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HTTP request routing and validation with gorilla/mux

The Go networking library includes the http.ServeMux structure type, which supports HTTP request multiplexing (routing): A web server routes an HTTP request for a hosted resource, with a URI such as /sales4today, to a code handler; the handler performs the appropriate logic before sending an HTTP response, typically an HTML page. Heres a sketch of the architecture:

                 +------------+     +--------+     +---------+
HTTP request---->| web server |---->| router |---->| handler |
                 +------------+     +--------+     +---------+

In a call to the ListenAndServe method to start an HTTP server

http.ListenAndServe(":8888", nil) // args: port & router

a second argument of nil means that the DefaultServeMux is used for request routing.

The gorilla/mux package has a mux.Router type as an alternative to either the DefaultServeMux or a customized request multiplexer. In the ListenAndServe call, a mux.Router instance would replace nil as the second argument. What makes the mux.Router so appealing is best shown through a code example:

1. A sample crud web app

The crud web application (see below) supports the four CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations, which match four HTTP request methods: POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE, respectively. In the crud app, the hosted resource is a list of cliche pairs, each a cliche and a conflicting cliche such as this pair:

Out of sight, out of mind. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

New cliche pairs can be added, and existing ones can be edited or deleted.

The crud web app

package main

import (

const GETALL string = "GETALL"
const GETONE string = "GETONE"
const POST string   = "POST"
const PUT string    = "PUT"
const DELETE string = "DELETE"

type clichePair struct {
   Id      int
   Cliche  string
   Counter string

// Message sent to goroutine that accesses the requested resource.
type crudRequest struct {
   verb     string
   cp       *clichePair
   id       int
   cliche   string
   counter  string
   confirm  chan string

var clichesList = []*clichePair{}
var masterId = 1
var crudRequests chan *crudRequest

// GET /
// GET /cliches
func ClichesAll(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
   cr := &crudRequest{verb: GETALL, confirm: make(chan string)}
   completeRequest(cr, res, "read all")

// GET /cliches/id
func ClichesOne(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
   id := getIdFromRequest(req)
   cr := &crudRequest{verb: GETONE, id: id, confirm: make(chan string)}
   completeRequest(cr, res, "read one")

// POST /cliches

func ClichesCreate(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

   cliche, counter := getDataFromRequest(req)

   cp := new(clichePair)

   cp.Cliche = cliche

   cp.Counter = counter

   cr := &crudRequest{verb: POST, cp: cp, confirm: make(chan string)}

   completeRequest(cr, res, "create")


// PUT /cliches/id

func ClichesEdit(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

   id := getIdFromRequest(req)

   cliche, counter := getDataFromRequest(req)

   cr := &crudRequest{verb: PUT, id: id, cliche: cliche, counter: counter, confirm: make(chan string)}

   completeRequest(cr, res, "edit")


// DELETE /cliches/id

func ClichesDelete(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

   id := getIdFromRequest(req)

   cr := &crudRequest{verb: DELETE, id: id, confirm: make(chan string)}

   completeRequest(cr, res, "delete")


func completeRequest(cr *crudRequest, res http.ResponseWriter, logMsg string) {


   msg := <-cr.confirm




func main() {


   // From now on, this gorountine alone accesses the clichesList.

   crudRequests = make(chan *crudRequest, 8)

   go func() { // resource manager

      for {

         select {

         case req := <-crudRequests:

         if req.verb == GETALL {


         } else if req.verb == GETONE {


         } else if req.verb == POST {


         } else if req.verb == PUT {

            req.confirm<-editPair(req.id, req.cliche, req.counter)

         } else if req.verb == DELETE {







func startServer() {

   router := mux.NewRouter()

   // Dispatch map for CRUD operations.

