mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 01:20:12 +08:00
6.0 KiB
6.0 KiB
[root@Fedora21 tmp]# ls -l
total 12
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 May 15 10:43 bckrsync.sh
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 May 15 10:44 bckup.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 May 15 10:46 dataconfig.txt
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 May 15 10:45 docs
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 May 15 10:44 oracledb
[root@Fedora21 tmp]# cat /tmp/bckup.txt
[root@Fedora21 tmp]#
脚本 1:
#We will save path to backup file in variable
#Next line just prints message
echo "Shell Script Backup Your Files / Directories Using rsync"
#next line check if entered value is not null, and if null it will reask user to enter Destination Server
while [ x$desthost = "x" ]; do
#next line prints what userd should enter, and stores entered value to variable with name desthost
read -p "Destination backup Server : " desthost
#next line finishes while loop
#next line check if entered value is not null, and if null it will reask user to enter Destination Path
while [ x$destpath = "x" ]; do
#next line prints what userd should enter, and stores entered value to variable with name destpath
read -p "Destination Folder : " destpath
#next line finishes while loop
#Next line will start reading backup file line by line
for line in `cat $backupf`
#and on each line will execute next
#print message that file/dir will be copied
echo "Copying $line ... "
#copy via rsync file/dir to destination
rsync -ar "$line" "$desthost":"$destpath"
#this line just print done
echo "DONE"
#end of reading backup file
[root@Fedora21 tmp]# ./bckrsync.sh
Shell Script Backup Your Files / Directories Using rsync
Destination backup Server : 104.*.*.41
Destination Folder : /tmp
Copying /tmp/oracledb ...
The authenticity of host '104.*.*.41 (104.*.*.41)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 96:11:61:17:7f:fa:......
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '104.*.*.41' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@104.*.*.41's password:
Copying /tmp/dataconfig.txt ...
root@104.*.*.41's password:
Copying /tmp/docs ...
root@104.*.*.41's password:
[root@Fedora21 tmp]#
脚本 2:
#We will save path to backup file in variable
#Next line just prints message
echo "Shell Script Backup Your Files / Directories Using rsync"
#next line check if entered value is not null, and if null it will reask user to enter Destination Server
while [ x$desthost = "x" ]; do
#next line prints what userd should enter, and stores entered value to variable with name desthost
read -p "Destination backup Server : " desthost
#next line finishes while loop
#next line check if entered value is not null, and if null it will reask user to enter Destination Path
while [ x$destpath = "x" ]; do
#next line prints what userd should enter, and stores entered value to variable with name destpath
read -p "Destination Folder : " destpath
#next line finishes while loop
#next line check if entered value is not null, and if null it will reask user to enter password
while [ x$password = "x" ]; do
#next line prints what userd should enter, and stores entered value to variable with name password. #To hide password we are using -s key
read -sp "Password : " password
#next line finishes while loop
#Next line will start reading backup file line by line
for line in `cat $backupf`
#and on each line will execute next
#print message that file/dir will be copied
echo "Copying $line ... "
#we will use expect tool to enter password inside script
/usr/bin/expect << EOD
#next line set timeout to -1, recommended to use
set timeout -1
#copy via rsync file/dir to destination, using part of expect — spawn command
spawn rsync -ar ${line} ${desthost}:${destpath}
#as result of previous command we expect “password” promtp
expect "*?assword:*"
#next command enters password from script
send "${password}\r"
#next command tells that we expect end of file (everything finished on remote server)
expect eof
#end of expect pard
#this line just print done
echo "DONE"
#end of reading backup file
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-shell-script/shell-script-backup-files-directories-rsync/
作者:Yevhen Duma 译者:GOLinux 校对:校对者ID