.. |
20090627 30 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know.md
2018-01-11 21:58:21 +08:00 |
20091104 Linux-Unix App For Prevention Of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury).md
选题: Linux/Unix App For Prevention Of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)
2018-01-18 21:02:12 +08:00 |
20091215 How To Create sar Graphs With kSar To Identifying Linux Bottlenecks.md
add done: 20091215 How To Create sar Graphs With kSar To Identifying Linux Bottlenecks.md
2018-01-07 12:27:31 +08:00 |
20100419 10 Tools To Add Some Spice To Your UNIX-Linux Shell Scripts.md
选题: 10 Tools To Add Some Spice To Your UNIX/Linux Shell Scripts
2018-01-15 16:35:16 +08:00 |
20111124 How to find hidden processes and ports on Linux-Unix-Windows.md
How to find hidden processes and ports on Linux/Unix/Windows
2018-01-13 18:46:48 +08:00 |
20111221 30 Best Sources For Linux - -BSD - Unix Documentation On the Web.md
选题: 30 Best Sources For Linux / *BSD / Unix Documentation On the Web
2018-01-11 18:40:41 +08:00 |
20120424 How To Set Readonly File Permissions On Linux - Unix Web Server DocumentRoot.md
选题: How To Set Readonly File Permissions On Linux / Unix Web Server DocumentRoot
2018-01-05 14:27:51 +08:00 |
20120624 6 Best Open Source Alternatives to Microsoft Office for Linux.md
选题: 6 Best Open Source Alternatives to Microsoft Office for Linux
2018-01-05 22:34:22 +08:00 |
20140210 Three steps to learning GDB.md
Update 20140210 Three steps to learning GDB.md
2018-01-13 22:56:05 +08:00 |
20150615 Let-s Build A Simple Interpreter. Part 1..md
Update 20150615 Let-s Build A Simple Interpreter. Part 1..md
2018-01-13 22:22:48 +08:00 |
20150703 Let-s Build A Simple Interpreter. Part 2..md
BriFuture is translating this article
2018-01-17 10:54:39 +08:00 |
20150708 Choosing a Linux Tracer (2015).md
选题: Choosing a Linux Tracer (2015)
2018-01-06 11:30:03 +08:00 |
20150812 Let-s Build A Simple Interpreter. Part 3..md
选题: Let’s Build A Simple Interpreter. Part 3.
2018-01-11 20:09:07 +08:00 |
20160627 9 Best Free Video Editing Software for Linux In 2017.md
选题: 9 Best Free Video Editing Software for Linux In 2017
2017-12-19 14:04:59 +08:00 |
20160810 How does gdb work.md
20180113-2 选题
2018-01-13 21:37:12 +08:00 |
20160922 Annoying Experiences Every Linux Gamer Never Wanted.md
20171209-2 选题
2017-12-09 15:05:40 +08:00 |
20161216 GitHub Is Building a Coder Paradise.md
Update 20161216 GitHub Is Building a Coder Paradise.md
2017-12-10 19:34:59 +08:00 |
20170123 New Years resolution Donate to 1 free software project every month.md
Update 20170123 New Years resolution Donate to 1 free software project every month.md
2018-01-10 23:26:28 -05:00 |
20170213 Getting Started with Taskwarrior.md
选题: Getting Started with Taskwarrior
2017-12-30 19:12:03 +08:00 |
20170216 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For Free.md
选题: 25 Free Books To Learn Linux For Free
2018-01-06 13:46:05 +08:00 |
20170310 9 Lightweight Linux Applications to Speed Up Your System.md
选题: 9 Lightweight Linux Applications to Speed Up Your System
2017-12-30 21:40:44 +08:00 |
20170410 Writing a Time Series Database from Scratch.md
cielong translating
2017-11-25 21:10:59 -05:00 |
20170511 Working with VI editor - The Basics.md
选题: Working with VI editor : The Basics
2018-01-11 16:04:41 +08:00 |
20170526 Creating a YUM repository from ISO - Online repo.md
2018-01-15 09:17:47 +08:00 |
20170810 How we built our first full-stack JavaScript web app in three weeks.md
[translating]20170810 How we built our first full-stack JavaScript web app in three weeks
2017-11-20 15:48:23 +08:00 |
20170829 How To Set Up PF Firewall on FreeBSD to Protect a Web Server.md
