.. |
20170928 The Lineage of Man.md
2021-08-16 23:13:19 +08:00 |
20171007 The Most Important Database You-ve Never Heard of.md
20171128 The politics of the Linux desktop.md
20171229 Important Papers- Codd and the Relational Model.md
20180201 6 pivotal moments in open source history.md
20180818 What Did Ada Lovelace-s Program Actually Do.md
20181031 3 scary sysadmin stories.md
20181218 The Rise and Demise of RSS.md
2021-02-21 10:34:34 +08:00 |
20190227 Let your engineers choose the license- A guide.md
20190228 A Brief History of FOSS Practices.md
20190808 Scrum vs. kanban- Which agile methodology is better.md
20190831 Why support open source- Strategies from around the world.md
20190903 IoT security essentials- Physical, network, software.md
20191001 The monumental impact of C.md
20191003 Sharing vs. free vs. public- The real definition of open source.md
20191009 Why to choose Rust as your next programming language.md
Revert "Revert "超期回收: sources/talk/20191009 Why to choose Rust as your next programming language.md""
2020-11-19 03:50:18 +08:00 |
20191011 Everything you need to know about Grace Hopper in six books.md
20191017 Measuring the business value of open source communities.md
20191029 5 reasons why I love Python.md
2021-08-16 23:13:19 +08:00 |
20200101 How to get started with open source in 2020.md
Rename sources/tech/20200101 How to get started with open source in 2020.md to sources/talk/20200101 How to get started with open source in 2020.md
2020-01-02 09:24:31 +08:00 |
20200104 DevOps is a solution to burnout worth investing in.md
Rename sources/tech/20200104 DevOps is a solution to burnout worth investing in.md to sources/talk/20200104 DevOps is a solution to burnout worth investing in.md
2020-01-05 08:34:56 +08:00 |
20200104 Industrial Internet Consortium teams up with blockchain-focused security group.md
选题: 20200104 Industrial Internet Consortium teams up with blockchain-focused security group
2020-01-05 01:00:19 +08:00 |
20200105 7 Ways NOT to manage your remote team.md
Rename sources/tech/20200105 7 Ways NOT to manage your remote team.md to sources/talk/20200105 7 Ways NOT to manage your remote team.md
2020-01-06 11:21:54 +08:00 |
20200107 Researchers aim for transistors that compute and store in one component.md
选题: 20200107 Researchers aim for transistors that compute and store in one component
2020-01-09 01:02:19 +08:00 |
20200107 Wi-Fi 6 is slowly gathering steam.md
选题: 20200107 Wi-Fi 6 is slowly gathering steam
2020-01-09 01:03:09 +08:00 |
20200109 How to Deliver Affordable and Optimized Application Access Worldwide with SASE.md
选题: 20200109 How to Deliver Affordable and Optimized Application Access Worldwide with SASE
2020-01-10 00:57:29 +08:00 |
20200114 What communities of practice can do for your organization.md
Rename sources/tech/20200114 What communities of practice can do for your organization.md to sources/talk/20200114 What communities of practice can do for your organization.md
2020-01-15 09:12:23 +08:00 |
20200115 Instant, secure ‘teleportation- of data in the works.md
选题: 20200115 Instant, secure ‘teleportation’ of data in the works
2020-01-16 00:57:32 +08:00 |
20200116 4 core skills to level-up your tech career in 2020.md
Rename sources/tech/20200116 4 core skills to level-up your tech career in 2020.md to sources/talk/20200116 4 core skills to level-up your tech career in 2020.md
2020-01-18 12:36:58 +08:00 |
20200116 Google Cloud launches Archive cold storage service.md
选题: 20200116 Google Cloud launches Archive cold storage service
2020-01-16 00:56:08 +08:00 |
20200117 Insights into Why Hyperbola GNU-Linux is Turning into Hyperbola BSD.md
2020-03-02 22:28:26 +08:00 |
20200118 7 things I learned from starting an open source project.md
Rename sources/tech/20200118 7 things I learned from starting an open source project.md to sources/talk/20200118 7 things I learned from starting an open source project.md
2020-01-19 07:04:39 +08:00 |
20200121 Beyond Moore-s Law- Neuromorphic computing.md
选题: 20200121 Beyond Moore's Law: Neuromorphic computing?
2020-01-22 00:57:58 +08:00 |
20200121 Never enough- Working openly with anxiety.md
Rename sources/tech/20200121 Never enough- Working openly with anxiety.md to sources/talk/20200121 Never enough- Working openly with anxiety.md
2020-01-22 11:30:45 +08:00 |
20200121 What you need to know about System76-s open source firmware project.md
Rename sources/tech/20200121 What you need to know about System76-s open source firmware project.md to sources/talk/20200121 What you need to know about System76-s open source firmware project.md
2020-01-22 11:08:04 +08:00 |
20200123 Survey- Digital transformation can reveal network weaknesses.md
选题: 20200123 Survey: Digital transformation can reveal network weaknesses
2020-01-24 01:20:52 +08:00 |
20200124 Gartner- Data-center spending will inch up this year.md
2021-08-16 23:13:19 +08:00 |
20200124 How Open-RAN could ‘white-box- 5G.md
选题: 20200124 How Open-RAN could ‘white-box’ 5G
2020-01-25 00:58:06 +08:00 |
20200127 IBM Power-based cloud instances available- from Google.md
选题: 20200127 IBM Power-based cloud instances available… from Google
2020-01-29 01:15:41 +08:00 |
20200127 Some Useful Probability Facts for Systems Programming.md
选题: 20200127 Some Useful Probability Facts for Systems Programming
2020-01-29 01:18:46 +08:00 |
20200128 Communication superstars- A model for understanding your organization-s approach to new technologies.md
Rename sources/tech/20200128 Communication superstars- A model for understanding your organization-s approach to new technologies.md to sources/talk/20200128 Communication superstars- A model for understanding your organization-s approach to new technologies.md
2020-01-29 14:12:08 +08:00 |
20200129 You can now have a Mac Pro in your data center.md
选题: 20200129 You can now have a Mac Pro in your data center
2020-01-30 01:03:09 +08:00 |
20200130 Intel denies reports of Xeon shortage.md
选题: 20200130 Intel denies reports of Xeon shortage
2020-01-30 01:00:31 +08:00 |
20200131 How bacteria could run the Internet of Things.md
选题: 20200131 How bacteria could run the Internet of Things
2020-02-01 01:40:08 +08:00 |
20200201 IBM-s CEO Virginia Rometty to be replaced by its cloud, Red Hat chiefs.md
选题: 20200201 IBM's CEO Virginia Rometty to be replaced by its cloud, Red Hat chiefs
2020-02-02 01:05:02 +08:00 |
20200202 6 open governance questions every project needs to answer.md
Rename sources/tech/20200202 6 open governance questions every project needs to answer.md to sources/talk/20200202 6 open governance questions every project needs to answer.md
2020-02-04 15:20:05 +08:00 |
20200202 Bulletin Board Systems- The VICE Exposé.md
选题: 20200202 Bulletin Board Systems: The VICE Exposé
2020-02-04 01:04:57 +08:00 |
20200203 Private equity firms are gobbling up data centers.md
选题: 20200203 Private equity firms are gobbling up data centers
2020-02-04 01:04:19 +08:00 |
20200204 Stuck in a loop- 4 signs anxiety may be affecting your work.md
Rename sources/tech/20200204 Stuck in a loop- 4 signs anxiety may be affecting your work.md to sources/talk/20200204 Stuck in a loop- 4 signs anxiety may be affecting your work.md
2020-02-05 10:44:48 +08:00 |
20200206 How Drupal 8 aims to be future-proof.md
Rename sources/tech/20200206 How Drupal 8 aims to be future-proof.md to sources/talk/20200206 How Drupal 8 aims to be future-proof.md
2020-02-07 10:10:09 +08:00 |
20200209 Open source vs. proprietary- What-s the difference.md
Rename sources/tech/20200209 Open source vs. proprietary- What-s the difference.md to sources/talk/20200209 Open source vs. proprietary- What-s the difference.md
2020-02-10 16:52:59 +08:00 |
20200210 5 firewall features IT pros should know about but probably don-t.md
选题: 20200210 5 firewall features IT pros should know about but probably don’t
2020-02-11 01:04:43 +08:00 |
20200211 Future ‘smart walls- key to IoT.md
选题: 20200211 Future ‘smart walls’ key to IoT
2020-02-12 01:11:49 +08:00 |
20200211 Who should lead the push for IoT security.md
选题: 20200211 Who should lead the push for IoT security?
