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How to convert DOCX, DOC, RTF, ODT to PDF with LibreOffice
Books, documents, tutorials, how-tos, etc, are spread all over the web, as well as in schools, work places, governments, etc, documents being encapsulated in numerous file formats.
Sometimes, there are cases requiring certain file conversions, like for example, converting an x file to PDF, in order to satisfy user-specific needs, action easily performed via LibreOffice.
Essentially, via LibreOffice Writer, the user is able to hassle-free convert books, documents, etc, to PDF, Writer permitting an easy conversion from every file open-able in Writer to PDF.
For example, converting a DOC file to PDF is as simple as:
- open the DOC file with LibreOffice by
right-clicking on it-->Open With LibreOffice Writer
- navigate to
as PDF, action that summons aPDF Options
dialog where (on-demand) the user can in-depth tweak the fields (dialog featuring a sane set of recommended default options)
hit the Export
button, action that converts the DOC file to PDF and saves the newly-created PDF to a specified location
The result: next to the DOC file, there is now a PDF file (the original DOC document is retained).
The presented method can be successfully applied to RTF, DOCX, ODT, etc, file formats.
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/how-convert-docx-doc-rtf-odt-pdf-libreoffice