选题: How To Set Up PF Firewall on FreeBSD to Protect a Web Server
2018-01-15 18:38:49 +08:00 |
20170908 Betting on the Web.md
voidpainter is translating
2017-11-29 22:06:45 +08:00 |
20170910 Useful Linux Commands that you should know.md
translating by liuxinyu123
2017-12-16 00:05:14 +08:00 |
20170911 What every software engineer should know about search.md
2017-11-06 12:06:30 +08:00 |
20170915 How To Install And Setup Vagrant.md
选题: How To Install And Setup Vagrant
2018-01-06 11:42:54 +08:00 |
20170918 3 text editor alternatives to Emacs and Vim.md
apply for translation
2018-01-17 23:01:31 +08:00 |
20170918 Two Easy Ways To Install Bing Desktop Wallpaper Changer On Linux.md
选题: Two Easy Ways To Install Bing Desktop Wallpaper Changer On Linux
2018-01-06 11:59:05 +08:00 |
20170920 Easy APT Repository - Iain R. Learmonth.md
2018-01-17 08:57:53 +08:00 |
20170923 Improve Your Mental Mettle with These Open Source Puzzle Games.md
选题: Improve Your Mental Mettle with These Open Source Puzzle Games
2017-12-30 21:33:49 +08:00 |
20170925 Advanced image viewing tricks with ImageMagick.md
选题: Advanced image viewing tricks with ImageMagick
2018-01-06 12:06:39 +08:00 |
20170926 Managing users on Linux systems.md
选题: Managing users on Linux systems
2018-01-06 12:14:45 +08:00 |
20170927 Best Linux Distros for the Enterprise.md
选题: Best Linux Distros for the Enterprise
2018-01-06 12:35:09 +08:00 |
20170927 Linux directory structure- -lib explained.md
选题: Linux directory structure: /lib explained
2018-01-06 12:21:29 +08:00 |
20170927 Linux Head Command Explained for Beginners (5 Examples).md
选题: Linux Head Command Explained for Beginners (5 Examples)
2018-01-06 12:23:36 +08:00 |
20170928 A 3-step process for making more transparent decisions.md
选题: A 3-step process for making more transparent decisions
2018-01-06 12:39:22 +08:00 |
20170928 How to create a free baby monitoring system with Gonimo.md
选题: How to create a free baby monitoring system with Gonimo
2018-01-06 12:28:47 +08:00 |
20170928 How to Use the ZFS Filesystem on Ubuntu Linux.md
选题: How to Use the ZFS Filesystem on Ubuntu Linux
2018-01-06 13:07:42 +08:00 |
20170928 Process Monitoring.md
选题: Process Monitoring
2018-01-06 12:33:26 +08:00 |
20171002 Bash Bypass Alias Linux-Unix Command.md
2018-01-18 09:06:10 +08:00 |
20171002 Linux Gunzip Command Explained with Examples.md
选题: Linux Gunzip Command Explained with Examples
2018-01-06 13:09:40 +08:00 |
20171002 Three Alternatives for Enabling Two Factor Authentication For SSH On Ubuntu 16.04 And Debian Jessie.md
选题: Three Alternatives for Enabling Two Factor Authentication For SSH On Ubuntu 16.04 And Debian Jessie
2018-01-05 17:40:06 +08:00 |
20171003 Trash-Cli - A Command Line Interface For Trashcan On Linux.md
选题: Trash-Cli : A Command Line Interface For Trashcan On Linux
2018-01-06 13:17:26 +08:00 |
20171004 How To Create A Video From PDF Files In Linux.md
2018-01-16 09:11:07 +08:00 |
20171005 10 Games You Can Play on Linux with Wine.md
选题: 10 Games You Can Play on Linux with Wine
2018-01-06 13:22:03 +08:00 |
20171006 7 deadly sins of documentation.md
选题: 7 deadly sins of documentation
2018-01-06 13:31:27 +08:00 |
20171006 Create a Clean-Code App with Kotlin Coroutines and Android Architecture Components.md
20171006 Create a Clean-Code App with Kotlin Coroutines and Android Architecture Components.md
2017-11-26 22:44:08 +08:00 |
20171006 How To Convert DEB Packages Into Arch Linux Packages.md
选题: How To Convert DEB Packages Into Arch Linux Packages
2018-01-06 13:25:31 +08:00 |
20171007 How to use GNU Stow to manage programs installed from source and dotfiles.md
选题: How to use GNU Stow to manage programs installed from source and dotfiles