2020-02-12 01:12:47 +08:00 |
20200211 Why innovation can-t happen without standardization.md
Rename sources/tech/20200211 Why innovation can-t happen without standardization.md to sources/talk/20200211 Why innovation can-t happen without standardization.md
2020-02-12 10:46:24 +08:00 |
20200212 A SASE Crash Course.md
选题: 20200212 A SASE Crash Course
2020-02-15 01:17:58 +08:00 |
20200213 Server sales projected to decline 10- due to coronavirus.md
选题: 20200213 Server sales projected to decline 10% due to coronavirus
2020-02-15 01:16:55 +08:00 |
20200215 3 steps for product marketing your open source project.md
Rename sources/tech/20200215 3 steps for product marketing your open source project.md to sources/talk/20200215 3 steps for product marketing your open source project.md
2020-02-16 09:45:10 +08:00 |
20200215 The Background Story of AppImage -Interview.md
Rename sources/tech/20200215 The Background Story of AppImage -Interview.md to sources/talk/20200215 The Background Story of AppImage -Interview.md
2020-02-15 12:34:54 +08:00 |
20200216 Minicomputers and The Soul of a New Machine.md
Rename sources/tech/20200216 Minicomputers and The Soul of a New Machine.md to sources/talk/20200216 Minicomputers and The Soul of a New Machine.md
2020-02-19 10:32:16 +08:00 |
20200218 Building a community of practice in 5 steps.md
Rename sources/tech/20200218 Building a community of practice in 5 steps.md to sources/talk/20200218 Building a community of practice in 5 steps.md
2020-02-19 10:05:18 +08:00 |
20200219 A -399 device that translates brain signals into digital commands.md
选题: 20200219 A $399 device that translates brain signals into digital commands
2020-02-20 01:05:57 +08:00 |
20200219 Fedora at the Czech National Library of Technology.md
Rename sources/tech/20200219 Fedora at the Czech National Library of Technology.md to sources/talk/20200219 Fedora at the Czech National Library of Technology.md
2020-02-20 09:40:17 +08:00 |
20200221 Google Cloud moves to aid mainframe migration.md
选题: 20200221 Google Cloud moves to aid mainframe migration
2020-02-23 01:13:18 +08:00 |
20200221 Japanese firm announces potential 80TB hard drives.md
选题: 20200221 Japanese firm announces potential 80TB hard drives
2020-02-23 01:24:29 +08:00 |
20200224 Discussing Past, Present and Future of FreeBSD Project.md
Rename sources/tech/20200224 Discussing Past, Present and Future of FreeBSD Project.md to sources/talk/20200224 Discussing Past, Present and Future of FreeBSD Project.md
2020-02-24 09:53:15 +08:00 |
20200225 Spilling over- How working openly with anxiety affects my team.md
Rename sources/tech/20200225 Spilling over- How working openly with anxiety affects my team.md to sources/talk/20200225 Spilling over- How working openly with anxiety affects my team.md
2020-02-26 08:56:35 +08:00 |
20200226 How we decide when to release Fedora.md
Rename sources/tech/20200226 How we decide when to release Fedora.md to sources/talk/20200226 How we decide when to release Fedora.md
2020-02-27 09:41:36 +08:00 |
20200226 Mirantis- Balancing Open Source with Guardrails.md
Rename sources/tech/20200226 Mirantis- Balancing Open Source with Guardrails.md to sources/talk/20200226 Mirantis- Balancing Open Source with Guardrails.md
2020-02-28 09:25:49 +08:00 |
20200227 How Melissa Di Donato Is Going To Reinvent SUSE.md
Rename sources/tech/20200227 How Melissa Di Donato Is Going To Reinvent SUSE.md to sources/talk/20200227 How Melissa Di Donato Is Going To Reinvent SUSE.md
2020-02-29 12:19:28 +08:00 |
20200228 Intel takes aim at Huawei 5G market presence.md
选题: 20200228 Intel takes aim at Huawei 5G market presence
2020-02-29 01:08:56 +08:00 |
20200228 No More WhatsApp- The EU Commission Switches To ‘Signal- For Internal Communication.md
Rename sources/tech/20200228 No More WhatsApp- The EU Commission Switches To ‘Signal- For Internal Communication.md to sources/talk/20200228 No More WhatsApp- The EU Commission Switches To ‘Signal- For Internal Communication.md
2020-02-28 09:27:18 +08:00 |
20200229 Solus Linux Creator Ikey Doherty Enters the Game Dev Business With a New Open Source Game Engine.md
Rename sources/tech/20200229 Solus Linux Creator Ikey Doherty Enters the Game Dev Business With a New Open Source Game Engine.md to sources/talk/20200229 Solus Linux Creator Ikey Doherty Enters the Game Dev Business With a New Open Source Game Engine.md
2020-02-29 12:31:33 +08:00 |
20200302 8 reasons to consider hyperconverged infrastructure for your data center.md
选题: 20200302 8 reasons to consider hyperconverged infrastructure for your data center
2020-03-03 00:59:21 +08:00 |
20200303 How to assess your organization-s technological maturity.md
Rename sources/tech/20200303 How to assess your organization-s technological maturity.md to sources/talk/20200303 How to assess your organization-s technological maturity.md
2020-03-04 09:44:16 +08:00 |
20200303 Key Takeaways from Cisco-s Annual Internet Report.md
选题: 20200303 Key Takeaways from Cisco’s Annual Internet Report
2020-03-04 01:09:06 +08:00 |
20200303 Most-used libraries, open source adoption, and more industry trends.md
Rename sources/tech/20200303 Most-used libraries, open source adoption, and more industry trends.md to sources/talk/20200303 Most-used libraries, open source adoption, and more industry trends.md
2020-03-04 09:37:37 +08:00 |
20200304 Seawater, humidity inspire new ways to generate power.md
选题: 20200304 Seawater, humidity inspire new ways to generate power
2020-03-05 01:19:05 +08:00 |
20200305 Chinese auto giant Geely plans a private satellite network to support autonomous vehicles.md
选题: 20200305 Chinese auto giant Geely plans a private satellite network to support autonomous vehicles
2020-03-06 01:09:48 +08:00 |
20200305 Report- Most IoT transactions are not secure.md
选题: 20200305 Report: Most IoT transactions are not secure
2020-03-06 01:03:53 +08:00 |
20200306 How I learned about burnout the hard way.md
Revert "申领文章"
2020-04-13 03:50:16 +08:00 |
20200306 What is Linux and Why There are 100-s of Linux Distributions.md
Rename sources/tech/20200306 What is Linux and Why There are 100-s of Linux Distributions.md to sources/talk/20200306 What is Linux and Why There are 100-s of Linux Distributions.md
2020-03-06 10:47:38 +08:00 |
20200308 The De-Googled Android Fork is Making Good Progress.md
Rename sources/tech/20200308 The De-Googled Android Fork is Making Good Progress.md to sources/talk/20200308 The De-Googled Android Fork is Making Good Progress.md
2020-03-08 09:19:54 +08:00 |
20200311 Data-center power consumption holds steady.md
选题: 20200311 Data-center power consumption holds steady
2020-03-12 01:07:35 +08:00 |
20200311 Setting yourself up for success while working remotely.md
Rename sources/tech/20200311 Setting yourself up for success while working remotely.md to sources/talk/20200311 Setting yourself up for success while working remotely.md
2020-03-12 09:13:49 +08:00 |
20200312 Next wave of digital transformation requires better security, automation.md