   router.HandleFunc("/", ClichesAll).Methods("GET")

   router.HandleFunc("/cliches", ClichesAll).Methods("GET")

   router.HandleFunc("/cliches/{id:[0-9]+}", ClichesOne).Methods("GET")

   router.HandleFunc("/cliches", ClichesCreate).Methods("POST")

   router.HandleFunc("/cliches/{id:[0-9]+}", ClichesEdit).Methods("PUT")

   router.HandleFunc("/cliches/{id:[0-9]+}", ClichesDelete).Methods("DELETE")

   http.Handle("/", router) // enable the router

   // Start the server.

   port := ":8888"

   fmt.Println("\nListening on port " + port)

   http.ListenAndServe(port, router); // mux.Router now in play


// Return entire list to requester.

func readAll() string {

   msg := "\n"

   for _, cliche := range clichesList {

      next := strconv.Itoa(cliche.Id) + ": " + cliche.Cliche + "  " + cliche.Counter + "\n"

      msg += next


   return msg


// Return specified clichePair to requester.

func readOne(id int) string {

   msg := "\n" + "Bad Id: " + strconv.Itoa(id) + "\n"

   index := findCliche(id)

   if index >= 0 {

      cliche := clichesList[index]

      msg = "\n" + strconv.Itoa(id) + ": " + cliche.Cliche + "  " + cliche.Counter + "\n"


   return msg


// Create a new clichePair and add to list

func addPair(cp *clichePair) string {

   cp.Id = masterId


   clichesList = append(clichesList, cp)

   return "\nCreated: " + cp.Cliche + " " + cp.Counter + "\n"


// Edit an existing clichePair

func editPair(id int, cliche string, counter string) string {

   msg := "\n" + "Bad Id: " + strconv.Itoa(id) + "\n"

   index := findCliche(id)

   if index >= 0 {

      clichesList[index].Cliche = cliche

      clichesList[index].Counter = counter

      msg = "\nCliche edited: " + cliche + " " + counter + "\n"


   return msg


// Delete a clichePair

func deletePair(id int) string {

   idStr := strconv.Itoa(id)

   msg := "\n" + "Bad Id: " + idStr + "\n"

   index := findCliche(id)

   if index >= 0 {

      clichesList = append(clichesList[:index], clichesList[index + 1:]...)

      msg = "\nCliche " + idStr + " deleted\n"


   return msg


//*** utility functions

func findCliche(id int) int {

   for i := 0; i < len(clichesList); i++ {

      if id == clichesList[i].Id {

         return i;



   return -1 // not found


func getIdFromRequest(req *http.Request) int {

   vars := mux.Vars(req)

   id, _ := strconv.Atoi(vars["id"])

   return id


func getDataFromRequest(req *http.Request) (string, string) {

   // Extract the user-provided data for the new clichePair


   form := req.Form

   cliche := form["cliche"][0]    // 1st and only member of a list

   counter := form["counter"][0]  // ditto

   return cliche, counter


func logIt(msg string) {



func populateClichesList() {

   var cliches = []string {

      "Out of sight, out of mind.",

      "A penny saved is a penny earned.",

      "He who hesitates is lost.",


   var counterCliches = []string {

      "Absence makes the heart grow fonder.",

      "Penny-wise and dollar-foolish.",

      "Look before you leap.",


   for i := 0; i < len(cliches); i++ {

      cp := new(clichePair)

      cp.Id = masterId


      cp.Cliche = cliches[i]

      cp.Counter = counterCliches[i]

      clichesList = append(clichesList, cp)



To focus on request routing and validation, the crud app does not use HTML pages as responses to requests. Instead, requests result in plaintext response messages: A list of the cliche pairs is the response to a GET request, confirmation that a new cliche pair has been added to the list is a response to a POST request, and so on. This simplification makes it easy to test the app, in particular, the gorilla/mux components, with a command-line utility such as curl.

The gorilla/mux package can be installed from GitHub. The crud app runs indefinitely; hence, it should be terminated with a Control-C or equivalent. The code for the crud app, together with a README and sample curl tests, is available on my website.

