服务器,这些服务器也许会放在不同的地方。要亲自一台一台的去访问来管理她们显然不是最好的方法,通过远程控制的方法应该是最有效的。远程访问最通用的一款应用程序是 SSH。
SSH 是什么
**SSH(全称 Secure Shell)**是一种加密的网络协议。使用该协议的数据将被加密,如果在传输中间数据泄漏,也可以确保没有人能读取出有用信息。要使用 SSH,目标机器应该安装 SSH 服务端应用程序,因为 SSH 是基于客户-服务模式的。 当你想安全的远程到主机,可中间的网络(比如因特网)并不安全,通常这种情况下就会使用 SSH。
安装 SSH
的 Linux 系统默认已经安装了 SSH。如果碰巧你的机器没装,我们可以手工来安装一下。最简单的方式就是使用 Linux 包管理器。
基于 Debian / Ubuntu 的系统 :
安装 ssh-client
$ sudo apt-get install openssh-client
安装 ssh-server
$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server
基于 RedHat / CentOS 的系统 :
# yum install openssh-server openssh-clients
SSH 一旦安装上,我们就可以在终端下输入 ssh 来检查下安装的是否正常。
使用 SSH
1. 无选项参数运行 SSH
通常使用 SSH 的方式就是不加任何选项参数,仅仅输入 "ssh"。下面是示例:
$ ssh
第一次连接目标主机时,ssh 会让你确认目标主机的真实性。如果你回答的是 NO,SSH 将不会继续连接,只有回答 Yes 才会继续。
下一次再登陆此主机时,SSH 就不会提示确认消息了。对此主机的真实验证信息已经默认保存在每个用户的 /home/user/.ssh 文件里。
2. 指定登陆用户
默认的,ssh 会尝试用当前用户作为用户名来连接。在上面的示例命令中,ssh 会尝试用用户名叫 pungki 的用户身份来登入服务器,这是因为用户 pungki 正在客户机上使用 ssh 客服端软件。
假如目标主机上没有叫 pungki 的用户呢?这时你就必须提供一个目标主机上存在的用户名。从一开始就要指定用户名的,可以使用 -l 选项参数。
$ ssh -l leni
$ ssh leni@
3. 指定端口
**SSH 默认使用的端口号是 22。**大多现代的 Linux 系统 22 端口都是开放的。如果你运行 ssh 程序而没有指定端口号,它直接就是通过 22 端口发送请求的。
一些系统管理员会改变 SSH 的默认端口号。让我们试试,现在端口号是 1234.要连上那主机,就要使用 *-p 选项,后面在加上 SSH 端口号。
$ ssh -p 1234
要改变端口号,我们需要修改 /etc/ssh/ssh_config 文件,找到此行:
Port 22
把它换成其他的端口号,比如上面示例的 1234 端口,然后重启 SSH 服务。
有了这个选项,所有通过 SSH 发送或接收的数据将会被压缩,并且任然是加密的。要使用 SSH 的压缩功能,使用 -C 选项。
$ ssh -C
This option will be useful if your connection is slow, such as using a modem. But when you are using a fast connection such as LAN or higher, than compression will be slow down your transfer rate. The level of compression can be controlled using -o option followed by CompressionLevel option. But this option will only applied for SSH-1.
5. Define a cipher algorithm
SSH provides some cipher algorithms to be used. These algorithms can be seen inside /etc/ssh/ssh_config or ~/.ssh/config file (if exist).
Let say you want to use blowfish algorithm for encrypting your SSH session. Then you can put this line into your /etc/ssh/ssh_config or ~/.ssh/config file :
Cipher blowfish
By default, SSH will use 3des algorithm
6. Turn on debug mode
For some reason, we may want to debug the SSH connection that we want to create. SSH provides -v option to do this.
$ ssh -v
7. Bind source address
If your client has more than 2 IP Address, you might not know which IP Address is used to create a connection to the SSH server.
To solve this situation, we can use -b option which will bind an IP Address to SSH connection. This IP Address will be used as the source address of the connection.
$ ssh -b -l leni
On the server side, we can check the established connection to the server using netstat. We see that connection is established.
8. Use other configuration file
By default, ssh will use a ssh configuration file which located in /etc/ssh/ssh_config. This file is applied to system wide. If you want to apply particular setting to specific user, you should put it in ~/.ssh/config file. If you don’t see it, you can create it.
Here’s a sample of a custom ssh_config. This config is located in /home/pungki directory.
Host 192.168.0.*
ForwardX11 yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
ConnectTimeout 10
Ciphers aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,arcfour256,arcfour128,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc
Protocol 2
HashKnownHosts yes
To use a specific config file, we can use -F option.
$ ssh -F /home/pungki/my_ssh_config
9. Use SSH X11 Forwarding
For some reason, you may want to display a X11 application on the server into your client computer. SSH provides -X option to do this. But in order to enable this feature, we need some preparation. Here’s the settings
On the server side, you need to enable line ForwardX11 yes or X11Forward yes in /etc/ssh/ssh_config. Then restart your SSH server.
Then on the client side, type ssh -X user@host :
$ ssh -X leni@
Once you have logged on, you can check it by typing :
$ echo $DISPLAY
You should see something like
Then to run an application, just type the command of the application. Let say you want to run xclock application. Then type :
$ xclock
When it run, actually you are running the xclock application on the remote system, but display it on your local system.
10. Trusted X11 Forwading
If you pretty sure that your network is secure, then you may want to use Trusted X11 Forwarding. This mean that the remote X11 clients will have full access to the original X11 display. To use this option, we can use -Y option.
$ ssh -Y leni@
We believe that SSH is used in wide-range area. Security and flexibility is one of the SSH offer to the user. As usual we can always type man ssh and man ssh_config to display its manual pages and explore more detail.
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/learn-ssh-connection-options/
译者:runningwater 校对:校对者ID