选题: 20200312 Next wave of digital transformation requires better security, automation
2020-03-13 01:02:17 +08:00 |
20200316 As the networks evolve enterprises need to rethink network security.md
选题: 20200316 As the networks evolve enterprises need to rethink network security
2020-03-17 01:06:30 +08:00 |
20200316 How to be the right person for DevOps.md
Rename sources/tech/20200316 How to be the right person for DevOps.md to sources/talk/20200316 How to be the right person for DevOps.md
2020-03-17 11:19:55 +08:00 |
20200317 -AI everywhere- IoT chips coming from Arm.md
选题: 20200317 'AI everywhere' IoT chips coming from Arm
2020-03-19 01:25:37 +08:00 |
20200319 Electronics should sweat to cool down, say researchers.md
选题: 20200319 Electronics should sweat to cool down, say researchers
2020-03-22 01:25:58 +08:00 |
20200320 Cisco warns of five SD-WAN security weaknesses.md
选题: 20200320 Cisco warns of five SD-WAN security weaknesses
2020-03-22 01:22:53 +08:00 |
20200320 How technical debt is risking your security.md
Rename sources/tech/20200320 How technical debt is risking your security.md to sources/talk/20200320 How technical debt is risking your security.md
2020-03-22 17:16:57 +08:00 |
20200321 3 metrics to measure your open source community health.md
Rename sources/tech/20200321 3 metrics to measure your open source community health.md to sources/talk/20200321 3 metrics to measure your open source community health.md
2020-03-22 16:51:10 +08:00 |
20200321 Coronavirus challenges capacity, but core networks are holding up.md
选题: 20200321 Coronavirus challenges capacity, but core networks are holding up
2020-03-22 01:21:11 +08:00 |
20200324 COVID-19- Weekly health check of ISPs, cloud providers and conferencing services.md
Revert "申请翻译 (#18798)"
2020-07-21 03:50:17 +08:00 |
20200325 COVID-19 vs. Raspberry Pi- Researchers bring IoT technology to disease detection.md
选题: 20200325 COVID-19 vs. Raspberry Pi: Researchers bring IoT technology to disease detection
2020-03-29 01:36:29 +08:00 |
20200325 The coming together of SD-WAN and AIOps.md
选题: 20200325 The coming together of SD-WAN and AIOps
2020-03-29 01:27:34 +08:00 |
20200326 ROLLING UPDATE- The impact of COVID-19 on public networks and security.md
选题: 20200326 ROLLING UPDATE: The impact of COVID-19 on public networks and security
2020-03-29 01:22:46 +08:00 |
20200327 6 tricks for developing a work from home schedule.md
Rename sources/tech/20200327 6 tricks for developing a work from home schedule.md to sources/talk/20200327 6 tricks for developing a work from home schedule.md
2020-03-29 12:35:12 +08:00 |
20200330 Know the benefits of cloud-native networking for SASE.md
选题: 20200330 Know the benefits of cloud-native networking for SASE
2020-03-31 01:02:28 +08:00 |
20200330 SASE might be better than VPNs for quickly ramping up remote access.md
选题: 20200330 SASE might be better than VPNs for quickly ramping up remote access
2020-03-31 01:01:44 +08:00 |
20200401 How enterprise networking is changing with a work-at-home workforce.md
Revert "申请翻译"
2020-08-25 03:50:15 +08:00 |
20200402 When debugging, your attitude matters.md
[name1e5s translating] 20200402 When debugging, your attitude matters
2020-04-06 23:57:13 +08:00 |
20200405 Book review- Nine Lies About Work.md
Rename sources/tech/20200405 Book review- Nine Lies About Work.md to sources/talk/20200405 Book review- Nine Lies About Work.md
2020-04-06 10:47:13 +08:00 |
20200406 How to Use a Differential Analyzer (to Murder People).md
选题: 20200406 How to Use a Differential Analyzer (to Murder People)
2020-04-07 01:03:15 +08:00 |
20200406 What is good documentation for software projects.md
Rename sources/tech/20200406 What is good documentation for software projects.md to sources/talk/20200406 What is good documentation for software projects.md
2020-04-07 09:46:51 +08:00 |
20200411 5 open source activities while you work from home.md
Rename sources/tech/20200411 5 open source activities while you work from home.md to sources/talk/20200411 5 open source activities while you work from home.md
2020-04-12 09:14:56 +08:00 |
20200414 How World of Warcraft introduced me to Linux.md
Rename sources/tech/20200414 How World of Warcraft introduced me to Linux.md to sources/talk/20200414 How World of Warcraft introduced me to Linux.md
2020-04-15 09:04:41 +08:00 |
20200415 Fedora Origins - Part 01.md
Rename sources/tech/20200415 Fedora Origins - Part 01.md to sources/talk/20200415 Fedora Origins - Part 01.md
2020-04-16 09:00:08 +08:00 |
20200415 How to dispose of IT hardware without hurting the environment.md
选题: 20200415 How to dispose of IT hardware without hurting the environment
2020-04-16 01:11:34 +08:00 |
20200415 IBM extends z15 mainframe family, intensifies Linux security.md
选题: 20200415 IBM extends z15 mainframe family, intensifies Linux security
2020-04-16 01:08:32 +08:00 |
20200415 Network World 2020 State of the Network- SD-WAN, edge networking and security are hot.md
选题: 20200415 Network World 2020 State of the Network: SD-WAN, edge networking and security are hot
2020-04-16 01:03:14 +08:00 |
20200416 Contact tracing via Bluetooth could help track COVID-19 transmission.md
选题: 20200416 Contact tracing via Bluetooth could help track COVID-19 transmission
2020-04-17 01:18:33 +08:00 |
20200416 Harvesting ambient energy will power IoT, scientists say.md
选题: 20200416 Harvesting ambient energy will power IoT, scientists say
2020-04-17 01:19:53 +08:00 |
20200416 How I-ve adjusted my work-from-home habits.md
Rename sources/tech/20200416 How I-ve adjusted my work-from-home habits.md to sources/talk/20200416 How I-ve adjusted my work-from-home habits.md
2020-04-17 09:27:20 +08:00 |
20200417 Face-to-face collaboration for community to become more impactful - Chip Childers.md
Rename sources/tech/20200417 Face-to-face collaboration for community to become more impactful - Chip Childers.md to sources/talk/20200417 Face-to-face collaboration for community to become more impactful - Chip Childers.md
2020-04-18 12:33:52 +08:00 |
20200418 My 10 guiding principles for open source community management.md
Rename sources/tech/20200418 My 10 guiding principles for open source community management.md to sources/talk/20200418 My 10 guiding principles for open source community management.md
2020-04-19 09:54:36 +08:00 |
20200420 Why I use open source technology for web development.md
Rename sources/tech/20200420 Why I use open source technology for web development.md to sources/talk/20200420 Why I use open source technology for web development.md
2020-04-21 09:06:18 +08:00 |
20200421 How underwater Internet of Things will work.md
选题: 20200421 How underwater Internet of Things will work
2020-04-22 01:08:07 +08:00 |
20200421 IoT offers a way to track COVID-19 via connected thermometers.md
选题: 20200421 IoT offers a way to track COVID-19 via connected thermometers
2020-04-22 01:05:53 +08:00 |
20200421 What is a High Traffic Website.md
选题: 20200421 What is a High Traffic Website?