2018-01-06 13:47:55 +08:00 |
20171009 10 Free Linux Productivity Apps You Haven-t Heard Of.md
选题: 10 Free Linux Productivity Apps You Haven’t Heard Of
2018-01-05 21:41:30 +08:00 |
20171009 10 layers of Linux container security - Opensource.com.md
translating by qhwdw
2018-01-16 15:09:56 +08:00 |
20171009 What-s next in DevOps- 5 trends to watch.md
选题: What’s next in DevOps: 5 trends to watch
2018-01-06 13:44:19 +08:00 |
20171010 How to test internet speed in Linux terminal.md
Update 20171010 How to test internet speed in Linux terminal.md
2018-01-07 21:21:29 +08:00 |
20171010 In Device We Trust Measure Twice Compute Once with Xen Linux TPM 2.0 and TXT.md
HankChow translating
2017-11-29 15:16:07 +08:00 |
20171010 Operating a Kubernetes network.md
Translating By erlinux
2017-12-08 01:01:08 +08:00 |
20171012 7 Best eBook Readers for Linux.md
选题: 7 Best eBook Readers for Linux
2018-01-05 21:32:24 +08:00 |
20171016 5 SSH alias examples in Linux.md
选题: 5 SSH alias examples in Linux
2018-01-05 21:58:02 +08:00 |
20171016 Make -rm- Command To Move The Files To -Trash Can- Instead Of Removing Them Completely.md
选题: Make “rm” Command To Move The Files To “Trash Can” Instead Of Removing Them Completely
2018-01-05 21:22:56 +08:00 |
20171017 What Are the Hidden Files in my Linux Home Directory For.md
选题: What Are the Hidden Files in my Linux Home Directory For?
2018-01-05 22:02:43 +08:00 |
20171018 How to create an e-book chapter template in LibreOffice Writer.md
remove useless links
2018-01-07 03:01:37 +08:00 |
20171018 Install a Centralized Log Server with Rsyslog in Debian 9.md
选题: Install a Centralized Log Server with Rsyslog in Debian 9
2018-01-05 22:29:44 +08:00 |
20171020 Four Hidden Costs and Risks of Sudo Can Lead to Cybersecurity Risks and Compliance Problems on Unix and Linux Servers.md
选题: Four Hidden Costs and Risks of Sudo Can Lead to Cybersecurity Risks and Compliance Problems on Unix and Linux Servers
2017-12-29 16:32:47 +08:00 |
20171022 Review- Algorithms to Live By by Brian Christian - Tom Griffiths.md
选题: Review: Algorithms to Live By by Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths
2018-01-06 08:47:12 +08:00 |
20171023 Processors - Everything You Need to Know.md
Singledo. Apply for task
2018-01-14 09:19:10 +08:00 |
20171024 Highly Addictive Open Source Puzzle Game.md
选题: Highly Addictive Open Source Puzzle Game
2018-01-06 08:52:42 +08:00 |
20171024 Run Linux On Android Devices, No Rooting Required.md
选题: Run Linux On Android Devices, No Rooting Required!
2018-01-06 09:08:58 +08:00 |
20171027 Easy guide to secure VNC server with TLS encryption.md
2018-01-19 09:16:23 +08:00 |
20171027 Scary Linux commands for Halloween.md
选题: Scary Linux commands for Halloween
2018-01-05 17:32:39 +08:00 |
20171027 Scout out code problems with SonarQube.md
选题: Scout out code problems with SonarQube
2018-01-05 17:27:14 +08:00 |
20171027 Share And Upload Files To Compatible Hosting Sites Automatically.md
选题: Share And Upload Files To Compatible Hosting Sites Automatically
2018-01-05 17:35:11 +08:00 |
20171030 5 open source alternatives to Mint and Quicken for personal finance.md
选题: 5 open source alternatives to Mint and Quicken for personal finance
2018-01-05 17:41:36 +08:00 |
20171030 Complete Guide for Using AsciiDoc in Linux.md
选题: Complete Guide for Using AsciiDoc in Linux
2017-12-30 21:37:28 +08:00 |
20171030 Why I love technical debt.md
选题: Why I love technical debt
2018-01-05 17:42:36 +08:00 |
20171101 Linux command line tools for working with non-Linux users.md
选题: Linux command line tools for working with non-Linux users
2018-01-05 17:50:56 +08:00 |
20171102 What is huge pages in Linux.md
选题: What is huge pages in Linux?
