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12 Advanced Commands For Linux Server Admins!
So, you've read many tutorials and watched many videos and now you are an advanced Linux user. Well, congratulations. But there's still more to learn! Here is a list of Linux commands that will come in handy when you are the almighty admin!
ifconfig: You will use the ifconfig command when you need to improve the kernel-resident network interfaces. The command is usually needed for system tuning and debugging, but it is also used during boot time in order to set up the interfaces.
netstat: This is an advanced command for Linux users that is used to display information related to the network. This includes information such as routing tables, network connections, masquerade connections, interface statistics and others.
nslookup: This command will be used when you need to find information about Internet servers. It finds you the name server information for the domains that are querying the DNS.
dig: The dig tool is used in order to query the DNS nameservers. If you need to find information on host addresses, mail exchanges, nameservers and other related information, then this is the tool for you. You can use the command from Linux and Mac OS X operating systems.
uptime: The uptime command is used in order to verify what all happened when a server has been left unattended. It is especially useful when you sit down in front of the server machine and see something gone awry.
wall: This command is used to send a message to all logged in users. You can only send the message to those with their message permission setting at ‘yes’ though. The message is given as an argument for the wall command.
mesg: Users can use the ‘write’ command in order to send messages to you. But as the server admin, you can use the mesg command in order to decide whether they can. You can choose from ‘n’ and ‘y’, which allow messages to not popup and popup on your screen respectively.
write: If the status for the ‘mesg’ command for a user is set to ‘y’ then the write command will allow you to send messages to that user.
talk: When a simple message is not enough, use the talk command to talk to users logged into the server.
w: This command is a combination of uptime and who commands, if they are given in that order and one after the other.
rename: When you need to rename certain specific files, the rename command comes in handy. This command renames files by replacing the first occurrence from that file.
top: Use this command in order to display the processes running in the CPU. The command will refresh automatically and keep displaying the processes until you use the interrupt command to stop it.