2020-05-25 19:52:22 +08:00 |
20200423 Getting to know our new, virtual world.md
Rename sources/tech/20200423 Getting to know our new, virtual world.md to sources/talk/20200423 Getting to know our new, virtual world.md
2020-04-24 09:13:16 +08:00 |
20200424 FCC boosts Wi-Fi 6 spectrum five-fold.md
选题: 20200424 FCC boosts Wi-Fi 6 spectrum five-fold
2020-04-25 01:11:05 +08:00 |
20200424 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Hits the stage.md
选题: 20200424 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Hits the stage
2020-04-25 01:09:41 +08:00 |
20200427 Comparing subscription, pay-per-bug, and consulting software business models.md
Rename sources/tech/20200427 Comparing subscription, pay-per-bug, and consulting software business models.md to sources/talk/20200427 Comparing subscription, pay-per-bug, and consulting software business models.md
2020-04-28 14:43:44 +08:00 |
20200427 DevOps vs. Agile- Do they have anything in common.md
Rename sources/tech/20200427 DevOps vs. Agile- Do they have anything in common.md to sources/talk/20200427 DevOps vs. Agile- Do they have anything in common.md
2020-04-28 14:37:57 +08:00 |
20200428 How I empower and reach millions through open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20200428 How I empower and reach millions through open source.md to sources/talk/20200428 How I empower and reach millions through open source.md
2020-04-29 10:15:44 +08:00 |
20200430 Industrial robots could -eat metal- to power themselves.md
选题: 20200430 Industrial robots could 'eat metal' to power themselves
2020-05-01 01:11:55 +08:00 |
20200501 Red Hat Summit 2020 virtual experience.md
选题: 20200501 Red Hat Summit 2020 virtual experience
2020-05-02 01:04:15 +08:00 |
20200502 The real impact of canceling PyCon due to COVID-19.md
Rename sources/tech/20200502 The real impact of canceling PyCon due to COVID-19.md to sources/talk/20200502 The real impact of canceling PyCon due to COVID-19.md
2020-05-03 08:05:15 +08:00 |
20200505 11 DevOps lessons from My Little Pony.md
Rename sources/tech/20200505 11 DevOps lessons from My Little Pony.md to sources/talk/20200505 11 DevOps lessons from My Little Pony.md
2020-05-06 08:25:33 +08:00 |
20200506 IBM rolls Red Hat into edge, AI, hybrid-cloud expansion.md
选题: 20200506 IBM rolls Red Hat into edge, AI, hybrid-cloud expansion
2020-05-07 01:18:56 +08:00 |
20200514 Ethernet Alliance study finds Power over Ethernet issues.md
选题: 20200514 Ethernet Alliance study finds Power over Ethernet issues
2020-05-25 19:47:53 +08:00 |
20200525 In Free Software, the Community is the Most Important Ingredient- Jerry Bezencon of Linux Lite -Interview.md
Rename sources/tech/20200525 In Free Software, the Community is the Most Important Ingredient- Jerry Bezencon of Linux Lite -Interview.md to sources/talk/20200525 In Free Software, the Community is the Most Important Ingredient- Jerry Bezencon of Linux Lite -Interview.md
2020-05-26 16:52:49 +08:00 |
20200530 How open standards guide us in a world of change.md
Rename sources/tech/20200530 How open standards guide us in a world of change.md to sources/talk/20200530 How open standards guide us in a world of change.md
2020-05-31 10:43:16 +08:00 |
20200531 Red Hat- Holding Its Own and Fueling Open Source Innovation.md
Rename sources/tech/20200531 Red Hat- Holding Its Own and Fueling Open Source Innovation.md to sources/talk/20200531 Red Hat- Holding Its Own and Fueling Open Source Innovation.md
2020-06-02 09:32:13 +08:00 |
20200603 5 common open source testing myths debunked.md
Rename sources/tech/20200603 5 common open source testing myths debunked.md to sources/talk/20200603 5 common open source testing myths debunked.md
2020-06-04 09:53:09 +08:00 |
20200604 Airbus tells quantum-computing developers what it needs from the the technology.md
选题: 20200604 Airbus tells quantum-computing developers what it needs from the the technology
2020-06-04 09:36:49 +08:00 |
20200607 Is your team a -glue team.md
Rename sources/tech/20200607 Is your team a -glue team.md to sources/talk/20200607 Is your team a -glue team.md
2020-06-08 10:09:01 +08:00 |
20200610 8 steps to make your next meeting more productive.md
Rename sources/tech/20200610 8 steps to make your next meeting more productive.md to sources/talk/20200610 8 steps to make your next meeting more productive.md
2020-06-11 14:07:27 +08:00 |
20200612 3 lessons from remote meetings we-re taking back to the office.md
Rename sources/tech/20200612 3 lessons from remote meetings we-re taking back to the office.md to sources/talk/20200612 3 lessons from remote meetings we-re taking back to the office.md
2020-06-13 10:08:00 +08:00 |
20200613 Introducing the Open Management Practices.md
Rename sources/tech/20200613 Introducing the Open Management Practices.md to sources/talk/20200613 Introducing the Open Management Practices.md
2020-06-13 22:52:15 +08:00 |
20200614 Who is the glue person on your team.md
Rename sources/tech/20200614 Who is the glue person on your team.md to sources/talk/20200614 Who is the glue person on your team.md
2020-06-15 08:45:29 +08:00 |
20200616 Changing the world with open source- GNOME president shares her story.md
Rename sources/tech/20200616 Changing the world with open source- GNOME president shares her story.md to sources/talk/20200616 Changing the world with open source- GNOME president shares her story.md
2020-06-17 08:06:48 +08:00 |
20200619 What do Paketo Buildpacks Mean for Developers and Operators.md
Rename sources/tech/20200619 What do Paketo Buildpacks Mean for Developers and Operators.md to sources/talk/20200619 What do Paketo Buildpacks Mean for Developers and Operators.md
2020-06-20 18:46:30 +08:00 |
20200628 Roy Fielding-s Misappropriated REST Dissertation.md
选题[talk]: 20200628 Roy Fielding's Misappropriated REST Dissertation
2020-06-29 05:01:59 +08:00 |
20200629 NIST aims to make frequency sharing more efficient for wireless networks.md
选题[talk]: 20200629 NIST aims to make frequency sharing more efficient for wireless networks
2020-06-30 05:02:40 +08:00 |
20200630 Should API-restricting licenses qualify as open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20200630 Should API-restricting licenses qualify as open source.md to sources/talk/20200630 Should API-restricting licenses qualify as open source.md
2020-07-01 12:35:14 +08:00 |
20200630 The open organization everyone deserves.md
Rename sources/tech/20200630 The open organization everyone deserves.md to sources/talk/20200630 The open organization everyone deserves.md
2020-07-01 10:24:20 +08:00 |
20200702 How an open project-s governance model evolves.md
Rename sources/tech/20200702 How an open project-s governance model evolves.md to sources/talk/20200702 How an open project-s governance model evolves.md
2020-07-03 07:34:33 +08:00 |
20200708 How wireless networks can battle COVID-19.md
Update 20200708 How wireless networks can battle COVID-19.md
2020-07-13 17:21:26 +08:00 |
20200715 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Digital Economy.md
选题[talk]: 20200715 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Digital Economy
2020-07-16 05:03:04 +08:00 |
20200716 Options grow for migrating mainframe apps to the cloud.md
选题[talk]: 20200716 Options grow for migrating mainframe apps to the cloud
2020-07-16 05:02:33 +08:00 |
20200717 Open source accounting software developed by accountants.md
Rename sources/tech/20200717 Open source accounting software developed by accountants.md to sources/talk/20200717 Open source accounting software developed by accountants.md
2020-07-18 23:35:02 +08:00 |
20200719 Open source development works to improve contact tracing in Europe.md
Rename sources/tech/20200719 Open source development works to improve contact tracing in Europe.md to sources/talk/20200719 Open source development works to improve contact tracing in Europe.md
2020-07-20 09:18:58 +08:00 |
20200721 Data-center survey- IT seeks faster switches, intelligent computing.md
选题[talk]: 20200721 Data-center survey: IT seeks faster switches, intelligent computing
2020-07-22 05:02:15 +08:00 |
20200722 Student Linux club refurbishes computers to support distance learning.md
Rename sources/tech/20200722 Student Linux club refurbishes computers to support distance learning.md to sources/talk/20200722 Student Linux club refurbishes computers to support distance learning.md
2020-07-23 21:38:29 +08:00 |
20200726 Globalization- A history of openness.md
Rename sources/tech/20200726 Globalization- A history of openness.md to sources/talk/20200726 Globalization- A history of openness.md
2020-07-27 08:40:33 +08:00 |
20200727 Are newer medical IoT devices less secure than old ones.md
选题[talk]: 20200727 Are newer medical IoT devices less secure than old ones?
