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2014年欧洲LinuxCon大会Linus Torvalds的最佳语录
在今年的10月15日星期三,Linux的创造者Linus Torvalds出席了欧洲LinuxCon和CloudOpen大会并回答了英特尔的Linux及开源技术专家Dirk Hohndel提出的问题。
Linus Torvalds在那天的 欧洲LinuxCon和CloudOpen大会 上说,从他首次创造出Linux操作系统到现在的23年里,他没后悔过任何他做过的技术决策。
“技术问题,甚至是完全错误的技术问题,你也可以之后再去修复它。” Torvalds说。
在英特尔的Linux及开源技术专家Dirk Hohndel的问答环节里,Torvalds 谈了社区里的一些现状和内核开发进展,谈了怎么成为一名内核开发者以及Linux的未来。以下是对话中的一些闪光点。
1. “在过去的几年里,我们开发的速度真的没有慢下来。每个版本我们都能从超过1000个人中得到大约100000个补丁,最终效果自然是非常好的。”
2. Dirk Hohndel: “你说你希望不只一个子系统的维护人员考虑对x86模型产生兴趣,你是怎么把自己的建议应用到实际中的?
Torvalds: “某一天我可能不得不这么做。目前我还没有收到关于不主动的任何投诉。主动是一个内核开发者最重要的东西,不论水平档次...迄今为止,一定程度上要感谢Git,我才能一直保持着前进的动力。”
3. “很多人都想要得到市场份额数,包括很多用户,因为那是体现自我价值的一种方式。就我来说,对Linux最重要的事情之一,就是拥有一个一直在不停测试新内核的大社区,这是支持我们处理大量硬件问题的唯一办法。”
4. Hohndel: “如果你能改变在过去23年里尼做过的一个决策,你会怎么做?”
Torvalds: “从技术角度看,no single decision has ever been that important... The problems tend to be around alienating users or developers and I'm pretty good at that. I use strong language. But again there's not a single instance I'd like to fix. There's a metric shitload of those.”
5. “Most people even if though they don't always necessarily like each other, do tend to respect the code they generate. For Linux that's the important part. What really matters is people are very involved in generating the best technology we can.”
6. “On the internet nobody can hear you being subtle.”
7. “One of the reasons we have this culture of strong language, that admittedly many people find off-putting, is that when it comes to technical people with strong opinions and with a strong drive to do something technically superior, you end up having these opinions show up as sometimes pretty strong language.”
8. Hohndel: What will you tell a student who wants to become the next Linus?
Torvalds: “Find something that you're passionate about and just do it.”
9. “Becoming a maintainer is easy; you just need an infinite amount of time and respond to email from random people.”
10. Hohndel: “Make a bold prediction about the future of Linux.”
Torvalds: “The boldest prediction I can say is, I will probably release rc1 in about a week.”
作者:Libby Clark 译者:ZTinoZ 校对:校对者ID