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Introduction to the Linux goto shell utility
Learn how to use goto to alias and navigate to directories with autocomplete in Linux. ![Files in a folder][1]
The goto shell utility allows users to navigate to aliased directories and also supports autocompletion.
How it works
Before you can use goto, you need to register your directory aliases. For example:
`goto -r dev /home/iridakos/development`
then change to that directory, e.g.:
`goto dev`
![goto demo][2]
Autocompletion in goto
goto comes with a nice autocompletion script—whenever you press the Tab key after the goto command, Bash or Zsh will prompt you with suggestions of the aliases that are available:
$ goto <tab>
bc /etc/bash_completion.d
dev /home/iridakos/development
rubies /home/iridakos/.rvm/rubies
Installing goto
There are several ways to install goto.
Via script
Clone the repository and run the install script as a superuser or root:
git clone <https://github.com/iridakos/goto.git>
cd goto
sudo ./install
Copy the file goto.sh somewhere in your filesystem and add a line in your .zshrc or .bashrc to source it.
For example, if you placed the file in your home folder, all you have to do is add the following line to your .zshrc or .bashrc file:
`source ~/goto.sh`
MacOS Homebrew
A formula named goto is available for the Bash shell in MacOS:
`brew install goto`
Add colored output
`echo -e "\$include /etc/inputrc\nset colored-completion-prefix on" >> ~/.inputrc`
- You need to restart your shell after installation.
- You need to have the Bash completion feature enabled for Bash in MacOS (see this [issue][3]).
- You can install it with brew install bash-completion if you don't have it enabled.
Ways to use goto
Change to an aliased directory
To change to an aliased directory, type:
`goto <alias>`
For example:
`goto dev`
Register an alias
To register a directory alias, type:
`goto -r <alias> <directory>`
`goto --register <alias> <directory>`
For example:
`goto -r blog /mnt/external/projects/html/blog`
`goto --register blog /mnt/external/projects/html/blog`
- goto expands the directories, so you can easily alias your current directory with the following command and it will automatically be aliased to the whole path: [code]
goto -r last_release .
* Pressing the Tab key after the alias name provides the shell's default directory suggestions.
### Unregister an alias
To unregister an alias, use:
goto -u <alias>
goto --unregister <alias>
For example:
goto -u last_release
goto --unregister last_release
**Note:** By pressing the Tab key after the command (**-u** or **\--unregister**), the completion script will prompt you with the list of registered aliases.
### List aliases
To get a list of your currently registered aliases, use:
goto -l
goto --list
### Expand an alias
To expand an alias to its value, use:
goto -x <alias>
goto --expand <alias>
For example:
goto -x last_release
goto --expand last_release
### Clean up aliases
To clean up the aliases from directories that are no longer accessible in your filesystem, use:
goto -c
goto --cleanup
### Get help
To view the tool's help information, use:
goto -h
goto --help
### Check the version
To view the tool's version, use:
goto -v
goto --version
### Push before changing directories
To push the current directory onto the directory stack before changing directories, type:
goto -p <alias>
goto --push <alias>
### Revert to a pushed directory
To return to a pushed directory, type:
goto -o
goto --pop
**Note:** This command is equivalent to **popd** but within the **goto** command.
## Troubleshooting
If you see the error **command not found: compdef** in Zsh, it means you need to load **bashcompinit**. To do so, append this to your **.zshrc** file:
autoload bashcompinit bashcompinit
## Get involved
The goto tool is open source under the [MIT License][4] terms, and contributions are welcomed. To learn more, visit the [Contributing][5] section in goto's GitHub repository.
## The goto script
goto() { local target _goto_resolve_db
if [ -z "$1" ]; then # display usage and exit when no args _goto_usage return fi
subcommand="$1" shift case "$subcommand" in -c|--cleanup) _goto_cleanup "$@" ;; -r|--register) # Register an alias _goto_register_alias "$@" ;; -u|--unregister) # Unregister an alias _goto_unregister_alias "$@" ;; -p|--push) # Push the current directory onto the pushd stack, then goto _goto_directory_push "$@" ;; -o|--pop) # Pop the top directory off of the pushd stack, then change that directory _goto_directory_pop ;; -l|--list) _goto_list_aliases ;; -x|--expand) # Expand an alias _goto_expand_alias "$@" ;; -h|--help) _goto_usage ;; -v|--version) _goto_version ;; *) _goto_directory "$subcommand" ;; esac return $? }
_goto_resolve_db() { GOTO_DB="${GOTO_DB:-$HOME/.goto}" touch -a "$GOTO_DB" }
_goto_usage() { cat <<\USAGE usage: goto [<option>] <alias> [<directory>]
default usage: goto <alias> - changes to the directory registered for the given alias
OPTIONS: -r, --register: registers an alias goto -r|--register <alias> <directory> -u, --unregister: unregisters an alias goto -u|--unregister <alias> -p, --push: pushes the current directory onto the stack, then performs goto goto -p|--push <alias> -o, --pop: pops the top directory from the stack, then changes to that directory goto -o|--pop -l, --list: lists aliases goto -l|--list -x, --expand: expands an alias goto -x|--expand <alias> -c, --cleanup: cleans up non existent directory aliases goto -c|--cleanup -h, --help: prints this help goto -h|--help -v, --version: displays the version of the goto script goto -v|--version USAGE }
Displays version
_goto_version() { echo "goto version" }
Expands directory.
Helpful for ~, ., .. paths
_goto_expand_directory() { builtin cd "$1" 2>/dev/null && pwd }
Lists registered aliases.