2020-07-28 05:03:48 +08:00 |
20200728 Green Data Centers - Scaling environmental sustainability for business and consumers collectively.md
选题[talk]: 20200728 Green Data Centers – Scaling environmental sustainability for business and consumers collectively
2020-07-28 05:03:12 +08:00 |
20200729 Switch turns to Tesla for renewable energy storage.md
选题[talk]: 20200729 Switch turns to Tesla for renewable energy storage
2020-07-29 05:02:37 +08:00 |
20200730 4 ways I contribute to open source as a Linux systems administrator.md
Rename sources/tech/20200730 4 ways I contribute to open source as a Linux systems administrator.md to sources/talk/20200730 4 ways I contribute to open source as a Linux systems administrator.md
2020-07-31 18:38:22 +08:00 |
20200730 Role Of SPDX In Open Source Software Supply Chain.md
Rename sources/tech/20200730 Role Of SPDX In Open Source Software Supply Chain.md to sources/talk/20200730 Role Of SPDX In Open Source Software Supply Chain.md
2020-07-31 18:44:34 +08:00 |
20200730 SODA Foundation- Autonomous data management framework for data mobility.md
Rename sources/tech/20200730 SODA Foundation- Autonomous data management framework for data mobility.md to sources/talk/20200730 SODA Foundation- Autonomous data management framework for data mobility.md
2020-07-31 18:43:29 +08:00 |
20200731 Linux dominates supercomputing.md
选题[talk]: 20200731 Linux dominates supercomputing
2020-08-01 05:02:50 +08:00 |
20200801 8 tips for running a virtual hackathon.md
Rename sources/tech/20200801 8 tips for running a virtual hackathon.md to sources/talk/20200801 8 tips for running a virtual hackathon.md
2020-08-02 16:15:28 +08:00 |
20200806 5 tips for making documentation a priority in open source projects.md
Rename sources/tech/20200806 5 tips for making documentation a priority in open source projects.md to sources/talk/20200806 5 tips for making documentation a priority in open source projects.md
2020-08-07 19:52:53 +08:00 |
20200806 You don-t need a computer science degree to work with open source software.md
Rename sources/tech/20200806 You don-t need a computer science degree to work with open source software.md to sources/talk/20200806 You don-t need a computer science degree to work with open source software.md
2020-08-07 19:54:25 +08:00 |
20200807 Meeting for the first time after 26 years of open source collaboration.md
Rename sources/tech/20200807 Meeting for the first time after 26 years of open source collaboration.md to sources/talk/20200807 Meeting for the first time after 26 years of open source collaboration.md
2020-08-09 18:58:24 +08:00 |
20200808 Matrix encrypted chat rolls out across Germany, Project ACRN-s new IoT release, and more open source news.md
Rename sources/tech/20200808 Matrix encrypted chat rolls out across Germany, Project ACRN-s new IoT release, and more open source news.md to sources/talk/20200808 Matrix encrypted chat rolls out across Germany, Project ACRN-s new IoT release, and more open source news.md
2020-08-09 19:10:57 +08:00 |
20200815 What Does Mozilla Firing 25- of its Workforce Tells us About its Future.md
Rename sources/tech/20200815 What Does Mozilla Firing 25- of its Workforce Tells us About its Future.md to sources/talk/20200815 What Does Mozilla Firing 25- of its Workforce Tells us About its Future.md
2020-08-15 21:12:37 +08:00 |
20200817 What makes Java open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20200817 What makes Java open source.md to sources/talk/20200817 What makes Java open source.md
2020-08-18 09:36:16 +08:00 |
20200818 Amazon Braket lets customers try out quantum computing.md
选题[talk]: 20200818 Amazon Braket lets customers try out quantum computing
2020-08-18 05:02:43 +08:00 |
20200821 3 ways a legal team can enable open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20200821 3 ways a legal team can enable open source.md to sources/talk/20200821 3 ways a legal team can enable open source.md
2020-08-22 08:57:59 +08:00 |
20200822 3 reasons small businesses choose open source tools for remote employees.md
Rename sources/tech/20200822 3 reasons small businesses choose open source tools for remote employees.md to sources/talk/20200822 3 reasons small businesses choose open source tools for remote employees.md
2020-08-23 05:47:49 +08:00 |
20200823 Open organizations through the ages.md
Rename sources/tech/20200823 Open organizations through the ages.md to sources/talk/20200823 Open organizations through the ages.md
2020-08-24 11:07:28 +08:00 |
20200824 Origin stories about Unix.md
2020-09-04 18:27:13 +08:00 |
20200825 Why we open sourced our security project.md
2021-06-13 08:12:02 +08:00 |
20200828 Why Comcast open sourced its DNS management tool.md
Rename sources/tech/20200828 Why Comcast open sourced its DNS management tool.md to sources/talk/20200828 Why Comcast open sourced its DNS management tool.md
2020-08-29 07:30:30 +08:00 |
20200830 The power of open source during a pandemic.md
Rename sources/tech/20200830 The power of open source during a pandemic.md to sources/talk/20200830 The power of open source during a pandemic.md
2020-08-31 11:01:11 +08:00 |
20200831 Making Zephyr More Secure.md
Rename sources/tech/20200831 Making Zephyr More Secure.md to sources/talk/20200831 Making Zephyr More Secure.md
2020-09-03 13:07:10 +08:00 |
20200831 Open Source Project For Earthquake Warning Systems.md
Rename sources/tech/20200831 Open Source Project For Earthquake Warning Systems.md to sources/talk/20200831 Open Source Project For Earthquake Warning Systems.md
2020-09-03 13:21:26 +08:00 |
20200901 4 reasons Jamstack is changing web development.md
Rename sources/tech/20200901 4 reasons Jamstack is changing web development.md to sources/talk/20200901 4 reasons Jamstack is changing web development.md
2020-09-03 12:08:53 +08:00 |
20200902 My dramatic journey to becoming an open source engineer.md
Rename sources/tech/20200902 My dramatic journey to becoming an open source engineer.md to sources/talk/20200902 My dramatic journey to becoming an open source engineer.md
2020-09-03 09:37:33 +08:00 |
20200903 Why your open source project needs more than just coders.md
Rename sources/tech/20200903 Why your open source project needs more than just coders.md to sources/talk/20200903 Why your open source project needs more than just coders.md
2020-09-04 20:09:18 +08:00 |
20200911 Ankur Sinha- How do you Fedora.md
Rename sources/tech/20200911 Ankur Sinha- How do you Fedora.md to sources/talk/20200911 Ankur Sinha- How do you Fedora.md
2020-09-12 11:15:06 +08:00 |
20200911 How open source legal teams can get to yes.md
Rename sources/tech/20200911 How open source legal teams can get to yes.md to sources/talk/20200911 How open source legal teams can get to yes.md
2020-09-12 12:12:58 +08:00 |
20200911 Lenovo introduces four new HCI solutions.md
选题[talk]: 20200911 Lenovo introduces four new HCI solutions
2020-09-12 05:03:32 +08:00 |
20200911 Why the future of IoT depends on open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20200911 Why the future of IoT depends on open source.md to sources/talk/20200911 Why the future of IoT depends on open source.md
2020-09-12 12:41:10 +08:00 |
20200912 How breaking my back led me to open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20200912 How breaking my back led me to open source.md to sources/talk/20200912 How breaking my back led me to open source.md
2020-09-13 08:10:01 +08:00 |
20200913 Overcoming resistance to open management.md
Rename sources/tech/20200913 Overcoming resistance to open management.md to sources/talk/20200913 Overcoming resistance to open management.md