2018-01-05 22:28:14 +08:00 |
20171103 3 ways robotics affects the CIO role.md
2017-12-27 23:00:23 +08:00 |
20171103 -The 10 best ways to secure your Android phone.md
选题: The 10 best ways to secure your Android phone
2018-01-05 17:52:42 +08:00 |
20171103 How To Fully Update And Upgrade Offline Debian-based Systems.md
选题: How To Fully Update And Upgrade Offline Debian-based Systems
2018-01-06 09:38:57 +08:00 |
20171107 How to Monetize an Open Source Project.md
add done: 20171107 How to Monetize an Open Source Project.md
2017-12-30 21:19:26 +08:00 |
20171108 Continuous infrastructure- The other CI.md
选题: Continuous infrastructure: The other CI
2018-01-05 17:55:46 +08:00 |
20171108 How to Use GNOME Shell Extensions [Complete Guide].md
选题: How to Use GNOME Shell Extensions [Complete Guide]
2017-12-30 21:28:03 +08:00 |
20171109 How to record statistics about a Linux machine-s uptime.md
选题: How to record statistics about a Linux machine’s uptime
2017-12-30 22:01:19 +08:00 |
20171110 How to configure login banners in Linux (RedHat, Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora).md
选题: How to configure login banners in Linux (RedHat, Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora)
2017-12-30 21:47:06 +08:00 |
20171111 A CEOs Guide to Emacs.md
mandeler translating
2017-11-24 22:13:33 +08:00 |
20171113 IT disaster recovery- Sysadmins vs. natural disasters - HPE.md
选题: IT disaster recovery: Sysadmins vs. natural disasters | HPE
2017-12-31 19:11:03 +08:00 |
20171113 My Adventure Migrating Back To Windows.md
选题: My Adventure Migrating Back To Windows
2017-12-30 21:49:51 +08:00 |
20171113 The big break in computer languages.md
Translating 20171113 The big break in computer languages
2017-11-21 12:49:42 +08:00 |
20171114 Finding Files with mlocate- Part 2.md
add done: 20171114 Finding Files with mlocate- Part 2.md
2017-12-29 17:12:41 +08:00 |
20171114 Take Linux and Run With It.md
Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject""
2017-12-04 17:23:04 +08:00 |
20171114 Why pair writing helps improve documentation.md
选题: Why pair writing helps improve documentation
2017-12-31 18:54:56 +08:00 |
20171115 How to create better documentation with a kanban board.md
add done: 20171115 How to create better documentation with a kanban board.md
2017-12-31 18:52:37 +08:00 |
20171115 Why and How to Set an Open Source Strategy.md
Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject""
2017-12-04 17:23:04 +08:00 |
20171116 10 easy steps from proprietary to open source.md
选题: 10 easy steps from proprietary to open source
2017-12-31 18:58:44 +08:00 |
20171116 How to improve ROI on automation- 4 tips.md
选题: How to improve ROI on automation: 4 tips
2017-12-29 16:38:22 +08:00 |
20171116 How to use a here documents to write data to a file in bash script.md
选题: How to use a here documents to write data to a file in bash script
2017-12-30 22:24:32 +08:00 |
20171116 Record and Share Terminal Session with Showterm.md
选题: Record and Share Terminal Session with Showterm
2017-12-30 22:28:12 +08:00 |
20171116 Unleash Your Creativity – Linux Programs for Drawing and Image Editing.md
Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject""
2017-12-04 17:23:04 +08:00 |
20171116 Why is collaboration so difficult.md
选题: Why is collaboration so difficult?