_goto_list_aliases() { local IFS=$' ' if [ -f "$GOTO_DB" ]; then while read -r name directory; do printf '\e[1;36m%20s \e[0m%s\n' "$name" "$directory" done < "$GOTO_DB" else echo "You haven't configured any directory aliases yet." fi }
Expands a registered alias.
_goto_expand_alias() { if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then _goto_error "usage: goto -x|--expand <alias>" return fi
local resolved
resolved=$(_goto_find_alias_directory "$1") if [ -z "$resolved" ]; then _goto_error "alias '$1' does not exist" return fi
echo "$resolved" }
Lists duplicate directory aliases
_goto_find_duplicate() { local duplicates=
duplicates=$(sed -n 's:[^ ]* '"1"'
:&:p' "$GOTO_DB" 2>/dev/null)
echo "$duplicates"
Registers and alias.
_goto_register_alias() { if [ "$#" -ne "2" ]; then _goto_error "usage: goto -r|--register <alias> <directory>" return 1 fi
if ! [[ 1 =~ ^[[:alnum:]]+[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
]]; then
_goto_error "invalid alias - can start with letters or digits followed by letters, digits, hyphens or underscores"
return 1
local resolved resolved=$(_goto_find_alias_directory "$1")
if [ -n "$resolved" ]; then _goto_error "alias '$1' exists" return 1 fi
local directory directory=$(_goto_expand_directory "$2") if [ -z "$directory" ]; then _goto_error "failed to register '$1' to '$2' - can't cd to directory" return 1 fi
local duplicate duplicate=$(_goto_find_duplicate "$directory") if [ -n "$duplicate" ]; then _goto_warning "duplicate alias(es) found: \\n$duplicate" fi
# Append entry to file. echo "$1 $directory" >> "$GOTO_DB" echo "Alias '$1' registered successfully." }
Unregisters the given alias.
_goto_unregister_alias() { if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then _goto_error "usage: goto -u|--unregister <alias>" return 1 fi
local resolved resolved=$(_goto_find_alias_directory "$1") if [ -z "$resolved" ]; then _goto_error "alias '$1' does not exist" return 1 fi
# shellcheck disable=SC2034 local readonly GOTO_DB_TMP="$HOME/.goto_" # Delete entry from file. sed "/^$1 /d" "$GOTO_DB" > "$GOTO_DB_TMP" && mv "$GOTO_DB_TMP" "$GOTO_DB" echo "Alias '$1' unregistered successfully." }
Pushes the current directory onto the stack, then goto
_goto_directory_push() { if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then _goto_error "usage: goto -p|--push <alias>" return fi
{ pushd . || return; } 1>/dev/null 2>&1
_goto_directory "$@" }
Pops the top directory from the stack, then goto
_goto_directory_pop() { { popd || return; } 1>/dev/null 2>&1 }
Unregisters aliases whose directories no longer exist.
_goto_cleanup() { if ! [ -f "$GOTO_DB" ]; then return fi
while IFS= read -r i && [ -n "$i" ]; do echo "Cleaning up: $i" _goto_unregister_alias "$i" done <<< "$(awk '{al=$1; $1=""; dir=substr($0,2); system("[ ! -d "" dir "" ] && echo " al)}' "$GOTO_DB")" }
Changes to the given alias' directory
_goto_directory() { local target
target=$(_goto_resolve_alias "$1") || return 1
builtin cd "$target" 2> /dev/null ||
{ _goto_error "Failed to goto '$target'" && return 1; }
Fetches the alias directory.
_goto_find_alias_directory() { local resolved
resolved=$(sed -n "s/^$1 \\(.*\\)/\\1/p" "$GOTO_DB" 2>/dev/null) echo "$resolved" }
Displays the given error.
Used for common error output.
_goto_error() { (>&2 echo -e "goto error: $1") }
Displays the given warning.
Used for common warning output.
_goto_warning() { (>&2 echo -e "goto warning: $1") }
Displays entries with aliases starting as the given one.
_goto_print_similar() { local similar
similar=$(sed -n "/^$1[^ ]* .*/p" "$GOTO_DB" 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$similar" ]; then (>&2 echo "Did you mean:") (>&2 column -t <<< "$similar") fi }
Fetches alias directory, errors if it doesn't exist.
_goto_resolve_alias() { local resolved
resolved=$(_goto_find_alias_directory "$1")
if [ -z "$resolved" ]; then _goto_error "unregistered alias $1" _goto_print_similar "$1" return 1 else echo "${resolved}" fi }
Completes the goto function with the available commands
_complete_goto_commands() { local IFS=$' \t\n'
# shellcheck disable=SC2207 COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "-r --register -u --unregister -p --push -o --pop -l --list -x --expand -c --cleanup -v --version" -- "$1")) }
Completes the goto function with the available aliases
_complete_goto_aliases() { local IFS=$'\n' matches _goto_resolve_db
# shellcheck disable=SC2207 matches=($(sed -n "/^$1/p" "$GOTO_DB" 2>/dev/null))
if [ "${#matches[@]}" -eq "1" ]; then # remove the filenames attribute from the completion method compopt +o filenames 2>/dev/null
# if you find only one alias don't append the directory COMPREPLY=("${matches[0]// *}") else for i in "${!matches[@]}"; do # remove the filenames attribute from the completion method compopt +o filenames 2>/dev/null
if ! ; then matches[$i]=$(printf '%*s' "-$COLUMNS" "${matches[$i]}")
COMPREPLY+=("$(compgen -W "${matches[$i]}")") els