2020-09-14 15:21:35 +08:00 |
20200923 How my students taught me to code.md
Rename sources/tech/20200923 How my students taught me to code.md to sources/talk/20200923 How my students taught me to code.md
2020-09-25 20:16:05 +08:00 |
20200924 Still not dead- The mainframe hangs on, sustained by Linux and hybrid cloud.md
选题[talk]: 20200924 Still not dead: The mainframe hangs on, sustained by Linux and hybrid cloud
2020-09-25 05:03:15 +08:00 |
20200927 What would a global open organization look like.md
Rename sources/tech/20200927 What would a global open organization look like.md to sources/talk/20200927 What would a global open organization look like.md
2020-09-28 15:55:31 +08:00 |
20200928 5 ways to conduct user research with an open source mindset.md
Rename sources/tech/20200928 5 ways to conduct user research with an open source mindset.md to sources/talk/20200928 5 ways to conduct user research with an open source mindset.md
2020-09-29 09:08:40 +08:00 |
20200930 VMware plan disaggregates servers- offloads network virtualization and security.md
选题[talk]: 20200930 VMware plan disaggregates servers; offloads network virtualization and security
2020-09-30 05:03:07 +08:00 |
20201002 VMware highlights security in COVID-era networking.md
选题[talk]: 20201002 VMware highlights security in COVID-era networking
2020-10-02 05:02:49 +08:00 |
20201007 Telcos Move from Black boxes to Open Source.md
Rename sources/tech/20201007 Telcos Move from Black boxes to Open Source.md to sources/talk/20201007 Telcos Move from Black boxes to Open Source.md
2020-10-09 21:54:09 +08:00 |
20201010 5 qualities of great open source developer advocates.md
Rename sources/tech/20201010 5 qualities of great open source developer advocates.md to sources/talk/20201010 5 qualities of great open source developer advocates.md
2020-10-11 10:44:35 +08:00 |
20201016 Is open source a development model, business model, or something else.md
Rename sources/tech/20201016 Is open source a development model, business model, or something else.md to sources/talk/20201016 Is open source a development model, business model, or something else.md
2020-10-17 08:29:02 +08:00 |
20201021 How anyone can contribute to open source software in their job.md
Rename sources/tech/20201021 How anyone can contribute to open source software in their job.md to sources/talk/20201021 How anyone can contribute to open source software in their job.md
2020-10-27 17:13:48 +08:00 |
20201023 Why it-s important to keep the cloud open.md
Rename sources/tech/20201023 Why it-s important to keep the cloud open.md to sources/talk/20201023 Why it-s important to keep the cloud open.md
2020-10-27 17:19:41 +08:00 |
20201027 How to define a product in the open source software supply chain.md
Rename sources/tech/20201027 How to define a product in the open source software supply chain.md to sources/talk/20201027 How to define a product in the open source software supply chain.md
2020-10-28 08:16:08 +08:00 |
20201028 A few things I-ve learned about email marketing.md
Rename sources/tech/20201028 A few things I-ve learned about email marketing.md to sources/talk/20201028 A few things I-ve learned about email marketing.md
2020-10-29 20:42:55 +08:00 |
20201030 My journey to becoming an open source mentor.md
Rename sources/tech/20201030 My journey to becoming an open source mentor.md to sources/talk/20201030 My journey to becoming an open source mentor.md
2020-11-03 10:37:39 +08:00 |
20201108 Open environments are where innovative ideas thrive.md
Rename sources/tech/20201108 Open environments are where innovative ideas thrive.md to sources/talk/20201108 Open environments are where innovative ideas thrive.md
2020-11-12 23:08:19 +08:00 |
20201109 DevOps Replaces Developers As Most Sought After Skill Set.md
Rename 20201109 DevOps Replaces Developers As Most Sought After Skill Set.md\ to 20201109 DevOps Replaces Developers As Most Sought After Skill Set.md
2020-11-16 09:39:11 +08:00 |
20201111 Why I use Home Assistant for open source home automation.md
Rename sources/tech/20201111 Why I use Home Assistant for open source home automation.md to sources/talk/20201111 Why I use Home Assistant for open source home automation.md
2020-11-13 04:24:25 +08:00 |
20201112 Improve open source community sustainability by tracking these two metrics.md
Rename sources/tech/20201112 Improve open source community sustainability by tracking these two metrics.md to sources/talk/20201112 Improve open source community sustainability by tracking these two metrics.md
2020-11-13 23:29:17 +08:00 |
20201113 3 ways managers build team culture around open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20201113 3 ways managers build team culture around open source.md to sources/talk/20201113 3 ways managers build team culture around open source.md
2020-11-18 10:06:54 +08:00 |
20201113 How to create trust in artificial intelligence using open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20201113 How to create trust in artificial intelligence using open source.md to sources/talk/20201113 How to create trust in artificial intelligence using open source.md
2020-11-18 10:09:14 +08:00 |
20201114 How I channel my inner Star Trek character at work.md
Rename sources/tech/20201114 How I channel my inner Star Trek character at work.md to sources/talk/20201114 How I channel my inner Star Trek character at work.md
2020-11-18 10:06:01 +08:00 |
20201125 Got something to say- How to get started writing.md
Rename sources/tech/20201125 Got something to say- How to get started writing.md to sources/talk/20201125 Got something to say- How to get started writing.md
2020-11-27 08:09:16 +08:00 |
20201127 4 questions about AI ethics and how open source can help.md
Rename sources/tech/20201127 4 questions about AI ethics and how open source can help.md to sources/talk/20201127 4 questions about AI ethics and how open source can help.md
2020-11-28 12:51:19 +08:00 |
20201127 Comparing the similarities and differences between inner source and open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20201127 Comparing the similarities and differences between inner source and open source.md to sources/talk/20201127 Comparing the similarities and differences between inner source and open source.md
2020-11-28 09:57:52 +08:00 |
20201128 Why failure should be normalized and how to do it.md
Rename sources/tech/20201128 Why failure should be normalized and how to do it.md to sources/talk/20201128 Why failure should be normalized and how to do it.md
2020-11-29 09:32:55 +08:00 |
20201206 Openness is the key to innovation, history shows.md
Rename sources/tech/20201206 Openness is the key to innovation, history shows.md to sources/talk/20201206 Openness is the key to innovation, history shows.md
2020-12-07 08:09:26 +08:00 |
20201211 Create a DevOps culture with open source principles.md
Rename sources/tech/20201211 Create a DevOps culture with open source principles.md to sources/talk/20201211 Create a DevOps culture with open source principles.md
2020-12-12 20:47:27 +08:00 |
20201214 Ben Cotton- How Do You Fedora.md
2020-12-15 12:08:22 +08:00 |
20201223 9 stories about switching to an open source alternative in 2020.md
Rename sources/tech/20201223 9 stories about switching to an open source alternative in 2020.md to sources/talk/20201223 9 stories about switching to an open source alternative in 2020.md
2020-12-24 14:06:47 +08:00 |
20201224 Why I rewrote my open source virtual reality server.md