2. Request routing

The mux.Router extends REST-style routing, which gives equal weight to the HTTP method (e.g., GET) and the URI or path at the end of a URL (e.g., /cliches). The URI serves as the noun for the HTTP verb (method). For example, in an HTTP request a startline such as

GET /cliches

means get all of the cliche pairs, whereas a startline such as

POST /cliches

means create a cliche pair from data in the HTTP body.

In the crud web app, there are five functions that act as request handlers for five variations of an HTTP request:

ClichesAll(...)    # GET: get all of the cliche pairs

ClichesOne(...)    # GET: get a specified cliche pair

ClichesCreate(...) # POST: create a new cliche pair

ClichesEdit(...)   # PUT: edit an existing cliche pair

ClichesDelete(...) # DELETE: delete a specified cliche pair

Each function takes two arguments: an http.ResponseWriter for sending a response back to the requester, and a pointer to an http.Request, which encapsulates information from the underlying HTTP request. The gorilla/mux package makes it easy to register these request handlers with the web server, and to perform regex-based validation.

The startServer function in the crud app registers the request handlers. Consider this pair of registrations, with router as a mux.Router instance:

router.HandleFunc("/", ClichesAll).Methods("GET")

router.HandleFunc("/cliches", ClichesAll).Methods("GET")

These statements mean that a GET request for either the single slash / or /cliches should be routed to the ClichesAll function, which then handles the request. For example, the curl request (with % as the command-line prompt)

% curl --request GET localhost:8888/

produces this response:

1: Out of sight, out of mind.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

2: A penny saved is a penny earned.  Penny-wise and dollar-foolish.

3: He who hesitates is lost.  Look before you leap.

The three cliche pairs are the initial data in the crud app.

In this pair of registration statements

router.HandleFunc("/cliches", ClichesAll).Methods("GET")

router.HandleFunc("/cliches", ClichesCreate).Methods("POST")

the URI is the same (/cliches) but the verbs differ: GET in the first case, and POST in the second. This registration exemplifies REST-style routing because the difference in the verbs alone suffices to dispatch the requests to two different handlers.

More than one HTTP method is allowed in a registration, although this strains the spirit of REST-style routing:

router.HandleFunc("/cliches", DoItAll).Methods("POST", "GET")

HTTP requests can be routed on features besides the verb and the URI. For example, the registration

router.HandleFunc("/cliches", ClichesCreate).Schemes("https").Methods("POST")

requires HTTPS access for a POST request to create a new cliche pair. In similar fashion, a registration might require a request to have a specified HTTP header element (e.g., an authentication credential).

3. Request validation

The gorilla/mux package takes an easy, intuitive approach to request validation through regular expressions. Consider this request handler for a get one operation:

router.HandleFunc("/cliches/{id:[0-9]+}", ClichesOne).Methods("GET")

This registration rules out HTTP requests such as

% curl --request GET localhost:8888/cliches/foo

because foo is not a decimal numeral. The request results in the familiar 404 (Not Found) status code. Including the regex pattern in this handler registration ensures that the ClichesOne function is called to handle a request only if the request URI ends with a decimal integer value:

% curl --request GET localhost:8888/cliches/3  # ok

As a second example, consider the request

% curl --request PUT --data "..." localhost:8888/cliches

This request results in a status code of 405 (Bad Method) because the /cliches URI is registered, in the crud app, only for GET and POST requests. A PUT request, like a GET one request, must include a numeric id at the end of the URI:

router.HandleFunc("/cliches/{id:[0-9]+}", ClichesEdit).Methods("PUT")

4. Concurrency issues

The gorilla/mux router executes each call to a registered request handler as a separate goroutine, which means that concurrency is baked into the package. For example, if there are ten simultaneous requests such as

% curl --request POST --data "..." localhost:8888/cliches

then the mux.Router launches ten goroutines to execute the ClichesCreate handler.