2017-12-31 19:00:54 +08:00 |
20171117 5 open source fonts ideal for programmers.md
选题: 5 open source fonts ideal for programmers
2017-12-31 19:04:02 +08:00 |
20171117 Command line fun- Insult the user when typing wrong bash command.md
选题: Command line fun: Insult the user when typing wrong bash command
2017-12-30 22:33:45 +08:00 |
20171120 GParted The Complete Partition Editor For Linux.md
add done: 20171120 GParted The Complete Partition Editor For Linux.md
2017-12-29 15:31:45 +08:00 |
20171120 How to Run Diablo II with the GLIDE-to-OpenGL Wrapper.md
add done: 20171120 How to Run Diablo II with the GLIDE-to-OpenGL Wrapper.md
2017-12-29 16:15:47 +08:00 |
20171120 How to use special permissions- the setuid, setgid and sticky bits.md
20171120 How to use special permissions- the setuid, setgid and sticky bits.md
2018-01-18 13:59:08 +08:00 |
20171121 Finding Files with mlocate- Part 3.md
add done: 20171121 Finding Files with mlocate- Part 3.md
2017-12-29 17:17:31 +08:00 |
20171121 How To Kill The Largest Process In An Unresponsive Linux System.md
add done: 20171121 How To Kill The Largest Process In An Unresponsive Linux System.md
2017-12-29 16:55:06 +08:00 |
20171122 How DevOps eliminated bottlenecks for Ranger community.md
选题: How DevOps eliminated bottlenecks for Ranger community
2017-12-27 23:15:46 +08:00 |
20171124 How do groups work on Linux.md
HankChow translating
2017-11-29 16:48:57 +08:00 |
20171127 Protecting Your Website From Application Layer DOS Attacks With mod.md
20171127 Protecting Your Website From Application Layer DOS Attacks With mod.md
2018-01-18 13:42:11 +08:00 |
20171128 The politics of the Linux desktop.md
Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject""
2017-12-04 17:23:04 +08:00 |
20171129 How to Install and Use Wireshark on Debian and Ubuntu 16.04_17.10.md
Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject""
2017-12-04 17:23:04 +08:00 |
20171129 Inside AGL Familiar Open Source Components Ease Learning Curve.md
Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject""
2017-12-04 17:23:04 +08:00 |
20171129 Interactive Workflows for Cpp with Jupyter.md
Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject""
2017-12-04 17:23:04 +08:00 |
20171129 TLDR pages Simplified Alternative To Linux Man Pages.md
20171209-1 选题
2017-12-09 14:59:06 +08:00 |
20171130 Excellent Business Software Alternatives For Linux.md
Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject""
2017-12-04 17:23:04 +08:00 |
20171130 Google launches TensorFlow-based vision recognition kit for RPi Zero W.md
20171209-19 选题
2017-12-09 16:08:39 +08:00 |
20171130 Tap the power of community with organized chaos.md
选题: Tap the power of community with organized chaos
2017-12-27 23:06:40 +08:00 |
20171201 12 MySQL MariaDB Security Best Practices for Linux.md
translating by zrszrszrs
2017-12-10 19:39:08 +08:00 |
20171201 Torrents - Everything You Need to Know.md
Rename 20171201
2018-01-05 19:31:22 +08:00 |
20171202 Easily control delivery of your Python applications to millions of Linux users with Snapcraft.md
Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject""
2017-12-04 17:23:04 +08:00 |
20171202 Scrot Linux command-line screen grabs made simple.md
补完 PR
2017-12-04 19:38:17 -08:00 |
20171203 3 Essential Questions to Ask at Your Next Tech Interview.md
2018-01-07 03:40:13 +08:00 |
20171203 Top 20 GNOME Extensions You Should Be Using Right Now.md
20171209-9 选题
2017-12-09 15:35:22 +08:00 |
20171204 5 Tips to Improve Technical Writing for an International Audience.md
20171209-4 选题
2017-12-09 15:14:57 +08:00 |
20171204 Improve your Bash scripts with Argbash.md
20171209-10 选题