Rename sources/tech/20201224 Why I rewrote my open source virtual reality server.md to sources/talk/20201224 Why I rewrote my open source virtual reality server.md
2020-12-25 09:28:11 +08:00 |
20201227 9 insights from pivoting to remote work in 2020.md
Rename sources/tech/20201227 9 insights from pivoting to remote work in 2020.md to sources/talk/20201227 9 insights from pivoting to remote work in 2020.md
2020-12-29 00:38:21 +08:00 |
20210105 My Linux Story- How an influential security developer got started in open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20210105 My Linux Story- How an influential security developer got started in open source.md to sources/talk/20210105 My Linux Story- How an influential security developer got started in open source.md
2021-01-06 10:59:53 +08:00 |
20210107 3 serverless strategies to look for in 2021.md
Rename sources/tech/20210107 3 serverless strategies to look for in 2021.md to sources/talk/20210107 3 serverless strategies to look for in 2021.md
2021-01-08 18:35:58 +08:00 |
20210108 What is an open source evangelist.md
Rename sources/tech/20210108 What is an open source evangelist.md to sources/talk/20210108 What is an open source evangelist.md
2021-01-09 09:57:21 +08:00 |
20210113 Gain control of your calendar with this simple strategy.md
Rename sources/tech/20210113 Gain control of your calendar with this simple strategy.md to sources/talk/20210113 Gain control of your calendar with this simple strategy.md
2021-01-14 12:05:43 +08:00 |
20210117 4 big lessons from my internship with open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20210117 4 big lessons from my internship with open source.md to sources/talk/20210117 4 big lessons from my internship with open source.md
2021-01-18 09:51:11 +08:00 |
20210125 7 ways open source was essential to business in 2020.md
Rename sources/tech/20210125 7 ways open source was essential to business in 2020.md to sources/talk/20210125 7 ways open source was essential to business in 2020.md
2021-01-26 11:04:43 +08:00 |
20210207 The Real Novelty of the ARPANET.md
选题[talk]: 20210207 The Real Novelty of the ARPANET
2021-02-08 05:04:05 +08:00 |
20210209 Understanding Linus-s Law for open source security.md
Rename sources/tech/20210209 Understanding Linus-s Law for open source security.md to sources/talk/20210209 Understanding Linus-s Law for open source security.md
2021-02-10 10:16:37 +08:00 |
20210211 Understanding Open Governance Networks.md
Rename sources/tech/20210211 Understanding Open Governance Networks.md to sources/talk/20210211 Understanding Open Governance Networks.md
2021-02-12 10:25:35 +08:00 |
20210212 18 ways to differentiate open source products from upstream suppliers.md
Rename sources/tech/20210212 18 ways to differentiate open source products from upstream suppliers.md to sources/talk/20210212 18 ways to differentiate open source products from upstream suppliers.md
2021-02-13 08:49:46 +08:00 |
20210212 How to adopt DevSecOps successfully.md
Rename sources/tech/20210212 How to adopt DevSecOps successfully.md to sources/talk/20210212 How to adopt DevSecOps successfully.md
2021-02-13 08:52:50 +08:00 |
20210213 5 reasons why I love coding on Linux.md
Rename sources/tech/20210213 5 reasons why I love coding on Linux.md to sources/talk/20210213 5 reasons why I love coding on Linux.md
2021-02-14 09:04:56 +08:00 |
20210213 How open source provides students with real-world experience.md
Rename sources/tech/20210213 How open source provides students with real-world experience.md to sources/talk/20210213 How open source provides students with real-world experience.md
2021-02-14 09:11:57 +08:00 |
20210214 Give something from the heart to the public domain.md
Rename sources/tech/20210214 Give something from the heart to the public domain.md to sources/talk/20210214 Give something from the heart to the public domain.md
2021-02-15 09:47:45 +08:00 |
20210215 Why everyone should try using Linux.md
Rename sources/tech/20210215 Why everyone should try using Linux.md to sources/talk/20210215 Why everyone should try using Linux.md
2021-02-16 09:36:51 +08:00 |
20210216 How Ansible got started and grew.md
Rename sources/tech/20210216 How Ansible got started and grew.md to sources/talk/20210216 How Ansible got started and grew.md
2021-02-18 11:35:27 +08:00 |
20210219 Why every job in the tech industry is technical.md
Rename sources/tech/20210219 Why every job in the tech industry is technical.md to sources/talk/20210219 Why every job in the tech industry is technical.md
2021-02-20 10:11:58 +08:00 |
20210223 What makes the Linux community special.md
Rename sources/tech/20210223 What makes the Linux community special.md to sources/talk/20210223 What makes the Linux community special.md
2021-02-24 09:29:53 +08:00 |
20210224 Why Linux is critical to edge computing.md
Rename sources/tech/20210224 Why Linux is critical to edge computing.md to sources/talk/20210224 Why Linux is critical to edge computing.md
2021-02-25 13:48:34 +08:00 |
20210226 How I became a Kubernetes maintainer in 4 hours a week.md
Rename sources/tech/20210226 How I became a Kubernetes maintainer in 4 hours a week.md to sources/talk/20210226 How I became a Kubernetes maintainer in 4 hours a week.md
2021-02-28 09:07:13 +08:00 |
20210311 Test cases and open source license enforcement.md
Rename sources/tech/20210311 Test cases and open source license enforcement.md to sources/talk/20210311 Test cases and open source license enforcement.md
2021-03-12 07:10:40 +08:00 |
20210312 Extending Looped Music for Fun, Relaxation and Productivity.md
选题[talk]: 20210312 Extending Looped Music for Fun, Relaxation and Productivity
2021-03-13 05:09:22 +08:00 |
20210324 Get better at programming by learning how things work.md
Rename sources/tech/20210324 Get better at programming by learning how things work.md to sources/talk/20210324 Get better at programming by learning how things work.md
2021-03-25 07:49:40 +08:00 |
20210325 Elevating open leaders by getting out of their way.md
Rename sources/tech/20210325 Elevating open leaders by getting out of their way.md to sources/talk/20210325 Elevating open leaders by getting out of their way.md
2021-03-27 09:27:14 +08:00 |
20210325 Linux powers the internet, confirms EU commissioner.md
Rename sources/tech/20210325 Linux powers the internet, confirms EU commissioner.md to sources/talk/20210325 Linux powers the internet, confirms EU commissioner.md
2021-03-27 09:23:32 +08:00 |
20210405 What motivates open source software contributors.md
Rename sources/tech/20210405 What motivates open source software contributors.md to sources/talk/20210405 What motivates open source software contributors.md
2021-04-06 08:23:58 +08:00 |
20210415 Microsoft Gets into the OpenJDK Business- What Does it Mean for You.md
Rename sources/news/20210415 Microsoft Gets into the OpenJDK Business- What Does it Mean for You.md to sources/talk/20210415 Microsoft Gets into the OpenJDK Business- What Does it Mean for You.md
2021-04-22 14:24:37 +08:00 |
20210419 13 ways to get involved with your favorite open source project.md
Rename sources/tech/20210419 13 ways to get involved with your favorite open source project.md to sources/talk/20210419 13 ways to get involved with your favorite open source project.md
2021-04-20 08:36:10 +08:00 |
20210421 How to take your open source project to the next level.md
Rename sources/tech/20210421 How to take your open source project to the next level.md to sources/talk/20210421 How to take your open source project to the next level.md
2021-04-22 08:34:31 +08:00 |
