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20091104 Linux-Unix App For Prevention Of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury).md
20120203 Computer Laboratory - Raspberry Pi- Lesson 3 OK03.md
20120204 Computer Laboratory - Raspberry Pi- Lesson 4 OK04.md
20120205 Computer Laboratory - Raspberry Pi- Lesson 5 OK05.md
20150513 XML vs JSON.md
20150616 Computer Laboratory - Raspberry Pi- Lesson 6 Screen01.md
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20150616 Computer Laboratory - Raspberry Pi- Lesson 7 Screen02.md
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20171215 Top 5 Linux Music Players.md
20180112 8 KDE Plasma Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Productivity.md
20180128 Get started with Org mode without Emacs.md
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20180530 Introduction to the Pony programming language.md
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20180614 An introduction to the Tornado Python web app framework.md
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20180626 How To Search If A Package Is Available On Your Linux Distribution Or Not.md
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20181204 4 Unique Terminal Emulators for Linux.md
20181212 Top 5 configuration management tools.md
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20181224 An Introduction to Go.md
20181224 Go on an adventure in your Linux terminal.md
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20181227 Asciinema - Record And Share Your Terminal Sessions On The Fly.md
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20190102 How To Display Thumbnail Images In Terminal.md
20190103 How to use Magit to manage Git projects.md
20190108 Hacking math education with Python.md
20190110 5 useful Vim plugins for developers.md
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20190110 Toyota Motors and its Linux Journey.md
20190114 Hegemon - A Modular System And Hardware Monitoring Tool For Linux.md
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20190114 Remote Working Survival Guide.md
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20190115 Comparing 3 open source databases- PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and SQLite.md
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20190115 Getting started with Sandstorm, an open source web app platform.md
20190116 The Evil-Twin Framework- A tool for improving WiFi security.md
20190117 How to Update-Change Users Password in Linux Using Different Ways.md
20190119 Get started with Roland, a random selection tool for the command line.md
20190120 Get started with HomeBank, an open source personal finance app.md
20190121 Get started with TaskBoard, a lightweight kanban board.md
20190122 Dcp (Dat Copy) - Easy And Secure Way To Transfer Files Between Linux Systems.md
20190122 Get started with Go For It, a flexible to-do list application.md
20190122 How To Copy A File-Folder From A Local System To Remote System In Linux.md
20190123 Book Review- Fundamentals of Linux.md
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20190123 Commands to help you monitor activity on your Linux server.md
20190124 Get started with LogicalDOC, an open source document management system.md
20190124 Understanding Angle Brackets in Bash.md
20190125 PyGame Zero- Games without boilerplate.md
20190125 Top 5 Linux Distributions for Development in 2019.md
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20190126 Get started with Tint2, an open source taskbar for Linux.md
20190127 Get started with eDEX-UI, a Tron-influenced terminal program for tablets and desktops.md
20190128 3 simple and useful GNOME Shell extensions.md
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20190128 fdisk - Easy Way To Manage Disk Partitions In Linux.md
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20190128 Using more to view text files at the Linux command line.md
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20190129 Get started with gPodder, an open source podcast client.md
20190129 More About Angle Brackets in Bash.md
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20190130 Get started with Budgie Desktop, a Linux environment.md
20190130 Olive is a new Open Source Video Editor Aiming to Take On Biggies Like Final Cut Pro.md
20190131 Will quantum computing break security.md
20190201 Top 5 Linux Distributions for New Users.md
20190205 DNS and Root Certificates.md
20190205 Installing Kali Linux on VirtualBox- Quickest - Safest Way.md
20190206 4 cool new projects to try in COPR for February 2019.md
20190207 10 Methods To Create A File In Linux.md
20190207 How to determine how much memory is installed, used on Linux systems.md
20190208 How To Install And Use PuTTY On Linux.md
20190214 Drinking coffee with AWK.md
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20190216 How To Grant And Remove Sudo Privileges To Users On Ubuntu.md
20190219 3 tools for viewing files at the command line.md
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20190219 How to List Installed Packages on Ubuntu and Debian -Quick Tip.md