2017-12-09 15:37:03 +08:00 |
20171204 Tutorial on how to write basic udev rules in Linux.md
20171209-5 选题
2017-12-09 15:17:23 +08:00 |
20171205-3 选题
2017-12-09 15:12:13 +08:00 |
20171205 What DevOps teams really need from a CIO.md
选题: What DevOps teams really need from a CIO
2017-12-27 22:46:57 +08:00 |
20171206 Getting started with Turtl, an open source alternative to Evernote.md
选题: Getting started with Turtl, an open source alternative to Evernote
2017-12-08 15:34:33 +08:00 |
20171207 How to use KVM cloud images on Ubuntu Linux.md
选题: How to use KVM cloud images on Ubuntu Linux
2017-12-17 09:06:30 +08:00 |
20171208 24 Must Have Essential Linux Applications In 2017.md
选题: 24 Must Have Essential Linux Applications In 2017
2017-12-09 13:59:39 +08:00 |
20171208 GeckoLinux Brings Flexibility and Choice to openSUSE.md
2018-01-07 03:34:25 +08:00 |
20171211 A tour of containerd 1.0.md
Remove translating information
2018-01-06 16:00:01 +08:00 |
20171212 Create a free Apache SSL certificate with Let-s Encrypt on CentOS - RHEL.md
fix 内容问题
2018-01-07 03:31:04 +08:00 |
20171212 Oh My Fish- Make Your Shell Beautiful.md
2018-01-07 03:36:49 +08:00 |
20171212 Personal Backups with Duplicati on Linux.md
选题: Personal Backups with Duplicati on Linux
2017-12-16 10:37:46 +08:00 |
20171212 Toplip – A Very Strong File Encryption And Decryption CLI Utility.md
EncryptPad compelete
2018-01-06 00:14:11 +08:00 |
20171213 Will DevOps steal my job-.md
2017-12-16 12:48:14 +08:00 |
20171214 6 open source home automation tools.md
2017-12-16 12:39:21 +08:00 |
20171214 IPv6 Auto-Configuration in Linux.md
2018-01-07 03:28:38 +08:00 |
20171214 Peeking into your Linux packages.md
2017-12-17 19:58:37 +08:00 |
20171214 The Best Linux Apps - Distros of 2017.md
2018-01-07 03:23:29 +08:00 |
20171215 Linux Vs Unix.md
apply for translation
2017-12-17 22:49:19 +08:00 |
20171215 Top 5 Linux Music Players.md
Fix broken link
2017-12-22 15:04:52 +08:00 |
20171216 Sysadmin 101- Troubleshooting.md
选题: Sysadmin 101: Troubleshooting
2017-12-26 15:08:18 +08:00 |
20171218 Internet Chemotherapy.md
选题: Internet Chemotherapy
2017-12-17 15:39:38 -05:00 |
20171219 How to generate webpages using CGI scripts.md
选题: How to generate webpages using CGI scripts
2017-12-20 14:41:33 +08:00 |
20171219 How to set GNOME to display a custom slideshow.md
选题: How to set GNOME to display a custom slideshow
2017-12-20 13:19:05 +08:00 |
20171220 Containers without Docker at Red Hat.md
选题: Containers without Docker at Red Hat
2018-01-07 23:16:58 +08:00 |
20171221 A Commandline Food Recipes Manager.md
选题: A Commandline Food Recipes Manager
2017-12-27 22:43:39 +08:00 |
20171221 Changing how we use Slack solved our transparency and silo problems.md
选题: Changing how we use Slack solved our transparency and silo problems
2018-01-02 14:15:25 +08:00 |
20171221 How to create mobile-friendly documentation.md
选题: How to create mobile-friendly documentation
2017-12-27 22:38:23 +08:00 |
20171221 Mail transfer agent (MTA) basics.md
选题: Mail transfer agent (MTA) basics
2017-12-27 22:28:44 +08:00 |
20171222 10 keys to quick game development.md
翻译中 by zky001
2017-12-29 23:19:34 +08:00 |
20171222 18 Cyber-Security Trends Organizations Need to Brace for in 2018.md
Update 20171222 18 Cyber-Security Trends Organizations Need to Brace for in 2018.md
2018-01-02 10:27:54 +08:00 |
20171222 Linux touch command tutorial for beginners.md
20180103-1 选题
2018-01-03 10:24:13 +08:00 |
20171222 Why the diversity and inclusion conversation must include people with disabilities.md
选题: Why the diversity and inclusion conversation must include people with disabilities
2017-12-27 17:26:08 +08:00 |