20210422 Energy infrastructure platform uses open source to fight climate change.md
Rename sources/tech/20210422 Energy infrastructure platform uses open source to fight climate change.md to sources/talk/20210422 Energy infrastructure platform uses open source to fight climate change.md
2021-04-23 18:13:04 +08:00 |
20210423 Sustainable economic development begins with open thinking.md
Rename sources/tech/20210423 Sustainable economic development begins with open thinking.md to sources/talk/20210423 Sustainable economic development begins with open thinking.md
2021-04-24 10:18:24 +08:00 |
20210502 15 unusual paths to tech.md
Rename sources/tech/20210502 15 unusual paths to tech.md to sources/talk/20210502 15 unusual paths to tech.md
2021-05-03 10:07:15 +08:00 |
20210505 What Google v. Oracle means for open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20210505 What Google v. Oracle means for open source.md to sources/talk/20210505 What Google v. Oracle means for open source.md
2021-05-06 09:55:30 +08:00 |
20210506 Optimal flow- Building open organizations where leaders can emerge.md
Rename sources/tech/20210506 Optimal flow- Building open organizations where leaders can emerge.md to sources/talk/20210506 Optimal flow- Building open organizations where leaders can emerge.md
2021-05-07 09:07:17 +08:00 |
20210507 6 examples of open source best practices in knowledge-sharing projects.md
Rename sources/tech/20210507 6 examples of open source best practices in knowledge-sharing projects.md to sources/talk/20210507 6 examples of open source best practices in knowledge-sharing projects.md
2021-05-08 10:28:57 +08:00 |
20210509 My first tech job- 8 stories from the community.md
Rename sources/tech/20210509 My first tech job- 8 stories from the community.md to sources/talk/20210509 My first tech job- 8 stories from the community.md
2021-05-10 09:29:56 +08:00 |
20210522 17 true stories about switching to Linux.md、
Rename sources/tech/20210522 17 true stories about switching to Linux.md to sources/talk/20210522 17 true stories about switching to Linux.md、
2021-05-23 17:25:05 +08:00 |
20210527 How Linux made a school pandemic-ready.md
Rename sources/tech/20210527 How Linux made a school pandemic-ready.md to sources/talk/20210527 How Linux made a school pandemic-ready.md
2021-05-28 05:58:13 +08:00 |
20210621 Why transparency is critical to your open source project-s security.md
Rename sources/tech/20210621 Why transparency is critical to your open source project-s security.md to sources/talk/20210621 Why transparency is critical to your open source project-s security.md
2021-06-22 09:36:43 +08:00 |
20210625 How the Apache Software Foundation selects open source projects.md
Rename sources/tech/20210625 How the Apache Software Foundation selects open source projects.md to sources/talk/20210625 How the Apache Software Foundation selects open source projects.md
2021-06-26 11:08:44 +08:00 |
20210630 How a college student founded a free and open source operating system.md
Rename sources/tech/20210630 How a college student founded a free and open source operating system.md to sources/talk/20210630 How a college student founded a free and open source operating system.md
2021-07-01 09:54:06 +08:00 |
20210704 Pricing Yourself as a Contractor 101.md
选题[talk]: 20210704 Pricing Yourself as a Contractor 101
2021-07-05 05:04:02 +08:00 |
20210709 Apply lean startup principles to your open source project.md
Rename sources/tech/20210709 Apply lean startup principles to your open source project.md to sources/talk/20210709 Apply lean startup principles to your open source project.md
2021-07-10 06:19:00 +08:00 |
20210716 Dear Mozilla, Please Remove This Annoying ‘Feature- from Firefox.md
Rename sources/news/20210716 Dear Mozilla, Please Remove This Annoying ‘Feature- from Firefox.md to sources/talk/20210716 Dear Mozilla, Please Remove This Annoying ‘Feature- from Firefox.md
2021-07-17 11:02:32 +08:00 |
20210718 17 open source technologists share their work-from-home uniforms.md
Rename sources/tech/20210718 17 open source technologists share their work-from-home uniforms.md to sources/talk/20210718 17 open source technologists share their work-from-home uniforms.md
2021-07-19 07:42:22 +08:00 |
20210718 Is Open-Source Software Secure.md
Rename sources/news/20210718 Is Open-Source Software Secure.md to sources/talk/20210718 Is Open-Source Software Secure.md
2021-07-19 07:43:44 +08:00 |
20210727 Avoid this common open source scanning error.md
Rename sources/tech20210727 Avoid this common open source scanning error.md to sources/talk/20210727 Avoid this common open source scanning error.md
2021-07-28 08:21:29 +08:00 |
20210730 What do we call post-modern system administrators.md
Rename sources/tech/20210730 What do we call post-modern system administrators.md to sources/talk/20210730 What do we call post-modern system administrators.md
2021-07-31 10:19:36 +08:00 |
20210731 Dealing with burnout in open source.md
Rename sources/tech/20210731 Dealing with burnout in open source.md to sources/talk/20210731 Dealing with burnout in open source.md
2021-08-01 07:27:30 +08:00 |
20210805 Your one-on-one meeting doesn-t have to be this way.md
Rename sources/tech/20210805 Your one-on-one meeting doesn-t have to be this way.md to sources/talk/20210805 Your one-on-one meeting doesn-t have to be this way.md
2021-08-06 09:32:06 +08:00 |
20210811 My first programming language and early adventures.md
Rename sources/tech/20210811 My first programming language and early adventures.md to sources/talk/20210811 My first programming language and early adventures.md
2021-08-12 10:30:35 +08:00 |
20210816 What was your first programming language.md
Rename sources/tech/20210816 What was your first programming language.md to sources/talk/20210816 What was your first programming language.md
2021-08-17 08:57:40 +08:00 |
20210818 Setting new expectations for open source maintainers.md
Rename sources/tech/20210818 Setting new expectations for open source maintainers.md to sources/talk/20210818 Setting new expectations for open source maintainers.md
2021-08-19 09:30:33 +08:00 |
20210825 10 steps to more open, focused, and energizing meetings.md
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2021-08-26 08:25:22 +08:00 |
20210825 When Linus Torvalds Was Wrong About Linux (And I am Happy He Was Wrong).md
Rename sources/news/20210825 When Linus Torvalds Was Wrong About Linux (And I am Happy He Was Wrong).md to sources/talk/20210825 When Linus Torvalds Was Wrong About Linux (And I am Happy He Was Wrong).md
2021-08-26 08:23:44 +08:00 |
20210831 How my team built an open source learning experience platform.md
Rename sources/tech/20210831 How my team built an open source learning experience platform.md to sources/talk/20210831 How my team built an open source learning experience platform.md
2021-09-01 08:40:02 +08:00 |
20210912 What I miss about open source conferences.md
Rename sources/tech/20210912 What I miss about open source conferences.md to sources/talk/20210912 What I miss about open source conferences.md
2021-09-13 09:19:08 +08:00 |
20210923 5 reasons to switch to Firefox right now.md
Rename sources/tech/20210923 5 reasons to switch to Firefox right now.md to sources/talk/20210923 5 reasons to switch to Firefox right now.md
2021-09-24 09:04:46 +08:00 |
20210927 Why nonprofit organizations choose open source software.md
Rename sources/tech/20210927 Why nonprofit organizations choose open source software.md to sources/talk/20210927 Why nonprofit organizations choose open source software.md
2021-09-28 08:36:03 +08:00 |