Of the five request operations GET all, GET one, POST, PUT, and DELETE, the last three alter the requested resource, the shared clichesList that houses the cliche pairs. Accordingly, the crudapp needs to guarantee safe concurrency by coordinating access to the clichesList. In different but equivalent terms, the crud app must prevent a race condition on the clichesList. In a production environment, a database system might be used to store a resource such as the clichesList, and safe concurrency then could be managed through database transactions.

The crud app takes the recommended Go approach to safe concurrency:

  • Only a single goroutine, the resource manager started in the crud app startServer function, has access to the clichesList once the web server starts listening for requests.
  • The request handlers such as ClichesCreate and ClichesAll send a (pointer to) a crudRequest instance to a Go channel (thread-safe by default), and the resource manager alone reads from this channel. The resource manager then performs the requested operation on the clichesList.

The safe-concurrency architecture can be sketched as follows:

                 crudRequest                   read/write

request handlers------------->resource manager------------>clichesList

With this architecture, no explicit locking of the clichesList is needed because only one goroutine, the resource manager, accesses the clichesList once CRUD requests start coming in.

To keep the crud app as concurrent as possible, its essential to have an efficient division of labor between the request handlers, on the one side, and the single resource manager, on the other side. Here, for review, is the ClichesCreate request handler:

func ClichesCreate(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

   cliche, counter := getDataFromRequest(req)

   cp := new(clichePair)

   cp.Cliche = cliche

   cp.Counter = counter

   cr := &crudRequest{verb: POST, cp: cp, confirm: make(chan string)}

   completeRequest(cr, res, "create")

}ClichesCreateres httpResponseWriterreqclichecountergetDataFromRequestreqcpclichePaircpClicheclichecpCountercountercr&crudRequestverbPOSTcpcpconfirmcompleteRequestcrres

ClichesCreate calls the utility function getDataFromRequest, which extracts the new cliche and counter-cliche from the POST request. The ClichesCreate function then creates a new ClichePair, sets two fields, and creates a crudRequest to be sent to the single resource manager. This request includes a confirmation channel, which the resource manager uses to return information back to the request handler. All of the setup work can be done without involving the resource manager because the clichesList is not being accessed yet.

The request handlercalls the utility function, which extracts the new cliche and counter-cliche from the POST request. Thefunction then creates a new, sets two fields, and creates ato be sent to the single resource manager. This request includes a confirmation channel, which the resource manager uses to return information back to the request handler. All of the setup work can be done without involving the resource manager because theis not being accessed yet.

The completeRequest utility function called at the end of the ClichesCreate function and the other request handlers

completeRequest(cr, res, "create") // shown above

brings the resource manager into play by putting a crudRequest into the crudRequests channel:

func completeRequest(cr *crudRequest, res http.ResponseWriter, logMsg string) {

   crudRequests<-cr          // send request to resource manager

   msg := <-cr.confirm       // await confirmation string

   res.Write([]byte(msg))    // send confirmation back to requester

   logIt(logMsg)             // print to the standard output


For a POST request, the resource manager calls the utility function addPair, which changes the clichesList resource:

func addPair(cp *clichePair) string {

   cp.Id = masterId  // assign a unique ID

   masterId++        // update the ID counter

   clichesList = append(clichesList, cp) // update the list

   return "\nCreated: " + cp.Cliche + " " + cp.Counter + "\n"


The resource manager calls similar utility functions for the other CRUD operations. Its worth repeating that the resource manager is the only goroutine to read or write the clichesList once the web server starts accepting requests.

For web applications of any type, the gorilla/mux package provides request routing, request validation, and related services in a straightforward, intuitive API. The crud web app highlights the packages main features. Give the package a test drive, and youll likely be a buyer.

via: https://opensource.com/article/18/8/http-request-routing-validation-gorillamux

作者:Marty Kalin 选题:lujun9972 译者:译者ID 校对:校对者ID

本文由 LCTT 原创编译,Linux中国 荣誉推出