20171223 My personal Email setup - Notmuch, mbsync, postfix and dovecot.md
选题: My personal Email setup - Notmuch, mbsync, postfix and dovecot
2017-12-27 18:02:58 +08:00 |
20171224 My first Rust macro.md
20180113-4 选题
2018-01-13 21:40:22 +08:00 |
20171226 How to Configure Linux for Children.md
apply for translation
2018-01-17 22:56:57 +08:00 |
20171226 Top 10 Microsoft Visio Alternatives for Linux.md
选题: Top 10 Microsoft Visio Alternatives for Linux
2017-12-30 14:31:25 +08:00 |
20171227 SoftMaker for Linux Is a Solid Microsoft Office Alternative.md
选题: SoftMaker for Linux Is a Solid Microsoft Office Alternative
2018-01-09 18:53:39 +08:00 |
20171228 Container Basics- Terms You Need to Know.md
translating by lonaparte
2018-01-01 21:21:57 +01:00 |
20171229 Excellent Free Roguelike Games.md
选题: Excellent Free Roguelike Games
2017-12-30 14:45:08 +08:00 |
20171229 Forgotten FOSS Games- Boson.md
选题: Forgotten FOSS Games: Boson
2018-01-09 19:02:09 +08:00 |
20171231 Why You Should Still Love Telnet.md
XYenChi is translating
2018-01-18 18:02:10 +08:00 |
20180101 27 open solutions to everything in education.md
选题: 27 open solutions to everything in education
2018-01-05 14:06:17 +08:00 |
20180101 Manage Your Games Using Lutris In Linux.md
选题: Manage Your Games Using Lutris In Linux
2018-01-05 15:02:08 +08:00 |
20180102 10 Reasons Why Linux Is Better Than Windows.md
Update 20180102 10 Reasons Why Linux Is Better Than Windows.md
2018-01-13 20:58:07 +08:00 |
20180102 Best Linux Music Players To Stream Online Music.md
add done: 20180102 Best Linux Music Players To Stream Online Music.md
2018-01-05 14:41:53 +08:00 |
20180102 How To Find (Top-10) Largest Files In Linux.md
选题: How To Find (Top-10) Largest Files In Linux
2018-01-14 16:41:35 +08:00 |
20180102 The Uniq Command Tutorial With Examples For Beginners.md
选题: The Uniq Command Tutorial With Examples For Beginners
2018-01-05 15:07:00 +08:00 |
20180103 5 ways open source can strengthen your job search.md
选题: 5 ways open source can strengthen your job search
2018-01-06 09:51:06 +08:00 |
20180103 How To Find The Installed Proprietary Packages In Arch Linux.md
选题: How To Find The Installed Proprietary Packages In Arch Linux
2018-01-06 09:43:55 +08:00 |
20180103 How to preconfigure LXD containers with cloud-init.md
选题: How to preconfigure LXD containers with cloud-init
2018-01-05 15:05:01 +08:00 |
20180104 How allowing myself to be vulnerable made me a better leader.md
选题: How allowing myself to be vulnerable made me a better leader
2018-01-06 09:41:50 +08:00 |
20180104 How Creative Commons benefits artists and big business.md
选题: How Creative Commons benefits artists and big business
2018-01-05 15:14:31 +08:00 |
20180104 How does gdb call functions.md
20180113-1 选题
2018-01-14 11:05:10 +08:00 |
20180104 Tlog - A Tool to Record - Play Terminal IO and Sessions.md
fix the case problem
2018-01-09 13:07:57 +08:00 |
20180104 Ubuntu Updates for the Meltdown Spectre Vulnerabilities.md
20180108-2 选题
2018-01-08 11:21:40 +08:00 |
20180104 Whats behind the Intel design flaw forcing numerous patches.md
20180108-3 选题
2018-01-08 13:10:45 +08:00 |
20180105 Ansible- the Automation Framework That Thinks Like a Sysadmin.md
申请翻译-20180105 Ansible- the Automation Framework That Thinks Like a Sysadmin.md
2018-01-15 23:09:25 +08:00 |
20180105 Linux paste Command Explained For Beginners (5 Examples).md
add done: 20180105 Linux paste Command Explained For Beginners (5 Examples).md
2018-01-07 18:42:05 +08:00 |
20180106 Meltdown and Spectre Linux Kernel Status.md
Update 20180106 Meltdown and Spectre Linux Kernel Status.md
2018-01-11 11:43:01 +08:00 |
20180108 5 arcade-style games in your Linux repository.md
