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Create Directory - subdirectory, other than that What mkdir command do in Linux
After knowing about ls command for listing entries inside directory, we are now moving to creating directory in Linux system. On Linux, we can use mkdir command. Mkdir is short for “make directory”.
What is mkdir
Mkdir is a command for creating directories in Linux system. This command is a built-in command.
Run mkdir command
You can type mkdir directly from your console to use it.
$ mkdir
By default, running mkdir without any parameter will create directory under the current directory. Here’s a sample of it :
From screenshot above, we created directory called office. When we run mkdir command, we are in /home/pungki directory. So then the new directory, which is office, is created under /home/pungki directory. If we put an exact location - for example : /usr/local - , then Linux will create a directory under /usr/local directory.
When Linux found that the directory which suppose to be created is already exist, then Linux will telling us that Linux can’t cretate it.
Another pre-requisite of creating directory that you must have access to the location where the directory want to be created. When you don’t have it then mkdir will report an error.
Create multiple directories
We can also create multiple directories at the same time. Let say we want to create directories named ubuntu, redhat and slackware. Then the syntax will be like this :
$ mkdir ubuntu redhat slackware
Add directory include its sub-directory
When you want to created a include its sub-directory, you will need to use -p parameter. This parameter will create parent directory first, if mkdir cannot find it. Let say we want to create directory named letter and directory named important under directory letter. Then the syntax will be like this :
$ mkdir -p letter/important
Set access privilege
Using -m parameter, we can also set the access privilege for the new directory on-the-fly. Here’s an example.
$ mkdir -m=r-- letter
The above command will create a directory named letter and give access privilege read-only for the directory owner, directory group owner and anybody.
Print message a message for each created directory
If we want, we can use -v parameter to do this. Here’s an example.
$ mkdir -v ubuntu redhat slackware
Mkdir command is also one of the basic command that must known for everyone who want to learn Linux. As usual, you can always type man mkdir or mkdir --help to display mkdir manual page and explore it more detail.