选题: 5 arcade-style games in your Linux repository
2018-01-09 19:11:45 +08:00 |
20180108 Debbugs Versioning- Merging.md
选题: Debbugs Versioning: Merging
2018-01-11 19:38:27 +08:00 |
20180108 Linux Filesystem Events with inotify.md
选题: Linux Filesystem Events with inotify
2018-01-12 22:38:51 +08:00 |
20180108 SuperTux- A Linux Take on Super Mario Game.md
2018-01-09 20:57:12 +08:00 |
20180109 How to use syslog-ng to collect logs from remote Linux machines.md
选题: How to use syslog-ng to collect logs from remote Linux machines
2018-01-11 16:20:48 +08:00 |
20180109 Profiler adventures resolving symbol addresses is hard.md
20180113-5 选题
2018-01-13 21:42:02 +08:00 |
20180110 Best Linux Screenshot and Screencasting Tools.md
选题: Best Linux Screenshot and Screencasting Tools
2018-01-15 18:45:46 +08:00 |
20180110 How to install-update Intel microcode firmware on Linux.md
选题: How to install/update Intel microcode firmware on Linux
2018-01-11 16:16:21 +08:00 |
20180110 How to trigger commands on File-Directory changes with Incron on Debian.md
选题: How to trigger commands on File/Directory changes with Incron on Debian
2018-01-12 22:06:36 +08:00 |
20180110 Using Your Own Private Registry with Docker Enterprise Edition.md
选题: Using Your Own Private Registry with Docker Enterprise Edition
2018-01-11 18:45:24 +08:00 |
20180111 BASH drivers, start your engines.md
Update 20180111 BASH drivers, start your engines.md
2018-01-13 22:57:21 +08:00 |
20180111 How to Install Snipe-IT Asset Management Software on Debian 9.md
选题: How to Install Snipe-IT Asset Management Software on Debian 9
2018-01-14 16:38:23 +08:00 |
20180111 Multimedia Apps for the Linux Console.md
Translating by Yinr
2018-01-15 15:09:01 +08:00 |
20180111 The open organization and inner sourcing movements can share knowledge.md
选题: The open organization and inner sourcing movements can share knowledge
2018-01-15 16:42:18 +08:00 |
20180112 8 KDE Plasma Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Productivity.md
选题: 8 KDE Plasma Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Productivity
2018-01-18 14:58:09 +08:00 |
20180112 Linux yes Command Tutorial for Beginners (with Examples).md
选题: Linux yes Command Tutorial for Beginners (with Examples)
2018-01-14 16:32:03 +08:00 |
20180112 Top 5 Firefox extensions to install now.md
选题: Top 5 Firefox extensions to install now
2018-01-14 16:28:44 +08:00 |
20180114 Playing Quake 4 on Linux in 2018.md
选题: Playing Quake 4 on Linux in 2018
2018-01-15 16:46:34 +08:00 |
20180114 What a GNU C Compiler Bug looks like.md
选题: What a GNU C Compiler Bug looks like
2018-01-15 17:22:08 +08:00 |
20180115 2 scientific calculators for the Linux desktop.md
选题: 2 scientific calculators for the Linux desktop
2018-01-18 17:53:42 +08:00 |
20180115 How debuggers really work.md
选题: How debuggers really work
2018-01-19 11:22:37 +08:00 |
20180116 A Versatile Free Software for Partition Imaging and Cloning.md
选题: A Versatile Free Software for Partition Imaging and Cloning
2018-01-19 11:42:16 +08:00 |
20180116 How To Create A Bootable Zorin OS USB Drive.md
选题: How To Create A Bootable Zorin OS USB Drive
2018-01-18 18:02:23 +08:00 |
20180116 How to Install and Optimize Apache on Ubuntu - ThisHosting.Rocks.md
选题: How to Install and Optimize Apache on Ubuntu – ThisHosting.Rocks
2018-01-19 11:31:47 +08:00 |
20180116 Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster.md
选题: Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster
2018-01-19 11:57:31 +08:00 |
20180116 Why building a community is worth the extra effort.md
选题: Why building a community is worth the extra effort
2018-01-18 18:10:14 +08:00 |